Recognizing God’s Answer – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Recognizing God’s Answer – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Do you trust how God works, or do you worship your opinion? Many of us think we know how to handle most situations, but what happens when we encounter uncertainty? That’s when we must rely on God’s answers to guide us —even when we don’t fully understand. Trust that God will show you the solution in a way that will make sense, and have faith that He will take care of His children!
Y’all like like y’all ready tonight.
You act like you’ve came to throw down for Jesus tonight. I believe it.
Get your bibles and while you’re standing and go to the
book of Exodus. Chapter number sixteen, we’re gonna read the first five verses, and then we’re gonna drop down to thirty one and thirty two.
It’s a very familiar passage of scripture, but a very important one indeed, exodus.
Eklesia, the called out ones.
The book of Exidice is about the calling of god’s people out of slavery.
And away from captivity, from servitude to sonship.
They went into the red sea as slaves, with their master chasing them.
But when they came up out of the water, they came up as sons from servitude to sonship.
And the reason that their servitude was canceled out is because their master drowned in the
red sea. God will drown. What’s chasing you, baby? He withdraw was chasing you.
If you just keep on following him, don’t worry about the
enemy behind you. Gravers he
that’s in you than he that’s after you. Oh, that’s good.
And so Moses writes to us, and he chronicles the story of his journey.
And the autobiography, almost of the pilgrimage of the children of Israel, as they had stepped away from all that at an identified them before into this new beginning.
And anytime something is new, there’s always a transition period. There’s always a discomfort.
Even when the new is better, there is still a discomfort.
And it reads at verse one, the whole Israelite community set out from Elon and came to the desert of sin, which is between Elon and Sinai on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had come out of Egypt.
So they’ve been out two and a half months.
In the desert, the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. Uh, this
is a tough job.
Uh, the Israelite said to them, if only we had died by the Lord and in Egypt.
These are the same people who prayed for Moses to come, now they’re praying to die.
There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.
You see how Moses was falsely accused?
You know Moses didn’t bring them out there to starve to death and die.
He brought them out there to be an emancipator and to set them free.
I just point that out to the people who are misunderstood.
And you’ve had things about you where people have judged your intentions wrongly.
It’s one thing for you to have an opinion about my actions, but it’s another thing for you to subscribe to the idea that you know what I’m thinking.
Uh, y’all are hearing.
Then the Lord said to Moses, I will rain down bread from heaven for you.
The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.
And in in this way, I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.
On the sixth day, they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other day.
Now, verse thirty one, the people of Israel called the bread, manna.
It was white like coriander seed and tasted like waitress made with honey.
That sound pretty good. I cook a little bit, you know, wafers and honey don’t sound like you’re suffering that bad.
Moses said, this is what the Lord has commanded.
Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come.
See, don’t just be concerned about you, but leave a legacy behind you.
So they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the wilderness.
When I prompt you out of Egypt, god’s gonna always use what you got left.
Uh, I’m not gonna bother them remnants.
I talked about that Sunday. I will leave them remnants alone, but god will always save a remnant.
He said, put a pot aside and armor and put it in the ark of the covenant so that the generations to come can understand what I gave you through the wilderness.
Has god fed you through the wilderness?
Won’t he do it? It’s not that
he always stops the wilderness, but he feeds you in the wilderness.
I wanna talk from the subject tonight, recognizing god’s answers.
god’s answers, speaking of the living god fall fresh on us tonight, a fresh deposit, if you will.
We are open to receive our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our souls, our bodies, are prepared to ingest and appropriate the word as you see fit to unveil it and reveal it to us.
We are hungry to receive your word. We are grateful for your presence. Open up even the hardest mind.
The most resistant spirit that the glory of the lord can penetrate until they are pricked in their hearts by the very presence of god.
Now, thank you. I know you haven’t done it yet, but I’m gonna thank you in advance.
Your credit is good with me. I’ll praise you now. You can do it later.
Have your way, Green Cupp that you are.
I thank you for all kinds of stuff that ain’t happened yet.
I’m just gonna go ahead and thank you like it’s already done.
