Persevere In Faith – As Far As You Can See

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Persevere In Faith – As Far As You Can See

Do you believe that God shows you things to come? Do you believe the works (your needs and desires) were finished before the foundation of the world and you can enter into His rest? Did you know that in order for God to transfer what belongs to you, there is a requirement that you see your inheritance in Christ before you can take delivery? How far can you see? Joshua, chapter 6, verse 2 states, “And the Lord said to Joshua: “See! I have given . . .”

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
He’s gonna show you things to come. He’s gonna do that on purpose.
So you’ll be sure to hang in there when things get wrong. You can hang in there.
If you see your man uh, delivered and and you better than it was at the first.
And so forth, you can hang in there. If you can say, come on, people mistreating you and so forth.
You can hang in here. Until you can see your inheritance in Christ.
You cannot take delivery of it until you can see your inheritance in Christ, you cannot take delivery of it.
So if I come through 1st Corinthians after 3 verse 21.
Therefore, let no man glory in men For all things, are yours?
Oh, pastor, he’s talking about spiritual things. Well, you can’t see it.
If you think he’s talking about spiritual things, you are still blind to that scripture.
And because people can’t see it, it cannot be delivered by god to them.
Uh, are you with me here? Yes. Now we’re gonna get this.
We’re gonna we’re gonna get some territory tonight. This is good.
I’m telling And so what I’m saying here is that even though God has given you things, He asked the man, do you believe that I am able to do this?
He didn’t ask you whether you were able to do it.
He said, do you believe I’m able to do this? And they said, yay, lord.
Now, what happened here?
Unless they believed He wouldn’t be able to what to do it.
Yeah. Yeah. Amen. Yeah.
But believing is seeing. That’s what believing is.
When you believe some when you see it, That’s why the enemy doesn’t want you to see it because when you see it, there ain’t no doubt.
You don’t get me tonight, boy. I’m loaded here tonight.
But but but there there’s no doubt. Once you can see it, there’s no doubt.
That enemy comes after one thing, 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 4, please.
That enemy comes after one thing comes after your mind, and whom the god of this world has what?
Blinded the minds of them which what? Believe not.
If you don’t if your mind is blinded, you can’t believe anything.
And every one of us come into the kingdom believing something. Yes.
And what god is telling you is it time for a rewrite.
Most people are going through life with a pre programmed script.
And it’s been given to them by the world. Why?
Cause the world wants to keep them blind, to the things god wants them to see.
That as we are going through this earth, then what we see is where we go.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Proverbs chapter 23 in verse 7. He said this, as a man, thinketh in his heart, come on.
So is he? You can put belief in there, and and that’s where he goes.
Hebrews chapter 4 verse 1. Let us therefore fear less a promise being left to us of entering into his word, any of you should seem to come short of it.
Foreign to us who was a a gospel preached, as well as unto them, but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with what, faith, and then that hurt it, dext verse.
For we, which have, what, believed, do enter into where rest. Is rest.
And he said, as I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest, Although it, uh, the works were finished, Lord Hamburger, from the beginning, one of my favorite songs from the foundation of the world.
For you before the foundation of the world.
Do you believe that? Because if you don’t believe it, it can’t be delivered to you.
And believing is seeing. Now, why am I telling you that?
Because believing just doesn’t come because you heard because you heard.
Look what he says in Psalm 62 in verse 11. Just because you heard well, I heard that.
Watch what he says. God has spoken what? Once twice as I what, heard.
See, what he’s saying the first time I heard inflammation.
Then as I meditated it, I got revelation.
You you you hear what I’m saying?
You you’ll be surprised how you hear anyway. You take your voice and have somebody with a recorder.
One of those items And then you take your voice.
You’ve never heard this before, and you record, it tell tell you record something.
Maybe you go to sing or maybe you go to say some things or whatever.
And then they cut you off, and they said, alright, let me play it back.
And it’s first thing some people say, is that me? Yeah. That’s you.
Because you heard it first with you out of ear.
And I’m just saying it’s amazing how people are here, but they haven’t heard.
They haven’t heard. Oh, I heard that before. I heard that before.
Well, why are you still broke? Oh, I heard that before. I heard.
Well, why see, I’m just saying the reason why the condition is still there is because of Isaiah 5 in verse 13.
Their for my people are going into captivity because they have no have no what? What kind of knowledge?
Ref they could all they knew the Bible.
You got people that can tell you that Bible from one end to the other and still sick and steal it.
Come on. Now, I’m gonna help me. Don’t let don’t get quiet over now. We’re going somewhere tonight.
No. You gotta see it.
Now, can I give you a couple of scriptures here? Praise god.
This is good preaching, Mike. Let’s talk about seeing a lord of mercy.
I got some good stuff here. Okay. Alright. Let’s let’s look at this first. See. Alright.
Let’s just let’s look at Joshua first, and then I’m coming back to Abraham because I wanna ask you how far can you see?
Alright? Let’s look at Joshua, Joshua chapter 6 in verse 1. Alright? See, he’s going from information to what?
Revelation. See, he’s gotta get a revelation of the word.
His spiritual eye has got to get open to this thing.
