Overcoming Negative Emotions with Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving Service

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Overcoming Negative Emotions with Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving Service

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Father, thank you for this enough opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep.
Thank you, lord, that revelation and knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by an satanic or demonic demonic force.
Speak through my vocal cords, lord. Think through my mind. None of me, all of you.
It’s in Jesus’ name. We pray. And everybody said, Hey, man. Praise God. You may be seated.
I, um, try to hold it together because I’m grateful, man.
I’m so grateful. I’m so thankful.
Uh, look at what I was facing this time last year and I don’t look I don’t look like what I’ve been through.
I’m telling you. I’m grateful.
Abby Bibles go with me to Psalms 92 verse 1.
I’m gonna study out of the NLT today.
Psalms 92 And verse 1, people will wonder, is it a good thing to give thanks to god?
Is just a waste of time. And yet this scripture says it is a good.
It is good to give thanks to god.
It is good to give thanks to the lord, and it is good to sing praises to the most high god.
Settle that right now, but that is a good thing.
You see, all we experience in our lives, man, everything that we go through.
Anything good ever happened to you, it came from god. Amen?
And so, I wanna talk to you just for a few minutes about overcoming negative emotions with Thanksgiving.
I wanna show you that your emotions don’t have to dominate you on celebrations like today or any other day.
How that when Thanksgiving is applied appropriately, it it it’ll arrest those negative emotions, and it will cause a transformation.
You see, we all experienced struggles.
We all experienced disappointments, and we all experienced anxiety I know there’s some super deep Christians who don’t think they experience any of those, but we all know that you do.
But we have been given a powerful tool to combat these negative emotions.
This is a tool, ladies and gentlemen. This is more than just a day.
I’m I’m I am grateful for everything that happened fund that we celebrate, you know, this country, but I’m not here celebrating pilgrims.
I am here celebrating Jesus. Okay?
And and and so through cultivating a heart of Thanksgiving, we can find strength we can find peace, and we can find joy even in the midst of life challenges.
And and you have to begin. I like what Ken said, but you gotta weaponize Thanksgiving.
And you’ve got to look at this as a weapon, not just, uh, a, a word weaponize it and let the devil know you show up trying to mess with my emotions, I’ll shout a 1000 thanksgivings before my god to take authority over my emotions.
And so I referred to this as transformative power.
So let’s examine the transformative power of Thanksgiving, 3 points I wanna make here.
Number 1, gratitude is an antidote. To anxiety.
Gratitude, Thanksgiving is an antidote. To anxiety.
If you look at Philippians chapter 4, 6 through 7 in the NLT, I am saying that when ends anxiety shows up in your life, Thanksgiving, gratitude is an antidote to to anxiety.
He says, don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. I like that.
So don’t worry about anything. Don’t worry about anything. Pray about everything.
Tell god what you need and thank him for all he has done.
For 7, he says, now now watch the transformation here. He says, don’t worry.
Tell god what you need and thank him.
And watch the transformation now, then you will experience god’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
And how many, you know, if we ever needed peace, we need it right now. Right?
And he says by doing this, by thanking god and telling god and and don’t re refusing to worry, you weaponize Thanksgiving.
And Thanksgiving becomes an antidote to anxiety that shows up in your life.
So when we shift our focus from our worries to expressing gratitude, Ship that. Shift that focus from worry.
If you gotta worry about something this morning, shift that over into Thanksgiving.
What happens is is we invite god’s peace into our hearts.
Thanksgiving helps us to trust in god’s provisions, and it helps us to rely on his faithfulness.
As I become thankful, I I am relying. I’m reminding myself.
I don’t re I’m not relying on the stuff that didn’t happen, like the way I wanted it to happen.
I am relying on a god who has never let me down.
I am lying on a god that is faithful.
I am relying on the faithfulness of god and I am lie relying on his provision.
So I’m not gonna spend my time worrying and get all stressed out.
You ain’t got time to position yourself to receive other people’s drama. Praise god.
You got to transform glory to god by thanking god and giving him praise and gratitude so that he can shift you over into peace and relying upon him.
You know, I think of an example of this consider the story of Job, despite losing everything, including his family, his possessions, Jobe chose to give thanks and praise to god.
Now I recognize in Job, if you’ll turn that Job chapter 1 and 21 in NLT, We have a doctrinal argument about, you know, whether god brought the bad thing to him.
I I I wanna go a little further than that.
He said in verse 21, I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave.
