Trusting God When You Don’t Understand | Joyce Meyer

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Trusting God When You Don’t Understand

Anytime you start to feel depressed or discouraged, start thanking God for the blessings in your life. You can stop the attacks of the enemy with gratitude.

Being positive does not mean we deny the existence of our problems; it simply means we see hope in the midst of them. We believe God can and will help us, and we look forward to something good happening.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series, bless in the mess.
Choosing to trust god despite our circumstances is the answer to everything.
This doesn’t mean we sit back and do nothing while god fixes all our problems.
It means we can live with joy and be a blessing to someone else while he works things out in his way and in his perfect timing.
If we tend to god’s business, he will take care of ours. Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
You know what? Even when Jesus shows up, we’re still gonna have stuff wrong with us.
He doesn’t care. That you never reach the place of perfection.
What he wants is a perfect heart who’s always moving toward him, moving toward him, moving toward him, And I tell people all the time, just get up every day and do the best you can and let god do the rest of what you can’t do and when he returns, whatever is still wrong with you, he’s gonna be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
And you will be like him and see him as he is.
You know what? I don’t worry about stuff that’s wrong with me anymore.
It doesn’t trouble me one bit.
And it makes the devil so mad he’s about to have a nervous breakdown.
You know why I don’t worry with it anymore?
Cause I buy killed myself with worry over it for years years. And you know what?
God finally showed me? You’re no surprise to me.
I knew what I was getting when I got you. Come on.
I mean, do you honestly think that you got saved?
And the next day, god said, I sure didn’t know you were gonna be like this.
God is not surprised by anything that happens in our life.
The people in Nepal were surprised by the earthquake, but god was not surprised.
And you may be surprised by some of the things that are going on in your life right now.
But god is not surprised, and he already has prepared your way of escape.
God has already planned the way out, and all you have to do is keep taking some trust and some do good.
I love this message. Mystery.
Let’s lean into him instead of backing away from him.
Verse 53 for this perishable part of us must put on the imperishable nature and this mortal part of us, this nature that is capable of dying must put on MR, m immortality freedom from death.
Now just hang on. And when this perishable part puts on the imperishable, and this that was capable of dying puts on freedom from death, Then shall be fulfilled, the scripture that says death is swallowed up in and under victory.
O death where is your victory? Oh, death? Where is your sting?
You may leave this earth, but you won’t die.
You’ll be like him even as he is right now, and you’ll understand everything that you don’t understand now.
You know, there’s a lot of things that I don’t understand that don’t confuse me.
I don’t understand gravity, but I’m enjoying it right now.
I don’t get upset about not understanding that.
I don’t fully understand all the mechanics of breathing, but I’m participating and enjoying it.
I don’t understand how trees and grass and flowers can look so dead in the winter and have no life in them.
And then in the spring, they just come, but I enjoy that every year. And I’m like, Oh my god.
You are so good. I don’t understand electricity, but I depend on it.
I don’t know how I can put a little message in my cell phone and send it to my son who’s in India.
And in less than 5 minutes, I’ll have a message back from him don’t understand it, but I use it every day.
Why do we think that we have to understand everything about god who is less understandable than anybody?
I don’t need to understand what god’s doing in my life.
I just need to trust him that he’s good and whatever he’s doing, whether I like it or not right now, I will like it eventually.
I wish that I could really explain to you all the stuff that I’ve went through in my life.
Oh, I was such an unbelievable mess.
And the work that god has done in me But it hasn’t all been pleasant, but it’s so worth it.
Stop running away from god. And running away from everything that’s uncomfortable and everything that’s hard and everything that hurts you a little bit and just dig in and say, god, I want your will in my life.
You do what you want to do in my life. When I lost all my friends, I was lonely.
I mean, lonely, and it was hard, and it hurt but I couldn’t have gone to the next place.
I couldn’t have carried all that baggage with me.
Some of you have got some stuff that you’re trying to take with you and it’s just dead baggage and you need to get rid of it and let it go.
But why do we keep hanging on and hanging on and hanging on?
Because sometimes even our pain were so attached to it that we don’t wanna let go of it.
Like I said, this morning, we can learn how to function within our dysfunction.
You know, one of the biggest questions that we get asked today, I guess, is, do you think Jesus is gonna come soon?
Well, I’ll be honest with you. I hope he does. I’m sure not afraid of it.
I’m ready. Come quickly, lord Jesus.
Why would we wanna be here if we could be there?
The only reason why I wanna stay is for the sake of all the people who don’t know Christ yet and continue to have opportunity to try to bring that truth to them.
And in Matthew chapter 24, it’s a great chapter about signs of the end times and the disciples said, or tell us, when when are you when are you gonna return?
