Setting Up the Secret of Victory in the Knife’s Edge | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Setting Up the Secret of Victory in the Knife’s Edge | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The great heroes of the Bible shared a secret and a practice that enabled them to do what they could never have done without it. Learn the secret.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

You may be struggling with the lord.
You may be struggling with growing in god or he’s struggling with growing in prayer or the word or in relationships or with your job or with your health or with your habits, but if you could use this principle.
Do not know that those who run-in a race all run, but only one receives the prize.
Run in such a way that you might win Everybody who competes to the games exercise the self control in all things, they do it to obtain a perishable wreath, wreath, but we an imperishable.
Therefore, I run-in such a way as to not run aimlessly.
I box in such a way as to avoid not to be just hitting the air.
But I discipline myself strictly. I discipline my body.
I make it my servant that after having done all these things after preaching to others, I myself may not be disqualified.
Paul is speaking about living your life in god, and he likens it to a runner as in the Olympics.
They had the Olympics back then, running to receive a prize.
And the the athletes exercise it says self control in everything to win that prize.
Everything they do is linked to the goal of winning that race. Everything they don’t do.
They avoid doing is part of the goal of winning the race.
And only to get a wreath that is perishable, but we have something much greater, he says.
Therefore Paul says, don’t run without aim, or I don’t run without aim, and I don’t box without aim.
But with and the Greek can be taken. I I do it with certainty.
Now I have a goal, he’s saying.
As do the Olympic champions, Paul’s saying, I’ve got a goal, and you have a goal.
But he says, our goal is even more important than the Olympics.
So I do everything according to that goal. I abstain from things to to achieve that goal.
I do things in order to win.
Now let’s look at another scripture that’s gonna go hand in hand with this. Hebrews 12 verse 1.
And of course, you know it, therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us Let’s run the race with endurance that are set before us fixing our eyes.
Anya Shua, Jesus, the originator and perfector of the faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god.
Let us run the race with perseverance fixing our eyes on Jesus, yes,hua, or some translation say looking only to yeshua.
Again, picture of a race. The other spoke of the aim. I don’t run without aim.
Here it speaks on focus, focusing, fixing your eyes.
If you’re gonna win, you have to focus on your goal, your destination.
One more for now of this kind. Philippians 3, which is also gonna dovetail with it.
I don’t regard myself verse 13 as having taken hold of it yet.
But one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind, reaching forward to what lies ahead.
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in Messiah, Jesus, Yoshua.
Forgetting with lies behind, I press on to the goal for the price.
Sounds similar to what he said before. But adding, I press on. I keep going.
Now all these are revealing how to live your life in god.
This is really what it’s supposed to be to live your life in god.
But the truth is most believers don’t live this way.
So they don’t see the blessings Paul saw the blessing of a victorious life.
If they did live this way, they would see it.
Now to a very different scripture, and then I’m gonna bring it all together.
And I and you could just listen. It’s short, Ecclesiastes 10 verse 10.
When the ax is dull, or its edge is not sharpened, more strength is needed.
But with wisdom come success. What does that mean?
What does that have to do with what I just read?
If an axe is dull, its edge is blunt, you need more strength to do the job.
Now I don’t know a lot about axes. It’s not like it’s a Jewish thing.
You know, you could hear Jewish mother saying my son, the doctor, my son, the lord, you never heard a Jewish mother saying, my son, the lumberjack.
Never happened. I never met a Jewish lumberjack.
If a Jewish man has to cut down a tree, he gets an estimate and contracts it out.
But the principle here is that if something in edge is dull, you need more power and energy and effort to accomplish the same thing.
You have to put in more and you get less out of it. But the point is the opposite.
The sharper the ax or the knife, the less strength you need, or to get the same results, or with the same strength or the same energy, you get much more results, more efficiency, more outcome, more fruits, And you know that if you have a dull knife in your kitchen, it takes more to cut that thing.
If you have a super sharp knife, it takes less to do the same thing or to get more results.
So the point is not how to be a better lumberjack here.
It’s how to be successful with your life in god.
You may be putting in a lot of energy into things and getting frustrated.
You’re not getting a lot of results. You’re trying, but you’re struggling. You’re not seeing a lot of success.
The Bible says most likely you’ve been cutting with a dull knife.
Now you now how do you if you could translate this into life, then we know how that works in the kitchen.
If you could translate this into life, then, woah.
Cause all you do, you will have so much more success.
If you’re going through life and you’re walking god struggling, struggling is a good chance. You have a dull ax.
You may be struggling with the lord. You may be struggling with growing in god.
Or he’s struggling with growing in prayer or the word or in relationships or with your job or with your health or with your habits.
But if you could use this principle, It’d be like changing from a dull knife to a super sharp knife.
And that’s the key tonight. It can change your life.
From failure to success or from success to much greater success. Let’s look. What is dull here?
A dull edge is something, obviously, that’s not sharp. A picture that’s not sharp is fuzzy. It’s not in focus.
Doesn’t have focus. What is a sharp edge? And sharp edge is an edge that is pointed.
It comes to a point, either a point like a spear or a or a or a blade like a knight, but it all comes to this point.
That’s what makes it sharp. If its point has been blunted, it’s not sharp. It’d be blunt.
It’s gonna become less sharp, more rounded.
And the reason why a sharp knife has needs less effort is because it’s pointed.
And so physics The energy that comes down gets all focused into a little spot, and that makes it much more powerful.
Because all the energy is coming into this one point.
If you have a blunt knife, then the energy is spread out all over That’s why you can’t cut through that state because it is spread all over.
So a dull knife dissipates energy but a sharp knife is focused concentrated concentrates energy power into a small space.
You can see it another way.
If you’re standing on a lake covered with ice, but it’s kind of a little shaky.
The ice is not strong. How do you stay above? How do you make sure it doesn’t break?
You could you lay down. You if you wanna survive, you spread yourself over there because you’re spreading your weight all over.
You’re dissipating the energy. That’s a good thing in this case.
But if you wanna show how you wanna show how this works, you stand up straight like this.
You’re set up on one foot and you go down because you’re concentrating your waves. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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