Pressing Past Negative Feelings-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

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Pressing Past Negative Feelings-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

In this empowering teaching session titled “Pressing Past Negative Feelings,” Joyce Meyer shares insights on overcoming negative emotions and pressing forward towards God’s purpose. With wisdom and authenticity, she encourages viewers to embrace spiritual maturity, make right choices amidst pain, and prioritize obedience over fleeting feelings. Join Joyce Meyer on this transformative journey towards healing and fulfillment.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Pressing in the things and through things is a very important principle that we must understand if we’re ever going to be who god wants us to be, do what he wants us to do, and have what he wants us to have.
God has got a job for you every single one of us has an assignment from god.
And, uh, probably most of you don’t know what yours is, but You have one.
And for most of you, do you know what it is?
It’s just to get out in the world and be an example.
It’s not for most of you, it’s not to go to the Mission Field.
It’s not to be up here.
It’s not, you know, to be a great singer or it it’s just to get out in the world, live your Monday through Sunday life, and just be an example, be a pattern that people can follow.
What the world needs is to see real Christians being Christians.
And like Ginger said earlier, if you had any idea how amazing you are.
I mean, really and truly how mean, I was thinking about this the other day that god took his own hand and fashioned and formed us The Amplify Bible says intricately and carefully in our mother’s wounds.
You are not a mistake. There’s not something wrong with you because you’re not like somebody else.
You’re not supposed to be like somebody else, and you’re not weird, you’re unique. Amen?
Wishing does nothing for us.
Well, I wish I had well, I wish I was out of debt.
Well, I wish I could lose some weight.
I wish. My closet was cleaned out.
We don’t need wishbone. We need backbone.
Wine is made by putting grapes through a press, and wine often represents power in the Bible.
For example, the Bible says new wine cannot be put into old wineskins, which really means new power cannot be given to someone who is hanging on to old ways.
If I was still hanging on to my old religious ways, I wouldn’t have the freedom that I have now, and you always need to be open to new things.
Nothing outside of the word of god but you don’t ever get the idea that you know at all.
And there’s nothing that you have that you can learn.
And no matter what denomination you’re from, yours is not the one that has it all right. Amen?
We’re gonna be surprised, I think when we get to heaven, to find out none of us were alright.
The past is like a magnet.
Trying to draw you back all the time.
And god always wants us going forward.
If you were supposed to be looking back all the time you’d have eyes in the back of your head, not just the front of your head.
We press close to get wrinkles out of them, and Jesus is coming back for a church without spot, blaming your wrinkle.
Matthew 71314.
Enter through the narrow gate For why it is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads a way to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it.
The wide gate, you know why many enter there? Cause that’s easy.
It doesn’t take any effort. You got lots of company on the wide road.
It’s easy to walk on. You can do what you want to, do what you feel like.
Take all your fleshly baggage with you. There’s room for all that. But the gate is narrow.
I look here. Contracted by pressure.
And the way is straightened and compressed that leads a way to life and few are those who find it.
You know, even among preachers, we all have something I think that we’re especially called by god to focus on.
And for me, it’s always been spiritual maturity.
It’s always wanting to help the believer mature and be transformed into the image of Christ so they can really enjoy the life that Jesus died to give them.
He didn’t die for us just so we could someday go to a sweet buy and buy and live in our nice little mansion in heaven.
I’m looking forward to that, looking forward to eternity, the end with god, the older I get, the more I look forward to it.
But how many of you wanna enjoy the journey?
And how many of you wanna be fruit fruitful on the journey?
You wanna take a few people with you.
Let’s don’t just be around people all the time and let them go to hell by the dozens, but let’s be an example to people and give them, let’s be the kind of people that are salty.
The Bible says we’re salt and white. And salt makes you thirsty.
So if we’re good and salty, then other people are gonna get thirsty for what we have. Amen?
Tonight in particular, I wanna talk about pressing past the pain of negative emotions.
Anybody ever have any motion that keeps you from doing what you should be doing?
Yeah. Feelings? Why those feelings? They’re abundant, aren’t they?
I feel one way one day and another way the next day and One way if I, I mean, a lot of you to tonight, you feel like coming and being here all day tomorrow.
But if you wake up in the morning and don’t feel like it, then what are you gonna do?
I can watch your own television Monday morning.
But you know what?
You’ll miss something that god wants you to have.
And we absolutely must begin to do what we know we should do rather we feel like it or not.
