The Crewcut Apostle – Why did the Apostle Paul Shave His Hair | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Crewcut Apostle – Why did the Apostle Paul Shave His Hair | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares what most believers have never heard of it – But it’s in the Bible – One of the most surprising secrets from the Book of Acts and a mystery figure in the Torah – Why did the Apostle Paul Shave His Hair? The crewcut apostle’s vow at Jerusalem’s Temple.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

To the degree of your separation is the degree of the highest, the height of your calling.
The greater the separation, the higher the calling. The higher the calling, get that separation greater.
Whenever you go to Jerusalem, you gotta go up.
Jerusalem’s in the mountains. Always. You it’s, uh, actually, when we go up on the tour, It’s a long, you know, like, an hour of going higher, higher, higher, and then all of a sudden, you see it.
It’s like, on the mountains, But the thing is also Jerusalem is god’s city.
So wherever you go, even if it was in the valley, you’re still going up because it is god’s city.
It is the holy place. And so whenever you go to Jerusalem, it’s called Aliyah. Which means to go up.
Whenever you go to Israel, it’s Aliyah, because you’re heading to you’re heading up and up and up and up.
Actually, when when I called Elielle to the pulpit going up to to the scripture is called Aliyah as well.
That’s the journey going up to god.
So whenever you go, you go up, then it says that he they went down to Antia.
Now Antia is about 300 Miles North of Jerusalem.
We think of that as up, but it says you’re going down because whenever you go out from Jerusalem, you’re going down.
Whenever you go up, that’s why I said Jesus went up. It says to Jerusalem.
Um, so Isaiah said that the word of god will go forth to the the world from Jerusalem.
Now every in the synagogues, when they take they take the Torah up and they go, they they they chant a chant that says, and the word of god shall go forth from Jerusalem.
That’s the that’s what it says.
That’s what Isaiah promised, but there is no faith in the world that has ever gone forth to the world from Jerusalem as the gospel has.
Not even the law. The law of Moses didn’t come from Jerusalem, Sinai. So there’s only one that fulfills it.
And so he goes to Jerusalem. It’s called the mother of all churches. It’s the first gathering.
The word for church, as I said, was Eclercia. It’s a translation. Actually, try it. Eclercia.
That’s where we get the word ekklesia or ekklesias. What is the connection between ekklesia?
Not not for today, but there is a connection.
And then and then it’s a translation of a Hebrew word, which is Kahila. Try it. It’s happy.
It’s a happy. Kahila. That’s the church. Yeah. That’s don’t don’t get carried away.
And so what it means is actually used in the in the Hebrew scriptures of the gathering of Israel.
The Kahila of Israel journeying through the wilderness, the Akhila, the congregation, the assembly of that.
The church is an assembly linked to Israel journeying through the world.
It goes up to Jerusalem, and they’re the one who’s leading the church or the or the or the is a man named Jacob.
You’re thinking, well, who’s Jacob? James. He was never called James. He’s Jacob. That’s that’s become the James.
And so he’s the brother of Messiah.
So Paul goes to Jerusalem, goes to the temple on Natalie, then he goes down to Antioch to that special congregation in Antioch of Jew and Gentile, the very kind of beginning of all that.
And then they that’s from that congregation that they send them to the nations, the missionary journeys of fall.
Next verse. After he spent some time there, he left and went through the land of Galatia at Frichigia, strengthening all the disciples.
He was an Antioch of Syria from around the summer of 52 to this spring of 53.
Now there’s something here. Now, uh, he’s gonna embark on the 3rd missionary journey.
And we and there’s something at the ver the very big founding verse. Go go to acts 1818.
That’s what set the stage. Paul stayed there for a good while.
Then he left the brethren and sailed to Syria with Priscilla and Akila.
Having shaved his head in Kentrea, he made a vow. What is that about? Did you catch that?
He shaved his head. How many times I want him to ask you to raise your hand, but how many people even knew that he ever did that?
And yet you probably read this. So you probably read this. You read right by it.
Most believers read go right by this, and they don’t realize there’s something here. There’s a whole thing here.
That is missed. That’s why this message is called the crew cut apostle.
And so, you know, I when I grew up, the crew cuts were big. You know, it was normal.
You know? Now some bald men today shaved their head totally like that.
Neo Nazi are called skinheads sometimes because they do the same thing. Harry Krishna shaves their heads.
Pump groups would shave their heads. People in the army often and policemen often.
But Jewish skinhead, it doesn’t really go. Jewish yeah. It does, though.
