Adrian Rogers: How to Cultivate Selfless and Unconditional Love

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Adrian Rogers: How to Cultivate Selfless and Unconditional Love

Perhaps our greatest human need is to be loved and to give love to someone else. Not only are we, as Christians, called to love others, we are called to exhibit a Christ-like love. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what Jesus’ love looks like, and how to show it to others.

now so many of us are so rotten filled with ourselves we are so preoccupied with ourselves and go in any bookstore and what are the books all about self-love self-esteem self- Glory self-fulfillment I mean our society is based on that and yet we see the Lord Jesus Christ humbling himself and actually doing the labor of a slave or a servant may I tell you that unbounded love and pride can never dwell in the same heart only in pure humility can there be genuine love profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher
and author Adrien Rogers find John Chapter 13 The Gospel of John and in a moment we’re going to look at verse 34 the psychiatrist said that man’s greatest need is to be loved and to be able to show and to give love and that is so true now we’re going to look right now at the last Commandment that Jesus gave of all of his Commandments this is the last one that he gave before he ascended the high Hills of Glory at least before his AR rest his trial and his crucifixion he gave another commandment after that and
that was what we call the Great Commission but our world is a St starving for love and this is what Jesus said here in John 13:34 a new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another we’re going to be talking today about Christ Like Love Now Jesus has given us an example also of this love so go back to the beginning of this chapter and you’re going to find out that Jesus the great teacher gave a glorious and a wonderful example and the example is the washing
of his disciples feet chapter 13:1 now there now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon’s son to betray him Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God he riseth from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and GED
himself and after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet and to wipe them with a towel where with he was girded and later on he’s going to say if I your Lord and Master have washed your feet you ought to wash one another’s feet then he says uh as I have loved you I’m going to give you a new commandment that you love one another what a wonderful wonderful lesson on Love Now I want us to see four things about this kind of love and I want you to check up and see if these
four things are true in your heart and in your life number one Christlike love is Selfless Love Christlike love is Selfless Love now so many of us are so rotten filled with ourselves we are so preoccupied with ourselves and go in any bookstore and what are the books all about self-love self-esteem self- Glory self-fulfillment I mean our society is based on that and yet we see the Lord Jesus Christ humbling himself and actually doing the labor of a slave or a servant it is not without significance that verse four says he riseth from
supper and laid aside his garments now that that is what he did actually literally physically but it is symbolic of what he did when he stepped out of Glory when he laid aside the garments of Glory that was that were his in heaven and came down to this earth put in your margin Philippians 2 and verses 5-8 and here’s what the Apostle Paul says about the Lord Jesus Christ and about us he says let this mind be in you which was also in in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but now
listen to this made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross now don’t miss what uh what Paul is saying here he’s saying that Jesus being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God Jesus is co-equal co-eternal co-essential with God the father never forget that that friend is basic Christianity we sing the doxology praise
God Father Son and Holy Ghost we ser serve one God who has revealed himself to us in three persons but Jesus stepped out of heaven and he came from sovereignty to slavery he humbled himself he became obedient Satan in contrast in his pride said I will Ascend I will be like the most high I’m going up up up up God says no you’re going down down down down down Jesus stepped out of the glory humbled himself and the Bible says therefore God hath given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow now the Disciples of Jesus were not that way put in your margin a Luke chapter 22 and look in verse 24 and this is the same night that all of this took place the same evening now get the context the same evening when Jesus is washing their feet just before that there was a big dispute Luke tells us about it Luke 22: 24 and there was a Strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest can you imagine these Rascals and he said unto them the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over
them and they that exercise Authority upon them are called benefactors but ye shall not be so but he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he that is Chief as he that do serve now Jesus never says don’t be great Jesus says just make sure that it’s real greatness that you get that’s right and real greatness is service Jesus hear these disciples saying I’m better than you are I’m bigger than you are I want to sit at his right hand I want to sit at his left hand Jesus said
forget that forget that you’re acting like pagans the Lords of the Gentiles no you want to be great and serve forget about yourself now let me say this humility is not thinking lowly of yourself I’ve said this so many times people just have well you know I’m just no I’m just no good I’m just no good cut that out that’s not humility that’s just poor posture now physically you can’t help that’s one thing but humility is not thinking lowly of yourself Jesus in the greatest act of humility
