Joseph Prince: Find Peace of Mind in God’s Grace (Sermon from Israel) | Praise on TBN

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Joseph Prince: Find Peace of Mind in God’s Grace (Sermon from Israel) | Praise on TBN

Joseph Prince shares a powerful sermon from Israel on TBN’s Praise about understanding the gospel of grace and how you can have peace of mind with the knowledge that you are forgiven by God!

under the law the judgment is greater than the sacrifice but when Jesus hung on the cross and he took your sins and my sins upon himself and the fire of God came on him because of our sins the Bible says he absorbed it all and said it is finished this time the sacrifice is greater than the Judgment you are in a very special place tonight you are right where the gospel of grace went forth 2,000 years ago Paul left this part and he never returned he appealed to Caesar and to Caesar he went and you know the gospel of grace went
forth from this place here in different journeys of Paul missionary journeys of Paul and Paul preached the gospel God told him to go west now imagine the Earth as a globe Israel being the center and it is the center of the world and Paul took the gospel Westward all the way and that’s where his final Journey was in Rome and then from Rome it went Westward so imagine a globe it went West God would forbid at that time the gospel is for the world but there’s a timing in everything that God does and and the gospel for this 2,000
years have gone west all the way around the Globe to America in recent times and then from America thank God for America because America has been the number one nation sponsoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ for this past 100 years and God raised America for this purpose let’s not forget in God we trust God raised America for the purpose of the gospel of grace and then the gospel went Westward Look at this West went all the way this 2,000 years and finally in our day and age it has hit China Korea Singapore where all these
countries in these days have some of the largest congregations in the world in Korea alone we have we have a mega mega churches and that’s what God is doing but you know what it’s come one full circle God is not finished with America God never you know they increases in his work he increases your path of the righteous increases increases more and more shines brighter more and more until the perfect day when Jesus returns it’s come one full circle and finally it’s going to end up all the way back to
Jerusalem and Jesus will return we are we are I I believe we are the end time generation amen what is the gospel when we talk about the the gospel what is the gospel will the real gospel please stand up today we we hear people saying this is the gospel truth that’s the gospel truth but what is the gospel gospel is good news amen today when you hear the news it’s almost like you know saying that I’m going to give you my car brand new it’s a Ferrari okay I’m not driven in it it’s yours just pay me $100 every
month it’s a gift but it has conditions to it the gospel is not do good yet good do bad yet bad what is the gospel well Paul himself who left this regions to preach the gospel Paul says I testify to the gospel of the grace of God it’s called The Gospel of the grace of God by the way if you’re feeling colder just get snuggle up this is the body Ministry come on get close to each other say hi to the person next to you and get close to one another okay Jonathan looks a bit cold can we have a little someone around him
somewhere the only way that Paul describes the gospel in the New Testament he calls it the gospel of grace and the gospel of peace today we have different kinds of gospel and we the devil is so switched the roles of the Gospel that that we think prepare Galatians 1 for them we think that hearing Grace is another gospel if you look at the scriptures in Galatians chapter 1 Paul says I’m shocked I’m surprised you all to all the Texans here I’m stunned you all that you are turning away so soon from him who caught
you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel so whatever the grace of Christ is it is the gospel that Paul preached and Paul is saying guys I’m stunned at you are turning away from the grace of Christ to a different gospel so what is the different gospel anything that is not the grace of Christ but today is the other way around if you preach the grace of Christ it sounds like and some of them are saying this is a different gospel but actually we are rediscovering the gospel that Paul preached can I have
a good amen the law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ under the law when God first gave the law on Mount Si it was the first Pentecost of Israel when God gave the law on Mount Si 3,000 people died at the foot of the mount now when God gave what the spirit not the law on the day of Pentecost in the New Testament 3,000 people were saved that shows the law kills but the spirit gives life now the Bible says sin which in the Greek there is a noun Romans 6:14 sin shall not have dominion control power over you because
you are not under law but under grace but today we say like you know if you are not under law you become Lawless if you are preaching Christ then you are giving people license to sin but number one people are sinning without license have you noticed that actually when you preach the law you are strengthening the flesh the law wasn’t given listen I am for the law for the Reason God gave the law and God never gave the law to justify Men by God gave the law to show up Men’s sins the Bible says the Bible says by the law
is the knowledge of sin not righteousness the law is like a mirror when you look at the mirror it reflects accurately so if you see ugly where’s Joel and I never if you see ugly don’t blame the mirror the mirror is accurate it is true the law is Holy righteous and true but it cannot make you holy it cannot make you righteous and definitely it cannot make you holy and yet the devil seems to to have hotwing the church into thinking that if you hear Grace is dangerous when you hear the law no one puts their guts
