Removing Hindrances | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Removing Hindrances | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Join Joyce Meyer as she explores how to overcome obstacles to spiritual maturity. Discover practical steps to clear out what’s blocking your spiritual growth and experience a full flow of godliness in your life. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that will help you live with continuous joy, peace, and the fruit of the Spirit.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series, how to age without getting old.
If we want to look and feel our best no matter our age, we must learn to take good care of our
Have you ever seen a believer that was once really strong with God start getting off track?
And it’s a little bit little bit little bit and then all of a sudden somebody said, I have no idea what happened to them.
Well, you know what? It didn’t just happen overnight. It happened a little here, little there.
That’s exactly what’s happened in our country.
You know, how did we get from where we were being the kind of nation that we were to where we’re at today.
Well, it didn’t just you know, the devil is patient. Come on. He takes his time.
He will work in our lives a little bit a little bit a little bit and that little bit lie is one of the lies that you have to really watch for.
Now, I know sometimes this gets a little bit uncomfortable because we, you know, we wanna have our fun, we wanna be part of the group, we wanna do all these different things.
But the thing is is I’m not standing here telling you today, giving you a list of things you can’t do, What I’m telling you is that if you do what God wants you to do, then you’re going to have a freedom and a joy that’s going to be worth a whole lot more than anything you think you had to walk away from to get it.
And, you know, we’ve got quite a few young people here today.
And, of course, we’re all young. I’m young.
We’re all young, but we’ve got quite a few people that look to me like they’re in their their twenties or maybe younger or even in their early thirties.
And I’ll tell you the truth, by the time you get to my age, you’ve learned a lot of what I’m talking about by experience, and you already know that, hey, you know what?
What people think of me is really not all that important.
You know, that’s that’s not the biggest deal in the world.
But when you’re real young, a lot of those things are very very important to you and you just have to be really careful that you don’t make decisions that are gonna mess up your whole life over something that later you’re gonna realize wasn’t worth anything at all.
How many fights did I start with Dave trying to prove that I was right about something?
And you know what I’ve learned? Being right is highly overrated.
I mean, it truly is not worth the price that we pay to be right.
Amen? Romans 9:1, I’m speaking the truth in Christ. I’m not lying.
My conscience enlightened and prompted by the Holy Spirit, bears witness within me.
So Paul was saying, look, I don’t have known sin in my life.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t that he did everything right, but he said, I’ve got a clear conscience.
I’m good with God. Now, there’s 2 ways to keep from having a guilty conscience.
One of them is when you sin to be quick to repent and willing to turn away from what you’ve done wrong.
That’s good. That’s a good plan. That door is always open.
But if it continues to be the same thing over and over and over and over, then maybe that’s an indication that that’s something that we need to just stop repenting for and just decide that needs to go out of our lives.
You know, it’s one thing when we do something wrong and we don’t have any knowledge that we’re doing it wrong.
But the more knowledge we have, the more responsible we become to do what God wants us to do without going through the route of sinning, feeling guilty, having God deal with us, repenting, finally receiving mercy, getting back to square 1 again, and then doing the same thing all over and over again.
So yes, we can repent, thank God that his mercy is new every day.
I don’t think that we can ever out sin God’s forgiveness.
But I do believe that there’s a better way to live and that is to decide today.
It’s time for me to come up to a new level of spiritual maturity and instead of just repenting all the time for the same stuff, I wanna start doing what God leads me to do the first time he leads me to do it, so I don’t have to go down that road again.
Every compromise is a stone or some dirt in your will.
David said in Psalm 1823, I was upright before him and blameless with him, ever on guard to keep myself free from my sin.
Couple of words there, on guard and to keep myself from sin.
So David didn’t just wish the devil would leave him alone.
He didn’t just wish there would be no temptation.
He said, I’m gonna live my life and be the warrior that I should be.
I’m gonna be on guard. I’m gonna live carefully. I’m gonna watch for the lies of Satan.
I’m gonna watch for the compromises that the slingers sling my way, and I’m gonna keep myself with the help of God in a place where I can have the kind of life that God wants me to have.
You know, if you read the Bible in the New Testament, you see that phrase on guard over and over and over.
Just read you three quick scriptures, 1st Corinthians 16:13, be on guard, stand firm in your faith.
You know, the enemy will try every which way that he can to steal your faith.
And one of the ways that he does it is by slinging stones of doubt and unbelief at your mind.
Anybody ever have any problem hanging on to the promises of God and continuing to believe that God’s word is true in your life and he’s gonna do what he said he’s gonna do?
You know why? Because we inherit the promises of God through faith and patience, and while you’re having the patience, that’s when the enemy comes against us with his lies about well, it’s not gonna happen, it’s not true for you, and so on and so forth.
Be on guard. You know what? Victorious Christianity is not for a lazy person.
It takes everything you’ve got to walk in victory.
And we can’t be sleepy Christians, you know, the Bible even talks about that. Sleepy Christians.
