Know GOD’S Truth – Take It All Back Vol 3 | Dr. Bill Winston

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Know GOD’S Truth – Take It All Back Vol 3 | Dr. Bill Winston

Dr. Winston shares a story about a man who went to Africa to teach at a local church but had sent an outdated photo of himself for the airport transfer. The airport transfer that came to pick him up looked for him for hours. Finally, someone approached this older gentleman and asked him if he was the person they were looking for. He kindly answered yes and that he had been there for hours. They said to him, “Sir, you do not look like your picture.” In this third installment of Take It All Back by Dr. Bill Winston, you will have the opportunity to answer the question, “Do you look like the picture of what the bible says you look like?”

The Believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers.
Up next on the believers walk of faith.
This seed is incorruptible.
It will always produce, it will always bring forth healing, it will always bring forth deliverance, it will oh, no matter what you got.
Let them have dominion.
So now I’ve got to take the seed and sow it inside of me by speaking it.
Now it’s sown in the soil of my heart.
Now you got to watch it because there are things Satan tries to send to stop the growth.
See? And and he says over here, he says that when the seed is stoned, immediately Satan comes to steal the word.
Am I right? And, and what you can’t do is let him have it.
Now, he can get something like, um, deceitfulness of riches or lust of other things.
Put put that one up there please. I wanna show you something with that. Ready? Read.
And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground, who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness and have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time, afterward, when affliction or persecution arises.
For the word say immediately. Immediately.
Immediately what? Immediately. Alright.
Now notice what Now you go out of here and somebody gonna get mad at you.
They might call you a name or, you know, or whatever have you and and and you get mad and and so forth or things come in on you.
Why? Because it’s not after you. The enemy saw you come in here.
Now look at the next verse. Put the next verse up there please.
And these are they which are sold among thorns such as hear the word and the cares
Now notice that you’ve got the word, but it becomes what?
Unruh. It won’t produce the airplane. It won’t produce the house. Why?
Because you took on the cares of this world. You know, I just heard baby sister’s in the hospital.
Lord have mercy and so forth.
What you’re supposed to do is 1st Peter 5:7, toss the care over on Jesus.
Say, Jesus, take care of baby sister.
Yeah. Yeah.
Because I got something going. No. No. You didn’t hear me now. That enemy is sneaky that way.
The cares of this world and the lots of other things. The pressure about getting, uh, the tuition together.
But you’re not supposed to care about anything. Say this with me. I don’t care. I don’t care.
In Jesus name. In Jesus name. Don’t care. Don’t care.
You’re supposed to cast a care over on Jesus because he cares for you.
And I’m saying the thief becomes unfruitful.
Next thing you know, you don’t get your house. You don’t get your thing paid off.
You don’t get all your debts canceled, you don’t get so forth because of things like this.
But what you gotta do is you gotta be vigilant.
You gotta watch it because you can’t care too much of what’s going on on that television set.
Say amen.
Some people have put a seed in here maybe for a mate, you know, that want a husband or a wife.
Oh, come on. Excuse me. Uh, can I preach this?
And so, but mom talk about, look how the enemy comes because the seed will always work.
Boy, that’s good preaching right there, mate.
If the man that you have designed does not exist on the earth, guaranteed somehow God will send 1.
I better go back on the other side, baby.
Do you hear what I’m saying? Because this seed is incorruptible.
It will always produce, it will always bring forth healing, it will always bring forth deliverance.
It will oh, no matter what you got, let them have dominion.
It’s very important. So that’s what you’re sitting in right here.
We took it. I tell you the enemy tried to block me.
Now let’s go down to the next point, point number 3 is that instead of being need minded you got to be seed minded.
You got to be seed minded. You got to understand.
Now wait a minute, God didn’t ask you to have the money. He told you to get some seed.
Come on, God. That’s good.
So when I now, once that seed is mature, here’s my wife and we’re down in Tulsa.
I’m in full time seminary and now she’s looking, you know, for employment and so forth.
And they tell her, you know, everybody’s getting laid off. But what does she do?
She comes home and we got some seed.
We took the scriptures, found the scriptures that promised her what she was looking for.
My God shall supply all your so forth and so on.
And she had them all over, pasted all over.
He’d go in the bathroom, lift the thing and they and and but she had scriptures all over everywhere.
