The Amazing Miracle & Fight For Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Amazing Miracle & Fight For Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares the amazing miracle & fight for your life. Some of the greatest miracles are taking place invisibly and yet our lives depend on them.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

That tells you something, first of all, you don’t just exist. You know, a rock exists.
Rock doesn’t have to fight. Doesn’t have to do anything.
But you, exist, your body has to fight, to live.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything, give thanks.
Give thank giving thanks is crucial for a believer. You’re born again, you are spiritually Jewish. Here at Israelite.
The word Jew comes from Hebrew where the Hebrew word yahuda.
The word yahuda means someone who gives thanks, someone who thanks god and gives praise to god.
But you may not be feeling thankful when you think of things you’re dealing with, but We gotta get back to reality.
If you’re saved, before saved, you’ve been saved from hell, from judgment. That’s something to give thanks for.
You’ve got eternal life. You got heaven. That’s something to give thanks for.
You’re the most blessed person you could ever imagine. That’s something to thank god about.
That’s why it says in the Bible says in everything, give thanks.
Well, well, god’s not gonna give you a command that you can’t do giving thanks is based on something else.
It’s command. If you’re gonna have thanks, you gotta have blessings to give thanks for.
So if it says that you’re supposed to thank god in everything no matter what all the time, That means you must have so much blessing that you can thank god for the rest of your life.
But tonight, I wanna show you what blessing you probably don’t think about much.
And yet, it is amazing. In fact, you’re alive because of it. Psalm 139 says this.
Verse 14, I will praise you. For I am fearfully or awesomely and wonderfully made.
Marvelous are your works. And my soul knows it very well. 1 of god’s works is you.
Some people would tell you you’re an accident you weren’t meant to be. You were unintentional.
No reason the kind of thing that happens, you know, an accident happens on the highway.
You know, it doesn’t mean anything with that.
But people would say, you know, at the same time, you know, you know, just your eye just your eye alone is more complex than a television camera.
The perfect receptor is to receive light.
Perfect transmitters, darkness, and light together, color, more than a television set. It’s electric.
People would say, you know, your hearts, your lungs, it’s just it’s all put together.
Is electricity going on with you, a digestive system, uh, with muscular system perfectly functioning pretty much.
Pretty much. I mean, let’s think about how many machines you have that breakdown.
You know, if your body totally breaks down, you’re dead, but look. You’re not dead.
You know, most of you, I mean, it goes for a pretty 70 80 years or more.
It pretty much stays pretty amazing. And with chemicals and with a million things going on, maintaining your your temperature.
All these things far superior than anything we can do with our intelligence. We can’t even create something like that.
A computer, something more intense than a computer and yet all alive.
The human mind far more complex than anything that we could devise with its memory, its conscience, its light with all these things.
It says in enrollments, it said, professing themselves they they become to be wise, they became fools.
Well, so that’s what’s happened to the modern world.
It says we are fearfully and wonderfully that you are a miracle. You are a miracle.
Even if you don’t know the lord, you’re still a miracle because god made you.
But there’s a war going on around you against you, a war against your life. You can’t see it.
They’re the germs that are everywhere.
Your mother’s been telling you about them for long, you know, wash your hands. You get germs.
Don’t put that in your mouth. Don’t suck on that.
We had a lot that we had all the this the whole COVID thing.
We all became very aware of it. Don’t do this. Your whole life, you’ve been watching out for germs.
And you haven’t seen one yet, but they’re there. But you know, they’re there.
They are there, and they’re attacking you. They’re the most prevalent form of life on the planet.
The all types you know, all sorts of we lump them all together, germs.
The only good, you know, but the fact is they’re real. Do you realize all around you?
I mean, everywhere, there are germs.
And if they had many of them, some of them are benign, but many of them have their way, you’d be dead right now.
Tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, the plague, all that.
So your life is under constant warfare, you’re being wored on right now. Your life is something important.
It’s being wored on all around you. That tells you something, first of all, You don’t just exist.
You know, a rock exists. Rock doesn’t have to fight. Doesn’t have to do anything.
But you, to exist, your body has to fight to live.
You know, we you know, no matter who you are, you are in a warfare that is for your life.
Life continues to exist. Love contends to exist. What is good? So what does it tell you?
First of all, what is life? What is alive is gonna be war against?
What is good is gonna be warned against.
Don’t be discouraged that you are warned against in every in all sorts of ways.
So therefore, we must protect life. We must protect what is good.
We have to protect what in the life or be it’s like you have a garden.
You have to protect the garden. You might have wall around the guard.
Do you, some way you gotta protect the garden because it’s alive.
And if you don’t protect it, it’s gonna be dead or it’s gonna be weeds.
A shepherd has to protect the flock. If he doesn’t, the flock will be dead. Love protects.
You’ve got a family. You’ve gotta protect your family. You’ve got children.
You’ve gotta protect your children because your children are alive. Their life God set up watchmen.
And, Azikhi, he said, I’ve I’ve said, I’ve appointed watchmen.