The lord gave me what I had and the lord has taken it away.
Now I’m not here to argue about whether that was god that took it away.
I am saying that a from a from a human perspective, He thought god gave it, and he felt like, well, maybe god took it away.
So we’re not arguing about that, but I wanna show you what he was doing in the midst of the dilemma.
Praise the name of the lord.
He had lost everything, and he says in the midst of this, whether my thinking is right or wrong, I’ve lost everything.
I’ve lost all my possession, and I choose to be transformed from misery and hopelessness by praising god and being transferred in a place where I need to be.
Job’s gratitude in the midst of extreme, so demonstrated the power of Thanksgiving to overcome negative emotions.
He could have been depressed. He could have been suicidal. I mean, he lost everything.
But it says, I’m gonna praise the name of the lord. I realize I don’t lost everything.
I realize I don’t lost everybody.
I realize I’ll but I’m gonna think I’m gonna go ahead and praise the lord. Amen? Oh my god.
I don’t know what your day look like today, but I think you ought to go ahead and praise the lord.
Amen. Oh my god. Uh, I’m a feel some up here now. You know?
Secondly, Thanksgiving is a weapon against now this is interesting, but it it shows up.
Didn’t even realize it. Thanksgiving is a weapon against envy.
A lot of things you receive from other people is, as a result of envy.
Envy and comparison can be sources of great discontent meant and negative emotions.
Negative emotions come from this. However, when we when we practice Thanksgiving, we redirect our attention.
To the blessings we have rather than what others possess.
We start thinking, you will you will literally block envy by thanking God for what you got instead of looking around, noticing what somebody else got.
Oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying.
Uh, let’s get a witness as this in this in, uh, 1st thessalonians chapter 5.
And, uh, verse 18. 1st thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 18.
And notice what he says, be thankful in all circumstances.
For this is god’s will for you who belong to Christ.
How many of you belong to Christ? He says no matter what you go through. Be thankful in it.
He didn’t say be thankful for it. Be thankful in it.
You might be fighting a sickness and disease in it. You got to find a reason to thank god.
You might be wondering whether money is gonna pay the rent in it. You gotta learn how to thank god.
He says, this is my will for you.
See, we’re thinking, well, well, uh, in in the end of your will for you to give me the money to pay this, end it for your will to go ahead and heal me, like, in 2 hours, end it for your nieces, then you know what?
You know what? I know what I’m doing.
But here’s what I need you to do while I’m doing what I’m doing.
I need you to go ahead and thank me while you’re in it.
He says, in the midst of some crazy situations, I double dog, Dino, dare you to thank me.
In the middle of things that you might not understand, stop trying to be the big intellectual and just thank god in the middle of it.
Hey, you might not ever understand it, but what you do understand is I can be trans formed out of this emotional attack if I’ll just thank god while I’m in it.
No. I don’t know how the bill gonna get paid. Yes. I mismanaged my money.
No. I don’t know if they’re gonna put me out today or next week, but I tell you what, between money and side of it, I’m gonna praise God.
I’m gonna thank god, and he’s gonna transform me so my emotions won’t get the best of me.
The story of David and Saul shows the importance of Thanksgiving and overcoming envy.
You see, despite Saul’s jealousy, and attempt to to to to really kill him.
David responded with gratitude towards god. Look at Psalms 34 in verse 1.
In the middle of all of what he was going to. That was stressful.
Because he’s trying to honor the dude and the dude’s searching for him. Be kidding him.
And verse, uh, one, and he says, I will praise the lord at all times.
Oh, now I see the secret to David winning all of his battles.
I will praise the lord at all times.
See, see, we just read that, like, this cute, But when when when you’ve been through some stuff and you’ve made your mind up, you know, here’s what I’m gonna do.
I’m gonna set my thermostat, and I’m gonna praise the lord at all time.
I’m not taking my temperature to see how I feel.
I’m gonna set my thermostat so that these emotions won’t overcome me.
I will praise the lord at all times I will constantly speak his praises.
See, I don’t know if we forgot or what, but that’s power and praise.
That’s power and praise. I ain’t waiting till I come to church to get the praise, the lord.
I’m gonna weaponize my praise. I’m gonna weaponize my Thanksgiving. I’m gonna weaponize my gratitude.
I’m gonna let the devil know if you come messing with me, you’re messing with an atomic bomb.
I’m about to blow up some praise on you right now.
I’m about to blow up some shout on you right now.