You got what I’m saying? Yeah. So look what the scripture says.
Let’s go to verse, uh, 28 please. Ready? Read.
For the earth, bring it forth fruit of herself.
For of herself. First the blade, the knee and full corner of the ear.
Now notice the earth, he calls it the earth. He calls your your the kingdom inside of you soil. Yeah.
So inside of you is soil that is designed to bring forth. Yeah.
As long as the seed is sitting on the
shelf, it will not bring
forth. Yeah. But if it’s
put in
your heart, then it will start germinating. Yeah.
And when you’re in your heart, then it will start germinating.
And when you praise, you water it. Say amen. Amen.
And just say, walk around, praise you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. You’re watering it.
So when you study the word, the word is light.
So if you water and you get light and now this thing is germinating inside.
But you don’t know it, but you’re expecting now. I said you’re expecting now.
And so next thing that happens all right. Look at verse 29 please.
But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he put it in a sickle because the harvest is not.
That sickle, the Holy Ghost will tell you what to do, watch this, to give birth to it. Yeah.
Because it’s ready. It’s inside of you. The whole vision is inside of you and it has grown full term.
Now it’s time to give birth and he’ll tell you what to do.
What did he tell my wife to do?
He told her to get some soup or make some soup or whatever and take it to the neighbor.
I came home from class and boy I’m telling you I’m hungry and I’m smelling this.
We’re gonna have some good soup today. She said, no, this is not ours.
This is going to, you know, so and so and them is falling on some hard times.
I’m making them some soup. I said, the devil is a liar.
But notice, notice, it took a step of faith to bring it from the invisible.
Come on, come on. Into
the Lord.
To the visible.
Yeah, yeah.
And the next thing you know the man called her and she got the same job that we put down on the card verbatim.
It was 10 minutes from the house. She had a car with it. Everything.
So you’re going to have to take it.
Let them have anything you need, get yourself some seed.
I’m going to show you a 4 letter word that a lot of Christians don’t like to use.
See, you all think I’m talking about something nasty. The word is rich.
I said the word is rich.
I don’t know why God’s people don’t like to use that word.
All right. Let’s let’s keep going. Let’s look at Romans chapter 3 verses 3 and 4. Ready?
For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
God forbid, yea. Let God true, but every man
a liar. A liar. This Bible is the basis for your belief in the, in the Babylonian system.
This Bible is the basis for your belief in the Babylonian system.
Are you with me here? So what is true? It’s in right in here, right right here.
This is what’s true. Now the Bible says he’s put some things in here for correction.
In other words, when he said about Job, Job said the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Well, that’s part of his problem because he didn’t know the truth.
The truth was God didn’t take that away. That was the devil that took that away.
And that’s why you see some people, well, the Lord is trying to teach me something. No.
The devil’s trying to kill you and he’s trying to do you in a New York minute.
So my point here is, I gotta get in the word of God and find out the truth.
Because only the truth is going to make me free. Isn’t this good?
So when they said to me, you can’t have that mall, they’re not going to let a black man have that much property in this village.
What do you think I said? Who you talking to?
Because outside is just my color. Inside is me.
And I’m just like Jesus. Say amen.
Now, I know some of you saints may not believe that. You may not say go along with that.
That’s because this Bible is not the basis by what you believe and and that you’re existing in this Babylonian world.
You are still trying to make your own rule about how what is true and what is not true.
There ain’t but one truth and there are a bunch of lies.
May his name be praised.
Now, if somebody tells you you’re going broke, go in this Bible and look at it and say, wait a minute.
He always causes me to triumph. Uh, let’s see here.
He said he’ll increase me more and more, me and my children. Say amen. Amen.
Now you’re gonna have continuous breakthroughs in 2024.
And if you’re gonna do it, you’re going to stay with the truth.
No matter how it looks, the Bible said you’ll walk through fire
and won’t
get burned. It’s time for the church to be the church.
Give him one praise, would you? Now take your seat.
See, I’m not backing up because I know what God did for me when I didn’t back up.
See, he said, you’ll never let me be ashamed. So I gotta step out on something, man.
If you believe it, step out on it. I said, step out
on it. Come on, step out on it,
Mike, if you believe it. It’s time for us to stop half stepping.
You know what I’m saying? That’s half stepping. No more half stepping in this church.
