“The Conditions for AcceptableGood Works”

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“The Conditions for AcceptableGood Works”

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Coming up next on changing your world. God’s not good to you because you’re good.
God’s good to you because he is good.
It you you’re experiencing the very nature of god He’s not charging you for nothing, so you can’t be in debt.
So you can’t see it as I owe you god. You know, he do something to you.
I I owe you.
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Don’t miss your chance, to bloom. This is your world.
So less vow to make it a better place.
Let every today.
What are those conditions for good works?
That will be acceptable by god.
What are those conditions that that we need to be conscious of?
Before we try, you know, we we before we try to do good works to get in god’s favor.
That just contradicts the grace of god, doesn’t it? Do good works to try to get in god’s favor.
And yet there are lots of Christians who feel like that I gotta do some good works in order to go to heaven.
I gotta do some good works in order to get god to bless me.
Now I’m not saying that good works are not important.
But I am saying that that there are good works that are accepted unto god And their good works, no matter how good they are, that are not accepted by god.
And the last thing we wanna do is to stand before god and find out that our long list of good works were never accepted unto god.
So what are those conditions that we need to be aware of in order for the works to be acceptable unto god?
And so I wanna begin in Ephesians chapter 210.
I want you to understand that good works are vital and very important, but without certain conditions being in place, they’re just not gonna be acceptable for god.
And and and I’ve just seen so many Christians.
They got a bunch of good works, but no devotion towards god. Bunch of good works. No relationship with god.
Bunch of good works. No intimacy where god is concerned.
If he’s just chapter 2 in verse 10 verse 10, this will be our text for today.
He says, for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus, unto good works.
So we’re created in Christ Jesus on 2 good works.
So that’s important, which god has before our day that we should walk in them good works.
Look at this in the NLT, Ephesians chapter 2 10.
He says, uh, for we are god’s masterpiece, He has created us a new in Christ Jesus.
So for you to say that good works are not a part of the Christian life, is for you to deny the very purpose for why you were created.
One of those purposes is good works.
So we can do good things that he planned for us a long time ago.
Purpose for every believer. Here that now.
It’s an important part of the purpose for every believer.
They are acceptable to god only under certain conditions. So what are those conditions?
I wanna talk to you about 5 of them today. Condition number 1, love must be the motive.
Love must be the motive.
In other words, your good works need to be born out of love.
In order for them to be accepted onto god.
So, uh, It was it was it was only after Peter, if you remember, uh, last week, John 21, 1517.
It was only after Peter had confessed his love for god that Jesus commissioned Peter to feed his sheep and to feed his lamb.
You remember he kept coming to Peter in John, uh, chapter 21? He said, uh, Peter, do you love me?
And Peter said, yes, lord, he said, well, feed my sheep. And he said, Peter, do you love me?
He’s like, yeah. You know, dude. Yeah. I love you. He said, well, okay. Feed my sheet.
Then he asked the third time, Peter, do you love me more than any buddy.
He says, lord, you know I love you. He said, well, feed my lamb. What was he saying?
He was saying to Peter that if your works are going to be accepted, we gotta make sure that they’re born out of love.
Now first John 4 19, this is important.
Uh, first John 4 19, um, he says something about love.
We you we spend a lot of time trying to love god, and you’re not gonna be able to love god until you, first of all, understand verse 19.
And verse 19 says, we love him. Why? Because he first loved us. You know what he’s saying there?
He’s saying, if you want to love god, then you gotta believe that god loves you.
You gotta believe in the love that god has for you.
And a lot of times, people, well, I love god. I love god. Don’t you love god? I love god.
No. No. The question is, do you believe the love that god has for you?
Do you believe that god loves you?
Because if you believe that god loves you, you’re gonna believe that god will heal you.
You’re gonna believe that god will over you, you’re gonna believe that god will bless you, take care of you, and have your back if you believe in the love of god.
And he says, until you believe in the love of god, your love for god is going to be short.
I love god. Why? Because he first loved me.
I’m not I’m I don’t wanna love god with a carnal human love.
I want to foresee the love that he has for me. Say this out loud.
I received the love that god has for me. Say this out loud.
I believe in the love that god has for me.
