“Is Your Currency of Love on Empty?” – Episode 3

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“Is Your Currency of Love on Empty?” – Episode 3

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Of Preflow Dollar Industries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
The things that god is getting ready to do in your life, you’re going to be amazed while you’re praising god, and you’re gonna say we ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
You think you have seen it all, but you are going to declare over and over.
I never seen it like this before. I know we had a bill.
I ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
Your story is just beginning.
The 2024 Change Experience tour is where you need to be.
Meet creflo dollar on Friday, April 26th at the Centennial Memorial Temple in New York, New York to be renewed by the word and reminded that you are made new in Christ.
Your story isn’t over RSVP today. Text change 2024 to 51555.
Visit dollarministries.org or scan the QR code on your screen.
This is your world. It’s all a vowed make it a better place.
Let every heart than me is now. You love
I don’t know what we told church what we were told that church was.
I don’t know what, you know, uh, who convinced you to, you know, this is a part of your life.
You need to be there, but I am telling you right now.
It’s it’s more than get me get me get me because you think god’s name is Jimmy.
It’s more than that. It’s so much more than that.
It’s so much more than let me be right with god. Let me do right with god.
Maybe it’ll help me get my bag. See, that goes back to that man’s spirit.
It’s so much more than that.
When we choose to look past our interpersonal challenges and focus on loving one another, we show the mark of disciples, and we are act actually showing the world what god love looks like.
They can’t see god. They can only see that through us.
They can’t see it.
When that gosh or you love, he they they can’t see him. But they can see you.
And what do they see when they see us?
Tabin, I have a revelation on leaving good tips.
Because they know who we are. What did they say?
Cause they talk about you after you, Lee. Oh, you know, they don’t wait on them. They cheat.
TIP was they cheat. Every one of you today will have an opportunity to pay on this debt of love.
But now you know what? This is what they’re gonna see.
And we still don’t get it. We still don’t get it.
We still trying to turn church into a circus. We still don’t get it.
Uh, we still don’t get it.
Still trying to go around telling people the lord told me to do this.
You don’t know the lord’s voice enough to be talking to telling people what the lord told you.
The lord told you to be quiet and learn the vocabulary silence, and you’re still running your mouth.
Because we we don’t get in the word no more.
And we don’t, you know, TikTok has to replace the Bible. How about that?
And when social media platforms have more influence on your thinking than the word, child to god church.
We don’t miss them. Love results in supernatural miracles.
That’s what god’s trying to show you. Look at 1st King 17, 8 through 16, that’s an ALT test.
And I’m gonna show you an old testament example, a new testament example, and an NLT.
1st King 17, 8 through 16. I hadn’t shared this in a long time.
Then the lord said to Elijah.
Go and live in the village of near the city of Seiden, and I have instructed a widow there to feed you.
He’s trying to get this widow woman out of her trouble by trying to get her to pay a debt of love.
So he went to verify as he arrived at the gates of the village.
He saw a widow gathering stick and he asked her, would you please bring me a little water and a cup trying to get her to pay a bit of love?
And she was going to get it.
He called to her, bring me a bite of bread too.
Now she about, like, getting like, who are you thinking? What’s what’s you think this is?
But she said, I swear by the lord your god, that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house, and I have only a handful of flour left in the jar, and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug.
I was just gathering through sticks to cook this last meal And then my son and I will die.
So she said, I I wasn’t doing this for you even though what he had out there.
He Elijah said, well, he already told her.
Try to get her the the the the show a better love, and she’s still preparing to die because she couldn’t see no other way out because they had nothing else in the house.
But the lies just said to her, don’t be afraid.
Go ahead and do just what you said. Uh-oh.
But make a little bread for me first.
Old, the church would’ve had a fit if they’d read that scripture today.
Make a little bread for me first. What is he trying to do?
Somebody said, what’s wrong with this dude? Going to this poor lady’s house, and she got a son there.
And that preacher coming in there talking about, yeah, I know that’s all you got, but make that one for me first.
They’d have barbecued him in this damn time, but that’s not what he was saying.
He was still trying to get her to pay down a debt of love.
We know your situation. We know that circumstances you’re facing.
Pay down a debt of love.
Now you’ve heard this more, exhausting the man of god.
Oh, he’s going on it and he’s so powerful. So that’s why he’s there.
And if you’ll, you know, give to him first, then, you know, you have a blessing.
And so, therefore, I’m like a man of god, and then you’re giving me first. You have a blessing.
I I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t believe that.
I I I I I do think there’s a blessing that comes. You need to do that.
I ain’t got no problem with that, but I think it’s it’s better deeper than that.
It’s kinda like Romans 13 Willow. Is more than just getting out of financial debt.
It was a debt of love, and I think this situation and every situation that deals with god who is love, there’s that love still will release on the north for things to happen.
So I believe, uh, you know, you can you can differ with it. I ain’t got no problem with that.
Uh, but I believe that when he said, make me a little bread for me first, he was saying pay a debt of love.
Then use what’s left to prepare a meal for yourself and your son.