I know I’m gonna look foolish, but I’m a praise you like it’s already done. Hallelujah, I’m
gonna pronounce a benediction over it like it’s already done.
For thine is a kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever, all the people shouted.
Amen. You may be seated in the presence of God.
So Ferall traveled by chariot, and the slaves traveled by foot So if they have been walking through the desert for two months and fifteen days for two and a half months, they have been walking.
That’s a long walk. Two and a half months of waking up every day and carrying everything you own on your back.
They had been walking for months.
Loaded down with their own possessions at no place to rest them.
They had continued on their journey.
A careful study of the word says that it wasn’t just the fathers that carried the weight or just some others, but even the children were loaded down with the weight, not just of their possessions, but the weight the possessions of the Egyptians.
For in the Red Sea, there was a transfer of wealth.
The Bible says that they borrowed the gold and the silver from the Egyptians, but then they had no way of paying it back because favoral in the army were drowned in the Red Sea.
So god has done supernatural debt cancellation.
Y’all don’t wanna talk
to me. God has done supernatural debt cancellation.
And the wealth of the unjust has been laid up for the just.
The wealth of the wicked has been laid up for the righteous.
The wealth of the ungodly has been laid up for the godly, and they have come into an inheritance that is not their own.
And yet in a way it was because to receive this kind of wealth was reparations.
Reparations because they had worked for free for four hundred years.
And everything that had been withheld for them for four hundred years got paid it out suddenly.
I’m preaching already.
That means that they had endured hardness as good soldiers
and been faithful, even in the middle of injustice, but eventually, god supernaturally settled the accounts and set the record straight.
Because god is an accountant, and he keeps record of every issue and everything.
And in due season, god is gonna settle all accounts.
So they are weighted, and it is heavy.
But it they are heavily weighted with the blessings of god.
Nobody teaches you that blessings carry weight. That glory carries weight.
They have carried their teenagers uh, on the threat.
They’re they’re almost like teenagers
on the threshold of adulthood.
They enjoy the freedom, but lack the stability that was afforded them while parented directly.
You don’t have that idea when when kids can’t wait to get out of the house, and then they discover bills.
And while they have freedom, they run into responsibilities, and all of their judgment about how things ought to be done begins to change as they begin to recognize that it is not as easy as it looks.
Freedom is expensive. It costs you something to be free.
The slaves were free to go, but where? And to whom.
To a large degree, they were homeless people, nomatically moving, living in tents.
Pitching their tents wherever they could, making the best of a bad situation.
And yet in the midst of this tempestuous uncertainty, God had been faithful.
He had been a cloud above them by day, so it wasn’t as hot as it would have been.
I’m wondering if there are any people in here today that recognize that it wasn’t as hot as it should have been.
That god shaded you in the midst of uncertainty.
Sometimes you don’t really know how bad things are until you get out.
And then you look back at it and say that if it had not been for the lord, I would have been swallowed up.
I would have died of heat stroke I
I I should have asphyxiated. I should have collapsed, but his shade became my norm.
And at night, when the temperatures drop below freezing, he turned into a pillar of fire.
And in other words, god conditioned the desert.
With air in the morning and heat at night because god cared about the comfort of those who walk with him.
Look at god.
Jehovah Jaira, investing not only into your needs, but also into your comfort.
There are some things that God does for you just so that
you can be comfortable, glory to god.
And yet in the midst of all that god has done, they they seem to not to notice that god had made them comfortable because they were functioning in an atmosphere of uncertainty.
Yeah. See, that’s how we are.
A lot of times, we don’t notice that god is being good to us because he won’t give us the details of our destination.
And we are functioning in the trauma of uncertainty.
UNC is traumatic all by self because we are intellectual beings, and we are created with intellect.
We have cognitive skills whereby we want to know And the problem in this situation here is they don’t know how far they are away from fair.
They have heard of a land that flows with milk and honey, but they don’t know how many more days will we have to walk?
That uncertainty can can plague a person.
It can frustrate them in a marriage, either one or the other of you wants to know details.