Amen? Matter of fact, I wanna suggest to you tonight that you stop paying so much attention to how you feel.
Just don’t don’t bother asking yourself. How do I well, how do I feel about this?
Somebody asked me a few years back.
How do you feel about all the traveling that you have to do to be in ministry?
And I, you know, it took me back for a minute, and I thought I said, you know what?
I haven’t asked myself in a long time. You know why?
Because if I did, I wouldn’t feel too good about it.
The the more you pay attention to how you feel, the more you’re going to not walk according to god’s will for your life.
Matter of fact, if I did what I felt like doing, you know, I might not even show up sometimes.
But do you know that I’ve never missed one of my meetings?
In 45 years, I’ve never left the stage to go to the bathroom.
I mean, do you ever think about things like that?
You know, people people out there, they get up and run to the bathroom and get up and run and get drink a water.
They don’t care who they’re disturbing around them or whether it bothers a preacher or not. I never leave.
I don’t get to go anywhere. What about you pastor Tommy?
Do you ever have to go to the bathroom when you’re up here?
We just can’t always do what we feel like doing, and we need to stop doing that because that’s part of that soulish nature that has to die so Christ can live in us and take that space that belongs to him.
Courageous people and people desperate for change will press and press and press and press until they get the desired result.
And I can tell you, I’m not and this is not a put down to me yet, but I’m not especially talented.
I’m really pretty normal. But I’ll tell you one thing that I’ve got going for me, I am bullheaded.
They were reminding me the other day of a conference that we went to Cambodia to do where we were.
Somebody. Yeah. And, um, they, um, the people got in the building And the worship team was in there, but then somebody got the power turned off, and there was an it was an electric gate, and so I couldn’t get in.
They were all in and I couldn’t get in.
And so the devil thought that he had ruined the meeting And I said, isn’t there any way you can get me in there?
My son said, well, not unless you wanna jump up on the trash, can and jumped the fence.
I said, let’s go. And they hoisted me up on this big trash container outside, and I climbed up on that fence.
And went over on the other side, and some of the guys caught me on the other side.
Um, didn’t have any power, so I preached through a bullhorn, And, uh, they said that that did more for the city than if the power would have been on and I would have got in the normal way.
Because they actually saw somebody press through.
I mean, how can we be full of the Holy Spirit and be such wimps?
Right? No. I can’t do that. That’s too hard.
There’s nothing too hard for god, and he’s in us.
Oh, there’s so many things that we need to pressure.
I want you to go to Philippians chapter 3.
Beginning in verse 10.
This is from the Amplified Bible, and I we’re gonna we’re gonna take this a little slow.
I really want you to to see this. This is Paul.
He said, now my determined purpose is that I may know him Wow.
He didn’t say my determined purpose is to have a new camel or a new donkey or a bigger tent.
Can I tell you the truth?
We really there’s nothing wrong with asking god for what you want and need.
But we don’t have to spend very much time at all asking god for things because the Bible says plainly, if you seek him first, He will add all the things.
We need to be going for a stronger relationship with god not any more of something else that we’ve already got more of than what we know what to do with.
For my determined purpose. He said, I’m determined to know him.
That I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with him.
Perceiving and recognizing and understanding how wonderful He is.
And that I may understand it more strongly and more clearly and that I may and that same way come to know the power outflowing from his resurrection, which it exerts over believers, You won’t like this part.
And so that I’m that I may so share his sufferings, suffering.
I know that’s not a popular word, but it is a Bible word.
You saw, I thought Jesus died to deliver us from our suffering. Yeah.
They’re he he died to deliver us from our sin.
We don’t have to suffer the effects of sin, but we will have to suffer in the flesh, and I’m not talking about sickness and disease and tragedies.
That’s that’s not the thing I’m I’m talking about.
If you’re gonna die to self and live for Christ, let me tell you something.
While god was trying to teach me how to be a submissive wife, my flesh had real pain.
I’m in pain that I could feel.
How many of you know what I’m talking about? Alright?
You know, even if it’s something as simple as not having the last word in an argument, If you’re and you know, the Holy Spirit’s telling you just If you obey him, your flesh is gonna hurt.
And that’s the kind of suffering that Paul’s talking about here.
And he says that that I might so share his sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into his likeness, even to his death, he’s saying, See, the Bible says we are predestined to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
But to be predest and doesn’t mean that it’s gonna happen no matter what you do.
That means that that’s god’s will. That’s what he has arranged for.
And because he’s arranged for it, it can happen if we do our part.
