Succeed At Home: Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes

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Succeed At Home: Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes

Through all the ups and downs of your success journey, it’s most critical for you to succeed at home. If your foundation isn’t firm, it won’t matter how high you build. Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes closed out last year’s International Leadership Summit with a powerful talk titled “Winning at Home.” Click the link to glean from their decades of experience

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You invested in your career? Are you invested in your children?
I don’t care whether they’re in the church or not.
I don’t care whether they finished college or not.
I don’t care whether they did what you wanted them to do.
I don’t care if they went out there and did something different that you don’t approve.
I don’t care if they had brag. I don’t care if they broke busted and disgusting.
I don’t care if they got a girlfriend, a dog, and slipped with a cat.
When you get COVID and you’re hooked up to a respirator.
Let me tell what girlfriend is coming in there to wipe your head. Be glad to see him.
Don’t be so self righteous just because their sin is different than yours.
That you mess around and alienate your children and lock them up.
I’m talking about winning at a home is not about winning on stage.
Winning at a home is about winning at home.
It’s not about winning those things. It’s not about using your kids as props in your play.
So if they don’t go to church, you steal my son.
If they do go to church, you steal my son. If you’re saying to quiet, you still my daughter.
If you preach, you steal my daughter. I don’t love Sara because she can preach.
I don’t care whether she can preach or not. I love Erica. She’s my child. I love doing dirty rolls.
Performance based love is not winning.
Performance based love is not winning, and we’re tempted in the church to try to script our children for a photo op.
And then if they’re not photo ready, you’re embarrassed by somebody who would die for you.
So what we’re saying as we close today is that god wants you to get the victory yes in the building front.
Get the victory as an entrepreneur. That’s wonderful. Get the victory and get your doctorate degree. That’s wonderful.
Get the victory and climb your mountains Get the victory. Alright.
The rumor that I don’t support women in power is insane. My mother was a woman in power.
My wife is a woman in power. My daughters are a women in power.
You could not know my daughters and think that because both of them got opinions about it here for a thing.
I have no problem with women in power. I want half of my executives are women in power.
My CFO is a woman in power. My new CEO is a woman in power.
I don’t have no issues with women in power.
Was preaching women when other folks said women wasn’t supposed to preach.
I found that woman, I looked, get out of my faith just because somebody says something that you don’t like.
Don’t let people tell you who somebody is that has got 30 years 40 years 50 years of supply found it woman now at Luke.
I raised up women that you’ve never saw and never heard of in your life.
How dare you say that I don’t support women in power a lie from the pits of hell.
That’s why I don’t defend it because a lie always got an express expiry today, but a true, it’s gonna live forever.
I have women hear me. I got your back. I’m not in your face.
I made the call you, and you may go through a crisis, and I may not be up in your face because I don’t think that it’s appropriate for Keon to be calling my wife.
All the time. He’d call her, he’d say hi to her, but if they whisper it on the phone in the middle of the night, I’m gonna have a problem with that.
And god knows I love Kia but I don’t want him whispering talking to my wife.
Even though there’s an age difference too, he might be the pool boy. You got to protect your dad too.
But rest assured, just because I don’t call you don’t mean I don’t love you.
Just because I don’t call you, it just means that I stay in my place.
I stay in my place. Are you standing in your place?
Are you standing in your ground? You’re talking about buying land.
Are you standing your ground? Your house is your ground. It’s a ground wire.
Are you standing your ground?
Are you gonna give up your ground wire?
Somebody hallelujah. Go get your daughter.
Go get your daughter. I don’t care if she rude and disrespectful. Be the bigger person.
Don’t pull out your AK 47 on her just because you got mad.
Sometimes I have to bite my tongue almost in 2 because my gut reaction, if you come at me wrong, or I perceive it to be wrong.
Or it’s got the wrong voice inflection because of the multitude of the migrants that I chain, I participated I changed diapers.
I burnt people. I carried my grown son on my back.
He had surgery, and he was in pain, and he crime. He’s 64. I’m old.
I put him on my back like he was a baby because he’s my child.
And I was patting on him and trying to help him because I love him.
I flew from Nigeria to get back home, to get by my oldest son’s bed, because he had a heart attack.
I you I’m gonna be there. Why in the world would I cut you up?
Why would I turn my weapons loose on you, even if you turn yours on me?
I’m not saying I won’t defend myself, but I won’t go where I could go because once you go where you could go, either them toward me or me toward them, you can’t get that back.
Once you start really letting me have it, don’t you think? I’m sorry.
It’s gonna make me get amnesia. Because I’ve you know what? I’m a be thinking.
So that’s how you really feel. Which one of you is surreal?
You you know, the I’m talking about internal conflict. This is hard.
This is hard. What I’m talking about is hard. Winning at home is hard.
The devil would rather you win anywhere than when at home. Can you imagine
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