Adrian Rogers: A Church Filled With The Holy Spirit and God’s Power

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Adrian Rogers: A Church Filled With The Holy Spirit and God’s Power

A Spirit-filled Church does not just organize and process members—it empowers and equips believers to be transformed by Scripture. In this message, Adrian Rogers reminds us of our purpose, God’s promise, and the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.

the church is the body of Jesus on this Earth the church is the visible body of the invisible Christ and Christ is the invisible person of the visible church if you ask anything in my name I’ll do it you say how how can I do the works of Jesus and Greater Works because he’ll still be doing them but he will now do them in you and you and you and you and me and me and me and me and don’t you cop out this is the work of the whole church for the whole age found truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding
with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers be finding John chapter 14 and verse 12 we have been in a series of studies together talking about the kind of a church that we want to be the New Horizons what God has for us and what I have tried to teach you to do and be for over 30 years and we’ve talked about a being a unified Church that was Sunday before last and then last Sunday we talked to you about being a steadfast church and now today I want to talk to you about being a spirit filled Church look in verse 12 verely verely now when
Jesus says verily verily that means pay attention pay attention verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also now listen and greater work Works than these shall he do because I go to my father wow he that believes on me now there are only two classes of people in this building this morning Believers and unbelievers how many Believers let me see your hand all right you’re a believer I’m a Believer he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do and greater Works than
these shall he do how many of you be careful now I don’t want any hands how many of you who say that you believe are doing The Works of Jesus and Greater Works well you say I’m a Believer but I’m not doing this well something’s wrong and it’s not the scripture but Jesus said if we are a Believer if we believe in him the works that he does we will do and greater Works than these shall we do four things I want to lay on your heart this morning as we’re talking about a spirit filled church first of
all bw’s exciting program what is bellew’s exciting program very clearly very plainly it’s not an activities program it’s not a music program it’s not an educational program it’s not a benevolent program Belle’s exciting program is to do the works of Jesus and to excel The Works of Jesus they say well wait a minute Pastor how can we Excel The Works of Jesus or how can we do them much less Excel them Jesus walked on water Jesus raised the dead what can we do that is greater than what Jesus
did well friend I want to tell you that what our Lord is talking about is not raising the dead matter of fact when I die I don’t want you to try to raise me let me alone now just make sure I’m I’m dead but don’t try to raise me up our Lord here is talking when he’s talking about Greater Works he is not talking about quality he’s talking about quantity of doing more than the Lord Jesus did now uh he’s talking about leading people to himself he’s talking about evangelism he’s talking about Soul
winning he’s talking about multiplication he is talking about bringing people to Jesus Christ Church you listen to me bring the soul to Jesus Christ is greater than raising a man from the dead now I know you may not believe that but I’m telling you as surely as I stand here it is absolute Rock rib truth to bring a soul to Jesus Christ is greater than raising someone from the dead now just turn backward to John chapter 5 and look in verses 20 through 24 Jesus is speaking he says for the Father loveth the Son and showeth him all
things that himself doeth and will show him now notice this Greater Works than these again now we’re talking about Greater Works I’m going to skip on down to verse 24 now verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation uh but is pass from death into life even the people that Jesus raised they died again but when we believe on him when we trust him we have everlasting life you want to see a miracle look up here right
here you’re looking at a man who cannot die Jesus said he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die now what is the greater Miracle what is the greater work to raise a man from the dead or to help a man to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive him so that they can never die these Greater Works refer to the salvation Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ now Jesus said my food is to do the will of him that sent me what did God send Jesus to do they heal the sick Noe to uh feed the hungry no he did these things
uh Jesus came as not as the great Healer not as the great teacher he is that but he came as a savior and Jesus said I have finished the work thou gavest me to do John chapter 17 and uh verse 4 so what what did God the Father give Jesus to do well listen let me just go back and read John 17 1-4 these words spake Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour has come glorify thy son now listen that thy son Also may glorify thee just underscore that that thy son Also may glorify thee as thou has given him Power Over All
Flesh that he should give now watch this eternal life to as many as thou Hast given him and this is life eternal that they might Know Thee the only true God in Jesus Christ whom thou has sent I have glorified thee on Earth I have f finish the work thou gavest me to do do you get it do you see it Jesus said father I have given them eternal life that’s what you came that’s what you sent me to do and Lord that is the way that I glorify you the work of God is to bring souls to Jesus Christ and that glorifies God say Amen now don’t miss