Because first of all, notice something. No. Notice the Jewish of Paul. Paul is a Jew.
He didn’t stop being a Jew, and he didn’t stop being Saul. You know, he didn’t get saved. Okay.
Now you’re no longer a Jew. You’re not Saul. Bad. You’re Paul. Good. Never happened.
He was Paul and Saul at the same time. Those were his two names.
He says I am a pharisee, the son of pharisee. He didn’t say I was a pharisee. Interesting. Wait.
Paul, a fair we think pharisee bad, you know, and many pharisees were, of course, off.
But fair the pharisees were actually the one group, which actually believed the Bible, all of it.
They also added to it. They were also HIPAA. Many of them were hypocritical. All that stuff.
But if you’re gonna have a biblical outlet, you would have been a Pharisee.
So Paul was a Pharisee, but he’s a he saved So in acts 23 6, he’s in front of the Sanhedron kind of on trial, and he says it says Paul, Knowing that some were sadducees, and the others were Pharisees, he called out in the San Pedro.
It said my brothers I am a Pharisee descended from the Pharisees.
I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead. What’s he saying?
He didn’t say I was, and he Paul’s not gonna lie. He is a Pharisee.
And the end and he didn’t say I used to be Jewish. She said, I’m a Jew.
You know, he you know, when messiah was was asked, when are you gonna restore the kingdom to Israel?
He didn’t say guys. You don’t you know? God’s finished with Israel? Now it’s all no.
He said it’s not for you to know him, but it’s gonna happen.
In the book of Revelation, very end of the Bible, what does it what does it call Jesus?
Messiah, he calls him the lion of Judah. Lion of Judah Judah. What’s that word?
Judah is the word Jew. Judah is where you get Jew from also means praise.
I wanna I want you to know that. You can use it and worship. Try it.
Ari yahuda. Uh, too weak for that word. Ariyahuda.
Ari lion of Judah, Aria Huda, it’s not that it doesn’t say he used to be the lion of Judah, It doesn’t say he’s the lion of the Vatican or the lion of Rome.
He’s the lion of Judah. That stays forever.
So so you know, our faith didn’t stop being Jewish.
Our faith is Jewish and yet it’s for everybody.
When you come into and you’re born again, you become born again, spiritually Jewish.
So what’s with a shaved head?
Have you ever seen a painting or a statue of Paul with a shaved head, with a crew cut, never.
Never. You’ve probably never pictured him this way.
It says all who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved, not shaved, The answer as with so many things is of the new testament is in the Hebrew scriptures.
If you have your bibles, turn to number 6. If not, you can just listen. Number 6, verse 1.
Again, the lord said to Moses, speak to the children of Israel and say to them, When a man or woman makes a special vow, the vow of the Nazirite, to live as a Nazirite to the lord, Nichele abstained from wine and strong drink.
All the days of his vows of consecration, no razor, shall pass over his head.
He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled, which he lives as a Nazirite for the lord.
He shall let the locks of it his hair on his head grow long. Nazareth.
Now in Hebrew, the word is Nazir.
Don’t confuse this word with Nazarene has nothing to do with it. Nazareth or Nazir.
The Nazareth had to avoid any defilement not to touch dead. Things was part of it.
Like, the high just like the high priest had, absence from wine and strong drink and from even the even the grapes there, and abstinence from shaving He could not shave this, though, Nazareth looked hairy.
A lot of hair. Now you can picture it, depending on how long long the vow was, and it could be a lifetime about hair and beard total.
At the end of the vow, the Nazirite would present a burnt offering sin offering, peace offering, meal offering, and a drink offering at the sanctuary.
While the priest performed the sacrifice, Then the priest shall present them that says in verse 16 before the lord and offer his sin offering and burnt offering.
The Nazareth would shave his head.
Put the hair on the fire with the sacrifice of the peace offering, it would all go up to god.
The vow was complete. Women could take it as well. Servans could take it as well as well.
The Naz rights were a special people devoted to god in a special way.
And you know some of the Nazirites, even though you don’t mean it you may not know that you know them, but in the Bible, I’m gonna mention 3 of them.
Most famous one may be. Well, I don’t wanna say most famous story linked to the Nazirite vow, really, is the story of a man named Shimshan.
Shimshan, you all know Shimshan. Samson.
Samsung, which means sunshine, by the way, And he was given powers.
It said from the time that the angel spoke to his parents, and nobody had a nobody had an, like, an announcement.
Nobody had such promise as Samson except Messiah. There’s nobody else before he’s born.