The prophets were watchmen and it says that you’re you’re watchmen because the watchmen stands on the city and he has to he protects the city by a sounding the alarm, sounding the show for the moment he sees danger, they put up walls because they were protecting life.
They were protecting a city of life.
But so in the same way, god has woven into you a whole system of protecting you, like watchmen all over And I wanna I wanted to it’s gonna be very different, but I wanna show you what a miracle this is.
You know, first of all, if you have any attack in your body, all of a sudden, it’s like they’re a watchmen in your body.
And as soon as that they send out an alarm to the rest of your body, that there’s an attack.
Right away, they will it’ll start slowing down blood to that area.
Then then troops will come in in your body, they are calling me, so you don’t you don’t even wear this going on, but it’s happening all the time.
It’s like a SWAT team comes in called neutrophils. They engulf. There’s bacteria. They will engulf it.
They will wage war against it. You can’t see it.
You don’t even know you’re you’re most of the time, you don’t feel it, but they are coming in to wherever there’s an attack against you.
Behind them, come other troops They’re called the macrophage. They they are bigger.
They and they were they have been protecting you since you were conceived.
What is good must be fought for?
Now what happens if inside of you, a cell goes bad? Okay.
Cell goes bad, begins reproducing in a way that’s not for the not for the rescue, turns tumors, turns cancerous, life threatening, It actually happens more than you’ll ever know.
It’s happened to everybody. It’s not that people these people have cancer.
It’s that it’s that it got too big. It it overcame.
But you have cell, you have something going on. It would you would have been dead many times.
If god did not put into your body, cells that just make the rounds around your body.
They’re good cells. They’re patrolling you. Part of you, it’s patrolling every part. And they look for anything.
If they see one of one cell going bad, they go and they attack that cell.
You know, the FBI, the CIA, has they have specialists.
They, you know, they they they they’re specialists about terrorist or foreign leaders or criminals.
You know, will god put into you specialized cells that have specific targets.
You have something called lymphocytes. They they are your killer elites, really.
They what they do is they wait to be educated. This is real.
They they they wait about any particular threat that has come to your body in the past.
They’re gonna study it, they’re gonna get ready to if it ever comes again.
You have 2 kinds of these cells.
1 are B cells that fire chemical spheres at anything that attacks you.
The other RT cells that have chemical swords. Both have chemical keys on their surface.
When an enemy microbe comes in with a fitted with a lot, these special cells have special weapons against those special cells.
Fighting for your life. You have something called a b cell.
When it’s shown an enemy cell, it goes into red alert. It’s go it changes It changes.
It transforms and morphs into another kind of cell that’s a killer cell that starts pouring out antibodies against that threat that has come into your body.
Antibodies are chemical spheres that lampoon the cells that are trying to destroy you. Bacteria.
So if bacteria multiplies, so you’ve got these cells, these plasma cells, they start multiplying, and they start sending out missiles all over to preserve your life.
Then you have another enemy against your life and that is viruses.
Now are so small that if bacteria was an entire football field, a virus would be a football compared to a bacteria.
That’s how small they are. It’s not even certain if viruses are alive or not alive.
They’re kind of like the aliens in the movies. You see the invasion of the body snatchers or alien.
They cannot reproduce themselves. The only way they can do it is to get inside one of your cells, get your DNA, they use your DNA, they use it to make more viruses.
So the cell turns into a factory of viruses.
And so it looks like a regular cell, but it’s been taken over. It’s like a factory.
But when and so when a cell dies, thousands of these viruses come out and then they invade more cells.
So this is a real, like, alien. This is like diabolical. You see, it’s the fall.
You see, you think you have a whole I just have a cold today.
It’s really the invasion of the body snatchers going on. How does your body fight this?
Well, you need a specialist to fight it.
You have a kind of, you know, every city is the movie called men in black. They fight.
They look for aliens. That’s what your t cells actually do. The t cells patrol your body.
Looking for these invaders. The viruses though are so small, they go into a cell.
You can’t see them. But in order to get into the cell, it’s gotta remove its coat.
It has a protein coat. Gotta go. So so the T cells look for these coats outside a cell.
If they find it, That’s it. They go to that cell. They shut it down. They destroy it.
The virus and the cell. And then Then it it calls for helper cells to come and they come and they make strategic decisions about where they should put the defense, all that to save your life.
So a big war is going on over you. Yeah. Like, the feeling you’re being fought over.
After the war is over, a few of the soldiers live on.
They live on because they remember what it was.
They sit around in your bloodstream, and I’m I’m I’m, you know, I’m using I’m speaking loosely, but telling war stories.
They remember the war. The key is they remember what the enemy looked like, and they carry the weapon that is specifically geared to destroy that enemy if it ever comes into your body again.
Fighting for your life. What a miracle you are That you’re alive. You’re not just alive.
You’re alive by the will of god, and you are kept alive by the miracle of god.
So what do what does this tell us? You want things we should be thankful for?