And so we can’t back off from the hard parts because if we do, we’re never gonna get through to the finish.
Do you honestly think that I can stand here after 45 years of doing this?
Without having gone through a lot of things that have been very difficult and hard, of course not.
Still don’t ever sit out there and die. I wish I had a ministry like Joyceann.
Well, do you wanna do what I did to get it?
Don’t be jealous as some what somebody else has got if you don’t wanna do what they did to get it.
Amen? That I may be continually transformed in spirit, into his likeness, even to his death, in the hope, that if possible, I may attain to the spiritual and moral resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead even while I’m in the body.
Now you know what that means? He said, look, I want I wanna know Christ.
I wanna be like him. I wanna I wanna have that same resurrection power.
So when I have problems and trouble and turmoil, There’s a place where I can be lifted above that.
You see, we don’t we can be lifted above these things.
It’s almost like the the eagle when they’re in a storm, the down dry from the storm kicks them up above the storm, and they just fly around up there in the good space and look down at the storm.
Well, that’s the way god wants us to be. He wants us to be the same way.
The Bible says they that wait upon the lord’s shower and knew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles They shall run and not be weary.
They shall walk, and they shall not faint.
We are not supposed to let our troubles take us down, we’re supposed to stand up to them and say, no.
You’re not going to defeat me. No. You’re not gonna defeat me. I’m not gonna quit.
I’m not gonna give up. Jesus died for me to have a life that I could enjoy and I am going to have it.
Not that I have Now attain this.
He said, I’m I’m not there yet.
I have already been made perfect, but I press I press on to lay hold of grasp and make my own that for which Christ Jesus the Messiah has laid hold of me and made me his own.
Why did Jesus die for you? Why did he take hold of you?
What what is his will for your life? He wants you to know who you are in Christ?
He wants you to Of course, go to heaven when you die and live in eternity with him, but he wants you to have a good life while you’re here.
And and if the only we can have a good day is when we have no problems, we are not gonna have very many good days.
I got a lot more message, and I’ve got night.
I know that. Psalm 941213 blessed happy, fortunate, and to be envied is the man whom you discipline and instruct, oh, lord, and teach out of your law.
Now watch that you may give him power to keep himself calm in the days of adversity.
So in other words, god is gonna discipline us.
You know what that means?
He’s gonna teach us by whatever means he has to use to teach us.
How many of you just wish your kids would listen to you when you tell them something.
Because if they would listen, when you tell them and then you wouldn’t have to take it to another level.
Well, it got the same way.
If you would just listen if you would just read the book and do what it says, we wouldn’t have to go through all this.
But, no, we gotta have it the hard way. Okay.
Have it the hard way. But I’m gonna keep working with you and keep working on you until I can work through you.
Hey, man. Did you hear me?
God’s gonna keep working on you until he can work through you.
Because you have an assignment from god, and it’s to affect other people.
And you you can affect other people not even open your mouth. So you don’t need to be afraid.
Oh, I I can’t preach. I can’t tell, you know, you You can preach a much louder sermon and never say a word just by living the life.
That you’re supposed to live in front of people.
What do you think happens when I had this happen to me.
I bought a pair of shoes, and I was looking at the purse.
Wanna get it, didn’t wanna get it. Finally decided not to get the purse.
So I paid for the shoes, and when I got home, I had the purse in the bag.
I didn’t put it in there. The clerk put it in there.
So now I can’t be one of those stupid Christians that say, well, god was just trying to bless me.
No. No. No. No. No. The devil’s testing you.
And god may use it as an opportunity to test you to see what you’ll do.
You’re gonna keep it. Are you gonna get in your car and use your time and your gas money to go back and fix their mistake?
Well, when I took that purse back, the clerk said, Man, we never have anybody do this.
And that’s when you have an opportunity if you’re bold enough to say, well, I’m a Christian and I certainly couldn’t steal it.
So I brought it back.
Let’s look at the scripture again in Philipp. Not that I’ve already attained it.
I’ve not arrived, but I press on to lay hold of and take hold of those things for which Christ Jesus died to take hold of me.
Verse 13, I do not consider brethren that I have captured and made it my own yet.
Yet. But one thing I do I love this.
It is my one aspiration for getting what lies behind.
And pressing says straining forward.
To those things, which are ahead.
I press on toward the goal to win the supreme and the heavenly prize to which god in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.
Now Probably people don’t usually go on to this, but I think this is important.
