Reversal Is Coming | Joel Osteen

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Reversal Is Coming | Joel Osteen

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We all face times where we feel like we’re at a disadvantage.
Others have more experience, more qualifications, more resources, Seems like they get the good breaks, the best positions.
It’s easy to feel overlooked and left out.
Friend told how it worked people take everyone’s opinion except his.
They see him as secondary, too young, not much to offer.
But Jesus said in Matthew, the last shall be first. God knows how to reverse the order.
He loves to promote people who are not next in line, to take those who are overlooked, discounted, and push them into their destiny.
One shift, one good break, and you’ll go from being overlooked to being in charge, from being left out to leading, from being disrespected to being honored.
Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you’re at the last, so to speak, you’re in perfect position for god to show out in your life.
The last is a setup. Being discounted is not how your story ends. A reversal is coming.
What looks permanent is only temporary. Looks like they have the upper hand. They have the advantage.
But what god has purpose for you cannot be stopped.
He didn’t create you to live at a disadvantage.
He didn’t breathe life into you to go around being overlooked.
He didn’t crown you with favor for you to be discounted.
And, yes, we all go through seasons where these things happen, but don’t think it’s permanent.
There’s going to be a reversal a shift, a suddenly where god catapulture from the back to the front, from borrowing to lending, from businesses slow to businesses booming, from no customers to get in line, we’re in the overflow.
Don’t judge your situation too soon a reversal is coming. Something uncommon.
You couldn’t have made it happen. People that were against you are now suddenly for you.
They wouldn’t give you the time of day. Now they look up to you. Your marriage looked too far gone.
You had given up on it, but suddenly a reversal. You thought your business was done.
The pandemic set you back then one shift, and suddenly things are stronger than ever.
Now get in agreement with god. No more, I’ll never get ahead.
Joel, Nobody gives me the time of day. How can I break out? Look how I was raised. No.
Turn it around. Father, thank you that a reversal is coming.
Thinking that you are shifting things in my favor, that what was meant for harm, you turn into my advantage, then I will come out stronger, healthier, promoted, honored, Don’t live with a victim mentality.
A lack mindset. I’m overlooked. I’m at a disadvantage. This is just my lot in life. No.
Your lot in life is to excel, to be the head and not the tail. Yes.
You may be the tail now, but that’s temporary, a reversal is coming. To be above and not beneath.
You may be beneath now, but above is on the way.
Good breaks, divine connections, favor that will catapult you from the last to the first.
Now, you don’t have to make this happen.
You don’t have to strive, manipulate people, force doors to open. You just keep honoring god.
Doing the right thing when it’s hard, being good to people that are not being good to you, keep smiling, praising, thanking god, you do your part and god will do his part.
Promotion doesn’t come from people. He comes from the lord. He lifts up one and sets down another.
He sees you being overlooked.
He sees when you discounted, not treated fairly, raised in a rough environment, thoughts tell you, you’ll never get ahead.
You’ll never accomplish your dreams. You’ll never have respect and honor. Don’t believe those lies.
The god we serve knows how to reverse the order. You should have been defeated.
You should have lived struggling but the reversal took place.
You went from the back to the front, from being overlooked, to being honored, from struggling to succeeding.
It may not have happened yet, but your time is coming. Your reversal is already on the schedule.
This is what happened to David He was the youngest of 8 brothers.
His father, Jesse, saw him as the least, not up to par, He didn’t have the talent, the size, the experience of these other brothers.
He discounted him and left him out.
When the prophet Samuel came to Jesse’s house to anoint one of the sons as the next king, Jesse didn’t bother to call David in.
Thought there’s no way it’s David.
If our destiny only depended on people who likes us, who believes in us, who thinks we’re talented, we’d get stuck.
Cause there will always be people that discount you leave you out. Sometimes they’re intimidated.
They don’t want you to pass them up. They’re jealous. They don’t want your gifts to come out.
They’ll try to push you down. The good news is they don’t control your destiny.
The most high god is ordering your steps. He’s working out his plan for your life.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
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