Releasing The Blessing – Back to the Basics

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Releasing The Blessing – Back to the Basics

Jesus was sent to get The Blessing back. Believe that you have received it – on you and in you then release it in faith and it will know exactly what to do in every situation..

Back to the Basics

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the [Music] word no weapon no weapon formed against you shall prosper folks we about to wrap
this thing up [Music] [Applause] so what happened here’s Joseph and they decide not to kill him but to throw him in a ditch they put him in that ditch and along comes a traveling band of businessmen ishmaelites and they bought him now when did God prepare them not when he got in the ditch the blessing prepared them long time before I’m telling you when you in trouble that that that Deliverance has been prepared for you months before you got in that trouble I’m said go ahead step on out there God’s Got Your Blessing
[Applause] coming I’m telling [Applause] you the blessing transported him down to Egypt the blessing did it it’ll take you where you need to go yes sir because the blessing doesn’t operate in Strife no get out of that stri tell them to keep the refrigerator come on you can get 50,000 [Applause] refrigerator that’s right so so what happens next he goes on down there and all of a sudden potier sees evidence of what the blessing this stuff wasn’t foreign to is Egypt it wasn’t foreign to them they they knew they knew
they knew when they saw it they you you remember when Moses crossed that Red Sea and that the whole sea split that’s right and that they finally 40 years later they got over there to that Canan land and they said hey we we remember when that sea split 40 years ago and we still afraid people can see when that blessing’s on your life sir amen now watch this so here’s Jacob he worked for partier first you know and and parer’s wife comes at him and so forth and so forth cuz he was pretty nicely built like myself and so what
listen don’t hate didn’t I tell you don’t hate okay just participate and so what happened then watch this what don’t hate the player I hate the game right over here so what happened now Joseph gets false accused and put in prison and like I showed you he told one of the guys tell phoh I’m down it but the guy forgot about it it doesn’t make any difference they forget about you there’s one thing that’s got you the blessing you got to get used to saying it you got to capitalize the be
every time you put it down down don’t don’t let don’t let are you following what I’m saying and so what happened next now Joseph Pharaoh has a dream Joseph get raised up you know the story interprets the dream what did he do with that if you come back and you look at Genesis 47 and I’m not going over there I’m just going to tell you the story The famine hit but you had something that was put in motion called the Joseph plan come on now come on now and what happened with that Joseph plan he had the
food for everybody and what happened he came and the rich people came for food he said well give me your cattle mhm that’s right they gave the cattle now what is Joseph doing amassing wealth that is Deuteronomy 818 amen yes not just getting wealth amassing it I said you’re going to be the lenders to the world now Pharaoh had political power but it didn’t have enough a lot of of money enough of wealth tangible wealth so what happened with this Joseph made Pharaoh the richest man in the world that’s right cuz he took
everything everybody had amen now what happened next getting to the end of the chapter now Genesis chapter 48 and 49 next thing you got Exodus chapter 1 the Bible says that now Joseph has pulled his whole family down there and everybody and they start reproducing cuz they going to be fruitful and then the next thing that happens is Pharaoh dies and another Pharaoh comes in and that Pharaoh didn’t know Joseph what did he do oppression he made shown up slaves out of them amen now what happened God’s got to get
them out of there how many years they supposed to be in slavery over 400 years God gets him out but once he gets him out he’s got to give them commands Thou shalt not Thou shalt not Thou shalt not what is he doing trying to make it so that they’re not happy anymore no he’s trying to keep the blessing working amen all right because adultery will stop the [Applause] blessing right look look what they look what he did see they got in there with Egypt and and forgot their God and begin to mix with the world all
right did see if if if you don’t want to hear this you got a mixture going on see and the devil’s trying to get you so that that blessing will operate in your life because Jesus didn’t use anything but the blessing he healed with the blessing he delivered with the blessing he raised the Dead with a blessing he fed 5,000 with the blessing everything was a blessing and he didn’t do it for him he said what God did with me he’s going to do for you also yes sir he’s trying to get the blessing back to
you amen see this blessing doesn’t need another handout it blessing said raise above CU God the god that I’m served is going to set a new standard see it ain’t been preach they didn’t come back and preach that they didn’t come back came and preach something that going to make you mad they didn’t come back and preach this they didn’t come back and preach forgiveness you may hearing that and I’m telling you I’m going to tell it to you and I’m GNA tell it over this television to the world that you
don’t need to hold bitterness for anybody in your past you going out you going in the future you’re going to own everything anyway you going to be healthy wealthy wise you going to be full of favor come on you going to be holding the company come on now now give God some praise for that cuz that’s where we going the devil is a liar Jesus is the messiah folks it’s m a lot of people are making money off of you getting mad you don’t need to get mad one more time what you need to do is get glad cuz
that blessing is going to take you to the top you going to own it all you going to set the laws everything is going to happen through that blessing and this is your time right now and I’m preaching it and you are receiving it so you going to go don’t be trying to figure out not a blessing going to do it let the blessing do its job it will do what it’s been made to do amen so what’s next here you go the Lords what are they trying to do keep the blessing intact and as they go on here comes uh Joshua and and go on and so