So let those of us who are spiritually mature and full grown have the same mind and hold these same convictions.
So what are you saying?
He’s saying anybody who is spiritually mature should be able to let go of the things that are behind and press on to the things that are ahead.
That means if you send on the way to church, I don’t know.
Maybe you used a dirty word at another driver.
Maybe you fought all the way here with the person you came with. I don’t know.
Well, you’re not gonna get a thing out of what I say if you sit there all night and feel guilty, I don’t care if it’s letting go of something 5 minutes ago or letting go of something 20 years ago.
We need to let go of the past.
And I’m gonna talk to you more about that tomorrow, so I’m not gonna I’m not gonna do any more of that.
But isn’t it interesting that he said the spiritually mature?
Baby Christians are the ones that hang on to every little mistake that they make and mourn over it and grieve over it.
Jesus died, so we didn’t have to do that. So we could repent. Turn around.
I’m not gonna live like that anymore, god.
You probably will do it again, but then you get to turn around.
Do it again. You know, we’ve all been hurt. There’s nobody in here that hasn’t been hurt.
You know, my story, I was sexually abused by my father.
I was trying to think the other day what what my first memory was as a child.
And I was even kind of surprised self, the first thing I ever remember is being afraid of my dad.
He was just mean. Just mean.
And He had a spirit of lust.
That didn’t just affect me, but anybody they he got around.
And not here to tell that story tonight, but by the time he got finished with me, I was a mess, and he didn’t He controlled me with fear.
Just fear. I was so afraid of him And I went to a couple different people, an aunt and uncle and somebody else in the family, and they didn’t want to get involved.
And so I just remember saying, okay.
Nobody’s gonna help me. I’m gonna survive this. Now listen.
And I said, said to myself, as soon as I’m eighteen, and I graduate from high school.
I’m leaving home. I’m getting out of here, and I’m gonna get a job, and I’m gonna take care of myself.
And I am never gonna ask anybody for anything.
Well, I made a few promises to myself that I had to undo later on in life.
But I decided that I was gonna make it through it. Come on.
You can’t make it through anything if you don’t decide you’re going to.
You have to make a decision. Don’t stop using that. I can’t stand this.
I can’t do this. This is too much. I can’t stand this. I can’t take this.
I can’t take this one more day.
God will never put more on us than what we can bear, but with every 10 He will always provide the way out a safe escape to a landing place.
And I don’t know what some of you are going through, but I know enough about people to know that probably some in this room tonight, there’s probably some pretty awful things going on behind the scenes.
It may be your kids that are in trouble.
It may be a married marriages that are in trouble.
It may be things from your past that you’ve never dealt with.
And and, yes, when you think about everything you’re gonna have to go through to face all those issues and deal with them, it can be pretty daunting.
It is kinda like, But do you wanna live with the pain forever, or do you wanna start getting well?
Now I’m gonna just I I’ve got a few things to say that I think are very important.
So listen to this. Here comes one of them.
We have to start making right choices while we’re still hurting.
Gonna pause and let you think about that for a minute.
Whoever said that you have to feel like doing what’s right to do it How many people do you think there are in here are watching by television that are mad at somebody and they won’t forgive them?
Because it they don’t feel like it.
You Joyce, you don’t know what they did to me. Doesn’t matter.
And I don’t say it doesn’t matter because I don’t care. God said, you forgive.
And Satan gains more ground in the lives of believers through unforgiveness than any other single thing.
That’s his favorite thing. Is to get you mad at somebody to cause division between us, division between nations, division between races, vision and marriages division between siblings.
He wants to divide us so we have no power.
And each one of us has to make a decision that we are not going to stay mad at somebody.
In every message that I preach and probably always will because I’m not joking when I say it’s the single biggest problem we have in the church.
Angry people who won’t won’t forgive.
And you don’t have to feel you know, love is not a feeling.
Is the decision you’d make about how you’re gonna treat somebody. Yes.
And forgive I mean, you you can pray to forgive somebody, and, you know, you probably won’t feel any different about them.
And so then you assume you didn’t forgive them, but really, god’s just asking you to do your part.
You say, god, I want to forgive. I want to be obedient to you.
And I forgive them, and then you start praying for them, which is what the Bible says to do.
God says, bless and do not curse them, and and to bless means to speak well of and to curse means to speak evil of.
So you gotta quit telling everybody what they did to you. Come on.
This is just a little short lesson.
And If they need help, you help them.
And Oh, I just got ahold of this one 2 weeks ago.
