Rootfulness & Fruitfulness – The Secrets Of Success | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Rootfulness & Fruitfulness – The Secrets Of Success | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn explores the correlation between faith & works. God working through you vs you working for God. We must remain rooted in God.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

The secret of a powerful walk Messiah was god in man. When you do it from faith.
With all your heart, god is doing it through you.
It’s a lot of believers, your branches, but you’re not taking time to be against the tree, to be with the tree.
So what’s happening? What happens if a branch is not connected to the tree it dies. It withers.
It can’t produce much. It starts growing dead.
Well, if you don’t if you’re not plugged into god, if you’re not taking that time you’re eventually gonna spiritually die.
And what happens what happens if a branch is receiving, but not producing, well, something’s wrong with that branch.
It’s gonna stop. So there it is again, but receiving.
Assad, doing. And for the branch, it’s not 5050. Okay.
Half the time I’m gonna be receiving half the time I’m gonna be producing fruit. No. It’s a 100% receiving.
A 100% producing. Why it’s the same river. It’s the same flow.
What’s flowing in flowing in is flowing out. That’s the that’s the fruitful life. That’s it.
It said work out your salvation because it’s god working. It’s working in me, and I’m working out on it.
What it means? What does that mean?
It means that every true work that you’re gonna do from god Don’t try to do it on your own.
That’s what we naturally go right into because we’re doing all sorts of things, and we think we’re gonna do that too.
So now I’m gonna do this from this. Well, then it’s not plugged in. I’m just trying to produce it.
There’s no flow on to produce something from nothing. There’s no flow.
But the fruitful life is what has first flowed have flowed in is now flowing out.
That means every true work of god that comes out of your life is real.
Everything, every true thing you do, every good work is really god’s work that just flowed out of you.
It flowed into you, but now it flowed out of you.
So it’s counted as you’re aware but it’s god’s work.
So every good work has to come like a fruit that has just flown right through you.
Every good work, whatever you Whether you’re preaching, whether you’re teaching, whether you’re helping out, whether cleaning a sanctuary serving food, doing computers, giving, blessing somebody, It’s all gotta be part of that river, part of that flow.
It is the outflowing of god’s inflow. The outflow is the inflow at the other side.
It all goes together. So your faith has to be in proportion to your actions and your actions to your faith.
In other words, if you got great faith, but you’re not producing great things for god, there’s a disconnect.
There’s waste There’s something that’s not happening. There’s a disconnect there.
And if you’re doing a lot of great things, but you’re not spending time in god’s presence, there’s a disconnect there’s gonna be waste because what you’re doing, what are you doing anyway?
It’s not if it’s not coming from god. So we need both.
If one exceeds the other that’s where you get the the the the part that’s not gonna be fruitful.
That’s the part that’s not gonna be that’s gonna be wasted, or to put it another way I’ve I’ve put it this way.
Your fruitfulness in your life, your fruitfulness will not exceed your rootfulness.
Did you just remember that? Put on your bumper sticker. Just remember that.
You wanna do greater works, then you want greater branches. You want farther branches.
Then you need deeper roots. You need that you’re you in you in god.
Your time with him. Your receiving of him is crucial.
To flow, but not to stop there in your quiet time. It’s not quiet time.
And then my other time, it’s that’s to flow in.
And what does this reveal about what is first. Which one is first? Which is first?
The fruits or the roots? The roots. Which is first the fruit or the branch.
The the or or the the branch, it the the part that’s plugged in is first.
The seed begins, not in the sky, it begins in the earth with roots.
The answer is the plugged in part is first. The root is part is first then comes that.
So the first part is is the time with god is trustees receiving of god, then comes that.
So even notice how it says that in the scripture right here, it’s right there. What’s first?
Do and trust? No. Trust and do. You don’t work for faith, you let faith work in you.
No. You know, the verses right there, so there it is.
So the first thing I have to set my mind, my heart on is not doing for god.
Even though that’s part of it, you could it’s a good thing to wanna do for god and do have good, but that’s not the first thing.
The first thing is receiving from god.
Faith is first and trust is first and receiving is first, and be with god as first.
Being with god as first because what was the most holy place in the temple, the holy of Holy’s right in his god’s presence?
The the the the the the where they did all the stuff outside with all the sacrifices, that wasn’t as holy as being with god.