up the devil has built fences around Grace and we need to ReDiscover the gospel that Paul preached the gospel that left this sh 2,000 years ago amen Paul says I’m you know I’m surprised guys you left the grace of Christ to a different gospel and then Paul pronounces a double curse on anyone that’s mixing law and Grace in The Book of Galatians now I decided a long time ago that I won’t come under the double curse if anyone preaches a mixture like they did in Galatians and Paul pronounced a double curse Paul says
though we are an angel from heaven he didn’t say an angel from Hell y all an angel from heaven though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than what we have preached let him be antima let him be a cursed and he repeated himself so when I saw that I decided a long time ago I don’t care what people say I’m going to preach the gospel of grace and be doubly blessed and I think that has happened some I rather have the double blessing than people approbation and praise amen the law says take shoes of your
feet the place you are standing is Holy Ground under grace God says put shoes on my son’s feet he has returned he has a right to stand in my presence there’s been a change amen the LA is about do do do Grace is about done done done your only response rest the better you rest the more God can work God said to me a long time ago son when you rest I work but when you work I rest and that’s why the priests in the Old Testament they have to CL themselves the garments they wear even their turban is made of linen they must not g
themselves with anything that causes sweat smile your neighbor and say thou shal not sweat I know you don’t feel like sweating right now because of weather but this is talking about self-effort God doesn’t want self-effort human sweat in his ministry can I have a good amen like what mat say just now we don’t fight for victory we fight from Victory we don’t pray for victory we pray from Victory amen I’m just saying find out the reason why you are doing what you are doing I’m not saying you cannot pray I’m not
saying stop praying you know some say well Pastor Prince is saying you know stop stop working stop praying I didn’t I never said that stop giving in fact when you are under grace no one can stop you from giving everything you’ve got you know you feel like giving everything you’ve got I got to watch my wife because when she’s under grace she wants to give me away I want to give you a Prophecy of the Messiah from prophet Isaiah of all the things that Isaiah could have prophesied about the Messiah how he is a Victorious
conquering Messiah Isaiah said this of him in Matthew 12 the gospel of Matthew quotes the prophecy of Isaiah a Bruce Reit he will not break a smoking Flex he will not quench till he sends forth Justice to Victory a Bruce Reed Crush re he will not break you know when you feel like you’ve lost your song because in those days let me show you a picture of a re up here if you can see it you see a re this is a picture taken in Israel on one of my tours and that’s a reed and what the children would do during jesus’
time is that they’ll make a flute out of the Reed all right there’s a flute coming up yep there’s a young boy there he’s one of my pastors and he’s playing a flute we found this read by the lake of Galilee and he picked it up of course he can’t make a tune because it’s Bruce so what you do REITs a diam a dozen you throw them away right when he gets bruised you don’t you don’t uh you know keep on using that re you throw it away because REITs are diamond dozen as you see along the River Jordan you find a
lot of REITs what happens when you lose your song you lose your praise you’re no more singing joyful Christian he doesn’t put you aside a Bruce Reed he will not break and a smoking Flex he will not quench what’s the smoking Flex you know back in those days they would use a lamb an earn Lamb with have a picture of the lamb and this is a lamb from Israel and what they do is that they have a wig at the end of mid of a cloth you should it’s a linen cloth and when it is charred it’s burnt out are you burned
out when you are burned out there’ll be a smoke and there’ll be a stench and people don’t want to be around you but the Bible says a smoke smoking flx Jesus will not quench he’ll be right there with you in our minds we have we need to repent you know repent means to change your mind we think that you know yes God without faith is impossible to please God but God does not put you aside when you are weak in your faith those Seasons when you are feeling down when you are you know you you anxious and you’re
depressed and you know you should not be because you have not been listening to Joel [Music] oin you miss listening to him for a week or so you’re on holiday or whatever and now you’re depressed do you know something God doesn’t put you aside a Bruce Reed he will not break a smoking Flex he will not quench my Bible says in Psalms 146 it says God counts the number of stars he counts the number of the stars and he calls them by name and immed immediately the psalmist says before that he heals the Brokenhearted he binds up their wounds
look at the contrast right after that he counts the number of the Stars he calls them all by name and yet it comes right after it says he heals the broken heart and binds up their wounds The God Who amongst us can count the the number of the stars who Among Us can fathom the sorrow of a broken heart the same God who can count the number of the stars and call them by names is The God Who binds up the Brokenhearted on Earth What A Savior in the greatness of his love he gave us his only begotten son he sent him to this earth to heal
broken hearts one of the primary things that Jesus said he came to do the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor and to heal the brokenhearted you know the world is full of broken hearts there might be outward gy and laughter but like Solomon says in the Book of Proverbs even in laughter the heart is sorrowful so they try to cover up with laughter you know you switch on the TV you hear them laughing all the time but no one knows the Secret Sorrows and broken hearts out there in