forth and so on it’s all about the blessing now here comes Jesus and what is he teaching on this blessing yes he wants that blessing to be on you amen now how do you have to receive it by faith how do you have to release it by faith same way you got to go into that neighborhood calling things amen praise God you come on now and watch this the more faith you have in it the better it works for you that’s why I’m going to teach it till you get it down in here and when you get it down in here watch people
that laughed at you you going to help them out you going to be the one helping them out that’s why I said if you’re not walking by faith you’re not accessing your promise if you’re not ACC accessing accessing your promise then you’re walking or living below your privileges and my job is to help you come on up and live according to how Adam was supposed to live and so forth and then that blessing that same blessing that was on Adam the Eden blessing that was on Abraham The Blessing of Abraham and the
blessing of the Lord is is now on you and that blessing supposed to anything you need that blessing is supposed to make it happen cuz you going to be living just like you were living in heaven and that’s what that blessing supposed to do for you right here on Earth now releasing the blessing the blessing is not only on you but it’s in you and this blessing glory to God is designed to make the garden out of any conditions on this Earth the garden is a replica of heaven and God wants it so that if it’s
not in heaven it’s not in your [Applause] life do you hear what I’m saying and the blessing was all Adam had to work with he didn’t have nothing else so I put the blessing is the original fix and faith is the original formula it faith is the technology that was use that to launch this blessing this blessing is going to move but it needs this Faith so that it can be launched and what the enemy tries to do is block our blessing by somehow eliminating our faith and to be angry to be bitter and all of that that Faith can’t work in
that environment so I just looked at all the people that got rich with with Lord have mercy let me just let me just show you this let just just one thing and then I’m out look at Genesis and chapter 32 now in Genesis chapter 32 this is Jacob now that blessing he released it and it took everything that laan had and transferred it into Jacob’s hands Jacob now left town chapter 32 look at verse 10 and I am not worthy of the least of the mercies of all the truths which thou H has shown unto thy servant for with my
staff I passed over this Jordan and now I’m become to bands could you put that up there in the living Bible let’s just see what the living Bible says about it for I’m not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness that you’ve shown me your servant when I left home I crossed Jordan River I own nothing except a walking stick now my household fills two large camps now let’s just see what he had because sometimes in your imagination you’re thinking too small but now Esau was after him and so
what Joseph was going uh Jacob was going to do was send a gift to Esau to appease him so that he wouldn’t be mad at him anymore so what did he do verse 13 New Living Translation Jacob stayed where he was at for that night then he selected these gifts from his possessions and present it to his brother Esau 200 female goats now start adding this up somebody 20 male goats now you see what he’s doing that he’s giving them some male and female so that they can multiply 20 e and 20 Rams 30 female camels with
their young 40 cows 10 Bulls 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys he divided these animals into herds now how many was that how many is that total animals that was how many 550 Liv stock animals that’s what he’s giving them that’s just a gift now what I’ve in research that gift could not be a tithe because the tithe of his herd was going back to his dad before he died and you couldn’t dishonor the tithe by giving somebody that much first Lord have mercy so so if you look at how many livestock he
had the estimate my number is 560,000 livestock amen folks 500 herd of cattle is a lot of cattle 5,000 her cattle is a lot of cattle but 560,000 that’s the state of Illinois Wisconsin right come on now help me with this right it is now this is what the blessing had done for him so he’s going to send an appeasement get but put up there where we left off please just put it back up there again and look what he says and he divided these animals and herds and assigned each different servants so each one of those servants carried a
group then he told his servants go ahead of me with the animals but keep some distance between the herds he gave these instructions to the men leading the first group when my brother Esau meets you he will ask whose servants are are you where are you going who owns these animals you must reply they belong to your servant Jacob but they are a gift for his master Esau look he’s coming right behind us but notice what he’s doing he’s having this group to hit him with a gift then behind that this group to hit
him with a gift come on you got to see it cuz that’s how it’s going to be hitting you I’m telling you God is about to hit you time and time again I’m telling you it’s your season I’m saying get ready get ready because God is going to make you laugh now what God showed me that this morning and he said tell tell them that these gifts are about to start coming and get ready get somewhere to put them because he’s about to run your Storehouse over he’s about to do something for you that you know the
blessing has come on your life now give God a praise and a [Applause] shout you got to get ready cuz when one shows up start looking for another when another one shows up start looking for another I’m telling you it’s not going to quit till you leave this earth now give God a shout woo folks you about to see something happen in your life and look here the blessing knows what to do you don’t need to try to get try to figure it out why how is this happening to me just know that the favor of God is on your life and God is about to hit you