He says, now that’s gonna determine the love you have for him.
The church of Epises was uh, warned that unless it returned to its first love last week, we talked about this, then the Campbell Sticks would be removed.
Well, what was he saying?
He says, you know, what we’ve got to understand, first of all, I received god loves me, therefore, I love him.
I love him because he first loved me.
I I tried to love god without examining whether I believed his love.
I did it mostly out of guilt. It’s like, you’re supposed to love god.
But I’m having problems. It’s like, you’re supposed to love god. Rock your
heart’s soul, man. I’m like, I love my mama. I see her more than I do god.
What are you talking about?
But what I didn’t understand is I need to receive a love he has for me And then he’ll show me how to love him.
So it appears that works that that that works to be accepted to Christ.
Must spring forth from love for god I’m doing works for Christ.
Is it out of love that I’m doing it or out of some other type of motivation?
That’s why Paul commends the saints at, uh, he commends the saints at, uh, what was that place?
I think it was that’s with Anika. Uh, go to 1st thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 3.
1st thessalonians chapter 1, and verse 3. He said something here that was very, very interesting.
I’m going line by line.
So when I get to the controversial comments, you’ll see it. 1st, that’s the loans 1 and 3.
Remember without ceasing your work of faith, Remembering, without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love, your labor of love, and patience of hope in our lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of our god and our father.
And so he commends the same set that’s La Nanca for their labor of love.
I’m commending you that you’re you’re laboring in it’s it’s a labor of love.
It’s a labor that’s born out of the love that you have for god.
A labor that’s motivated by love.
So whatever you do for god, is it motivated by the love that you have for him? Alright.
Now as we love him because he first loved us, that’s that’s the truth.
As we love him, because he first loved us, basically, basically, it is the love of Christ as expressed in his death for sinners that must be the great motivation.
The force in all true Christianity and and all activity that we do.
All the Christian activity we do is gonna be based in the love that I have for god as a result of him dying for me.
The love that I have for god as a result for, uh, the death that he died for sinners.
You understand Jesus died for you while you were still a sinner?
Jesus died for you while you were shacking up, stacking up, trying to be cool, acting like a fool.
He died for you there. He didn’t die for you when you reached perfection.
He didn’t die for you because you’ve been good and goody. He died for you.
He died for us because we was a no good for nothing cheating yada yada yada yada.
That’s when he died for us and to sit and to think, man, god, die for me I’ve just been acting like a fool.
He died for me then. Now that love gets bigger.
Mean, once I realized what Jesus did for me, I was like, blown away.
How could you die for somebody like me? And then he did.
He died for me before I was born into a fetus.
He died for me before before I was even born in this world. He’d already set said it’s mine.
I’m gonna love you, not based on how you turn out, not based on what you decided to do or not to do.
I did it before you did anything. And I’m like, what a god?
I mean, who wouldn’t serve him? Alright? So check these 2 scriptures out.
I wanna look at them in 3 versions. 2nd Corinthians 514, Paul said something, Second Corinthians 514.
I’m gonna look at it in the King James, then the NLT and then NIV.
For a reason, you’ll see why. 14, he says, for the love of Christ, constrained with us.
Now you gotta be careful when you’re reading the King James because, you know, you’re you you could easily say, me loving Christ const constrains us, but that’s not what he’s saying.
He says, the love of Christ constrains us because we thus judge that if one died for all then we’re all dead.
Now look at this in an NLT. So it’s it’s knowing that his death for sinners.
I mean, that that really provokes my love for him. He said, either way, Christ’s love controls us.
I like that. So I’m being moved by his his love. I’m being moved.
Whatever I start doing for him, whatever good works I start doing for him, it it’s it’s it’s being motivated controlled out of his love.
Since we believe that Christ died for us all, we also believe that we all died to our old lives.
Now look at this in the in IV, and I think this really brings it on.
For Christ’s love, Christ Love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore, I died.
It compels us. So the real question is, what’s compelling you to do the good work.
What’s the motor behind you doing a good work? Are you doing it so you can get an award?
Are you doing it so somebody could just lift you up on in in in in high view.