Things we don’t even know. We’ve we don’t thank we’re not thankful yet. Look at what’s happening.
Whatever is good is gonna be war against. Whatever is of life is gonna be fought against.
And so it has to be protected.
Now I’m gonna apply this spiritually now to several areas of your life.
Areas of what’s alive, first of all, in your life? Well, Family is alive. Marriage is alive.
Your home, it’s alive. It’s a living thing.
And thus, there will be things that are gonna war against family, against marriage. It’s gonna especially today.
The marriages have been destroyed more than in any other time since the sixties, you know, back then, the, you know, the the rate of divorce was so small.
Now it is so has been so large or and then there are many people who never get into marriage at all.
About 40% of children in America are born without knowing a father and mother in marriage now.
But so there were there are things that will that are jer spiritual germs that go against marriage and family selfish, a culture of selfishness, a culture of promiscuity, pornography, a culture of a culture of me, me, me first doesn’t go doesn’t work with marriage.
A current, uh, you know, marriage is a beautiful thing. When you see a wedding, it’s a beautiful thing.
But there are germs waiting to attack it.
You know, it could be in baggage from the past, problems, financial problems. Every marriage needs an immune system.
To deal with what attacks it.
And that and and no matter what, to deal with it, something comes out.
You know, the Bible says, don’t let the sun go down on your anger.
Said you can be angry, but don’t let the sun go down.
So don’t keep anger in because that becomes a germ. That becomes a destructive thing to any relationship you have.
Don’t let it fester. That doesn’t mean you have to you have to confront everybody about everything.
You could just give it to god, but be finished with it.
Either way, some things you do have to deal with. Manifest the truth with love.
Don’t let it keep going on. Talk in love.
When it’s a germ, germs of anger, germs of of of of bitterness, germ germs of mistrust of coldness that comes into a marriage, germs of temptation, cut it off.
Head your marriage. People you are married. Head your marriage. Specific hedges. Hey.
This is how we’re gonna deal with this. When we’re, you know, so we’re not tempted.
We’re gonna deal like this. So when we start having an issue, we’re gonna deal with this.
We’re gonna do it this way. Let’s agree on that. Deal with it with love.
And fight offensively.
In marriage, you know, it’s not just that you’re supposed to be on the defense. Somebody comes up.
You’re supposed the best fighting is offensively when you’re not having problems, nurture it with love, bless the other person, lift up the other person.
Family too, family. What what attacks family?
Nobody’s been in a perfect family growing up but coldness, lack of of respect.
Again, again, it hurts that become become bitterness to guard that when there’s a misunderstanding, that’s when you have deal with it.
You know, you know, there are thi there are seeds of divisiveness that kill families and marriages.
We gotta fight that first in our head. In your head, that’s where the germ comes.
It says take every thought, captive.
But all your relationships will be attacked, And there’s a germs that all takes us 1 person, a person can have a great relationship and they make one mistake and the person gets hurt and that’s it.
Happens it happens all over. You have to protect it. Deal with it. Deal with it.
In your heart, deal with it.
You need an immune system for every for every relationship you have in your life.
But then there’s something else that we deal with. We don’t may not think about it this way.
The Bible says it right out that this is a body.
The Messiah, this is a this is the body, and then the entire body of Messiah is a body.
A body, it says, has different members. But if it’s a body, it means it’s alive.
If it’s alive, it’s gonna be attacked. And if it’s gonna be attacked, it’s gonna be attacked.
By these spiritual bacteria spiritual viruses, how? What what things attack the body?
You and the enemy wants everybody to be destroyed. Past baggage, people come in from their pack.
They bring it in from they had bad relationship with their their family and childhood.
Other congregations, they bring it in. Ego that destroys relationships destroys bodies pride, discontent.
You know, you know, again, somebody offended you. Great. They’re all it’s always gonna happen.
You you want a place where nobody’s gonna offend you.
You gotta go go to a graveyard because that’s the only place, so you’re not gonna have it.
As long as you have people, they’re gonna step on your toes. That’s the way it is.
That’s why the Bible says, always forgive. Put up with each other. For bear with each other. Deal with it.
Don’t write them off. Don’t don’t close the door. Discontent majoring on the minors.
Getting your eyes off the lord. Gossip. Deadly gossip. You could just say it’s virus right there.
It’s a virus. You take part of it. It’s gonna affect you.
It’s gonna infect you as well as those around you. You were hurt by someone. Okay.
What that that’s not the issue. What do you deal what do you do with it?
You gotta put up with each other. You gotta love each other. You want god to put up with you.
You gotta put up with other people.
It said, you know, don’t wait for the problems to keep coming that you’re then you’re fight the good fight.
Dwell in his presence every day. Dwell on the heavenly. You’re gonna be strong. Lift to it.
And when you don’t and and just with people around it. Lift up people. Lift up encouragement. Encourage yourself.
David strengthen himself. Encourage yourself. When you’re when when you’re not in the middle of it, and when you are in the middle of it, you’ll be strong.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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