Armed and Dangerous | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Armed and Dangerous | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Join Joyce Meyer in this powerful radio podcast episode titled ‘Put First Things First.’ In this teaching, Joyce shares her personal journey of learning to prioritize God over everything else, emphasizing the importance of seeking God for who He is, not just for what He can do for us. Discover the life-changing lessons she gained from Deuteronomy chapter 8 and how keeping Jesus first in your life can transform your priorities. Don’t miss this insightful and encouraging message on Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author, Joyce Meyer.
On today’s pro Ram Joyce will be teaching from her series, winning life’s battles.
Our fight is not against people or circumstances.
It’s actually against the devil who is real, but we will overcome if we choose to do things god’s way.
Love always wins. We overcome with good. Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
I will just mention this to you, not trying to chastise anybody.
But always do your best when you go to church to get there in plenty of time to be there for the worship.
I just don’t think it’s good when people think that that’s not an unimportant part.
That’s not an important part, and they just wanna get there for the sermon or it’s okay to get there late.
I guess, you know, I can say I’m not trying to chastise you, but maybe I am. I don’t know.
I can get by with some stuff that sometime your pastor’s can’t get by with because I’ll be gone by Saturday, and you’ll love me again by Monday morning.
So, you know. But see, that that’s something we do for god.
We we come to worship him. We come to to respect him by worshiping him.
And that’s a wonderful thing for us to do, to worship God.
We need to not get entangled in things of the world.
And remember, we we’re here to serve god to to grow up, to mature, to get out in the world, and to be a bright light that will dispel the darkness.
Let me tell you something. A transformed life is a greater sermon than any just words that you can ever give.
You can go and and preach to people and tell them they need to believe in God, but if your life doesn’t back it up, don’t pay one bit of attention to you.
Amen? So we wanna love god. We wanna worship him. We wanna be lights shining out brightly for him.
And if there’s something specific that god wants us to do in our life, we wanna make sure that we do it, that we not only just start it, but we start it and we finish it.
But we can’t do that if we get all entangled.
Some of you have gotten so entangled in other people’s problems, that you can’t even pay attention to what god’s trying to say to you right now.
Some of us are fixers.
I like to fix people’s problems, and I have to be careful that I don’t get so entangled in their mess that it’s sucking the energy out of me and keeping me from doing the things that I believe that god really wants me to do.
You wanna help people, but don’t get all tied up and entangled up to where you’re taking 10 phone calls a day and talking all day about their issues and their problems.
It’s good to help people, but you gotta be able to discern Is this somebody who the enemy is using to steal my energy and my time, or is this somebody who really wants help?
Hey, man? That’s a good word. Good little word of caution.
Cause I tell you the enemy can use even well meaning people.
To just suck you dry if you let them.
We need to be strong to live the life that god wants us to live.
Try doing things like going to bed at night and getting some decent sleep.
You’ll be amazed how that will help you come against the enemy.
Try not eating junk all day long. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel.
If you feel bad, you don’t wanna pray.
If you feel bad, you certainly don’t feel like standing on guard like a soldier.
Soldiers live on guard. They know what they’re responsible for in the war.
They hold their post. They hold their position, and they stay on guard.
I figured out a long time ago that I’m called as a teacher in the body of Christ.
So I give myself to what I’m called to do, and I try really hard not to let people drag me off into a bunch of stuff that they would like me to do, but really has not very much to do with what god would like me to do.
And I think that helps make me better at it because, you know, everybody would always like you to do their thing but god wants you to do his thing.
Proverbs 4 23 says guard your heart with all diligence. Are you guarding your heart?
Are you paying attention to what gets in your heart? Don’t let any offense stay in your heart.
If you got your feelings hurt, don’t turn that into something bitter and get that in your heart.
Don’t let anger stay in your heart. Take a little time and examine your heart.
What’s going on in my heart? Are my motives right for what I’m doing?
Do I have a pure heart before god?
Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.
Are you aggressive or passive? Are you proactive? Or do you merely react?
Do you wait till you have a problem and then try to get strong, or do you stay strong?
Do you try to take your authority over the enemy when You’re having a problem, or do you walk in your authority all the time?
Do you have to have somebody to motivate you, or are you self motivated?
Does somebody have to come along and wind up your crank and kick you in the rumpus and get you going?
Or will you do what’s right when nobody’s looking?
Amen, be a person of purpose, be a person who lives intentionally, Do you just get up in the morning and kinda wait to see what happens before you decide what you wanna do?
Have you made a decision that you’re gonna be at every one of these sessions this weekend?
Well, the devil tried to talk you out of it.
The person that was gonna come with you might I come or you might wake up, well, I just, you know, uh, it it’s almost just wanna laugh at people when I say, are you coming tomorrow?
Well, I wanna just kinda wait and see what the morning brings.
Well, you won’t be here.
You have to be intentional intentional about things.