Lord, open to my eyes that I may behold what? Wondrous things out of your law.
Look what he says here. Now, Jericho was straight and shut up because of the children of Israel, none went out and none came in.
Come on. And the lord said unto Joshua, see. There it is. Circulate, highlight it, whatever.
I have given to the hand what, Jericho, and what else that’s king thereof, and what else the mighty men are valid.
Now stop right there because I’m a go to the next verse.
Notice, god in Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 that I talked about on Sunday, he said, remember the former things of old for, I am god, and there’s none else, I am god, and there’s none like me come on declare the beginning in business.
They say like this in Colby’s book of 7 habits He said, start with the end in mind.
God is gonna show you the end.
God let’s look at it again. No. Joshua chapter 6 verse 1.
Let’s look at it. He’s gonna show you the end because that’s the way he does things.
He’d made you to operate like him. Watch it.
And Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel. None went out. None came in. Watch this.
Now, Jericho was impossible to penetrate. The impost say impossible, meditation gives you penetration of the impossible.
Alright? Look what he says.
And the lord said, unto Joshua, see, come on, I have I have I have given.
It’s not gonna be done in the future it’s already done before the foundation of the earth, you were healed.
Before the foundation of the earth, you had that big house. Before the foundation of the world. Come on now.
Because he declares the end from the beginning.
And that’s what he wants you to see.
If you see how you’re going in with with Mohammed Ali or going in with a big heavyweight fighter and you know in three rounds, you’re gonna be untouched and you’re coming out and get a purse of $40,000,000 you’re happy to go in.
Well, here is Jesus. Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2. He was happy to go to the cross. Watch this.
What it says here. In Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2, looking unto Jesus, the authentic of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, what did he do?
Indoor the cross, despising this chain, and was set down. Come on.
At the right hand of the throne of god. Yes. Didn’t that something? He saw it.
Proof text. March chapter 10 verse 34. Proof. I got proof that he saw it. Yeah.
God chose you things. He’ll show you the end. Meditate, he’ll show you the end.
Look what he says, and they shall mock him and show what scourage him and show what, spit on him, and what else?
Show kill him. Watch him. And the 3rd day, what is he gonna do? He will rise again.
He’s coming up. He’s coming up. God showed him that he’s coming up.
He will show you cut no.
You’re not gonna you’re gonna you’re gonna let this sink into your your spirit.
He will show 16 verse John 16 verse 13. He’s gonna show you things to come.
He’s gonna do that on purpose. Why? So you’ll be sure to hang in there when things get rough.
You can hang in here. If you see your marriage, uh, delivered and and you better than it was at the first and so forth, you can hang in there.
If you can say, come on, people mistreating you and so forth, you can hang in there.
Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of themselves.
But whatsoever he showed here, come on, that shall he speak.
Come on, and he will show you what things to come, and he shall glorify me for he shall not receive shall receive of mine and shall do to you, he’s gonna show it to you.
So, and it says all things that the father has are what. Mind.
Therefore, said I, that he shall take of mind and shall do what to show it to you.
So either way, you’re gonna see something in the future. See, god came to comfort Zion.
Comfort is including peace.
Shows up was in jail in in Genesis chapter 40.
And he’s head to those, the butcher and the baker, whoever it was that got thrown in jail because they disobeyed or or made the king mad, He think he said, why are y’all so sad today?
He he is down there with all the water and rats and so forth.
But he said, Why are you so sad? Now, why would he say, why are you so sad?
Because he was still full of joy.
He had that dream in Genesis 37 that showed him that he was a ruler.
And he never let it slipped.
That’s why the devil tried to block your revelation so that you can’t see what’s to come.
And he tried to get you not to meditate the word. Just read it one time.
You’re alright. No. You don’t read it one time. The first time and then the second time.
And if you need to read it the 3rd time, and pretty soon, boom, something will open up.
Caster, your airplane is in Ecclesiastes chapter 10. What do you think I did?
Went over to an Ecclesiastes chapter 10. Red and walked in and see it.
Read it to the whole chapter again, Dennis said, read it the 3rd time that eyes of my understanding were open and enlighten.
A bird of the air verse 20 shall carry my voice.
Once I saw that, it could be delivered.
God can’t deliver it unless you can see it.
Now I am not preaching for my health. I’m preaching for your wealth.
And I’m telling you this lady got on this platform and said, some of you just wanna be millionaires, but god is saying, am I not able to make billionaires?
I’m telling you, you should get in that thing and see what god is saying to you because god is ready to transfer some trust.
Well, it is good preaching I’m putting out here. Alright.
Turn to Genesis. Genesis chapter, uh, um, 13 verse 14.
How far can you Genesis 13 verse 14.
And the lord said into Abraham, after that lot had been at separate was separated from him.
Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are.
Northwood and Southwood, in Eastwood, and Westwood.
For all the land which thou what? See it?
To thee will I give it and to thy seed forever.
So we’ve got to see this And in Joseph’s life, Genesis 37 in verse 5, Here is Joseph.
And he said, and Joseph dreamed to dream.
And told it to his brethren, and they hated him.
Yet for the more, and he said to them, Here, I pray you, this dream, which I have dreamed.
