Jonathan Cahn: There Is a Secret War Happening in America | Praise on TBN

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Jonathan Cahn: There Is a Secret War Happening in America | Praise on TBN

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to discuss his book, “The Return of the Gods”, and how a secret war in America is shifting our culture away from God.

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if we don’t stand if we don’t stand for truth and in love but we don’t do it this Freedom we have is going to be encroach and encroach and so this is to arm Believers to strengthen them to reveal whoa you’re not just imagining this is actually happening this is exact it’s real God is these are real because God is real and you we are in this battle this is a mystery that affects everything that’s happening right now in our world in our culture what if that behind everything we’re seeing the
changes of America the the what’s happening to the children what’s happening to the media behind that is an ancient mystery that goes back to the tablets of ancient Mesopotamia what if the gods that we hear about you know gods and we think okay that’s fiction well that they are in one sense but what if there’s a reality to them what if they are actually they are actually beings linked to this and what if what are they who are they and what if they returned to our day now what would happen what if they are the invisible
agents behind all these changes that are taking place taking place in the classroom taking place on television taking place on our computer screens uh taking place in the Supreme Court what if it lies behind things like the the sign of the rainbow like like what’s happening to gender what’s happening in everything that’s affecting everyone what if one of the principalities or Gods actually uh actually manifested in New York City not far from where we are right now uh what if that’s happening
and the thing is here’s the thing is it is happening it is real it is right from the Bible it explains I when people when we were talking before when I first was sharing this you know the the one who who was speaking to me said this is every this explains everything well we’re all dealing with it everyone who’s watching right now is dealing with it every family is dealing with it every relative of is dealing with it we are all dealing with it in our lives and so this the return of the Gods is to remove
the veil and to expose this that we can see because you know we can’t win if you don’t know what you’re fighting you know um and to empower God’s people and we we’ll be able to there’s so much to unpack we’ll be able to touch or give a taste of it but I believe this is one of the most important things I could ever ever bring forth Jonathan they say the first rule of war is to know your enemy this is a spiritual war yes what is the mystery of the spirits number one and number two the book is titled the return
of the Gods plural we know there’s one God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but there is something deeper behind as you said these ancient demonic Pagan entities yeah well the Bible speaks a lot about the gods you know it says who are who is like you among the gods you know the Lord says I will execute judgment Against The Gods has a lot to say about that and so so what are the gods well first of all all over the world there were Gods I mean all over the world every culture it’s kind of strange phenomenon was worshiping Gods
every culture so so why and what what is it why is it Universal well the Bible gives the answer the Bible says in the book of Deuteronomy and in the Psalms says they worshiped or they even sacrificed their children to the gods but the word it uses the word the shedim the shedim that that’s in the book that what are they the the word shedim means entities beings Spiritual Beings now in ancient Babylon they said they could be good or bad but in the Bible says no no they’re only bad so it’s the Shad wasn’t
just these figments of people’s imagination now there was imagination and all but it’s it’s it’s that word when it was translated by the rabbis into Greek they chose the word deonia which we get the word demon from it and that is the word that actually Paul uses when he says the same thing he says what the Gentiles the pagans are worshiping what they’re doing they’re actually worshiping the damonia or the shedim these entities behind the gods are entities so what it’s saying is that
that again not that the mythology is true of course the but that that sometimes you know the mythology of man could follow what these things are and these entities demonic can actually use the mythologies because what’s what’s their point to bring worship away from God I mean so You’ expect this so the Bible says there’s something very real going on so the question is what would happen if these things that were there in the world if they if they returned which which which we’ll get into yeah I
mean look you had golden calves you had Idols made of wood obviously they’re not Gods Jonathan but as you lay out in the book there are spirits and princip these demonic spiritual influences Behind These Idols yeah yeah the god the gods were the masks I mean that so when we say the gods so the Bible speaks about this as entities so that’s the first piece of the mystery the next part is is that is that you know there’s a link in in the world between the gods and these cultures that worship them and spirit