You get this incredible prophecy He’ll be great. He’ll do that.
He’ll live a con he will not touch dead. Things he will live concentrated. He will not cut his hair.
The story of Samsung is of a Nazirite who totally messes up.
Everything he does, I don’t wanna say, I mean, every vow, every part of the Nazarite vow, he breaks, and that’s what it’s about.
May you know, because the Bible doesn’t tell you this is what’s but it’s there.
You know, you’re not supposed to touch dead things. Takes the jawbone dead thing. I mean, dead thing.
Not supposed to drink. He drinks. Not supposed to cut his hair. Final thing.
Once it’s gone, it wasn’t about the hair. It was about the vow.
It wasn’t really it was about the consecration to god, and it wasn’t about him being strong know, I I said this before, we always put when you picture Samson, I don’t care who you are, you picture a muscle about guy who’s lifting weights, you know, pumping up all the time.
That’s what you picture. But the Bible never says that.
In fact, if that was the case, it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be the power of god.
He probably looked like anyone. Except he was hairy.
He wet beard, long hair, probably looked like anyone, and yet when the spirit of god came on him, he became powerful.
But it was all linked to his Nazirite vow.
And when the final thing is caught literally, then it’s over. He has no power.
Who’s the next one? This comes from First Samuel, it says, and she made a vow saying, lord if you’ll only look on your servants, misery, and remember me and not forget your servant, but give her a son, then I will give him to the lord.
All the days of his life, no razor shall ever be used on his head. Who is this?
Samuel, The prophet Samuel was a Nazirite.
So and his whole life, so he was never cut his hair at all. That’s Samuel.
The one who anointed David. The one we’re going to solve.
Next one is not in the Hebrew scriptures, but it’s in the new testament.
And probably the most famous lukewarm says the angel Gabriel said to Zechariah, his father, he will be great in the sight of the lord.
He shall drink neither wine nor strong drink same thing from the Nazirite valve.
He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb. John the Baptist.
John, you know, your picture again, when I was growing up and I hear John the Baptist, I’m picturing a Baptist.
I pictured a guy who was clean-cut John guy named John the Baptist.
It was Jochenon, the immercer, and he was a Nazirite. He was a prophet.
He was a priest He was a Nazirite.
He is the embodiment of the old covenant, and that’s why he was used to usher in the new covenant.
Jonan, John the Baptist was Harry. Uh, Camille’s skin on him and Harry.
Never cut his hair his hair or beard. He, obviously, he looked apocalyptic.
Most of the movies don’t have him quite like that, but the there is 1 or 2 movies that actually now they’ve learned to put him like that.
Nazareth, abstinence, when they came to Messiah, they compared him to John. Yochenon.
They said, how come you come and your disciples drink and eat and all?
John and his disciples, they’d only they fast. He was He was a Nazirite, fasting.
And the Nazirite would be purified by water, and so John was linked to the waters of purification.
But now we have another, and that’s Paul. Paul wasn’t Nazareth for that time.
He made a vow to god Why? We don’t know.
Maybe to give thanks to god, maybe to even get more consecrated, like fasting, like we would fast.
For that period, he was definitely on Nazirite. He didn’t shave.
Paul had long hair and had long, long beard, consecrated to god in a special way.
The Nazirite was separated to god.
Interesting because Paul wrote, he said, well, when god who had separated me, in my mother’s womb, from my mother’s womb, was pleased to reveal his son, you know, he had been Paul had been separated to god from the womb.
And so but it only kicked in.
It didn’t happen until he received the lord, and then it all came in.
So then taking a Nazirite vow for Paul was very consistent because he was separated from god.
He said I know I was separated from the womb.
Now when the vow was finished, The Nazirite would go to the sanctuary, the tabernacle, in the times of the Bible, and the times of the temple, to the temple.
They would present their offering They would their hair would be shaved, their hair would be given and burned.
Paul is shaving his hair before he gets to Jerusalem.
Interesting because in the days of of Paul, the vow was modified or in in that early days, the rabbis, that if a Jew was in another land and took the Nasride vow, he could end the vow and shave wherever he was and then complete the rest of it whenever they’ve got to Jerusalem.
So it matches here. He goes to caesarea. He goes up.
He greets the brethren with his shaved head and goes then to the temple to complete the vow at the time of Passover.
The priest most likely who did it, most likely wouldn’t know it was Paul, and Paul might not have said it was Paul.
He just says I have to go through this so they they might not recognize him anyway.
They heard a many of them heard about him. This is the man who’s turning the world upside down.