washed his disciples feet but was he thinking lowly of himself read it Jesus knowing that he had come from God and was going to God and that the father had committed all things to into his hands you think he’s thinking lowly of himself no get the disciple get get the context no knowing all of that knowing that knowing who he was then laid aside his garments took a towel and washed his disciples feet that my friend is humility well you say what does that have to me have to do with me friend you’re somebody you have been born of God and
if you’ve been born of God you’re going to God also that’s right I mean you’re somebody now you can be a servant now you can you can lay aside your pride Real Love is Selfless Love and Selfless Love is is real humility may I tell you that unbounded love and pride can never dwell in the same heart only in pure humility can there be genuine love all right got it say got it if you’re enjoying this message from Adrienne Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic we’d
love to send you this free companion Bible study use the link above to request yours not only is Christlike love Selfless Love But Christlike love is steadfast love look in verse one of this chapter now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world now what that means is he knows that the clock is ticking and the crucifixion is near H now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the father
watch this having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end he didn’t stop loving him he just kept on loving them may I tell you that if you examine the lives of these people they were not all that lovely at that time Peter’s going to curse and swear and deny him uh James and John are talking about who’s going to be the greatest in the kingdom and and they were filled with fear and all of these things but he just kept on loving them now many times we excuse ourselves I’ve done this and you have
too we excuse ourselves when we’re irritable if we what tired worn out had a hard day people have mistreated us and we bark at people and we snap at people and we say well after all if you knew what I’ve been through you’d understand that oh listen Jesus facing the cross is showing love Jesus knowing that that the hour is coming that they’re going to crucify him still he is steadfastly loving them now if your so-called love cannot stand the test of excruciating times you don’t have real love at all if you just love when the
times are good any Pagan can do that any Pagan can do that what Jesus is doing is loving under extreme pressure This is Love Under Pressure many of us have you ever just just erupted at somebody and then you you just say well I I’m sorry I’ve just I I’ve just I’ve been under so much pressure just forgive me if you want to know what you’re full of just see what spills out when you get jostled that’s what you’re full of now if when you get jostled all that stuff comes out you just full of all that
stuff but if you get jostled and love comes out then you’re full of love now what am I saying that Jesus in the midst of extreme duress extreme pressure knowing that that he’s about to be crucified is steadfastly loving his disciples Real Love Christian love loves steadfastly it loves unto the end I don’t care what you do he will never let you go amen having loved his own he loved them ice tell us that means all the way to the end oh love that will not let me go what can separate us from the love of Christ
for I’m persuaded neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our lord you are loved my friend you know what the devil tells some of you and he’s telling some of you right now you’ve messed up You’ blown it God doesn’t love you anymore you’ve had it that’s a lie out of hell he does does love you that’s right nothing you can do
make him love you anymore and nothing you can do will make him love you any less he doesn’t love us because we’re lovely he loves us because of his grace and having loved his own he loves them unto the end what is Christlike love it is Selfless Love he laid aside his garments it is steadfast love he loved them unto the end thank God for that now number three Christlike love is serving love you know what the Apostle John said he said that’s not just love in word but in deed and in truth look in verses four
and five of this same chapter he Jesus riseth from supper laid aside his garments took a towel and girded himself and after that he pour water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet and to wipe them with a how wherewith he was GED did you know that real love knows no job that is so lowly to do do you know the feet that he washed do you know among who who were in that crowd Judas was there Jesus knowing soon that Judas is going to betray him with a kiss of infamy a kiss that would burn like a coal from Hell on his
cheeks Jesus washed Judas feet you see didn’t Jesus say bless them that persecute you do good to them that despitefully use you you see Jesus Jesus didn’t practice what he preached he preached what he practiced I mean Jesus it it is serving now let me give you a definition of love love is not giving to someone else what they deserve love is giving to someone what they need now let me give you the fourth Mark of Christlike love we we said that it is selfless we’ve said that it is steadfast we’ve said that it is serving
Christlike love is also sanctifying love Christlike Love Is sanctifying Love now I’m going to begin to read here in verse 6 and I’m going to read right on through verse uh 15 because I don’t want you to get the I don’t want you to miss the trend here because there’s a there’s a change change that’s happening here there’s a a transition Jesus is now moving from the physical to the spiritual and from the literal to the symbolic then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto him Lord does thou