possession because actually you’ll find that all over the world you find that phenomena of they all describe possession why because they’re given to the gods of the Gods are spirits behind them they’re given to the spirits so when you look at Pagan the Pagan world you see all the signs of possession and the closer someone was to a god like the oracles and the priests and Priestess the more they they they manifested the signs classic signs of possession you know foaming you know shaking all that was part of pagan worship but it’s not
only that it’s also that the entire culture can be possessed an entire civilization can be possessed and that’s going to be very important when we talk about what’s happening now but that happened back then so you have you only have not only individual possession you have civilizational possession a nation can become possessed and that’s what we’re going to get into I think of the Babylonians the Assyrians the Romans the Greeks Jonathan all these Pagan deities uh that they worshiped but eventually
you lay out in the book that they were in the grip of this of this is really demonic possession of a culture a society a civilization but eventually those gods departed that’s one reason the book is called The Return of the Gods right where did they return from where did they go how did they eventually depart from the ancient world yeah one answer Jesus one answer Messiah and God you know in that and that he came into the world you know now the only you the only part that wasn’t you could say wasn’t possessed is was Israel
and when Israel turned away from God they went into it too but even what we call Western Civilization our our quote Civilization that was possessed back then so what happened was God came mess came he had the power of in the Greek it says ebal to cast out cast out the spirits well that also means the gods too because the gods were linked to the spirits you know and so what happened is when he sent the gospel into the world they were going into the Pagan world so you have a clash of God and the gods the spirit and spirits and that’s why when
you read the book of Acts you’re seeing this Clash you know Paul is is followed by a possessed woman you know there’s an there’s an uproar in a city over the gods and and so you have you have a Clash you have persecution now the war against Christians was the war of the gods they were told they were said you know worship the gods and we won’t kill you you know it was a war of gods in fact the great persecution of Rome started by that Oracle this possessed woman in the temple gave the word to do
it so it’s a or so what happened is but the gospel Triumph and the gods Departed the temples became empty they were gone they were R so if the gods are departed that also means the spirits were departed this was the greatest mass exorcism in the history of the world and every time the gospel came that’s what happened so you have this and it’s Unique that’s why Western Civilization is unique it was the only civilization that was exercised but now the question is what would happen if they returned
and there’s actually a mystery that in a parable that Messiah gave that actually unlocks the key tell us about the House of Spirits yeah and why that’s so Central to unlocking this mystery that you unpack in the book yeah remember that the lord gave a parable and he said if a spirit departs from man it goes around roaming looking for a place but if it finds no place he says I’m going to return to my house we’re talking about the guy goes back finds it all clean and in order and empty and so he
said you know what I’m going to bring my friends goes out and it says brings seven spirits worse than the first and comes in now says the man now the the latter state is worse than the beginning the man is worse now in being repossessed than he was before he even got cleansed now when people look at this okay that is a warning yes you don’t turn back from knowing god yes but he says so it will be with this generation he wasn’t talking about just one man he’s talking about a civilization and so when you take this
to the biggest biggest application you have a culture that again we said was possessed by the spirits and the gods was exercised Western Civilization became ex now here’s the warning if that culture that has known God ever turns away from God if it ever turns back the spirits will return to it the gods the same gods that or the spirits that represented by the gods will come back that were cast out will return and they will return to repossess the house to repossess the civilization now think about America think about now you want
to this is you want to understand people saying what’s going on how this is so crazy this is what’s going on and and the thing is that what it says when it comes back it’s going to be worse than before when you look at civil ation that have turned from God like Russia was demonic look at Germany turned from God look what happened well now it’s happening to America and the entire Western World if the gods these unclean demonic spirits have indeed returned as you lay out in the book in great detail
how would they return in the modern era we’re not necessarily seeing people worshiping golden calves obviously and Idols of wood how would they return it seems much more subversive today they’re returning to a a civilization that has known God you know that that quote a quote Christian civilization so it’s a whole different thing can’t come back first of all can’t come back all at once can’t come back saying hey we’re going to mess you up it’s going to come back step by step by step first by a little
