Thankful Wednesday Blessings August 14, 2024

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Thankful Wednesday Blessings

Lord, please help me intentionally focus on Your many blessings and be grateful for Your constant provision and protection. You have been so good to me. Thank You.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! – Psalm 103:1

Heavenly Father, on this Wednesday I want to bless you and praise You. You have been so good to me Lord! Thank you for everything You have done in my life. From the little things that I take for granted and for the big things. You have been faithful to me and I am so grateful for that. Help me to always recognize Your hand in my life and to always have a soft heart towards You. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, my Lord, for the gift of life this beautiful morning. You shower me with blessings and fill me with your love. I am grateful for the sensitivity to recognize your hand in everything, bringing me joy and grace.

Thank you for granting me new opportunities today to do your will. You give me new chances to seek happiness and draw closer to your unconditional love.

I ask that you be with me every moment of this day, for with you by my side, I can overcome any trials and challenges that come my way. You give me the courage to face the battles of life, and through your strength, I can cast off the fears that bind me and prevent me from living freely.

My Lord, I give thanks for all the moments of difficulty and suffering. I am grateful for the words that brought me tears, for they have strengthened my character, heart, and entire being. I understand that suffering is necessary in this life, just as Jesus had to suffer and die to later rejoice in the resurrection.

I trust that you uphold me and give me the courage not to be defeated by any adverse circumstances. Please remove from me all feelings of fear and pessimism, and help me live with passion in all the activities of this new day. I want to feel your strength coursing through me, revitalizing my entire being and empowering me to fight the battles of this day.

Once again, I am here to begin a new day, to praise and bless you for every part of creation that you allow me to witness through your greatness. Father God, fill me with your Holy Spirit, so I may have the gifts I need to discern your will in my life.

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Grant me the grace to recognize you in every moment of my day, from sunrise to sunset. Lord, I ask that you instill in me the wisdom necessary to make the right decisions and the courage to face them with determination and faith.

I cannot forget that you have promised that everything I ask in faith will be given to me. Help me trust in you completely.

Today, I want to be a witness to your love. Let my words be of encouragement and my actions be of help and solidarity. May my life be a light that guides others toward you.

Thank you for listening to me and for always being by my side, for being my refuge and strength. I place all my worries and desires in your hands, trusting in your infinite wisdom and love.

My beloved Father, you are adored this morning for being with me every day, giving me strength and courage to embrace my life.


I will share a moment of prayer with my family, together thanking you for the blessings received and asking for our needs.

May the Lord have mercy on us and bless us, may His face shine upon us, may the earth know His ways, and all nations His salvation.

Psalm 66. May the Lord bless us this day.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. Thank you! I needed this prayer. I can feel a shift in my life coming. I work so hard… I do it for my kids! Lord only knows!!
    I have hope. my belief and my faith! Thank you!!

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