Gosh. I thought, god, how deep are we gonna go?
And if they have something bad happen in their life and you’re kinda happy about it, Listen to this.
The Bible says that your sin is worse than what they did to you.
I got one lady out here that claps when I say good stuff, but you know, And, you know, I mean, I’ve done it.
Well, they got what they deserve.
I know you’d get yours sooner or later.
And the Bible says that My sin is is greater than what they did to me.
And I’m like, well, you’re just not gonna let us wiggle out of this any way, shape, or form, are you?
We gotta pray for them, love them, not talk bad about them, help them if they’re in trouble, and we can’t even be happy Well, I’ll tell you, David had a different deal than we did.
He said, god break their teeth in their mouth.
You gotta go look at some of the stuff David said about his enemies.
I don’t know what happened between Psalms and Matthew, but it’s your I know what happened. Jesus happened, amen.
And see, he came with a whole different message.
You love the lord your god with all your hearts, soul, mind, and strength, and you love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Two things god’s asking for us. Faith and love. Trust him. Love people.
If we do that, we don’t have to be concerned about anything else.
So we have only 3 choices. You can decide to map which tonight which one you want.
You can press past your pain now and start doing what you know you should do whether you feel like it or not.
You can press past the pain later and be miserable until then.
Or you can keep the pain forever.
Well, you know, this is one of those Alchhoualuya messages.
You know what? That is?
A woman told me one time after I preach something probably similar to this.
She said, man, that message tonight about every other word you said, I was going ouch.
Ouch. Oh. But she said, I know a year from now, I’ll be going hallelujah Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Amen?
How many of you think that you can do what’s right, whether you feel like it or not?
Oh, this is funny.
Maybe ten people put their hand up big.
A few more did this, and then they were kinda like not sure.
I’m gonna let you go home till you get this.
You can do what is right whether you feel like it or not.
Now one of my things used to be when Dave made me mad, my walls went up and I was not gonna talk to him.
Shutting you out. You won’t hurt me again.
Anybody else ever done that?
Well, now as soon as the wall gets about halfway built, god makes me take it down.
And then he makes me talk to him You say, well, how does he make you?
Well, he doesn’t really make me, but I love god, and I wanna do what he wants me to do.
And then And Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey me. Did you hear me?
Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey me. He didn’t say if you feel like it.
He said, if you love me, you will obey me.
He did not say, if you obey me, I will love you.
He has already decided to love us while we were still yet in sin.
And we are to respond to that great gift that he’s given us by walking in obedience to him, whether it feels good or it doesn’t.
Amen? You have to have the right mindset.
You gotta set your mind. How about doing that? How about setting your mind tonight?
I don’t I’m not I’m not not gonna live by high feel anymore.
I’m gonna live on the other side of my feelings.
I’ve got a good book on living beyond your feelings.
Matter of fact, I got a good book on everything because I had every problem that you could possibly have.
I think Dave’s been married to 20 different women because I’ll change a little, and then he’s got a different wife.
Then I’ll change some more. He’s got a different wife. Now he’s got a really good wife.
He’s down there.
He turned a pen and said, what’d she say?
And I’ve got a microphone on.
He tells me that he hears fine that I mumble.
Set your mind and keep it set on things above, on right things.
You know, don’t don’t think about everything that’s wrong with your kids.
How about thinking about a few things that’s right with them? Remember you one of them.
Don’t think about everything that’s wrong with that person you married to.
You beg god to give you somebody. Now you got them.
And, you know, if you really don’t want them, there’s probably some lonely man or woman that would take them off your hands.
Think about the good things.
Set your mind and keep them set on things that are above. Okay.
Here, we’re gonna have another one of these Ichi scriptures. This is Ichi scripture night.
1st, Peter, 4 12 Amplified.
So since Christ suffered in the flesh.
I wanna wait till they get it up there because I want you to see it.
1st Peter, 4, 12. 1st Peter, 4 12. 1st Peter, 4 12.
There you go. So since Christ suffered in the flesh, far us and far you, arm yourselves with the same thought and purpose patiently to suffer rather than fail to please god.
For whoever has suffered in the flesh, and I’m talking about dying to self.
I’m not talking about Like I said, I’m not talking about disasters.
I’m talking about just being willing to die to self.
He said, I I’ve set my mind See, it’s so important to set your mind.
Yeah. Have a talk with yourself.
Like, Mike and Penny fly in a little bit before we do, and they get get us checked into the hotel.