thing a gentle and the thing is what’s going to open the door is if that Civilization starts turning away from God and when you can see the real marker is the beginning of the 1960s you start seeing the Turning putting God away putting prayer away that is what’s going to open the door and the thing is that the when you look at you know which gods are going to return um well the same gods or the same principalities that were in when Israel turned away from God you know because we’re in that pattern
that they’re going to return and and with Israel there were three primary gods among others that were that that that epitomized everything one I call in the book in the original go called the possessor and you call these by the way the dark Trinity yes it’s a TR that’s right the dark Trinity yeah the first is the called the possessor the second is called the enchantress and the third is called The Destroyer so these are the three primary gods that have returned as as look you you mentioned rightly
Jonathan beginning in the 1960s a bit of a national backsliding away from God really began then prayer removed in the schools the so-called sexual Revolution you dig into it in the book yeah well the first yeah first you open the door the door is turning from God but when you open the door the house is never going to stay empty that’s what it’s saying and so what happens you have the first one called the possessor in Hebrew his name was Baal or baale which means the possessor or the Lord or the master
or the owner and what he did or this principality is he was the alternate substitute Gods he was the god of the turn away from God he I’m going to be your new God I’m going to make you prosperous and he’s the one or this principality that drove God out out of the Public Square out of the palace out of the children’s education so what do you see in America you see a spirit that starts driving God out step by step by step started small people said okay it’s taking prayer out look at where it has
come because again you empty the house if you empty the house you’re going to something else is coming in and so what comes in is this Spirit of baale really the main Pagan deity it seems baale was the most prevalent in ancient times yeah he’s he later on he’s actually associated with Zeus you know in the time of the time of the Greeks and the Romans so he was the king of the Canaanite Gods he’s the first one he’s like that first spirit that comes in you know and then he brings his friends and
so in the Bible it says but it says he caused Israel to forget God so so so what’s happening is there a spirit that has caused America to forget God to forget that it ever knew God you know if you knew back then in the 60s where if people knew where it was going to end up you know what what the thing is this These Are pagan gods or Pagan Spirits so with they come to a Christian Nation their mission is to take a turn a nation that is callede Christian and turn it into a pagan nation paganized that is what we have been watching for the last
half century when you’re saying what’s going on that’s what’s going on and it even says he caused he caused Israel to turn away from the Commandments we literally have struck down the Ten Commandments in America we we banned it the spirit of Bale is in all these things we are watching we watching this nation and this civilization becoming Pagan and you have written many times Jonathan and really many of your books about the parallels between Israel’s trajectory with the Lord and America’s
trajectory with the Lord are are shared Destinies in some ways so I guess it’s no surprise to you obviously that some of the same problems that plagued ancient Israel are now plaguing America yeah when with the harbinger in the other books it’s speaking about the signs that happen now this is speaking about the actual spirits that are in there and they’re in America now and and it actually goes deep because because the the process of baale taking a taking possession of a culture is that that it’s deep because for instance in the
Pagan world you had many gods you didn’t have one God so you didn’t have one truth you had many truths you had you could make your own you can make your idol I created my own reality that is what we are watching when people says your truth my truth if I say if I say I’m a tree you have to accept that because there’s no truth because that’s Pagan that is totally Pagan I and when you also take away God everything becomes God sex becomes God nature becomes God ideology becomes God this is behind wokeism this is behind I mean
even behind I won’t get into we won’t have time but in ancient mystery linked to our addiction to computers computers are linked to this uh virtual reality New Age all this is linked to baale and the Pagan the paganizm of America 1960s the door was really open to this Jonathan did Bale uh the sign of the possessor physical sign did it manifest itself in America yeah yeah right near here right near here and we’re in New York City just a reminder yeah this is the one of the the signs of bail actually was a bull a bronze bull all
over all over the the all over Israel was it it was a sign and it was linked to you know they went to bail because they well you’re going to help us be prosperous you’re going to help our Fields well what happened is in in the 1980s a sign appeared right near here they they put down they laid it was a massive massive bronze bull the sign of baale and the sign in the Bible of a nation that once knew God and is now turned away from God and is now subject to to bail and right by Wall Street by the financial which is about Prosperity
