Power of Prayer & Praise Vol 1 – Back to the Basics

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Power of Prayer & Praise Vol 1 – Back to the Basics

Every believer needs to know how to pray and how to have confidence that their prayers have been heard and will be answered. Never forget that the effective fervent prayer of the righteous shall avail much!

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the [Music] word righteousness in my opinion has everything to do with your your
successful life of prayer everything to do with it not something to do with it everything to do with it now glory to God once you get born again you are made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus say I am the righteousness of God I am okay Adam Adam was righteous but he sinned and when he sinned where he was righteous now that was unrighteous because where he was a child of God now he got born again from life to death death and Satan became his spiritual father so he got the nature of his
daddy the nature of God is righteousness the nature of Satan is Iniquity that was our nature but now we’ve been born again and our nature now is righteousness but this body and this mind need to be renewed and this body needs to be retrained so the body and the mind still want to go to the riverbat and the spirit is saying don’t go out there man you lost your money last week don’t go out there but the spirit come on now y’all y’all with me now okay so you got this war going on see but because you miss
it if you confess it he’s Fai ful and just to forgive it come on and cleanse you come on come on now of all unrighteousness why cleanse of all unrighteousness put it up on the board 1 John 5:1 17 please put it all unrighteousness why because it says in the scriptures that all unrighteousness is sin see one of the ways that the enemy has of managing God’s people or trying to manage God’s people is to keep them sin conscious see because sin Consciousness is like a disease of the spirit it won’t let you walk
upright stay with me pray praise God are y’all with me here you see consciousness of sin what I did yesterday guilty ashame so forth and so you can’t have that because consciousness of sin wipes out faith and you need faith for answered prayer so the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man aileth much now you have been made righteousness say I have been made righteous the Bible says that over in uh second uh Corinthians 5 verse1 17 any man or any person that’s in Christ is a what new creature old
things are what passed away behold all things are what new come on down to verse 21 and in verse 21 he says this for he ha made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so notice what he did he took our sin on him and gave us come on his righteousness so you are righteous not cuz you feel righteous you are righteous not cuz you’re doing everything right you are righteous because that’s the way you were born and he knows that what you’re trying to do is overcome this old life
you’re trying to whip this flesh into shape you’re trying to make your mind think on good things instead of thinking on those things you used to think he knows you’re battling with that so if you fall he lift you back up said come on get up let’s go again praise [Applause] [Music] God are y’all with me here so now righteousness brings some things to you let’s go to Isaiah chapter 32 please the work of righteousness shall be what peace peace once you get back into right standing with God you come back into
fellowship with God say Amen to that notice when Adam Sinn he ran from God but notice now when you mess up you going to run back to God because he’s got the blood eternally flowing to cleanse your mind and your heart from all the dead works so you can serve a living God Hebrews chapter 9 so Isaiah 32 again the work of righteousness shall be peace all right so that’s going to bring peace to you now you and God are one again and
believe I receive I believe I receive whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that works you need to come on in here and rest in the Lord and understand that if he said something to you that’s it say Amen Amen to that and the the next part and the effect of righteousness is what quietness boy you can rest you can just sleep at night so good say Amen the Bible says the unrighteous are like a troubled sea oh wow that it’s always something coming I know they may may look like they making plenty of money but they’re taking sleeping pills to try
to go to sleep and now I’m just here to tell you right now this righteousness will bring quietness to your SP look at the next part of that he said this he said quietness and Assurance forever now that didn’t say Insurance it says Assurance say Assurance Assurance now what are you what’s another word for Assurance confidence so it brings confidence righteousness brings confidence why does it bring confidence to you because you don’t have to feel something to believe it if God said it you believe it I said if
God said it you believe it amen so let’s look at confidence back again in 1 John 5 verse1 14 he said this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he Hearth us and if we know that he hears whatever we ask we know we have the petition that we desire of him say Amen to that amen so I want to make sure that I’m operating in righteousness because when I’m operating in righteousness everything flows like it’s supposed to flow now I did a little study here of a man named Moses to try
to see how he operated let’s go to Exodus and chapter 4 please and I’ll start reading here at verse 10 and Moses said to the Lord my Lord oh my Lord I am not eloquent neither herefor nor since thou has spoken unto thy servant but I am slow of speech and is slow of tongue now this is God telling Moses to go down there and get Israel set free come on now and the Lord said unto him who made your mouth man’s mouth or who maketh the dumb or the deaf or the seeing or the blind have not I the Lord now therefore go and I’ll be with
your mouth and teach you what you ought to say say Amen to this and he said oh my Lord S I pray thee by the hand of him whom thou was sent and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses I won’t go any further so we got eron to do it so Moses is saying I can’t talk now this is where Moses came from he came from making excuses to move out in righteousness Jesus how do I’m talking about move out in righteousness cuz the righteous are as bold come on the righteous are as bold as a lion well I’m just a little timid
no you’re not that’s the enemy trying to make you think you’re timid you are as you are from the tribe of Judah you I said you are from the tribe of Judah amen see here’s the deal you and I in righteousness now just stay with me we have God’s DNA amen we have his nature his nature is the nature of a master his nature is the nature of a ruler his nature is not a nature of inferiority he Jesus didn’t feel infurious to anything he didn’t feel inferior to disease come on he didn’t feel inferior to people come on he