the world but Jesus does and he binds up the broken hearts do you know how he binds up our broken hearts remember that weeping sinner woman who came in Luke 7 and and wept at his feet and Jesus was at the house of a Pharisee and he looked at the Pharisee and the Pharisee was thinking in his mind well if Jesus knew if he is a prophet he would know what kind of woman this is obviously she was a woman of ill repute in that town how she found his house I do not know she probably knew his address before this anyway
she heard that Jesus was in his house in the Pharisees house and she made a way there and the Bible says she wept over his feet because in those days they would recline their feet will be behind and she will come behind and Jesus is looking at the Pharisee and the Pharisee is looking at her and she will weep at his feet and wipe his feet with her hair and then Jesus looked at the Pharisee and Jesus knew what he was thinking if he was a prophet he would know what kind of woman this is and Jesus says Simon there was the
name of the Pharisee I have something to tell you there were two debors one owed $100,000 and the other owed $100 when they both could not pay the Creditor he forgave them both which of the two deaths do you think will love him more he’s speaking the Pharisees language because he had dollar signs in his eyes and then he said well I suppose the one he forgave the most I came to your house you gave me no customary greeting you don’t give me the water to wash my feet but since she came in she has not ceased to weep on my feet and to wipe my
feet with her hair you know why she does that Simon because whoever is forgiven much will love much and that’s why our message is to tell the world you are forgiven it needs to be received yes but you need to tell them they are forgiven amen we are all forgiven of our sins it is because we we think we are forgiven as we go we are forgiven as we repent now today in the Old Testament if I live in the Old Testament you have to repent first before God can bless you before God can forgive you but under grace God
forgives you already and if you receive that forgiveness that forgiveness will lead you to change your mind about whatever areas there is in your life this is the gospel and why are we so afraid to tell people that there are sins are are forgiven past present and future they are because we think that we preach a message that tells people their sins are forgiven by the way that bad thought you had of me just now is Forgiven that worst thought that you had just now of mat is Forgiven what a relief when you when you leave your life no longer
introspective and self-occupied but Christ occupied what a life you will fail in your taught word and deed I’m not prophesying and some people don’t like to hear that but listen this not sinless Perfection you are righteous in God’s eyes but you are not your own righteousness it’s a gift God sees you righteous but in and of yourself you will still fail and you need to know you are forgiven when a bad thought comes just say thank you Lord I’m forgiven when you worship and a bad thought comes you
don’t have to put on your hands sit down and start confessing confessing confessing confessing you just say thank you Lord I’m forgiven and go on worshiping the Lord you know I love that portion the Bible says in John 3 we have that verse show them he must needs go John 4 he must needs go through Samaria he needed to go through Samaria if you study the topography the Jews of his day would skit around the river Jordan go northward towards Galilee you were there at zma Galilee from Jerusalem you were go northward most of them they would
bypass Samaria but Jesus because the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans in those days but the Bible says Jesus needed to go through Samaria was it a topographical need was it a convenient way no it was a need of Grace there was a sinner waiting for him so he needed to go through Samaria for that one woman now this is John chapter 4 this is John chapter 4 notice the Bible says he came to a city of Samaria which is called SAA near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph this is the only time Joseph of the Old Testament
appears in the Bible and Jacob gave this plot of land to Joseph you know why this is significant because there’s a prophecy in the Book of Genesis where Jacob blessed his sons and this was the prophecy that Joseph will be a fruitful Vine a fruitful bow and his branches will go over the wall of the Gentiles and he will listen he will be by the well that was a prophecy wow he is a fruitful Vine by the well it was a prophecy of the greatest son who will come as our Heavenly Joseph and sit down there and his grace and love will reach
over the wall of partition so there he was seated down there and I love you see John 4 comes after John 3 I need to say that for the benefit of mat what happened in John 3 we all know John 3:16 right for God so loved the world how many how many know that that this verse is the most memorized verse in the body of Christ right for God so loved the world and yet those who fight for the law you ask them what is the fourth Commandment well what is the seven commandment m so much for fighting for the Commandment they don’t even memorize the
Commandment you know why the Holy Spirit don’t help you to memorize the law wow the Holy Spirit helps even little children to memorize for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believe because this is the gospel nothing wrong with the law people the law is accurate that’s a problem if it bends to help you it’s no longer the law you see I am for the purity of the law and because I am for the completeness of the of the law I am for the law for the Reason God gave the law


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