one after another just like waves on a seashore he’s about to come on I believe that I said I believe that you got a business you about to get hit time and time again come on I’m telling you business is going to start coming to you from the north come on from the south from the East and the West that you might have been sad before but you about to get glad [Applause] now God’s going to show you that he is [Applause] [Music] God man I don’t know about you but I receive that sit down don’t don’t don’t be
concerned if other people don’t believe it that’s because they’ve been down so long until it’s just like these people want to go back to Egypt they don’t see how that’s going to happen yes but let me tell you remember when the man prophesied about this time tomorrow it’s going to be cheap and it’s going to be plenty do you hear what I’m saying yes sir I said Lord my objective is to make everybody that’s hearing my word at least a millionaire at least and I’ll say it publicly and the devil I’m
saying it to you at least a millionaire well praise the Lord I trust that you enjoy that teaching now today is offering day on the broadcast this is a time that we give the viewing audience and our partners and those who are being blessed by this broadcast an opportunity to sew into it now we take the seed that you sow us and we sow the word of God we sewing it all over the world when I first came to Chicago nobody knew me and I have to say nobody really probably but look what look at us now look how we have expanded and now we preaching the
gospel to I know on a weekly based to almost a billion people now God is doing that that’s not a bragging Spirit that’s it’s showing you what God has done for us since we’ve been preaching this gospel now that’s what we want to do is we want to even touch more people because one of the reasons the churches in the world is to save the world we’re to get this world into the kingdom of God and we can’t do it without them hearing the word so as you sew uh God gives it to us we sew again we seow the
word of God now here’s one of the things about sewing that is so important right now um it seems like uh this country and and the world really is going to a time going through a time of inflation and that’s when prices of everything goes up and so forth and people seem to have more month than money and so so what we do in the body of Christ to get around that predicament is that we actually seow because we are not connected to that system when it the system goes down we can go up well let’s take Noah for
example remember the flood came with Noah well he had the ark and as long as he stayed in that Ark the worse the flood got the higher Noah Rose well it should be the worse things get now economically the higher the churches to rise you you’re part of the church it’s time for you to go up now you have to participate in God’s way of doing it so we so seed once we do God measures it back to us good measure pressed down shaken together running over men will give into our bosom we’ll have plenty to
be able to buy whatever we need now this is the time you’re in so as you sew that seed I’m believing with you I’m putting my faith with yours that this Harvest will come back plentifully and’ll come back quickly praise God now just decide what you want to sow and let’s pray together father we come to before you in the name of Jesus thanking you so much for those who are sewing into this uh gospel uh and the spreading of this Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world father I pray this blessing come
back to them return multiplied Now quickly in the name of Jesus now we thank you for it and we receive it done in Jesus name amen praise God well that’s all we have for this time this is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time until then keep walking by faith learn how to experience the fullness of God’s glory and power in your life with Dr Winston’s powerful series releasing the blessing to order your copy of this life-changing message on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 Contact Us online at you can also
call us at 1 1800 7119 327 as a Believer Jesus restored the blessing to you the blessing is working on your behalf 24/7 it’s your job to believe it and receive it releasing the blessing in your life hello this is Bill Winston let me ask you a question have you you ever received Jesus Christ as your lord and savior now you think oh wait now I when I was a kid I went to church with Mom and Dad true enough but when I got older I found church was not in me he he i’ never personally received him as my Lord
and Savior now one night I did and when I did everything changed I’m saying if you’re ready for changing your life I want you to receive Jesus just ask him this Jesus Come into my heart and when you do that a miracle will take place guaranteed I want to send you my book it’s called Born Again In spiritville it’ll tell you what the next steps are as a new believer I want to be the first to say welcome to the family of God God bless you Revival is here join us for the 2024 International Faith conference hosted by
Dr Bill Winston Sunday September 8th through Friday September 13th 2024 inspired by Isaiah 614 NLT this year’s theme is Faith for Revival six generals of faith will release electrifying messages to supercharge your faith and transform your life each night a sensational musical artist will lead us in worship lifting our spirit as we press into a deeper connection with God an unforgettable experience that you don’t want to miss register now at IFC billwinston.
org to join us in person at Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park Illinois or online a week of Miracles breakthroughs and a Revival like never before await you we can’t wait to see you there the mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world thank you Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the Believers walk of Faith broadcast [Music] now remember you need Faith to get to your destiny so don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification
Bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos this is Bill Winston I love you and keep walking by faith
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