This church is going to be full of believers. The violent take it by force.
Get set out. Alright. The next thing.
Everything comes to you filter it through the word of God. Amen. Put that up there.
2nd Corinthians 10 in verse 3.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not calm, to the obedience of Christ.
Alright. The enemy’s strategy is, or what he’s working towards, is to wipe the word of God out off the face of this earth.
That’s what he’s after. And you are here to stop it.
amen to that.
So we’re going to first have to come off his system to have dominion over his system.
Well, somewhere we’re going to have to come off.
Well, I do we get so let me make the last next point.
If your decisions are only made on money and not the anointing or the word, you’re going to be wrong 98, 99% of the time.
I’ll try it one more time. If by that shopping mall I didn’t have no money.
Didn’t have none, but was based on his word. Yeah.
He said, do it and I’m gonna do it. Say amen to that. Amen.
No more decisions made based on money. No more decisions based on money.
See money follows vision anyway.
Lot of people don’t have no money because they don’t have no vision.
Why would he give you money? That money might go all kinds of places.
Say amen to that. So you will have a vision this year.
Praise God. Now, faith in the blessing.
God wants everybody blessed.
The blessing is for all. Amen.
Let’s put up a couple of scriptures for that, the blessing. Now first, let’s talk about what the blessing is.
The blessing is the empowerment for success. Amen. The blessing.
The blessing is the covenant of God that overrides the curse.
If curse starts coming in like money drives up so forth, the covenant will override that.
The blessing is the anointing of God through which divine favor will flow.
Folks will give you stuff they don’t know why. Glory
to God. Amen.
Are you following the same?
Yes, amen.
The blessing is the power
to produce.
Now look where it said at Genesis chapter, uh, 1 please and look at verse 28.
That’s where you first see the blessing introduced. Ready? Read.
And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth as subdued.
And multiply and replenish the earth as of doing it and have dominion.
Stop right there and have dominion. Okay. Now, this blessing is now given to Adam.
Now, what did Adam do? Adam got in trouble.
Adam was using this blessing because it will duplicate the garden in the worst areas of the earth.
So here is Adam and he’s now operating in the blessing because God told him put him in the garden so forth and so on.
Now what happens is they sin. Mhmm. Now once Adam and Eve sinned, the curse came.
Right. Now look at Genesis chapter 3 verse 17 and let’s just look at it in the amplified.
Ready? Read.
And to Adam he said, because you have listened and given heed to the voice of your wife under a curse because of you.
In sorrow Amen. And toil shall you eat of the fruits of it all the days of your life.
All right. Now this ground is affected. Now, the ground now hates him.
And so does every animal. Everything turned on him.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s good.
Now he got put out of the garden and he’s got to go for himself.
That means that he’s got to provide for his own self. God is not involved in getting him his provision.
Now he’s in trouble. Now God doesn’t leave us like that.
Whenever you’re in trouble, Jesus comes to God believes he he now talked about what’s going to happen.
All right? And start prophesying some things.
Now, here’s the first time God now begins to talk about getting the blessing back.
Now look at it, it’s found in Genesis chapter 5 and look at verse 28. Ready? Read.
And Lamech lived an 182 years and begot the sun and
Do you see what I’m saying?
Toil was a result of Adam’s sin. Now watch what’s gonna happen.
God is prophesying through Lamech that Noah is going to bring comfort.
So let’s look at the comfort Noah brought.
Go to Genesis chapter 9 are you learning something? Genesis chapter 9 verse 1. Ready? Read.
Now the blessing is coming back.
Because Lamech prophesied it that my son is going to comfort us.
And that’s what God said. My son is going to comfort the human race.
All right. Now, this blessing, what does it do?
The blessing, 5 things that it does. 1, the blessing brings provision. The blessing brings protection.
The blessing brings promotion. The blessing brings preservation and the blessing brings proficiency.
Now, this proficiency is telling you that if God tells you to do something, he’ll give you the grace to do it.
Look up here at Exodus chapter 31, verse 1. Ready? Read.
And the Lord said unto Moses, saying, see, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uriah, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
And I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship.
Now they gotta make a temple out here in the wilderness and they’ve never seen a temple before like that in their life, but God’s gonna give them proficiency.
Here’s Gideon. Gideon admitted he was stupid. I shouldn’t say that.