We’re going to Vegas of where we’re gonna stay.
How are we gonna get there?
What time is it? Which hotel is it? Have you made reservations? What we gonna do when we get there?
Uh, is there any layovers? Is it that people wanna know details?
We wanna know details of the other person is the person who just kinda just goes, oh, it’ll be alright.
It’ll be alright. And you’re trying to get one person to calm down and they’re trying to get you to give them details.
God has not given them details. Because they must walk by and not by.
So so god has designed the atmosphere to teach them faith because they are not sure how far they’ll have to go.
To get there. And they are not sure of Moses because Moses has been away with Jethro for forty years.
So while he is kin to them genetically, he cannot relate to them experientially.
For while they
were making bricks, Moses was raised in the palace.
And as the pharaohs died in the situations change, Moses was out there with Jethro taking care of sheep.
God sent Moses into the desert under duress because Moses had murdered a man, but it was also an opportunity to train him in desert tactics.
Beaware of leaders who lead you where they have not been.
One of my spiritual son said to me, he knows I’m working on a business deal.
And he said, I want you to teach it to me.
I said, I can’t teach it while I’m learning it. You have to learn before you teach.
You have to respect the craft well enough not to allow the pressure of somebody’s hunger to know, to drive you to faking your ability to teach.
There are some things that only experience can teach.
You can Google it. You can read it. You can take it in school.
You can get a degree in it. You can get a masters. You can get a doctorate.
But when you start doing it, you’ll find out that experience ends up being the ultimate teacher because a lot of the principles that worked out a paper that got you an A don’t work out on people.
It’s a difference between working it out on paper and working it out on people.
And now Moses not only has to sustain himself, which he has had forty years of experience at being nomadic in the desert, but now he’s got people with him.
And when you are responsible for people, it creates stress and trauma.
Because the moment they become disruptive, they attack you Jump in the pool when somebody’s drowning and watch them punch you.
And hear you jumped in to save them. And now you have to fight the one.
You’re trying to say. If you think about it hard enough in your own life, you’ve had experiences where you had to fight the one.
You’re trying to say. I’m trying to warn you.
I’m trying to tell you that this is gonna blow up in your face. I told you
not to put the aluminum foil in
the microwave. I’m trying to tell you. I’m trying to warn you. And now, the whole kitchen is in smoke.
And the fire alarms are going off, and you’re saying oops, but
if you would have listened to what I told you, I could have saved you this experience.
Now the fire department is on its way to
the house, and I have to explain what we could have avoided.
This is the tension of the text.
It is not just the heat of the sun or the cold of the night or the extinguishing of pharaoh It is the uncertainty of people and how they reacted to that uncertainty.
These are the people who danced at the Red Sea.
And they have gone from dancing at the Red Sea to dragging their way through the desert of sin.
Isn’t it amazing how people will go from dancing to dragging?
Don’t be overly impressed
at who runs the most,
or shouts the most, or leads the highest or makes
the most noise. That is not a foolproof test of the authenticity of faith because sometimes the person who says the least up under attack exemplifies the most faith.
But we have a tendency to be overly impressed with outward, uh, demonstrations as if it were a declaration of true faith.
But before you get to walking, your faith will be tested beyond your dance.
Y’all don’t hear what I’m saying.
They danced at the Red Sea because Pedro was drowned, but now they are dragging for Moses.
And Aaron, and fighting the lifeguard who is trying to deliver them because they have misplaced rage.
M misplaced rage. Can I talk about misplaced rage for me?
Misplaced rage is a rage that is actually fear, manifest as rage, executed on the innocent, because the guilty are not available.
You have to have been a victim of misplaced rays to understand the magnitude of what I’m saying.
I’m I’m arguing with my wife, but I’m really angry at my mother.
And all of a sudden, she hits a trigger that ignites a rage that’s been suppressing me and I acted out on her, and she wants to know where is this coming from.
Well, it don’t really have anything to do with you. It’s all the things I couldn’t say to mama.
Now I release them on you because I was hurt.