And you have to know that anytime you’re gonna do anything that’s gonna benefit you spiritually or help you grow in god or help you be a blessing to somebody else, the enemy will definitely try to stop you.
Even if you begin to pray in a certain area, god’s put something on your heart to pray for and you believe that god has shown you, man, if you pray for this, it’s gonna bring you breakthrough and bring you into a new area of blessing.
I can almost promise you that the 1st several days, you’re gonna feel like you’re going backwards instead of forwards.
Because the enemy wants to make you think that is not working.
You ever pray for somebody in the act worse?
Well, the devil whispers in your ear is not working.
Who do you think you are?
But you know what’s actually happening when you pray, god starts working on that person, and they do act worse because now they’re under conviction.
Are you casual?
Are careful. Are you offensive or defensive?
Tonight, I’m talking about some offensive weapons.
The rest of the sessions, I’m gonna be talking more about defensive weapons, and god provides us with both.
He provides us with things to go after the devil, and he provides us with things to protect ourselves when the devil comes against us.
And, you know, I probably should just throw this out here because I get a wide range of people in my meetings and, of course, people watching on television from all over the world.
And You know, maybe you don’t like all this devil talk. You’re like, yeah. Yeah.
I’d rather not talk about the devil.
Well, he would just love it if you would never talk about him.
He would love it if you would never know that he’s real.
I went to church for probably 10 years and never even heard a serious message about my enemy Satan.
I never had any idea that he was anything other than a Halloween character that you bought a suit for that had a long tail and a pitchfork and was red.
I didn’t have any idea that I had any authority, that I had any power, And I’m here to tell you tonight that you have a god who loves you, and there is a war going on in the heavenlies.
And the enemy, the dragon, Satan, is gonna be completely and totally destroyed and chained in the place that he belongs.
But right now, we are fighting a war, but we have got god on our side We cannot be casual.
We cannot be lazy. We cannot be passive. We cannot be sleepy. Christians.
You gotta be alert and alive and vibrant and passionate and full of zeal.
You need to hold your head up, know who you are, be full of the word of god, speaking the word of god, loving god, loving people.
Alright. You know, Joyce?
That sound that sounds like a lot of work.
Do not ever look at somebody that has got all kinds of victory in their life.
And think, I wish y’all had that life. Can I tell you they didn’t get it wishing?
I’m not where I’m at today in my walk with garden in this ministry because I sat around and wished.
Somebody else cannot always confront your goliaths for you.
God has anointed you to be king.
But before you can be king, you’re gonna have to face Goliath.
You’re gonna have to stare him down.
You got to learn how to talk to him and you’re gonna have to know who you are and who’s on your side.
Amen? It’s sad to think that some people don’t even know if they’ve got an enemy, and yet a lot of people don’t.
If you don’t think the devil’s real, just getting your concordance and look up Satan, the devil, the dragon, Lucifer.
We need to hear this kind of stuff. We need to be reminded.
That god is on our side that we’re more than conquerors, that we have power, and we have authority.
Wanna read you a few scriptures.
We’re not we’re only gonna look up a couple of these, but A Christian is told to be on guard to live on guard.
Luke 1215 says guard yourself against greed, and covetousness.
You have to be very careful when god begins to bless you materially and financially that you don’t just get a greedy spirit and want more and more and more and more and more.
That’s why you always wanna make sure the more you have, the more you give. Amen?
The more you have, the more you give. The better your life is, the better you treat other people.
Whenever god blesses you, you always share some of it with somebody else.
And maybe that’s one of the secrets of giving.
Maybe god tells us to always give off the top of what he gives us, to always give first because it’s one of the ways that we battle greed and covetousness.
Which is a terrible thing to have.
Because when you’re greedy in covenants, you can’t even be thankful for what you have.
He just want more.
Matthew 16 6, be on guard against the 11 of the Pharisees.
That Levin that he was talking about was getting back under legalism rather than living in the the true liberty.
That Christ died for us to have.
Jesus didn’t die, so you could live under rules and regulations and laws that people make for you.
He wants us to be free to be led by the Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of us who will always lead us into Holy Living.
Matthew 1017, be on guard against those who act in opposition to god.
Be careful who you become closely associated with. Mark 1323. Be on guard and look to yourselves.
You need to know yourself. Know your weaknesses, know your strengths.
God is on our side no matter what.
Today, we’re offering the battle belongs to the lord hardcover book and study guide.
In these resources, Joyce breaks down the devil’s nature and strategies, along with the true character of god who will always lead us to triumph.
Contact us now to receive this bundle for your gift of $30 or more to the ministry.
Order now or call toll free at 1807890089.
Well, I hope that you feel that I’m a partner in your life by teaching you the word of god.
And I’m asking you to partner with me in helping us continue reaching out not only to you through this program, but to so many people around the world that still don’t know Jesus.
Together, we can do so much more than what we can do by ourselves.
So please become a brand new partner with us today. To join us in partnership right now, go to
Thank you so much.
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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