But God said, no, I’m gonna put something on you.
See, when the blessing comes on you, you’re the smartest one in the class.
I’m saying when God tells you to do something, he empowers you to do it better than anybody else.
That’s what I’m talking about.
This is the blessing at work and the blessing is on you right now. Say amen to that.
Stop canceling the blessing by saying, oh, I can’t do that. I can’t don’t do that.
You’re you’re see, you’ve got something to say about what the blessing’s gonna do in your life.
You’ve got to claim that blessing and say, I’m blessed and highly favored.
Then I thought doing this, became number 1 in sales downtown in Chicago in computers at IBM, then I went to a marketing manager, kept doing it, became number 1 marketing manager.
I’m telling you, it’ll take you to the top in whatever profession you are despite your color.
No, no. You didn’t get me. You are guaranteed success.
Boy, that’s a guarantee right there, Mike.
Alright. So here’s Noah.
He got it. God bless Noah and his sons.
And they tell me 2 of them blew it off, Ham and and, uh, Japheth, but Shem held onto it.
And so the next thing you know, here comes a man named Abram. And God saw him.
He’d he’d gotten him ready for that task. And notice what he said in Genesis, please.
Now understand this blessing is for all. Say it’s for all.
God doesn’t want you blessed and your cousin cursed.
He wants you to get your cousin saved so your cousin can also be blessed.
Adam was going to be the beginning of the blessing for all of humanity.
And when Adam sinned, the blessing got lost and now God is restoring the blessing.
When Jesus ministered and restoring the blessing.
When Jesus ministered and brought forth arms and legs, he did it with the blessing.
When Jesus fed 5,000 plus women and children with 2 fish and 5 loaves, he did it with a blessing.
Hello, partners. Bill Winston here.
I’m glad to see you. My goodness. You said, well, he’s not here.
Yeah, but I could see you in the spirit. Praise the Lord. Thank God for my partners.
When I first came here, we had nothing. We came here with $200 Everybody knows that.
And, uh, we had no partners. Nobody sponsored us or whatever have you. We had to come on our own.
And when we came, then something happened. Something broke. Our first place that we started preaching at Lake in Pulaski.
My wife was playing the guitar and and I was singing with her in praise and worship.
And it wasn’t about 20, 20 5 people that could get in that little one room place that we had services in.
But look how God moved us from place to place to place and look at us now.
And most of that is because of my partners.
Somebody saw the vision that God had on my life and teamed up with me and the rest is history.
Look at all the souls that have been saved. Look at all the lives that have been touched.
Now we’re going around the world taking the gospel and whatever I get and we bring in, it goes to your account.
And that’s the good news that God said through Paul, Paul said, what I bring in is gonna come an account would be added to your account.
So when you get to heaven, you’re gonna get what I get. Praise the Lord. Why?
Could you help me to go?
I just said wanna say to all my partners thank you, and I love you.
We pray for you all the time. My wife prays for you.
We wanna just keep you strong, keep your health, and keep your family intact.
Make it so that the favor of God is on your life taking you every place that God directs you to go.
And I wanna say that just keep praying for us, we’ll keep praying for you and we’re gonna take back everything that was stolen.
Isn’t that good? Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Today’s dynamic message, Take It All Back, volume 3 is available in its entirety on CD or MP 3, on DVD or MP 4.
To order this 4 part teaching, contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at
Today’s message will help you understand your authority and the rights you have as a believer.
It’s time to stand up and fulfill the kingdom mandate of taking dominion.
You are to take back what has been stolen from you, health, family, finances, and everything else that belongs to you.
Let’s take it all back.
This is Bill Winston. Let me ask you a question.
Have you ever received Jesus Christ your Lord and savior? Now, somebody said, Well, I don’t know about that.
Let me tell you, when I was a kid, I went to church with mom and dad, but I found out when I got older, I really didn’t know them.
And what happened, one lady came and took me to a meeting.
I confessed Jesus as Lord of my life and a miracle took place. Everything changed.
I’m just saying in your life, if you’re ready for a change, it’s time to confess him.
You ask Jesus to come into your heart and watch the miracle take place.
If you’ve confessed that, I want to give you my book. It’s called Born Again and Spirit Fill.
I want to be the first to say welcome to the family of almighty God. God bless you.
Now, remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you, and keep walking
by faith.

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