It Applies to Everything

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It Applies to Everything

I challenge you to find any part of the Bible that you believe to be untrue, whether it’s regarding faith, science, policy, or anything else. Despite the fallen state of the world, the Bible applies perfectly to all things. It challenges us to live a biblically based life in every decision we make, from marriage and parenting to business and voting. Living in a way that brings glory to God is the only answer. The current state of the world, where truth is called false and vice versa, was predicted in the Bible, and we are urged to live to the glory of God in response.

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so I just want to issue you this challenge have you ever found the Bible to not be true pick a topic dive into a chapter dri dive into a book have you found what it’s talking about anywhere anywhere in the Bible to not be true whatever the scripture is talking about I know this is a huge challenge but I want you to think about it for a moment tell me where and when you discovered the Bible is not true regarding Faith regarding science regarding policy regarding anything listen life has been created in such a way even in the Fallen state that
we are in in this world where the Bible applies perfectly to all things everything the Bible applies to in fact the scripture says announces challenges Us in light of the evil that is now being called good the good that is being called evil the Bible says how then shall we live there’s only one answer we are to live a biblically based life the decisions you make the path you go on the way that you have a marriage working how you raise your children how you do your business how you vote how you have your leisure all of it should be that which
brings glory to God honoring God living to praise the Lord and how we Shine the Light of the Gospel the witness of the gospel maybe you’re the only one at your company or wherever you’re at Family how then shall we live to the glory of God live out the Bible Watch What Happens because listen it is a time where truth is being called false and what is false is being called True Light is now dark dark is now light evil is good and good is evil and didn’t the Bible say would be just like this before Christ returns it did it
does find out more as to how you should live


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