Prayer of the Day: Thursday May 16, 2024

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Prayer of the Day:

 Lord, I need Your help to move out of my past, once and for all, and into the good plan I know You have for me. The thing is, I can’t do it without a lot of help from You. Thank You in advance for Your help, amen.

Today may this Thursday morning bring you God’s blessing. May He shower His love upon you, so that all throughout the day you will walk with joy and peace in your heart.

1 15

Heavenly Father, here I am beginning a new day that you have given me through your infinite mercy.

Father, at the start of this day, I want to offer you all my joy. I want all my actions to praise only you. I entrust all my projects to you; the blessings you give me are my joy, my greatest gift. On this beautiful morning, I read my simple prayer to praise you above all things.

To you, all honor and blessings, for you are an exceptional being with no limits, with no missteps.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for today. Come and rule my life, for your plans are perfect. Show me the path I should take today, and I will obey. You are my strength, my vigor, my defense against the enemy. Today, I want to thank you for all the gifts and blessings in my life. I ask you to fill me with strength and courage to continue fighting each day.

Lord, I want my life to reflect all the love you know is in me so that all my brothers and sisters around me can come to know you.

2 15

Lord, I know I can face any situation, but I ask you to always be by my side because you know I am weak and that without you, I cannot overcome. Stay with me, my Lord, so that when I am about to fall, you will hold me up. Guide me when I am about to fail so I can make the right decisions. Today, I want to feel your light illuminating my life, brightening all the darkness within me. Give me the strength to fight and not give up in difficult situations. Give me confidence, so I do not feel alone but feel the help I need to not falter.

Lord, thank you because you manifest your power in my life once again; you are the most precious to me. Lord, I just want to thank you this morning for all the blessings you have given me and will continue to give me, as they have left a mark on my life, transforming me into a new person and a worthy disciple of yours.

Lord, in you, I find my joys. In you, I find the hope that motivates me to continue battling and helps me move forward through tribulations. You are the owner of everything. That is why I am not afraid, nor do I believe anyone can harm me because I am confident that whoever trusts in you will overcome all the hard experiences they have to face.

Lord, I want you to dwell in my heart and fill me with mercy and love. Do not let me fall into sin today; stay by my side so I can emerge victorious over temptations. Heavenly Lord, I believe and trust in your power. I hope you will do good things for all who believe in you and wait on you.

My life is in your hands, and I want to live always for you. From now on, thank you for all the blessings you will give me today! Blessed God, grant me your holy protection on this new day so that the enemy’s snares have no place in my life.

Amen. I will raise my prayers today for all my neighbors going through some adversity so they may find in God the support they need. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

The Lord is God; He illuminates us. Organize a procession with branches up to the corners of the altar. Psalm 117.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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