And when people get hurt, they hurt people.
So they have entered into a rage against Moses and Aaron and two and a half months into the journey Moses recognizes that it is easier to travel the wilderness by yourself.
Than it is to lead people.
Yet we live in a society where everybody can’t wait to lead.
They can’t wait to have a title.
They can’t wait to have a position. All you do all you get is that glass of water.
The only difference between the pulpit and the pews is that we get a glass of water.
A glass that I hardly ever get to drink.
And exchange for that glass
of water, I get every criticism, every fight, every disruption, uh, every evil thing, every every accusation, every attack, every stress.
Listen. The water ain’t worth it.
Get yourself gatorade when you get back home. And save yourself some trouble is not
worth it because they are raging against Moses and Aaron who have done absolutely nothing.
But been good to them, but people have memory relapse.
When they’re in an uncertain atmosphere, I didn’t create this atmosphere.
I didn’t plan this. This is what god has allowed to happen.
So if you’re gonna take it out on somebody, take it out on god.
But no, misplaced rage makes you a victim of something that you had nothing to do with.
Oh, my. Now now tonight, I’m talking about recognizing God’s answers.
Because to a large degree, god’s answers don’t often look like our prayers.
Recognition could be defined as the brain’s ability to identify stimuli or lack situations, places people, objects, etcetera, are all recognition that you have seen before.
And so recognition in the word recognition is cognitive.
Your brain’s ability to relate what you see to something you have seen.
Reconognition is a cognitive ability that makes it possible to recover stored information and compare it to the information being presented in front of you.
Like you look at someone, you say, Oh, that’s Freddie.
I didn’t recognize you. How you doing? Recon cognitive
recall cognitive because I saw you before, but I didn’t recognize you.
So I can’t say I cognize you.
I have to say I recognize you because I have a previous experience as a reference to have recognition.
I have a terrible problem with names.
And when I have to remember somebody’s name, it is easier when I tie it to something that I remember.
So if I if if somebody says, hi, my name is David, I think it’s Thomas Day.
So if I can remember the solace David, I say, hi, good. How you doing?
Because I I I need to tie what’s in front of me to something that’s behind me, recognition.
So when we when we come to recognizing god’s answers, often the only image we have in mind is what was in our head.
So when god answers, and he delivers something that is different than what we saw in our head, Sometimes we don’t know how to handle it because the answer doesn’t look like the prayer.
Can we go deeper with this? Let’s go to Isaiah fifty five six two nine for a minute.
Let’s take a look at that. Isaiah fifty five six two nine.
Sing the Lord while he may be found call on him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways.
Watch this, and the unrighteous their thoughts. Wait a minute.
I understand the wicked forsake their ways, but when he gets to the unrighteous, he says, forsake your thoughts.
That means that the unrighteous have to be careful because your thoughts may betray you.
I thought I would be here by now.
I thought I would be married by thirty. I thought I would be out of debt by fifty.
I thought, and the Bible says, forsake, for you to forsake, your thoughts.
Oh, y’all get quiet.
For a sake, what you thought. Mary Diaz.
For sake what you thought church was supposed to be.
For sake, what you thought you deserve in a companion.
For sake, what you thought you should be paid on a job.
Because god did not promise to pay you according to your thoughts.
But according to his.
And how are you gonna let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus
while you hold on to your own?
So there has to be a moment in your life that you go blank.
And say, not my will, but then be done.
You know what’s best. Let them turn to the lord and he will have mercy on them.
And to our god, for he will freely pardon them. For thoughts? Yes. For he will pardon.
He will forgive you My mother was here this
way for thinking like a fool.
Was she good for telling you that you’re thinking like a fool? Yeah.
She didn’t call us a fool, but she said you’re thinking like a fool. That don’t make no sense.
You’re thinking like a fool. Because she understood parenting is about teaching how to think.
You can’t teach a child how to think when your answer is because I said so.
So I have a tendency when I’m frustrated with any individual to say, what were you Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Because I can’t understand how you did what you did.
Your your I have a problem with your ways, but the root of your ways is in your thoughts.