To it, you know, it had to do it, but it had to come from god.
It’s not one or the other. It’s not even faith plus works.
It’s faith becoming the actually becoming the work. One flow. Everything starts with god.
Every good thing has gotta start with god. That’s why that’s gotta be first. Not what you do.
Whatever starts with you, not gonna work, but what starts with god is gonna be forever. That’s it.
What starts with god is eternal? So what is salvation? Your salvation? I’m saved.
Is it 50% me and 50% god? No. It’s not. What is salvation?
What’s what’s the word for salvation in Hebrew? Yes,hua. What is also yes,hua?
The name, basically, the name of Messiah.
So Messiah is gonna tell you he’s gonna get through that just right there.
He’s gonna reveal to you the secret of everything there. Messiah, is he 50% man and 50% god? No.
He’s a 100% man and a 100% god. What does that tell you?
It tells you that your salvation is a 100% god and a 100% you, not that you came up with it, not that you can do anything at all.
It’s all from god by you, but it’s gotta go all through you. God and man, 100%.
It says know, and which was first with Messiah? Which when was he first? Was he first man?
No. First god. God is first, then man. The branch going at flowing this way.
And it says, love the lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
So I mean, now I mean, the your whole being, it’s totally god, but it’s gonna be a total, totally come to you, totally, you’re being put together.
Salvation isn’t you here and god there. It’s you and god together. That’s what our salvation is.
It says in the Bible, we are his fellow workers. And the Greek word there is Suneghos.
Try it. There’s no. You should thank me for that. It’s Greek.
Greek has a little bit of that too. Sooner goals, what does that sound like something? Sooner goes Synergy.
We have a word in English, so which means what does it mean?
It means working together or energy soon together, ergo’s energy together energy. Energy has 1.
It would say it’s saying the energy of salvation in your life, everything that you do, that’s gonna be good comes to the inter dis energy, which is god’s energy, but now through you.
So that’s me. What does it mean?
If you say say I really But but I this is something I really want.
I want I wanna do great things for God that it’s not God. No. God is in that too.
God is in your God, you and you might say, I want this for god. I want that.
That can be god flowing through you. It’s not that it’s not god. If you’re letting god move on you.
Now if it’s a flash, it’s a different story, but that is the spirit moves that way too. Love him.
It’s it’s not to it’s not to talk sitting back and doing it.
It’s so not it’s a passionate faith, but it but the all the good comes from god.
Same energy as god. The secret of a powerful walk Messiah was god in man.
When you do it from true faith, With all your heart, god is doing it through you.
When you’re witnessing and words come out and you say, wow. That how did I say that?
You said it because you were open to god. You you did his will. You said, okay, god.
I’m obeying now. I’m gonna spread the word.
And all of a sudden, you started saying things that you said, wow. I’m not that smart.
It was god. It was a Tsunegos. It was god. It was the branch. That’s what happened.
That’s why there’s something so great sometimes when you’re just ministering and you’re in the flow.
You’re on a mission, you’re in the flow, or you’re sharing the gospel, and there’s a flow.
It’s like a waterfall coming through you because that’s the flow of god.
You’re gonna get that as you do the will of god from god.
That’s to not do the will of god, but do it from god.
You’re living in the outflow of his living. You’re moving in the in in in his moving.
That’s the thing. You’re loving in his loving. He’s loving through your loving. You’re speaking, but it’s him speaking.
You’re carrying it. Oh, it’s not you. Fruit does not come from the branch alone.
It own the branch tries to do it without the tree. Nothing.
But when the branch is plugged in, it becomes a vessel that the tree flow the life of the tree flows through it.
So that’s the key also fruitful life is that you set your heart this year.
I’m gonna be a vessel of god. I’m gonna be a vessel through which god’s blessings are to come.
And that’s therefore, I’m not gonna seek to produce all these things.
I’m gonna seek to be a vessel through which god flows. The god is flowing through my life.
That, you know, that is the greatest experience, anyway.
When you’re in god and whatever you’re doing, you’re talking and it’s god flowing. You’re singing and it’s god flowing.
You’re you’re at you’re doing something. You’re blessing somebody, and it’s god. You’re giving it its god flowing.
Whatever you’re do you’re doing it, and you’re choosing to do it, but it’s god flowing. God flowing.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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