When are you gonna come back? When are these things gonna take place?
And he began to give them a discourse about wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes and famines and divers places, and all these things that are gonna happen And you know what?
It’s happening in the world today. We’re seeing the signs.
And then I think it’s like about in verse 13, Jesus said a wonderful thing.
He didn’t tell them exactly when the time was gonna be. But he said, occupy until I come.
In other words, you don’t need to worry about when coming, you need to just keep doing your assignment.
You know, every one of us has an assignment from god, but it’s a little different.
Some of you have an assignment right now. You’re raising 3 kids and that’s your assignment.
Dave has an assignment. I have an assignment.
And I’ve decided a long time ago, I’m not gonna worry about all this stuff that I don’t understand.
I’m just gonna do my assignment. Come on. I’m just gonna do my assignment.
I don’t have to worry about my kids.
I’m gonna pray for my kids, and I’m gonna do my assignment.
I don’t have to worry about the financial system in the world.
I’m gonna do my assignment and trust god to take care of me.
What happens is we have all these problems And then we no longer focus on what god wants us to do.
We’re focusing on the problems. And then the work of god does not get done in the earth.
And you know what? Everybody’s assignment is a little bit different.
I look at Dave, he’s been sitting down there. I was thinking a day.
My gosh, 40 years.
This man’s been sitting and listening to me teach 40 years.
And you know what? I’m not Dave’s teacher.
He doesn’t come to me and say, boy, I learned a lot out of that message tonight.
I don’t know that I’ve ever heard him say that to me.
And it wouldn’t be good if he did, because god told me a long time ago, yours, why You’re not his teacher.
Well, that was worth you coming tonight.
He’s not sitting there because he has to.
That’s his assignment. It is. Now see, they’re laughing.
This is the part that god has given him to do, and that’s certainly not all he does is just sit there, but he’s in every meeting that I do as my covering He protects me.
He makes sure I don’t get hurt. He makes sure I don’t do stupid stuff.
He loves me. He encourages me. And you know what?
When first gave me my assignment and gave him his assignment, he wasn’t too crazy about it.
It doesn’t matter if you like your assignment or not. Just do it. Hello?
I said it doesn’t matter if you like your assignment or not. Just do it.
Because you know what?
Your joy is attached to you doing what god has asked you to do. Now look at me.
I’m gonna say something important. Whatever you do, stop making life complicated.
You know what? I just do what I do. I preach. I pray. I study. I write books.
I preach. I pray. I study. I write books. I travel. I do conferences 30 years.
I’ve been doing conferences. I’m doing my assignment. Amen. Do I ever get tired of it? Yes.
I found myself thinking today.
Well, actually, last night, when the building, we couldn’t get in the building, you know, that kind of stuff’s discouraging for me.
And I thought and I found myself thinking, Am I just gonna work my whole entire life?
Now the, oh, trust god and do good. Trust god and do good.
Trust god and do good. Come on. I’m just being real with you.
Doubt is gonna come against you. Thoughts are gonna come against you.
But we have a choice. We have an option. We can trust god.
We don’t have to spend our lives confused and miserable trying to figure out stuff that only god knows the answers to, we can say I am not gonna try to figure this out.
I am gonna trust in the lord with all my heart and mind I will not lean to my own understanding.
In all my ways, I will acknowledge him, and he will direct my hat.
Now I’m not suggesting that we go around being stupid.
I mean, I always say, God, If there’s something you wanna show me, show me.
I wanna learn. I want revelation. I don’t want information anymore. I want revelation.
I’ve had enough information to last me 20 lifetimes. I want revelation from god.
Trust in the lord and do good.
You know, Jesus did this even on the cross.
I was thinking about this, and it It really blessed me when I saw this, you know, right right down to the very end.
The last thing that Jesus said, was father into your hands, I commit my spirit.
And right before that, he said, my god, my god. Why?
Even Jesus in his humanity said, why?
You know, I can ask why, but I don’t have to get confused.
God show me why if you want to, but if you don’t, I’m gonna trust you anyway.
Thanks for listening. Trials and tribulations are part of life, but if we handle it god’s way, he will bless us in the middle of faith and teach us important lessons.
This hardcover book is available now for your gift of any amount.
Or your copy today at Joyce Meyer Dot or call toll free at 1807890089.
Remember we gain experience through our challenges, which qualify and equip us for god to use us to help others.
The Joyce Meyer Conference is back.
If you will start crying out to god on a regular basis, I need of you in my life.
You better put on your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life.
Coming to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 15 16th with worship by Healing Place worship.
In Hershey, Pennsylvania, November 10th 11th with worship by Pat Barrett.
For more information and a complete conference schedule, visit or call 1866 C Joyce.
Thanks again for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Our mission here at Joyce Meyer Ministries is to share Christ and love people Together we can do so much more.
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Well, look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
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