I’m about to blow up some dancing of you right now. I will praise oh lord.
I will constantly speak of his praise. I’m gonna praise him at all times.
I’m gonna praise him when I’m up and I’m gonna praise him when I’m down.
I’m gonna praise him when I have provision, and I’m gonna praise him when I don’t know where the provision’s gonna come from.
But I will yet praise the lord.
You need to let the devil know that you are not tired of praising god.
You need to let him know I’m appraiser.
I don’t know if you got the memo or not, but I’m a appraiser.
You better watch out because I will praise god from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same.
I’m gonna praise the lord. My god. My god.
Number 3. Number 3. Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a catalyst for joy.
Thanksgiving has the power to transform our perspective and it has the power to foster a heart of joy.
Oh, glory. Look at Psalms 100 in in verse 4. A catalyst for joy.
My god. You get to thinking god.
And all of a sudden, the attempted depression has gotta be put on hold.
And you start as you start thanking them, you start thinking about stuff you have forgotten that god has done for you.
My goodness. Verse 4 says, enter his gates with Thanksgiving.
Go into his court with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.
So when we enter god’s presence, that’s what he’s talking about.
When we enter his presence with Thanksgiving, we open ourselves up to experience his joy and to find strength in our god when we enter in with Thanksgiving and praise.
I tell you there’s no better example than the example of Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned unjustly.
They chose to express their Thanksgiving through wisdom for uh, uh, through worship and praise, excuse me, and despite their their chains, The Bible says they began to sang hyms.
And and let’s go look at acts chapter 16, and verse 25.
They began to sang hyms and Psalms, and and and and and in prison, Joy Kane.
Oh, you better listen to me. Watch this?
1st 25, around midnight, and I’m gonna read on down a little bit.
Around midnight, Paul and Silas, were praying and singing hymns to god. What?
Why said somebody said they must have been singing to themselves.
The bible says, and the other prisoners were listening.
So they were saying, I lied. I know some times, you you wanna you wanna do that little silent treatment praise.
But I’m telling you, when you realize what god has done for you, you don’t mind other people hearing your praise.
And in this day and time, I think it’s about time for somebody to hear our praise. Amen.
They’re hearing everything else, but they they’re not hearing praise.
And I believe that something will happen when people can start hearing our praise.
When you show up in a restaurant, just for a little bit, I ain’t trying to bother nobody, but I might come in and sing a little praise on my way to the seat.
You don’t understand what I’m saying?
He says and, uh, he says, they start the prisoners were listening to the praise.
And look what happened here in verse 26, suddenly, Are you ready for some sudden list? Yeah.
See, that that that’s why I I I didn’t mind putting a turkey on the side to come and give God praise because I don’t know in my life when I’m gonna need some suddenlies.
Certainly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundation.
Now, watch this. And all the doors immediately flew open.
And the chains of every prisoner fell off.
I don’t know what kind of symbolic change you might have on, but I do have an idea of how we can get them off.
Hallelujah. I got an idea how we can open up the prison doors.
I don’t know what bonded you might be in, but I got an idea how to open the door and get the chains to fall off.
And I dare you. I dare you to put a praise in your mouth.
I dare you to put a song in your mouth. I dare you to put a hymn in your mouth.
I dare you to say something that nobody ever sings no more.
I dare you to say amazing grace how sweet the sound.
I tell you, those chains will fall off you and a, uh, supernatural power will show up and open a door in your life.
So three ways to practice an attitude of faithfulness in your everyday life.
Number 1, thank and praise god for everything in your life. Thank you for it. Look around.
Just do a 360 and look what god has done.
Do you look at look step in your house today and thank god you got 1. Hallelujah.
Whatever you eat today, whether it’s a popsicle or drumstick, thank god that you got it.
Hebrews chapter 13, 15 in NLT. Here’s what he says.
And and and and this is for every in every begin to do this.
How do I how do I how do I practices attitude of, of, of thanks money.
And it keeps the emotions at bay.
He says, therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual, continual, sacrifice.
Don’t feel like doing it, but I do it anyway. Apraise to god.
Proclaiming our, what’s this, allegiance to his name. Proclaiming my loyalty and my commitment to his name.
Number 2, out of our practices’ attitude of Thanksgiving every day, Don’t allow yourself to complain about anything.
Watch your mouth. You can go home today and start complaining about stuff. But don’t do it.
1st, Peter, 310, and NLT. Don’t allow yourself to complain about anything.