Are are are you doing doing what you’re doing because, of all of the worldly reasons and what you can get out of it, or are you compelled to do it?
And you’re convinced to do it because he died for me when I was nothing.
Look at this in Ephesians chapter 5 in verse 2, King James. Ephesians 5 in verse 2.
This really causes us to examine why we do what we do.
He said, and walk in love as Christ also had loved us, walk in love, all my love walk is gonna be based on me believing that he loved me, and he had given himself for an offering and a sacrifice to god for sweet mal sweet smelling saviour.
So I love god because I believe he loves me, and I can love god because of what he did for me.
Alright? Uh, it’s not just an emotional thing.
I love him because he first loved me, and I love him because he died from me and demonstrated that love first.
Before I even had an opportunity to walk in love for him.
So if you adopt your love, you go back. Do you believe that he died for you? Yes.
Do you believe the love that he has for you? Yes.
And that really takes care of the motivation that you have.
Now love must be the motive for all things done in response to Christ.
It’s the motive for everything that’s done in response to his grace. I am motivated by Christ’s love.
And so all that god does in grace is because of his infinite love.
Everything that god is God’s grace, all of his finished works, that I am redeemed with, I believe it, that I am delivered, that I am blessed that I am all these things that Grace has done for me that I don’t deserve.
Everything he did for me that I don’t deserve is born and motivated out of his love.
It is this unrestricted operation of god’s love that comes through Jesus on behalf of mankind, especially for those who depend on him, and his love is unrestricted, it’s unrestrained.
You’re crazy. Can’t stop god for loving you. And I don’t care what anybody says.
There’s nothing you can do to restrain or restrict the love of god.
So if anybody ever comes to tell you, well, you know, you did this and you did that and so don’t love you no more.
They’ll line a link in their breath stank. It is not so. God loves you with no restrictions.
He does. All that god does in grace is because of his infinite love and all is unmerited and all is given freely.
So the response to this cannot be a fulfilled men of duty?
You’re responding to god’s love for you?
And doing some kind of work, fulfilling some kind of duty to try to get something that he’s decided to freely give to you?
Because no condition accompanies the offer of god’s free gift, except faith.
God has given you this free gift of grace and it takes faith to lay a hold of it.
It takes you believing it, believing his love, believing his finished works, believing that he died for you.
That’s where it is. It’s waiting on you to believe it. It’s not waiting on you to get a feeling.
It’s waiting on you to believe. God loves me, and I know it. I believe that he died from me.
I believe that he loves me. I believe that I am what he says I am.
And so faith then is is is necessary to go ahead and to take possession of all of the free gifts and the love and everything that god has given to you.
Is everybody still on the bus? It cannot be a return payment.
I’m gonna do a good work as a return payment.
You know, god did something good for me, so I’m a return the payment because it it that that that doesn’t work.
It cannot be that because that would be the payment of debt.
You you you you you would be saying, god, I’m in debt to you. No. You’re not. You gotta understand.
You’re not in debt to god. God, that’s just what god does. God’s not good to you because you’re good.
God’s good to you because he is good. It you you’re experiencing the very nature of god.
He he’s not charging you for nothing, so you can’t be in debt.
So you can’t see it as I owe you god. Know, he do something to you. I I owe you.
He’s like, now you won’t owe me none. It can’t be seen as a payment of debt.
It cannot be a gain. It can it cannot be whatever you do.
Your good works cannot be to gain the goodwill of god.
That’s what a lot of a lot of Christians do.
I’m gonna do this so I can gain the will of god.
I’m gonna come to church, and maybe god might give me a job this week.
You know, whatever it is you decide to do. It’s a good work. No. This is not the motivation.
You can’t be motivated. To to do something to gain the goodwill of god because grace is absolutely unmerited.
It’s it’s undeserved. You, you, you, you, you, Christian people keep trying to do something to deserve all that god wants to do for us freely.
We’re trying to do something to deserve his love.
Deserve his favor, deserve his blessing, deserve him taking care of us, deserve him healing us, especially when you’re sick, well, what can I do for god to give me a miracle?
What can I do? And then you’re well, I’m gonna go I’m gonna pass for 40 days, and I met two people.