For this is what the lord, the god of Israel says.
There will always be flour, and I will all lift in your containers until the time when the lord sends rain and the crops grow again.
So she did, as Elijah said, oh, she paid her debt of love.
And she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many many days verse 16, there was always enough flower and olive oil left in a container just as the lord had promised through Elijah.
Has a a situation where the dead of love released supernatural power.
Believe with all my heart. Look at this.
Mark chapter 2 verses 1 through 12. This is interesting.
Now this is gonna move us into compassion.
Because compassion is not compassion until it has action.
Compassion is love in action.
When Jesus returned to Capernium, several days later, we’ll read to verse 12.
The news spread quickly that he was back home.
Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no one, no more room, even outside the door, while he was preaching god’s uh, word to them.
We know it does seem like, don’t we can when we had that trailer down in Carrollton and people were packed inside, outside.
They wouldn’t let us use the pool. So we had to fill our bath to a buck.
And we had to do a a a double dunk baptism slide up.
We’ve put you down and slide back. We’re sticking these out now, and then you can get on up.
But we got her done.
She said 4 men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat.
They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head.
That was a better love. Who does that? Who does it?
They would stop at the crowd and say, Well, we tried, but we couldn’t get you in.
But love move them, we’ve been to climb on the roof.
And we’re gonna tell the shingles out of the roof.
And we’re gonna put a we’re gonna put a whole Remember they said Jesus was home, and they found out he was home.
I mean, because I’m thinking, whose house was that? They just tore up. Alright.
Now this is gonna shock you. It was Jesus’ house. No. No. No.
The Bible says Foxes have holes and the birds are there having this but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.
And so for the rest of your Christian life, you thought Jesus was homeless.
They said that about Jesus when he was traveling, and he was going through this village.
And he said, we’re gonna camp here And Jesus said, no, we can’t stay here.
We got some problems here. He said, Foxes have holes in this village.
Burs of the air have a nest in this village, but we don’t have no matter when they are ahead in this village.
And if you read on, he says, that’s why we go into the next village.
Hello? Have you thought that Jesus was homeless?
And so you gonna see, if Jesus was homeless and all of us need to sell our house, and we need to go and be homeless because we’re gonna try to be like Jesus.
But you cannot deny the debt of love that’s being paid right here.
But we’re not gonna stop at the crowd on the outside, nor the crowd on the inside.
We got to get you in front of Jesus. So we’re gonna tear his roof off.
To the roof off the oh, we have it. Come out.
Come out. Come out. Come out. Being being being transformed. Uh-uh.
We won’t Gonna turn.
I’ll ring her.
You gotta you gotta gotta go and be transformed. See?
You don’t get to amazing grace.
All of a sudden, you gotta go through parliament and then end up at the meetings right here.
See. See. Some of y’all people like, where where did that come from?
You’re trying to figure out what I’m saying. Right?
I’ll explain it to you later.
They couldn’t bring him, uh, they couldn’t bring him to Jesus, Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole.
Through the roof above his head.
Then they lowered the man on his mat right down in front of Jesus.
Seeing their faith.
Jesus said to the paralyzed man, My child, your sins are forgiven.
But some of the teachers of the religious law who were sitting there thought to themselves, what is he saying?
This is blasphemy. You know, just like when I taught on TIVE, and they said, this is blasphemy.
No. It was mammon. Only god can forgive sins.
Jesus knew immediately what they were thinking.
So we ask them, why do you question this in your hearts?
Is it easier to say to the paralyzed man.
Your sins aren’t forgiven, or stand up, pick up your mat and walk.
Because we know that most people are hindered in the supernatural because of their sin consciousness.
So I’ll prove to you that the son of man has authority on the earth to forgive sins.
Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, stand up, pick up your mat. Go home.
What’s this?
And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers.
They were all amazed and praised god, explaining We’ve never seen anything like this before.
Hold on, everybody. This upcoming year?
The things that god is getting ready to do in your life, you’re going to be amazed while you’re praising god, and you’re gonna say we ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
You think you have seen it all, but you are going to declare over and over I never seen nothing like this before.
I know we had a bill. I ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
I called the pair, but they said they don’t have no record of it.
We have never seen nothing like this before.
Let’s define what happened here.
What happened when somebody’s loved, moved them to a rooftop.
They’re loved move them. This is called compassion.
When your love moves you.
Love in action Compassion is a deep sympathy or pity that moves one to action.
It comes from the heart not the head. Compassion comes from the heart, not the head.
It’s a component of love. It’s not a component of intelligence.
It’s not compassion until it moves us to action.
Compassion is the force behind paying the dead of love. Compassion is love in action.
We’ve got to be able to start seeing people in their need and let compassion move you.
And over and over again, Jesus was moved with compassion.
We haven’t seen that yet, not like, like, not not like what they’re getting ready to see it.
Cause when you put all your focus on your political platform and you put all your focus, on the money, and you put all your focus on what somebody said and put all your focus on self.
It’s hard to see others in their need.
Because you can’t see past you.
This stuff’s about to it’s about to come to an end.