wash my feet I feel like saying Peter you better let him you’re about to put it in your mouth Lord does thou wash my feet Jesus answered and said unto him what I do thou knowest not now that is is going now Beyond the literal but Thou shalt know Hereafter Peter later on you’re going to understand the deeper meaning of all of this Peter saith unto him thou shall never wash my feet Jesus answered him if I wash thee not thou has no part with me uhoh Peter says is that important Peter saith unto him Lord wash not my feet only but also
my hands and and my head if it’s all that important Lord don’t just stop with the feet verse 10 Jesus saith unto him he that is washed needeth not save or accept to wash his feet but is clean every wit and you’re clean but not all now I’m going to come back to that in a moment it’s very important verse for he knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean he’s talking about all them as individuals they were not all saved he knew that Judas was unclean that Judas had never been saved and so after he had
washed their feet and had taken his garments and was sat down again he said unto them know ye what I have done unto you ye call me master and Lord and you say well for so I am if I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet ye also ought to wash one another’s feet for I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done unto you now this is the last point and the final point and the sanctifying thing Christ Love Is sanctifying Love Jesus now is turning the conversation to symbolism no longer
is he talking about literal dirt he’s talking about spiritual defilement that comes into lives because uh all of us get contaminated by sin all of us get our spiritual feet dirty and because we live in a dirty grimy and Dusty world now Jesus is saying Peter I need to wash your feet and Peter says well no you can’t wash my feet Jesus said now if I don’t wash your feet I have no part with you that means I can’t fellowship with you then Peter says well wash me all over he said you don’t need to be washed
all over you just need your feet washed now what is all of this lesson about well salvation is called the washing of regeneration when we get saved we spiritually we’re bathed and cleansed from the defilement of this world but we still live in this world and we still get our feet dirty is there anybody here who hasn’t sinned after you gotten saved no one I mean even though we’ve been saved even though he has washed us and made us White in Snow we still walk in an old dirty world and we need to come
and get our feet washed that is day by day we need to kind of get our spiritual feet washed right got it now Peter when he saw this he said well wash me all over Jesus said no you’ve already had a bath you’ve already had a bath and and and you’re clean you just need to have your feet washed what is the lesson there the lesson is very simple very plain and very clear once you get saved that’s it that’s right but you have to keep getting your feet washed amen what is Jesus saying Jesus is saying Peter
you are going to get your feet dirty in a little while you’re going to betray me but Peter I’m going to wash your feet Peter I am going to forgive you and Jesus did remember that episode after the resurrection Simon Do You Love Me Lord you know I love you I’m Simon do you love me more than these oh Lord you know all things Peter do you love me three times Jesus asked that question why because three times Peter had denied him what is Jesus doing that he’s washing the feet of Simon Peter at that day Jesus said Peter you
don’t understand but you will understand later on I’ll guarantee you that day on the seashore he understood what Jesus was talking about when he had his feet washed so many times I I was saved as a teenage boy but so many times thank God Hallelujah he’s washed my feet and and he’s never stopped loving me and he’ll never stop loving you I’ve got to get to the end of this message but let me ask you a question suppose right now in this building that door up there would open and in would walk Jesus
Christ in bodily form and he has a towel and he has a basin and he were to come to you this morning get right in front of you and say now this is Jesus not Eden now but Jesus say may I wash your feet how would you feel he would say he Peter Lord you can never wash my feet and you say well if I don’t wash your feet I can’t have any fellowship with you and with scolding tears coming down your cheeks you would let Jesus wash your feet can you imagine him washing your feet just imagine that and with tears of gratitude and
love you would let him do it but now suppose he would have hand you the Basin and say will you wash my feet what would you say oh Lord yes gladly Lord I could wash your feet Lord yes yes I’d wash your feet Yes I would well all pretense aside Jesus Christ is here today not in bodily form but where two or three are gathered in his name he’s here isn’t he and I won’t tell anybody here today he wants to wash your feet but now the second question question will you wash his feet he say what it can’t
be done because he’s not here physically no here’s the point now listen to me carefully Jesus said in as much as you’ve done it unto the least of these my brethren you’ve done it unto me do you understand that when you wash my feet you’re wash washing the feet of Jesus because I am the body of Christ I’m going to fail you you’re going to fail me just as those disciples failed Jesus and what is our ministry be ye kind tenderhearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake ha
forgiven you do you know somebody who needs their feet washed somebody who’s done you wrong they haven’t done you as wrong as the disciples had done Jesus wrong Peter was going to curse and swear into n and yet Jesus washed Peter’s feet and I’m telling you that the church will be a wonderful place when we allow Jesus to wash our feet and to keep us clean day by day and when we with Christlike love wash one another’s [Music] feet [Music]
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