The Importance of Measuring Ourselves by God’s Standards

The Importance of Measuring Ourselves by God's Standards

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The Importance of Measuring Ourselves by God’s Standards

“The Importance of Measuring Ourselves by God’s Standards”

The statement “You can never judge yourself by your own standards and your own righteousness, but only in light of His righteousness” by Jonathan Cahn speaks to the importance of measuring ourselves by God’s standards rather than our own. It reminds us that our own righteousness is flawed and insufficient, and that we must look to God’s standard of righteousness in order to truly gauge our own worth and progress.


One of the key reasons why we can never judge ourselves by our own standards and righteousness is because our own standards are inherently flawed and biased. We are prone to self-deception and to seeing ourselves in a more favorable light than is warranted. This can lead us to form an overly-positive view of ourselves and to neglect areas of our lives that need improvement.1 152

In contrast, God’s standards are perfect and unbiased. They reflect His character and His will for our lives, and they provide a true and accurate measure of our worth and progress. When we seek to measure ourselves by God’s standards, we are able to gain a more honest and accurate view of ourselves and to identify the areas of our lives that need improvement.

Another reason why we must judge ourselves by God’s standards and righteousness is because our own righteousness is insufficient to earn us favor with God. We are all sinners and fall short of God’s perfect standard of righteousness. It is only by His grace and through the work of Jesus on the cross that we can be reconciled to Him

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