Anytime you see somebody acting a certain way, their the action is the fruit of their thinking.
What were you thinking,
then god goes on and says, for my thoughts are not your thoughts. That’s why
I want you to forsake your thoughts because my thoughts are not your thoughts.
Neither are your ways, my ways. Now we keep seeing this ribbon tied between thoughts and ways.
Thoughts and ways. His thoughts justified by his ways.
Your thoughts justified by your ways God declares under you, I’m not thinking what you’re thinking.
And my ways of getting you there are not your way.
I swore I was gonna bless you, but I didn’t tell you how.
I swore I would bring you out, but I didn’t tell you through who.
I thought it was gonna come through the bishop. I thought it was gonna through the music.
I thought it. Your thoughts get them out of the way. Get them out of the way.
If you can surrender your thoughts to God, what you think about it rather than building a shrine around your opinion.
And worshiping at the altar of that that is fragile and open yourself up.
That’s what I surrender really means. I surrender all means I surrender what I had in mind.
I surrender what I had planned. I surrender how I thought it would turn out.
I surrender my definition of success at this stage in my life.
For instance, somebody says, Oh, you’re such a successful
pastor. And I always think to myself are you talking about quantity or quality?
Who says that the most successful pastor It’s the one with the most members.
Perhaps god goes by quality and not by quantity.
Uh, y’all ain’t gonna talk to me tonight.
So so all of a sudden, you are judging on the outer appearance And god is looking at the heart, and it could be that the guy in the storefront with twelve members is a more
successful pastor. Because he is qualitative and not quantitative. We like it big.
We do it big in Texas. I wanna see big. I wanna see big.
God wants to see quality. So I’m a big man, but are you a good man?
I found out that you can be strong in your body and weaken your will.
You you you can be physically strong and emotionally weak.
And some little old girl that weigh ninety pounds soaking wet can be tougher than nails and can’t lift up a barbell.
So when you start talking about strength, are you talking about outer strength or inner strength?
Outer strength is deceptive because you can be strong outwardly and be fragile inwardly, or you can be fragile outwardly and be tough inwardly.
Are you hearing what I’m saying? It’s some tough people
in here tonight. They might not look tough. They might not dress tough.
They may not have triceps or biceps or anything like that, but mess with them.
The bad thing about messing with people,
you don’t know how tough
they are till you hit them.
And all of a sudden that little woman that you thought wasn’t tough starts pulling down the mantle piece and grabbing up the candlesticks and coming at you and say, you touch my child.
I kill you. Toughness can’t always be qualified by what
you thought. So as
the heavens are higher than theirs, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts, then your thoughts come on.
God is trying to teach them to forsake what they had in mind.
So that they can recognize his answers.
Sldom in my life has his answers look like my prayer.
Sell them in my life has his answers look like my prayer.
His answer came in such a way that it confused them.
I I’m I’m gonna I’m I’m
gonna show you what I mean. Let’s god’s answers can’t be cognitive.
They cannot be cognitive.
So god says over and over again, I will show you Okay?
Because where I’m getting ready to take you, you don’t have a predetermined picture in your mind.
For what I’m getting ready to do in your life.
You you have no point of reference for what I’m about to do in your life.
I don’t know who I’m talking to, but I’m talking to somebody in this room right now or on the stream right now.
You have no point of reference. God is gonna do a new thing in your life.
The former things have passed away.
So I’m going to forget those things which are behind, and I’m going to reach to those things which are before because God is gonna do something in you that you never saw in your mother, that you never saw in your father, that you didn’t see in your grandparents, that you didn’t see reflected in your neighbors, that you didn’t see coming in your life, and it cannot be cognitive and still be divine.
God is going to do something like
you have never seen him ever do before. And so he says, I will show you. Type it
on the line. I will show you. Put it in yours. I will show you.
I can show you better than I can tell you. I will show you.
I will show you that I will provide for you. I will show you that I can heal you.
I will show you that I can bring you out.
I will show you that I can supply all your I will show you that there’s a method to what looks like madness in your life.