For behold, I was binding seeds in the in the field, and lo my sheep arose and also stood upright and behold your sheafs stood, uh, around about and bowed down to my sheep.
Now, and and he said, wait a minute.
And his brother said, well, hold hold hold on here. Are you following what I’m saying?
Now I know the devil was behind that. You know what?
Because why are you gonna get mad at your younger brother? Yeah.
Telling you a dream. Oh, get out of here. You follow what I’m saying? No.
They got evil mad. Because the devil was behind it.
He knew that dream came from god.
And his next job was to stop it from manifesting.
But if you hold on to your dream, What god promised he’s also able to perform.
Now are you following what I’m saying? So Other people, Luke, chapter 1, verse 45.
I said believing is seeing Say that.
This is Mary Don Hertz cousin’s house, Elizabeth. Elizabeth is 6 months expecting.
And Elizabeth said here in verse 45 or Mary, he said, blessed is she that believed put that e d on it.
You’re okay. For there, shall be a what? Performance of those things, which foretold her from the lord.
The promises of god, if you believe him, causes the virtue of the flow, that will cause a performance of what you believe.
Next verse. And Mary said, my soul does magnify the lord. Next verse.
And my spirit has rejoiced in god, my savior. Watch this next verse.
For he that he has, uh, regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold.
From henceforth, all generations shall call me. Does that sound like a believer? Yes. Come on.
Come on. Does that sound like a believer? Yes. Uh. Next verb.
For he that is mighty is going to do.
See who’s saying, I want you to catch it. I want you to catch it.
Has done to me what? Great things. Say great things. Say it three times. Great.
And holy is his name.
He declares the in from the beginning.
And he’ll show you the end. He’ll show you what he sees.
I will show you the end of this thing that you’re trying to do.
Whatever you’re trying to do, what I called you to do.
What you feel strictly led to do, I can show you the end of this.
If you get before me and meditate in my word day and night, I will show you then.
See, you’re you’re only an exciting man. This this means so much to me.
Look what he says here again in Jarrett and Joshua chapter 6 verse 1.
I want you to see this because he you have a right to see how you’re gonna come out.
That’s one of your covenant rights. Look here.
Now, Jericho’s shut up because of the children of Israel, none went out, and none came in.
And the lord said, until Josh was c.
I have given into my hand what, Jericho, and what else? The king thereof, what else?
And the mighty metaphor. Next verse.
And you shall come pass the city all ye men of war and go roundabout the city once the shoes y’all do, how many days?
6 days. 6 days. Notice. Not only is he showing you the end, But giving you the plan, the strategy to get there.
Say guaranteed. Guarantee. Success. You’re guaranteed. You’re guaranteed.
Stop thinking you’re taking a gamble. There’s no such thing as gambling in the kingdom.
This is all guaranteed.
If you will look at Mark’s gospel and Mark chapter 10.
And in verse 47, this is blind bartimaeus.
And when he had heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry up and saying Jesus, thou son of David, what?
Yeah. Have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace.
But he cried the more a great deal.
Thou Son of David have mercy on me.
And Jesus stood chill and commanded him to be called.
And they called a blind man saying unto him, be of good comfort, arise, he called us for thee.
And he casting away his garment rose and came to Jesus.
And Jesus answered and said, on to him, What will thou that I should do unto thee?
And a blind man said it to him, lord, that I might what? Receive my sight. Keep going.
And Jesus said, unto him, go thy way. Thy faith has made the whole.
And immediately, he received his sight and follow Jesus in the way.
I’m gonna say something.
No one can stop you from having What belongs to you?
If you are seeing and saying.
Now I want you I want you to get this done.
I want you to get this.
When you can see it, they cannot shut you up.
I have a dream.
I’ve been to the mountain top. I’ve seen the promise.
I couldn’t shut him up. Can’t shut you up.
The only time they can shut you up is when you haven’t seen it.
They can put enough pressure that you will not see it.
And god intended that everywhere he sends his people they will see what the world can’t see.
Watch it and then decree what the world can see.
And when they decree a thing, it shall be a step.
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As you study this teaching, let the eyes of your under standing, be opened and enlighten, encouraging you to hold on to your dream and know without a shadow of a doubt that what god promised he is able to deliver.
Order this dynamic teaching. As far as you can see, Operation 10 city is a 10 city can pain, empowering communities of people across challenged metropolitan cities throughout the US, restoring home providing resources and imparting entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 city features a free mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders.
Business owner and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach business and entrepreneurship and faith.
Operation 10 city has impacted thousands today in St. Louis.
Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago, with a singular bitch to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building.
And ownership.
It’s a lot of single parents like myself that’s doing everything by themselves, and this actually is a big help
since these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes. And then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we are free shaved a blessing. Today,
I’m here because I would love to expunge my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expunge will be the most top impacting me and my wife because I plan on getting my CDL so I can be a truck driver.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander Acacia, and I just won $10,000 here at Operation 10 City.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the
of god. It was so powerful.
When praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when come to your city.
This is your day. Uh, and, no, ma’am, this is your day.
This is your day.
I remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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