Completing wants to paralyze the voice of Thanksgiving. Because while you’re complaining, you’re not being thankful.
And he says, if you want to enjoy life, I tell you what, boy, how many you wanna enjoy life?
And if you wanna see happy days, how many want some happy days?
I’m not talking about the one that the funds was on. I’m talking some happy days in your life. Alright?
He says, here, here’s how you do it. Keep your tongue from speaking evil.
And I tell you what evil is is complaining. It’s complaining. And here’s the last one.
Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t wish that your life was different. You by looking at other people.
You’re looking at other people, and you’re comparing yourself with them and see when you compare, you belittle what god has done for you.
And this is why we should not compare Galatians chapter 6 and 4 and a NLT.
And then second Corinthians 1012, we shouldn’t compare.
Don’t compare your call with somebody else because you’ll end up belittling the blessing of god in your life.
Your car might look as pretty as theirs, but it gets you where you need to go. Praise god.
And you need to start praising god that you gotta rely on a car that’ll get you where you need to go rather than a credit car that break down every 3 months.
Amen. He said, pay careful attention to your own work.
For then, you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.
And then in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10, verse 12, he says, oh, don’t worry.
We wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are You’ve missed somebody.
They tell you how important they are, but they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement, and it ends by saying how ignorant?
How ignorant? Praise god? So we we understand today.
Oh, it just just does something in my heart to know that a few of us decided to come here today, to say thank you, Jesus.
Oh my goodness. And I guess I guess you might wonder well.
Well, what do we have? What what do we have to thank god for?
And I I I’m a tell you some folks.
Y’all just let’s let’s I’m thinking because I’m thinking because he died on calvary.
He died on cover his cross.
I thank him because he bore the sins of a whole world.
I thank him because he went to hell for 3 days and for 3 nights, so I wouldn’t have to go.
I thank him because he he got up early as Sunday morning and with all power.
In his hands. You don’t hear me?
I thank him because he oh, glory to god.
He ascended on high, and he took his seat on the right hand of god, the father almighty.
And I thank him, uh, because when he died, hallelujah, he died to sin.
I thank him because he was raised from the dead.
And when he was raised from the dead, I was raised under righteousness.
You don’t hear me.
I’m thinking, because he sat down on the right hand of god to follow my head.
And when he sat down on god, the father almighty, I sat down on the right hand of god, the father almighty.
Oh, law. Hold on.
I thank him, uh, because he’s coming back again with all power.
Wrapped up in his hands.
I thank you, Lord, because you’ve kept me, and I thank your lord because you never left me.
I thank your lord for being myra in a weary land.
I thank your lord for being my shelter in the time of a storm.
You don’t hear me. Thank you, Lord.
That you’re my healer in the midst of sickness. I thank you, Lord.
That you’re still my rocker in a weary land.
I thank you, lord, that you’re my in the time of sorrow.
That’s your my hope for tomorrow. Lord, I thank you.
That when I was, uh, in bondage, didn’t have no god on my side.
Doctor told me I was gonna die that you raised me out of a sick bed.
You put healing in my body. Lord, I thank you. I give you the praise.
You can’t hear it.
Like I can tell it, what god has done for me He is still a rock in a weary land now, now, now, Jesus.
Lord. I’ve got to preheasha because I could have been dead to leap and end my grade, but you may heed over the heavens.
You made that enemy behave. Lord.
I gotta rid your horse because you’ve been mighty good to me.
I cannot sit back and look at what you’ve done and not give you the praise that you’re worthy of.
Oh, my soul is happy right now. Oh, my soul is happy right now.
I know there are a lot of people just don’t know what’s going on right now, but I got this shout, and I gotta give him praise.
Now now, now, now, now, now, Jesus. Oh, now, now, now, now, now, Jesus. Lord.
You’ve been my good meeting. My god.
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, See, see, every now and then, every now and then, every now and then, you get enough teaching, but every now and then you got to praise him every now and then.
See, this is what I do when I’m at home, and god has done something so miraculous.
I can’t figure it out. I don’t know how he did it. Don’t know why he did it.
I don’t know where it came from, but I got to praise It’s holding name.
I Jesus.
Well, Thank you, lord.
Thank you, lord.
Thank you, And now on to him who is able to keep you from falling.
And to present you faultless before they all bodyguard. Be glory.
Majesty, dominion, and power. Both now and forever.
Amen. And a man.
You can give your offerings on the way out.
God bless you and happy Thanksgiving.

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