And what do you wanna take with you when you stand before the lord?
How do you wanna stand before the lord?
You wanna stand before the lord talking about all of your works that were born, not out of love, but out of something else.
Do you understand before the lord? As someone who was not dependent upon him at all.
Did you understand before the lord? As someone who did things, but it never came out of your heart.
Or do you understand before the lord and declare that I spent my life paying the debt of love.
Your redemption’s drawing closer and closer every day, and the proof of it will be shown every day.
It’ll be proved in the weather. It’ll be proved in nature.
It’ll be proved when volcanoes that have been silent for 8 100 years.
It’ll be proven in the attitudes of people. Proof all around.
So it’s not gonna be god. I didn’t know you was coming.
He told you a long time ago, here are the signs.
But didn’t nobody tell me it was gonna be today He ain’t telling nobody what day it was.
It’s time to get ready, man.
It’s time to detach yourself away from what controls you.
And give your heart over to god and let him lead you to the path that he’s called you to walk down.
Every one of you who are here today There is a path for your life, a purpose for how you’re wired, a debt of love that we all will pay, and we will never be able to say I’m finished paying that debt of love.
It’s not meant to be paid off.
It’s meant to be continued because with that, is the promise of the supernatural to call you to walk.
In such an amazement that people will look at you and say, I had never seen that before.
Bout your head. Father, we thank you for today.
We thank you that our ears are anointed to hear. Our hearts are anointed to receive.
We we we are committed to paying this debt of love.
But we can’t do it without your grace.
There’s no way in ourselves that we can pay this debt or continue to pay it.
You will enable us to pay off every man.
You will enable us to fulfill all of our obligations of whatever contractual agreement we made, we know you can do that, but lord help us to pay this debt of love.
And to commit ourselves to do so and to rid ourselves of the fantasies that come with false religion.
Help us, god, move in our heart a place that only you can move in, move in our heart and make the difference in our lives and calls us to think different and to understand differently.
Oh my god. Help us. Wow.
You are so good.
And we dare not rise up any day thinking that we can live any day without you.
You are our source.
And like the disciples, there’s no thing on this earth that’s more important that we won’t choose to follow you.
You are our source. Prepare us for what is to come.
Prepare us for what is to come. Prepare us for what is to come.
And may we praise you every day with no fear?
We are equipped and ready, and we give you praise for it now.
In Jesus mighty name, we pray. I’m in.
Jesus canceled the debt owed for our sins.
Love is the currency of the kingdom, and that’s what we owe now.
Discovered this and more in creflo dollars 3 part series, the infinite debt of love.
We will never be done with paying love to each other.
This debt of love has to be paid to humankind.
People you don’t like, people you can’t stand, people you don’t know, people you’ve mad at, and you will not be able to pay this debt because it’s gonna take the grace of for you to make the payments.
There is something about paying the debt of love that will release an anointing to take care all of the of the debts you have in your life.
For a love gift of 20 US dollars or more for CDs or 30 US dollars or more for DVDs since cure your copy today.
Call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit creflodollarministries dot org and click e store, b tran formed by love.
Are you ready to come home? Price Life Conference 2024, reunion is coming.
Creflo and Taffy Dollar will be joined by special guests, Andrea Kraton.
The encounters in your life change your life, but it also keeps your fire going.
Gregory Dicow. It was not meant for us to be looking up at him, but looking to him face to face.
Bishop Clarence McLendon. He is resurrected without sin and without sickness and you work together with him. Inkey Johnson.
You judge that you’re character and caliber person
by what he’s saying
in times of challenge and controversy. Michael Smith.
And our highest self, we are made in the likeness and image of love.
Hesiciah Walker and Brian Courtney Wilson on July 11th through team in College Park, Georgia.
Don’t miss this experience that includes our annual mentality and ministers and leaders conferences, text, race slides, to 51555 to get your tickets now.
Bob a grace of god we feed and clothe people, provide houses, visit hospitals and prisons, and do so, so much more.
Every time you make a financial donation to support us, you do these things as well.
The tangible relief we provide to god’s precious people is only possible because of your faithful support.
Thank you for supporting us as we strive to reach a lost and dying world for the lord Jesus Christ.
If god has placed it on your heart to support the vision of this ministry to reach the world with the gospel of grace, you may call in to make your financial donations or log on creflowdollarministries.org.
God bless you.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of god.
The creflo dollar ministry’s TV app provides rewarding content that is sure to nourish your mind and soul.
Treat yourself to enriching messages from Pastor Dollar on grace and walking in the likeness of Christ.
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I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to embark upon a
new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you want to become born again and began an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus,
I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me, heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god.
And that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins and I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am, say Praise God.
Now, that simple prayer, change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
No matter where you are on your personal journey, the word god can reach you, at work, or simply needing to hear from the lord, tune into world changers every Sunday at 10 AM, or reach stream at 2 pm, 6 pm, and 10 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Text, watch now to 51555. Or visit world changers.org for more information about services and stream times.
We’re in this together no matter where we are, we are world changers. See you online.
The preceding program was brought to in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.


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