And another time he goes to Temple, it causes a riot, but this time, they probably don’t know who he is.
He does it. Sacrifices are offered. His and the Nazirae vow is complete.
And all this takes placed not in the old covenant, but the new covenant. And this is Paul.
The teacher of Grace of the new covenant faith more than anybody after Messiah had to live for Messiah, live in freedom.
The one who says we are not under the law. He says no flesh is justified by the law.
The law was a tuner to lead us to Messiah, and now we’re under Messiah.
The book of Relations, you who seek to be justified by the law, you can’t do it.
It says, and yet here, he takes the Nazirite foul. Which is of the law and offers sacrifices.
And messiah’s our sacrifice. What’s this about?
The apostle of grace offering sacrifices of the law What does it tell you a few things?
Number 1, do not put god in a box. Amen.
God is bigger than whatever box you put it him in.
Even the box is as big as the universe, it’s too small for god.
Number 2, beware of neat airtight easy theologies.
You know, be be aware of these that are too clean and too all set there that some people have god tends to be able to he tends to blow our doctrines out of the water.
Doctoring is important. Theology is important. Beware of man boxing god in with them.
Beware of orthodoxies, even if if they are, quote, Christian because man tends to make all sorts of orthodoxies which are not necessarily of gone.
Think about it. Israel had a high co had a calling that was higher than was given to others so they were separated from the world.
The Levi’s were given a call that was higher than the Israelites, so they were separated from Israel.
The priests were given a calling higher than the levites, so they were separated from the levites.
The high priest was given a calling that was higher, so it was separated from the priest.
To the degree of your separation is the degree of the highest, the height of your calling.
The greater the separation, the higher the calling. The higher the calling, get that separation greater.
The one who become you become enunciate by your own choice means cut off. Cut off.
That means there are things in your life most likely that you have to cut off.
Things in your life. You it’s your choice, but you wanna go higher in god.
You want what god has. Cut off the lust. Cut off the pornography if that’s part of it.
Cut off what you’re doing if you’re living together.
Cut off whatever that cut off the flesh cut off whatever that thing you already know what it is most likely, cut off the pride, cut off the gossip, cut off the cut off the attitude, cut off whatever that is, the fleshiness, the pro cut it cut make your net make your thought life Nazir cut off to god.
Cut off those thoughts. You know the best way to deal with your thought life?
As soon as that thought comes off, that’s when you cut it off. Don’t give it time.
Don’t give it rude. Don’t give it Don’t dwell on it. Cut it off then. You’ll have the best time.
You’ll have the best victory. Any action, any habit. That’s not of god.
You already know it. Or that’s questionable, cut it off, uh, that you have a a Nazirah Nazirite heart, a heart consecrated to god, emotions to god, a heart to god, a Nazirite light life to god, Nazirite eyes that don’t look.
When they suddenly come, they look away.
That that they look to where god is and they look away from what is not god, and they don’t dwell on what’s not god.
Nasirite lips that do not speak what brings death and just and gossip they don’t do what they’re consecrated to god.
They they give life. Nazareth hands that do the will of god and refrain from anything that is not of god.
Nazareth legs that walk into the will of god and will walk away from how they’re consecrated Holy to the lord.
God Dos Shlad or not. You’re actually holy to the lord.
That’s what god wants, and that’s where the blessing is. The Nazirite was set apart belonging to god.
Paul wrote that he was set apart from the womb. You were too.
If you’re born again today, you were set apart from the womb. God knew it. God knew it.
With Paul, he wasn’t saved until he got saved, but god knew it already.
You were set apart to be god’s own vessel.
To be holy, to be to be to be strong in god, to be used for his high purposes, treat your life like a holy vessel.
Don’t don’t despise your life. Don’t don’t mistreat your life. Don’t mistreat your body. Don’t mistreat your your walk.
You are a holy vessel. You have no right to do that. You’re a holy vessel.
If a man cleanses himself from the dishonorable purposes, he will become a vessel of honor.
If you will cleanse yourself of those things you will become that. You see, because those things are hindering you.
When you cut it out, then the other things can come.
You cut out the the low purposes, the high purpose can start coming from god.
Interesting because the, you know, the crown of the high priest, you remember the high priest had a crown.
It was the in a sense, the crown of his garments. It was the crown.
And you know what it was called? It was called the Nazir. Same word as Nazareth.
Because the thing is, you know, when you consecrate yourself to god, your life becomes a holy vessel crown of god.
And on the words of that crown were the words, Khadosh Lado nye, wholly separated unto god.
That’s who you video.
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