You know, the 10 virgins, 5 of them stayed alert and they were on guard and they waited till the bridegroom came, 5 of them got sleepy, they got lazy, and they went to sleep, and they missed out in the end.
Mark 1333, be on guard and alert for the practice of prayer.
Luke 21 34 through 36, be on guard, let your heart don’t let your heart be weighed down.
Matter of fact, I wanna read this whole thing, Luke 21 34 through 36.
I’m a wait for them to find it back there because I want you to see it.
But take heed to yourselves and be on your guard, lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed and weighed down with the giddiness and the headache and the nausea of self indulgence, drunkenness, worldly worries and cares pertaining to the business of this life, lest that day come upon you suddenly like a trap or a noose.
You know what? Jesus is coming back someday.
Now, we don’t know if it’s today, we don’t know if it’s tomorrow, not one of us knows when we’re gonna meet our savior.
Whether he returns or he decides to bring us home, nobody is guaranteed anything beyond this moment right now.
And we need to live like we believe that, where we’re not just pushing the envelope, so to speak, thinking we’ve got all the time in the world, but we need to live like Jesus is coming back at any moment.
Alright. I can go on and on and on about that, but let’s go to let’s go to another one here.
How about stones of worry, anxiety, and fear?
We never run out of things to worry about, do we? Oh, my gosh.
And I don’t care how much you read the bible.
I don’t care how many scriptures you can quote.
I don’t care how many times a day you watch Joyce Meyer on TV or how many times a week you go to church, you’re still gonna have to use your faith.
Come on. It doesn’t do any good to have faith, we have to use our faith and that we need to use it when the enemy throws these stones of worry, fretting, anxiety.
I mean, even even like situations like I told you about, you know, my sciatic nerve thing there bothering me.
You know, I’ve been through enough in my life to know that God always has an answer. Always.
But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to wait and go through a few things.
Well, you know, while you’re waiting, here comes the stones of what what if.
How many stones do you think that you get thrown at you every day that just are labeled what if?
Well, what if this, and what if that, and what if something else?
And so this is when we need to know the word and when the enemy throws those things at us, we need to know how to throw the word back at him.
The Bible says, be anxious for nothing. Let’s just look at one scripture, Philippians 46.
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, definite request, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known unto God.
Can I have the swingers come out, please? Now, nobody will catch it, will you?
Alright. There you go. Worry. Here comes some worry.
Oh, there’s a lady caught it.
I get it.
If it came at me, I’d probably wanna catch it too, but I think there is a good lesson there, though.
See? Why like, here he comes. Let’s catch this worry and sit around and be miserable all day.
Yes. Let’s be anxious about this. Only God knows what’s gonna happen. Yeah. They gave it back to me.
Perfect. Uh, how about stones from your past?
Oh, boy. Come on. Let’s have a couple of stones from the past.
Here it comes.
What makes you think God could use you? Don’t you remember when?
You’re getting it now. See, nobody caught that one.
We’re getting the message. One more.
I like what that one guy did.
He put something up over his head, it’s like You know what we need to do?
We need to walk around with the umbrella of God’s word on our head all the time.
Oh, my, my, my, my, my.
We need to learn how to speak the word against the lies of the enemy.
How many of you got this little book called The Secret Power of God’s Word? Anybody have this? K.
You know, when I talk about a book and that many people clap and you don’t have it, that means you need it.
This is just scriptures for you to confess in every area that you could think of.
Anger, the enemy condemning you about past mistakes.
We need to learn how to throw the rock of the word back at the enemy when he throws stones at us.
You know what? Paul had a past.
I wonder how many times in the apostle Paul’s life, the enemy threw or tried to throw a stone at him.
Well, who do you think you are?
To be going around trying to tell all these churches what to do.
You were the one that used to try to persecute the churches.
He attended the stoning of Stephen.
Mary had a past, not a very good past and she ended up traveling with Jesus.
She was on the travel team and she’d been a prostitute. I got some of those, I’m sure. Amen?
I mean, if you knew some of the things that I did, oh my gosh.
You would think there’s no way that I can listen to that lady. But see, here’s the thing.
When we’re in Christ, we die to our old life and we become a brand new creature.
Learn the steps to stay young with Joyce’s book, How to Age Without Getting Old.
It’s the perfect gift for anyone because we all age, but we don’t have to get old.
Also included in today’s resource package is the my prayer journal.
Use it to record conversations with God or reminders of his goodness.
Available now for a gift of $30 or more. Order at or call toll free, 1-800-789-0089.
Catch this limited opportunity to see Joyce Meyer live.
I believe God is working in my life, and I am expecting something good to happen to me today.
3 unique sessions of practical bible teaching that you can apply to your everyday life.
Your worst day with Jesus will be better than your best day ever was without him.
Coming to Atlanta, Georgia, October 11th 12th at Gas South District. For more information, go to
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together we can do so much more.

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