Right and Wrong Mindsets | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Right and Wrong Mindsets | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

You have what it takes to overcome! On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares a message that will help you deal with issues that are easier to ignore.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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Well, I’m not gonna lie to you. I don’t have a message.
It’s gonna make all your problems disappear, but I do have one that can change you so radically that you won’t care.
Amen? And that’s the point.
We keep trying to get god to change our problems, and he wants to change us.
I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
You know, the Israelites procrastinated for 18 years about something god had told them to do.
He had told them to build his house, And for 18 years, they put it off because they were busy building their own houses.
This story is found in Haggai.
And I’m not gonna read you the whole thing to save time, but let me just read you a little bit of it.
Thus says, the lord of post, post, These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the lord.
And they amplified. It says, although god ordered it done 18 years previously.
Then the word of the lord came by the hand of Hagye, the prophet. Now, listen.
Just listen. So they’re praying like, what’s wrong, god? I don’t understand what’s wrong.
Every time I get a little something, somebody takes it and I so god sent them a word.
You want to know what’s wrong here it comes?
Is it time for you to dwell on your paneled houses while my house lies in ruins?
Now, therefore, thus says the lord of hosts, consider your ways.
You have so much and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough.
You drink, but you never have your fill. Your clo you clothe yourselves, but you never get warm.
And he who earns wages does so to put them in a bag with holes in it.
Yes, lord. I know. That’s that’s what I’m asking you about.
Thus says, the lord, consider your ways. Come on.
Is anybody awake out there? I mean, is it just possible?
Now I’m not saying it is.
But is it is it even remotely possible that maybe Your problem is your own fault.
I mean, I it’s probably not, but I just I know it’s probably not, but I just wanted to throw that out.
As something that you could consider while you’re blaming the devil and blaming everybody else and blaming the government and, you know, that maybe you could just say, well, god, is there something I should have done that I didn’t do?
I mean, it’s it’s just worth considering.
Amen? Come on.
Don’t be like the woman who was getting married for the 7th time. And this is actually true.
She came to her pastor and said, now, I’m getting married this Saturday for the 7th time.
And I need you to pray that this man will treat me right.
And thank god it was pastor with some courage.
And he looked at her, and he said, well, since you’re the only common denominator in all seven of these marriages, Maybe we better pray for you and not the man you’re gonna marry.
Can’t be me.
Can’t be me.
I remember when I was praying for Dave to change one day, and god said Dave’s not the problem.
I thought, well, who is? There’s nobody here but me and him. I mean, I It couldn’t be me.
Couldn’t possibly be me. Okay.
My favorite guy in the Bible John chapter 5 versus 2 through 8.
Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheepgate a pool in Aramay called Bethesda, which has 5 roofed Colinades are like openings, little little porches.
So there was this big pool And there was this edifice built around it that had all these different gateways or doorways into this pool.
And Once a year, an angel would come and stir up the waters.
And whoever got into that pool first, if they were sick, got healed. Once a year.
And so in these porches lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, and paralyzed.
Now one mayor, one man was there who had been there for 38 years.
When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he’d already been there a long time, he said, do you want to be healed?
No. That isn’t that an odd question, but see, there was more to it.
I mean, Jesus is really saying, do you really want to do what’s gonna be required to get your life straightened out.
And so Can I just pat you on your beautiful little head today and say the nicest way that I know how to?
Are you ready to do what you’re gonna need to do to get your life straightened out?
It’s gonna take more than your pasture laying hands on you and praying.
And it’s gonna take more than watching me on television.
It’s gonna take more than coming to the conference. Hey, this is easy.
All you gotta do is sit out there and laugh at me when I’m funny and Try not to cry when I’m not.
Listen to beautiful music. My gosh. We got brought you the best this weekend.
That’s a music, a dentist, a dog is preaching. And it was free.
I mean, you didn’t have to buy a ticket.
You didn’t have to, you know, you didn’t have to do anything.
You just came and sat down. Alright.
But somebody had to do something.
In order for you to have what you have today.
Some of those people who raised their hand and said they were partners.
They paid for your seat. Amen?
And this you call up your chair.
It’s great. It was a it was an awesome conference. Just awesome.
But now the conference is over. Not just yet, but this afternoon.
You’ll say Well, the conference is over.
And then you won’t have the beautiful music. And the lights and the media.
You’re gonna go home to the same mess you left.
Well, I’m not gonna lie to you. I don’t have a message.
It’s gonna make all your problems disappear.
But I do have one that can change you so radically that you won’t care.
Amen? And that’s the point.
We keep trying to get god to change our problems, and he wants to change us.
I’m having so much fun. I can’t hardly stand it.
Okay. Back to the sick man. Do you really wanna get well?
The sick man answered him. Now you gotta see this.
The sick man answered him, sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up.
I have nobody to do it for me.
And every time I try to get to the pool, somebody else always gets ahead of me.
Now I’ve thought this through a lot, because I’ve been preaching on this guy for 42 years.
And you’re probably tired of hearing about this guy, but I I just I I gotta preach on him.
Because if he’s been laying there 38 years, I would think that in 38 years, he could at least wiggle He could wiggle his way over to the very edge of the pool.
And he could have this attitude next year. Nobody’s getting ahead of me.
Because when that Angel shows up, I’m gonna be so on the edge of my breakthrough.
That I’m just gonna fall in that water.
Now you would think Jesus would feel sorry for this guy, but he didn’t.
Oh, you’ve been laying there 38 years. Oh my gosh. Somebody always gets ahead of you.
Uh, nobody will put you in the pool. You know what Jesus said to him? Get up.
Get up.
And the amplified Bible effort get up, there’s a big exclamation mark.
And then I’d only that, and I love this part. And he said, take your bed with you.
In other words, clean up the mess you’ve made all these 40 years while you’ve been wandering around in the wilderness.
Come on. I know about you.
I’m ready for a cup of coffee.

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