The Harbinger: There Comes a Second – Chapter 14

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The Ninth Harbinger: There Comes a Second – Chapter 14

Is it possible…
That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

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Chapter 14, there comes a second again, the prophet was silent and he gazed out into the expanse of the Washington Mall appearing to be preoccupied.
This was the last harbinger I said, trying to get his attention. What’s next? What’s next?
What happens now? I asked, what does it all lead to the harbingers are signs of what noel of warning?
That of what else? The rejection of the warning?
And what’s the purpose of a warning to prevent something from happening? A threat, a danger?
So what happens if a warning is given?
If the alarms go off and nobody listens, then it happens. So then it happens.
But does it have to happen?
I asked if the warning is rejected, then yes, it has to happen, but people can change and a nation can alter its course.
Yes, that’s the hope. That’s the purpose of a warning.
A changed course means a changed end, but an unchanged course means an unchanged end.
Then it has to happen as it did to Ancient Israel.
Each case is unique, but the overall progression is the same.
So if America’s course doesn’t change, then what another 9 11, another 9 11 could be or a different 9 11 or was 9 11 itself a harbinger.
And what does that mean?
I asked the first Assyrian invasion of Israel was a calamity in and of itself, but at the same time, it was a harbinger of a still greater calamity to come.
A warning of the nation’s destruction. A calamity can also be a warning.
But what would 9 11 be a harbinger of it was the day of falling symbols?
But what is the fall of a symbol? He asked, I have no idea.
I replied, is it not also the symbol of a fall? I’m not getting it but you will.
So the first warnings given and then a final calamity, more than one warning may be given said the prophet, if one alarm is ignored, then there comes a second, then there comes a second or there may come a second, then there comes a second, then a second morning is coming.
I asked a second warning. He said a second alarm, a second, shaking a second, shaking of America.
He turned his gaze so that he was now looking directly into my eyes as he gave his response.
There comes a second. He said again, then he handed me a seal.
It was the same one I had just given him back the seal of the ninth Harbinger.
I just returned it to you. Yes, he replied. Then he began descending the capital steps. I followed after him.
But hearing my footsteps, he stopped and turned around. No Noriel. He said that was the last Harbinger.
Our time is finished. He resumed his dissent.
I stayed where I was but I shouted after him as I had done before.
Only now with more urgency at the thought that it might be my last chance of getting an answer.
So what do I do now about what about everything about everything you’ve shown me?
You don’t forget it. That’s not enough. I need something specific. What do I do? Now?
Specifically when he got to the bottom of the first set of steps, he stopped, turned around and responded specifically, he said, yes, specifically I replied, you go home, you go home and you watch and what am I watching for?
There comes a second.
He replied, he descended the next set of stairs as I finished descending the first.
Then from the terrace in between the two staircases.
I watched as he walked away from the Capitol and down the Washington Mall until he disappeared from my sight.
Anna waited for something more for the account to continue.
She was hoping it wasn’t the end of the story, but Noriel was silent.
So what did you do after he left?
She asked, I went home and I watched for what exactly for what exactly.
I wasn’t sure I focused on the prophecy.
I went back to the library and spent hours and hours searching, pouring through the commentaries on Isaiah 9 10.
And I found a match, what the prophet said to me when he left and what the commentary said about Isaiah 9 10, they matched how in one of the commentaries, I found this divine anger being a remedial force will not cease until its purposes are wrought out.
Therefore, if Israel resisted one expression of the anger, another must be found.
And that means what she asked, it means that there was a purpose behind the first calamity.
That first invasion of the land by the Assyrians, its purpose was remedial to correct, to wake up the nation to turn it back to God.
A purpose of redemption. But you knew that already.
She replied, what did you get from the commentary that was different? Or that matched what the prophet told you?
What it’s saying is that those purposes won’t stop until they’re fulfilled.
So if a nation rejects one expression of that purpose, another must be found, the force or purpose will manifest itself again in another form.
That’s what I found in the one commentary.
And then in a second commentary on Isaiah 9 10, I found this God’s first acts of judgment did not result in the transformation or repentance of his people.
Israel, the purpose of God’s initial disciplinary punishment was to restore his people, but the people stubbornly refused to turn to him since the first act of discipline did not bring about a humble confession of sins.
A second punishment was necessary. The commentaries were consistent in linking Isaiah 9 10 with the same principle.
And then in another commentary, I found this as the first stage of the judgments has been followed by no true conversion to Jehovah, the almighty judge.
There comes a second, there comes a second. That’s what the prophet kept saying to you.
The day you last saw him, he kept saying it because he knew it wasn’t the end.
Isaiah 9 10 is the beginning. The first link in a chain of progression. There’s more to it.
It leads to something else. So then if Isaiah 9 10 is joined to America with the harbingers, it means that what happened on 9 11 isn’t the end of the matter, then it’s not over.
There’s more to come. Yes. Then there comes a second. A second.
What exactly a second warning, a sounding of the alarm. A second chastening a second shaking.
But what exactly what form does it take? The prophets spoke of the harbingers as symbols.
That was a clue. The World Trade Center was a symbol of America’s global financial and economic power.
So what would such a fall foreshadow an economic fall as in a financial and economic collapse?
The collapse that began the great recession? Yes.
The collapse of the American and global economy is connected to 9 11. Yes.
But how it all goes back to the prophecy.
Everything, the collapse of Wall Street, the rise and fall of the credit market.
The war in Iraq, the collapse of the housing market, the foreclosures, the defaults, the bankruptcies, the government takeovers everything, politics, foreign policy, world history, everything that happened after it all goes back to the prophecy and to the ancient mystery.
That’s a pretty big proposition she said. In fact, it’s colossal.
I realize that he said, and nobody else realizes it.
All the economists and experts and think tanks and intelligence agencies, they have no idea. I don’t know.
I guess not. But how do you know, she asked, how did you put it all together?
I told you, he replied, it wasn’t me. It was what I was told. I understand that with the harbingers.
But now you’re talking about what happened after you were shown the harbingers.
So how did you come to know these things if the last time you saw the prophet was on Capitol Hill?
But it wasn’t the last time he reappeared when we parted that day on the Capitol steps.
It was the first time he left me without a seal or without a new seal.
So I assumed there was nothing more to be revealed. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again.
Still occasionally I’d walk alongside the Hudson to the place where we first met in the hope that he’d reappear, but he never did several years passed.
And just when I had given up any hope of seeing him again, he reappeared he reappeared.
But the last time you saw him, he told you that his time with you was finished, it was finished.
He appeared the first time to reveal the first part of the mystery.
The first part was complete, but there was more so he appeared again.
But this time to reveal the second part of the mystery because there comes a second.

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