And get some things ready.
So we can pay attention to this stuff when we get here, and so I always ask Penny.
What the hotel’s like. And she was kinda quiet for a minute. She said, it’s spacious.
I said, uh-oh. What else is it like?
She said, um, it’s rustic.
Well, see, I already knew I was in trouble.
So I prayed before I got there. God, please.
Help me not to complain about anything in that room because I am just thrilled to be here and that you let me do this.
Amen. I set my mind before I got to the hotel room.
That I wasn’t gonna let it make me unhappy. Amen?
You can set your mind in the morning.
I am not gonna let anybody or anything make me unhappy today.
Because the joy of the lord is my strength. Is this helping anybody?
Alright. Patiently to suffer rather than fail to please god.
For whoever has suffered in the flesh having the mind of Christ, is done with intentional sin has stopped pleasing himself and the world and now pleases god.
So then you can no longer spend the rest of your natural life living by his human appetites and desires, but now he lived for what god for god’s will.
The Bible says that Jesus endured the cross for the joy of the prize that was on the other side.
And that’s what I’m proposing that we all do.
We endure these things for the reward that’s laid up for those who are willing to pay the price to mature spiritually so they can be usable, material for god.
Vessels fit for the master’s use. Amen? Amen. Are you understanding me?
It’s time to get rid of our pacifiers, our baby bottles, Dave and I have a three and a half year old grandson.
He’s the youngest one out of the 12. And he says, to his parents.
I don’t like it when you tell me no.
I thought, well, at least he’s telling how he feels early.
I don’t like it when you tell me no and then he will repeat back to them things that they’ve said to him.
He will say, you need to be more patient with me.
Or or how about this one? You’re being rude.
Because, you know, they’ve told him, you know, you’re you’re being rude.
Well, you know, that’s cute at 3a half.
But it’s not cute at 50.
It’s not cute when you’ve been in the church 15 years.
But I’ll tell you, I need to come here more often.
Trying to figure out where I wanna go from here.
You know, just a just a small list of the types of of feelings that we need to live on the other side of.
What about this feeling that I gotta please people all the time?
Keep everybody happy. Anybody tired of being a people pleaser?
Don’t don’t give up your life to keep somebody else happy.
That won’t keep a relationship with you if you don’t let them control you.
What is the absolute worst thing that can happen if you stand up to them?
They’re not gonna want anything to do with you anymore.
Well, don’t care very much about you anyway if the only way they’re gonna have a relationship with you is if they can control you.
Love is not controlling people. God doesn’t control people.
Everybody needs to have freedom.
And not only that, you’ll miss your destiny if you if you spend your time trying to please people.
Amen? Galatians 110, Paul said, now am I seeking the approval of man or of god, or am I trying to please man?
If I were still trying to please man, I would not now be an apostle of the lord Jesus Christ.
He said, I would have missed my destiny.
I would have missed my calling if I would have been trying to please people.
How about, living on the other side of the pain of being misunderstood.
Uh, you know, that to me, that’s a hard thing.
You know, when when you’re just doing the best, you know, how to do and people just don’t get you.
Are they think things about you that just aren’t true or say things about you?
That aren’t true. And, you know, we can judge sin.
We should judge sin, but we’re not supposed to judge people because we don’t know their heart.
There’s a scripture that says that he expected that his brethren would understand that he had been called to deliver the people, but they did not understand.
Well, you know, I started thinking, and, you know, really when god called me to preach I I I was just so tickled and so happy, and I thought everybody would be happy for me.
And you know what? They weren’t.
They had plenty they had plenty to say about why I couldn’t do it.
First one I heard was what? You’re a woman. Well, you know?
I had mentioned that to god too.
I said, you know, I’m a woman.
You think he didn’t know that?
I don’t know.
Maybe god would have given the job to a man if he could have found one to take it. God.
I don’t know. You know, all I’ve done for 45 years is work, but I’ve enjoyed it.
I can’t stand to waste my life.
And, you know, if if Jesus would take me home tomorrow, I’ve had a good ride, and I’ve helped a lot of people.
I’ll tell you one thing I will not die with is regret.
Amen? Amen. But people didn’t understand me.
They didn’t I mean, we lost friends. We got asked to leave our church. I mean, it was painful.
It was a very hard time, but now I’m on the other side of that.
And I had a few farms now.
At least a handful, anyway.
I’ll take that. Thank you.
See, the Bible tells us over and over that god is a rewarder.

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