this don’t miss this well why does he say Greater Works than these that I do shall you do he’s not talking about greater in quality but in quantity we as a church are going to do far more uh than uh Jesus uh did when he was here on this Earth Walking In the Flesh friend on the day of Pentecost more souls were saved in one day than came to Jesus in his entire Ministry now what our Lord wants is Souls multiplied souls coming to Jesus and church God wants you to be a part of it to be a Spirit-filled church doing the
works of Jesus that is giving eternal life and greater more multitudinous than Jesus ever did I heard about a man in Washington Washington who passed a government building and up there on the facade it said the past is prologue he said what does that mean the taxi driver said it means You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet now that’s the way it is with the church when we saw what Jesus did uh that is minuscule to what needs to be done what ought to be done our Lord is saying listen Greater Works than these that I do will you do if you believe on
Me Do You Believe on Jesus do you believe on Jesus if you’re enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic download this free companion Bible study use the link above to get yours let shift gears and I want you to see bw’s explicit promise now in verse 12 he speaks of these works and notice that verse uh 12 and verse 13 are conjoined and he says and that is it’s part of the same thing Greater Works than these that I do shall you do and whatsoever ye shall ask in my
name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it now how do we do these Greater Works we do these Greater Works by believing prayer I mentioned a while back about 3,000 saved one day the day of Pentecost well they prayed for 10 days preached for 15 minutes and 3,000 got saved we pray for 10 minutes and preach for 10 days and have a handful saved you see this program this exciting program is based upon a promise and that promise is God will answer our prayers
now prayer is not a substitute for our work prayer is not preliminary to our work in many sense it is our work in many senses do you believe that God will do greater things through your prayer I don’t answer out loud because the next question will be embarrassing how much do you pray Jesus said Greater Works than these that I do you will do because I go to my father and if you ask anything in my my name I will do it you can do a lot without prayer the pyramids were built without prayer to our true God they may have
prayed to their pagan gods but this church in order to do the Greater Works that Jesus commands us to do we must do it by prayer and notice what kind of prayer it is number one you’ve got to have the right people verse 12 tells us that we must believe now if you’re not a Believer your prayer doesn’t get any higher than the light bulbs but if you believe if you’re the right person if you know the Lord Jesus Christ and by the way if you don’t find in your heart an Earnest desire to pray I wonder
if you’re saved because God sends forth his Spirit into our hearts crying Abba Father Abba Father there must be the right person verse 12 there must be the right power and if you ask anything in my name I will do it now you can’t just forge his name to a prayer and say this is in the name of Jesus I want a swimming pool no what does it mean to ask in his name the name stands for authority you put your name on a check that gives the uh cashier the authority to take some money out of the bank and hand it to you because you have
some in your account oh now if you don’t have anything in your account you put your name on that check they don’t put the check in jail they put you in jail because you see your name stands for you Jesus said if you ask anything in my name that is with my authority my approval then I’ll do it listen to me we are to do Greater Works than the Lord Jesus Christ and the way we do that is through first of all believing prayer and God has given us an explicit promise don’t take from it don’t add to
it believe it and practice it number three there’s well View’s expected practice all of these things are conjoined the Greater Works the prayer and now notice verse 15 if you love me keep my Commandments now if you say you love the Lord Jesus Christ and you’re not keeping his Commandments you are a liar do you keep his Commandments now if you don’t keep his Commandments there no wonder that you’re not doing Greater Works and what is his commandment It’s the Great Commission go and make
disciples what are the Greater Works bringing people to Jesus Christ Jesus said you’ll receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be Witnesses unto me he didn’t say you to go out and argue you say Pastor I’m I’m not uh I’m not educated I don’t know a lot of theology I can’t witness oh yes you can if you’re saved if you believe on Jesus you can witness if you’re saved you know how you got saved don’t you say uhhuh Well if you know how you got saved
can’t you tell somebody else how you got saved you see our Lord has not called you to be a lawyer but to be a witness a lawyer argues a case a witness tells what he’s seen and heard and the only reason some people don’t Witness is they haven’t seen or heard anything I mean if Jesus Christ has saved you can’t you tell somebody else the first soul I ever led to Christ all I did is tell him how I got saved he got saved it was very simple very glorious very wonderful now there’s no cheap easy way


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