Prayer of the Day: Friday June 07, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

Heavenly Father,

As we come before You on this Thursday, June 6, 2024, we are grateful for Your constant presence in our lives and for the blessings You continue to pour out upon us. Thank You for the gift of family, through which we experience Your love and support.

Lord, I lift up my friend and their family to You today. I ask for Your divine protection to surround them, keeping them safe from harm and guiding their steps in Your light. May Your wisdom and peace fill their hearts as they navigate through their daily responsibilities and challenges.

Father, bless this family with good health, both physically and spiritually. Strengthen them in mind, body, and spirit, and grant them the endurance and resilience needed to face any difficulties that come their way. Provide for all their needs according to Your riches in glory.

May their home be a place of peace, joy, and unity. Help them to communicate with love and understanding, to support one another in times of trial, and to celebrate together in times of joy. Deepen their love for one another and for You, Lord, so that they may grow stronger in faith and closer in relationship.

Lord, grant them discernment and courage to make decisions that align with Your will. Give them the grace to forgive and to seek forgiveness, to extend compassion and kindness to others, and to be a light of Your love in their community.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for Your faithfulness. May Your presence be palpable in their lives today and every day, guiding them and filling them with Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Eternal thanks, Lord of love, for your immense heart has cared for me throughout this month that is coming to an end. Thank you, for the first rays of the sun remind me that you do not judge or condemn me, but love me despite my faults. Here I am before you, trusting in your wonderful power, opening my heart, and presenting all my needs.

Today, I want to start this day with hope, fully confident that I do not walk alone, knowing that you accompany me every moment. I thank you, my God, for allowing me to hear once again the beautiful melody of your creatures flying freely in your beautiful skies. I praise and bless you this new morning, and I ask that you accompany me with each step I take.

This morning, I ask you to give me the strength and courage to face all the problems that come my way, so that each of my actions is performed with you in mind. I only want you to work within me and always restore my joy of living. My Lord, pass your hand over my heart and remove all negative emotions. Do not let my fears and insecurities make me act against your will.

Holy Father, I need you to accompany me throughout the day and never abandon me, for my human frailty causes me to stumble. You teach me how to be patient and how to use all the abilities you give me to become a little more like you each day.

Today, I want to testify to your power and strength. I want to live according to your will, always believing in your mercy. Lord of my life, you have promised abundant blessings, and I fully trust that you fulfill your promises. I ask you to grant me your love and strength so that, amid my struggles and the disappointments life brings, I can remain firm and serene.

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Today, I want to set aside all negative thoughts that prevent me from moving forward. Help me break the chains that bind me to everything that separates me from you. Praised be you, true and eternal God, for although I may lack material goods, I know that everything I have in my life is thanks to your love. Allow me to appreciate each of your blessings and be aware of your presence in my life.

Help me, Lord, to be an instrument of your will so that I can support all my neighbors who suffer from material shortages. May what you have granted me multiply so I can offer it with humility and love, spreading your blessing to more lives. My Father, may my hands work according to your love this new morning. Grant me a voice capable of proclaiming your precepts so that your life resonates in every corner of this world.

Blessed Lord, my heart humbly praises you, for your immense love has granted me mornings worthy of your majesty. Amen. At the end of this month, I will approach the Blessed Sacrament to thank him for each of the blessings granted by his infinite love.

Praise his name with dancing, sing to him with drums and lyres, for the Lord loves his people and adorns the humble with victory. Psalm 149. May the Lord bless us on this day.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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