Trusting God With Unanswered Questions | Joyce Meyer
Trusting God With Unanswered Questions | Joyce Meyer
A viewer wrote in and asked Joyce, “I’ve been praying and waiting for years for God to answer my prayers. So, how do I remain trusting and faithful in the silence of unanswered prayer?” Can any of you relate to her question? Find out how Joyce answers.
“Happiness is not a feeling, it is a choice. To be happy, one must choose to be happy, not respond to a circumstance that now controls your happiness.”
― Joyce Meyer (Author)
“Happiness is not a feeling, it is a choice. To be happy, one must choose to be happy, not respond to a circumstance that now controls your happiness.”
― Joyce Meyer (Author)
Elizabeth has these questions. Um I had a second miscarriage in less than a year.
I’ve been praying and believing God to keep this baby safe and healthy.
Only to lose it the first day of my second trimester.
I feel like I’ve lost faith and that God is ignoring my prayers.
Well, we don’t understand things like that. I mean, I cannot tell her why this is happening.
But on the other hand, I know women that it’s happened to four and 5 and six times and then they’ve had a healthy child.
I miscarried the first time I was pregnant, my daughter did, my daughter in law did.
And uh so it’s not an uncommon thing, but that doesn’t make the pain of it any less.
And so thank God that he comforts us and the Holy Spirit is the comforter.
And so I really encourage her to instead of having so many questions and being so frustrated about it.
The only thing that ever delivers me from frustration is trusting God just to say, I don’t understand it.
You know, when you know, God could do something, I mean, it wouldn’t even be anything hard for him and he doesn’t, I mean, you can’t be left with anything other than trust in God and who knows how God may use these experiences later on in her life.
I’ve been praying and believing God to keep this baby safe and healthy.
Only to lose it the first day of my second trimester.
I feel like I’ve lost faith and that God is ignoring my prayers.
Well, we don’t understand things like that. I mean, I cannot tell her why this is happening.
But on the other hand, I know women that it’s happened to four and 5 and six times and then they’ve had a healthy child.
I miscarried the first time I was pregnant, my daughter did, my daughter in law did.
And uh so it’s not an uncommon thing, but that doesn’t make the pain of it any less.
And so thank God that he comforts us and the Holy Spirit is the comforter.
And so I really encourage her to instead of having so many questions and being so frustrated about it.
The only thing that ever delivers me from frustration is trusting God just to say, I don’t understand it.
You know, when you know, God could do something, I mean, it wouldn’t even be anything hard for him and he doesn’t, I mean, you can’t be left with anything other than trust in God and who knows how God may use these experiences later on in her life.

And so, um I know sometimes we do these question and answer things.
I probably say trust God all the time.
But the bottom line is if we just want to get real practical, that is the answer to every problem.
Well, and the thing that is difficult for me is like you said, when you know that God could do something and didn’t is to understand and, and then I get to the point where my ways are not his ways, I am not going to understand.
So is there, is there a scripture or is, is there a key to trusting that you’ve held on to?
Well, the Bible says, lean not to your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path.
Psalm 37 is a go to sound for me because it talks about not fretting when it seems like evil is having its way.
But the meek in the end will inherit the earth.
And the meek are those who do wait on God and wait on his timing.
And I mean, why is the question that will never stop being asked?
And it’s the question that gets the fewest answers.
I mean, if you think about it when Jesus on the cross, he said, my God, my God why have you forsaken me?
But God didn’t answer him. And so after that, he said into your hands, I commit my spirit.
And so he didn’t get an answer. So what was he saying? Here I am.
Anyway, here I am. Your will be done.
So that’s, You know, there’s a lot of hard things in life.
No one person is the only one who goes through difficult things.
I mean, there’s all kinds of difficult things and I wish when these questions came in that I could have uh an explicit answer for each one and say, oh do ABC and you’ll get what you want.
But I’m not ever gonna have that answer.
And so, but we can’t encourage, we can encourage people to hang out, you know, quitting and giving up is just what the devil wants her to do.
But that’s not what God wants her to do and the meek in the end will inherit the earth.
And that love and encouragement means a lot. Right? It does.