October 28, 2023! God’s Messages!

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October 28, 2023!

Dear Lord,

Today, I declare that success, and good health shall follow me. I am healthy in my body, mind, and my decisions. Creative ideas, rare opportunities, and a positive spirit shall be my portion. I won’t lack the good things in life, or ever have to beg for bread. Amen!


God is saying to you today,
“I’m restoring your strength.
You’re being renewed and
refreshed for better days.
What the enemy meant for
evil, I will turn it around for
the good. Everything lost will
be repaid, and I will have the
last word in your life.”


God is saying to you today,
“You may not understand
right now. It may not make
sense. You may feel tired
and overwhelmed, but one
day, you’ll see it was
necessary. All things are still
working together for the
good. Hold on.”

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