we call it a bull market that’s a bail Market you know so and so and there and there’s so there’s actually I won’t go into it because we don’t have the time but even even a a part of Bale’s Temple was recreated and erected right near where we are in New York City and in Washington we’re talking about the dark Trinity yes the possessor Bale number one the second member of this dastardly Trio the enchantress tell us about her actually in in Canaanite mythology she’s known as the the wife or lover of baale
but she appears everywhere she appears in the Bible as she’s called aart or actually Ash Ash as and you see Bale and asht and in that order first the ash po wor yeah so first is Bale then comes asht and what was she well she’s known as Ishtar as well she’s also known as when she went to Greece she became Aphrodite she became Venus was very dark dark thing she was the goddess of sexual immorality sexuality divorce from Marriage she was actually known as the great Harlot The Prostitute goddess and
so when she came comes into a culture what’s going to happen what we we would expect that as bail comes in the Turning from God first then we would expect something to happen to sexuality a revolution and that’s exactly what happens starting in the 60s the sexual Revolution starts this is the power this is the the principality that will seek to possess a nation by turning the Christian sexual values values of marriage into Pagan sexual values that’s exactly what we have been witnessing ever since so this starts taking over
our culture it’s the second part and it goes deep the enchantress is is a goddess of prostitution as you describe in the book Jonathan a goddess of drunkenness even and many many devic but all coming back to to sex promis promiscuity and gender confusion and gender Madness it’s GNA get to that yeah it’s going to get to that yeah so she it’s but it starts first with taking sex out of marriage remember she’s The Prostitute goddess so what does the prostitute do takes sex out of marriage puts it into the marketplace puts it
into the culture so we’re watching the sexualization of America and of the West and what that means is she was a you know she was detrimental to marriage so we watching marriage become weakened we watching marriages getting destroyed broken homes broken children because that’s what it does but even I’ll give you a little mystery here that that and again we can only touch on the things that are in the book but the the the word for The Prostitute back then in Greek is the word por or porn we get pornography actually comes from this
goddess the first pornography was from her she put she put the images of naked women she also the pornographic literature came from her we talk about the word erotic of happening to to the world well well that comes from the Greek word Eros Eros was was a God who was born of this goddess it all comes back one last member of that dark Trinity the Destroyer it goes right in progression first turning from God then sexual sexual immorality then what happens is they Israel started offering up their children as sacrifices to the
gods particularly the god MCH and mooch is the destroyer and so what what this is a pagan thing this was common in the Pagan world but what it means is if we are continually following these Gods if they are coming back if we are being paganized we’re going to end up actually offering up our own children and like clockwork it happens we legalize abortion we have killed 60 million children and we won’t have time to go into the mystery but even when you look at the I bring it out in the book that the ancient ways of offering up the
children to mik and are actually being reproduced right now without even people realizing I mean it’s unbelievable that the people should know Jonathan what went on in ancient times and during bible times Malik this Idol people literally would sacrifice their children yeah the Bible called it passing through the fire yes I mean and and you detail it yeah yeah it it’s the same way it happened with priests I mean we have our own form of priests same way actually actually more poor children basically minorities were killed because of this
God and it’s happening the same way here it’s it’s following like clockwork it it’s it’s you can you say how could they ever do that we’re doing it we’re following the these are this is what the gods do this is what the Pagan world did and that’s what we’re doing we’re going to go back to a member of that dark Trinity Jonathan the goddess the enchantress and her role in some of the gender Madness we’re seeing right now in the United States and the Western World yeah there was another side to this
goddess called ishar or as or inana and that was that something strange she she says in in the to I had looked at the actually ancient inscriptions to see this U and she says I am a woman I am a man it says in a hymn to this God is it says she’s the one who has the power to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man she is the one who does now now it’s amazing because this has been this has been this has been growing until we are right now where we are but it’s it All Began also in the 60s the first part
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