Well, I I they gone. Now they die because they were trying to pass like Jesus. You didn’t do that?
You didn’t do that? Because we’re still trying to do something to earn it.
I never forget back in the day we first started this church, man.
Uh, I was in there praying is on Saturday, and I was on the floor.
And I was just I was shucking the coin, man. Spit all on the floor. Just praying.
And we had new carpet, so the the fibers just got all in my mouth.
And then I got choked up. And the and then god finally got a word in.
Because I I wouldn’t I thought prayer was me doing all the talking. Prayer is not a monologue.
It is a dialogue. It’s a relationship. You talking to him and you talking back to you.
And then, uh, after I got choked up, he asked me, he said, Son, what you doing?
I said, I’m praying in tongues so I can be anointed for tomorrow.
He said, I know what did you when I called you.
I said, but still, I just need to pray so I can be anointed.
And, you know, god ain’t gonna be sitting up in the arguing with you.
So it’s happened to start the cooking swim spaghetti in the in the in the in the in the kitchen and some French bread.
And I was right there by the door. Now that smell came right on the door.
Then I recall what god said that I was already on it.
And I ended that prayer and said in Jesus’ name, amen.
And I I got up behind me some, uh, French breadings we get. Amen?
We still keep trying to earn something that he’s already given us.
And so if it were necessary to do anything to assure a believer’s final salvation, We do that too.
I gotta make sure I’m going to heaven. So what do you do?
You come up with some other things, some good works.
You use good works to try to assure you that you’re going to heaven.
Look at all the reasons why you’re using good works.
That, which was so done would be for personal gain.
If you did something to try to get something from god, it would actually be for personal gain and would not be motivated by love.
You’re doing the good work for personal gains.
Ask yourself, with the good works you do, am I doing it for personal gain, or am I doing it to be motivated by god?
How many good works do Christians do out of personal gain? Well, on Thanksgiving, I’m gonna go feed the poor.
Out of personal gain. Well, I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna go do this good work and and and go go help them build that habitat house, all for personal gain.
All for personal gain. We have to examine why we do the good works, and you have to know If you’re doing it for personal gain and not out of the love of god, he’s not accepting it.
The fact that under grace, god gives all things freely, excludes every other motive, but love.
Listen to this. And I I’m a I’m a go to the next point after this, 1st Corinthians chapter 13 versus 1 through 3.
Let’s go to NLT. 1st Corinthians 13, 1 through 3.
Everything done apart from love has no value in the sight of god.
Everything done apart from love has no value in the sight of god.
My god, write that down, tattoo it.
You know, everything everything done apart from love has no value in the of god.
Get it child of god. Get it.
Well, I’m gonna go to church and give me some extra point from the lord.
And I know everything done apart from law. Has no value, no value in the sight of god.
Now this has gotta be doing something for Chris, because, you know, my I I told Ted what
I’m talking about when I walked out,
she says, but we didn’t know. That’s all we knew back then. That’s all we knew.
All we knew was to try to do as many good things as we can and hoping it would give us some kind of fable in heaven.
But look what he says in verse 1.
He says, if I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I I would be a noisy gong or clanging cymbal.
If I had, uh, the gift of prophecy and if I could understand all of god’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge.
And if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love, I would be nothing.
If I gave everything I have to the poor, even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it.
But if I didn’t love, I would have gained nothing.
You have to understand that everything done, all the good works, apart from love, all good works, All labor for god, apart from love, has no value in the sight of god.
You gotta get a child of You gotta get it because that’s that’s the foundation for religion.
Every religion requires a ton of good works.
And Christianity was never designed to be a religion.
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We wanna be sure we are living according to what god has taught us about giving.
And we understand that giving and receiving is a spiritual law. It’s a reflex of god’s love.
And I’m so glad that Taff and I began to understand how to walk in this principle, but we give, not out of necessity, we give out of a cheerful heart.
We give because we’re grateful and we’re thankful to what god has done.
You know, I I want you to pray about, uh, becoming a giver into Old Dollar Ministries today.
And if this ministry has blessed you in any way, consider sowing a seed of any amount, and we will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your support, and god bless you.
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He don’t need you to try to exchange something to try to get something.
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