didn’t feel he wasn’t intimidated by some intellectual come on now I’m talking about you he wasn’t intimidated by storms he told storms what to do say Amen to that now I’m saying you and I have to take on this and when we he first started Moses first started he didn’t start way up there in in mastering things he started down here talking about I can’t talk but look what God did with him look at Exodus 32 and verse 9 cuz he’s going to do the same thing with you it’s not that
righteousness grows it’s that you grow in Revelation to it look what he says and the Lord said to Moses I have seen the people and behold it is a stiff neck bunch of people praise God Amen and therefore let me alone that my wrath May Wax Hot against them and that I may consume them and I will make of thee a great nation Moses let me take care of this bunch and I’m going to give you another group of people to go with you look what Moses said and Moses besought the Lord his God and said this Lord why does thou wax uh wrath Wax Hot against
people which thou has brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand wherefore should the Egyptians speak and say for Mischief he did bring them out and to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the Earth turn from thy Fierce wrath now he talking to the god turn from thy Fierce Gras and repent of this evil against thy people come on now remember Abraham Isaac and Israel I can hear him now he got a little authority in his voice uh thy Servants of whom thou sweareth by thy own self and said
it to them I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and all this land that I have spoken uh of of will I give unto your seed and they shall inherit it forever and the Lord repented of this evil which thou which he thought to do to his people the Lord repented the Lord I I’m talking about the same man that said I can’t talk the same man that said that now is standing up in the face of God saying wait a minute hold on here let’s let’s talk now I’m not telling you to get sassy with God I’m not I’m not saying
that but I’m saying you have now the god class of being you can stand in the presence of God without a sense of inferiority without a sense of judgment without you follow what I’m saying now you want to be a he it’s not that God know God knows you can never be God if you don’t know it he knows it so that is not the issue the issue is to bring you up to the place where you can receive his promise I’m going to say it again the issue is that he can bring you up to a place where you can receive what he has
for you I’ll say it again the issue is that he wants to bring you up to a place where you can receive his inheritance because a slave can’t receive it now look at Galatians 4: one you got to have righteousness to receive it what God has for you is Fit For A King and anything less than a king can’t receive it you got to have a righteous mentality I was praying that night in Minnesota and I’m I’m now it’s 12 midnight and Saturday night and I’m trying to get a message from the Lord and I’ll start crying you know trying to
trying to fake God out you know and Lord the people need a message I heard it just very clear what are you doing I said sir what are you doing I said well I’m trying to get a message he said that the way you supposed to come to me I said well no sir well how are you supposed to come to me I said well supposed to come boldly to you he said well come that way I I said well in the name of Jesus and before I could say it I had to start writing why because I’m trying to get it out of order order is royalty
say Amen to this order is royalty you are a king in God’s eyes you are royalty in God’s eyes you are not some servant some slave you are a son you are a daughter of Abraham and I’m telling you right now God has a look what it says now I say the air as long as he’s a child dis differs nothing from a servant though he be the Lord of all put it up there please in the Amplified translation here’s what he says now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor The Heir is a child and underage he does not differ from a slave
although he’s a master of all the estate all the estate is the earth you are Master over the weather you are master over plagues you’re a master over demons you’re a master over everything and I’m telling you what’s missing from the church is revelation of your righteousness you knowing who you are in God that you have his DNA and everything Jesus did you can do it turn to the book of Ester this inheritance is not made for an unrighteous man wealth coming into the body of Christ was not made for a fool all right
now Bible says Prosperity will ruin a fool is made for people who grown up you know who you are can’t nobody look at you and look down on you amen if you let them look down on you that’s your fault I’m saying God is the one who has who made you who created you to be who you are es 411 and the King’s servants and the people of the king’s provinces do know that whosoever whether a man or woman shall come into the king into the inner Court who’s not called there is one law of his to put him to death except such to whom the
king shall hold out the golden scepter that he may live now now what happened he told Esther Mora said Esther we need you to go in a and intercede say intercede intercede intercession is a type of prayer I’m using this as an illustration because it is based on love it’s saying that I’m going to stand in the gap for somebody who has missed it glory to God and God’s going to look at my heart and judge them I’m going intercede is based on love Esther was Gap standing but she fasted three days had everybody else to fast cuz
sometimes to get that flesh subdued you got to turn the plate over and then chapter 5 verse one and it came to pass on the third day that Esther put on her royal apparel I told you that these things are for people of royalty glory to God you are a person of royalty a royal apparel and stood in the inner Court of the King’s house over against the King’s house and the King sat upon his Royal throne in a Royal house over against the Gat of the house and it was so when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court that she
obtained favor in his sight and the King held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand so Esther Drew near and touched the top of the scepter and said the king unto her what will thou Queen Esther and what is thy request and it shall be given thee to the half of the king King notice before she got the blessing she had to put the robe on had to put the robe on folks and I’m telling you I tried to go to before God and get something that was my in part of my inheritance and I tried to do it in doubt unbelief unrighteousness and it
held it up but once I shifted into being bold as a line all right everything broke through am say Amen to that amen so let’s look at Romans chap 5 and verse 17 for If by one man’s offense death Reign by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall do what reain in Life by One Jesus Christ how many righteous people in Christ do I have in here yeah it’s not your righteousness it’s his righteousness given to you so when you come to the throne of grace you’re going


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