I will show you why your family rejected you. I will show you. Why your father forsook you.
I will show you. Why your mother didn’t raise you.
Stop murmuring and complaining just because you’re hungry for something that you didn’t get. I will show you.
Already considered what they weren’t gonna be in your life. I will show you.
Not your mother, not your father, not your sister, not your brother. I will show you.
Keep on walking with me, and I will show you.
Because you will not recognize what I’m getting ready to do in your life because you have never passed this way before.
You have never passed this way before.
And if you can put up with the trauma of uncertainty, Eventually, I will show you.
I got a plan to work this out that you haven’t seen. It’s not on your blueprints. It’s not
on your drawings. It’s not
on your schedule. It’s never been done before. I am going to do something new in you.
Is not gonna be like your first pastor. It’s not gonna be like your childhood. I will show you.
Look at somebody and tell them God’s gonna show you. Don’t worry about it. God’s gonna show you.
You don’t understand it right now. That’s okay. God was gonna show you.
You don’t recognize god’s hand and where you’re at right now. But god’s gonna show you.
It doesn’t look like god is with you, but god is gonna show you.
You feel like god has forsaken you. But god is going to show you.
You don’t recognize anything around you, not a
street sign, not a road marker.
You don’t know where you are. You had a stage in your life of uncertainty.
You have never been this age before. You have never been at this stage before. Is foreign to you.
You don’t know what to do in this season of your life.
You tried to do what you used to do. You can’t do what you used to do.
You tried to do what you’re gonna do, and you can’t do what you’re gonna do, but stands still and see the salvation of the lord, I will show you.
Type it on the line. I will show you. Put it on the pan. I will show you.
Tell your neighbors. I will show you.
When it’s time for you to know you’re gonna know, When it’s time for you to see, you’re gonna see it.
When it’s time for you to understand it, you’re gonna understand it.
Until then walk by faith and not by sight. When it’s time for your eyes to open, they’re gonna open.
When it’s time for you to see, you’re gonna see it. But I told you
to go to the pool, and I
knew you were blind, and I want you to grope after it and feel after it.
And when you get to the water, I will.
Everybody who got that, give him a praise right now.
I got this building.
I didn’t know how he was gonna pay for it.
I had no clue. There was nothing in my background that prepared me to need.
I can’t remember now something around eighty six million dollars just to
build a sanctuary. I had no point of reference.
I could not recognize a strategy because there was nothing in my past of that magnitude.
I told my mother about it. She said, baby,
I can’t think that high. I thought, Lord, mama, I
can’t either, but god said, I will show you.
They told me not to build this kind of church in this kind of neighborhood.
They told me I had to move up to North Dallas, and build the church where the money was.
But god told me to stay right here.
Uh, will show you.
Now they didn’t give me bad advice. They gave me good advice. That makes really good sense.
But this is not cognitive. This is supernatural. This is not natural wisdom.
This is not the wisdom of men. This is the foolishness of god.
God has a way of doing things that boggles the mind of the wise God says, I will show you.
Some of you God told you to move here.
And you said, Lord, I don’t even know what to do here. He said, that’s alright.
Just go ahead and move here. I will show you glory to god.
And so you packed up your stuff and you moved by faith.
And you told your family, you were moving, and they thought you were crazy.
But you left your kindred, and you went to a place that god said When you get there, I will show you.
Now you’re learning about faith. Now you’re learning about trust. Now you’re learning about prayer. Now you’re learning about power.
And every night in your mind says, what are you doing here?
But don’t let your mind talk you back to where you’ve already been. This is not cognitive.
This is supernatural. God said, I will show you if I’m preaching the right thing in the right place to the right people, make some noise in here right now.
He’s gonna show you.
He’s gonna show you. That’s why he’s got your online tonight because he wants to reaffirming you.
He’s got a plan. He hadn’t revealed it to you yet, but he says, I will show you.
When the time is right, god is gonna reveal everything to you as a believer, but until then, he has to test you to see if you will walk in obedience without understanding.
What’s this?
Get Genesis twelve and one? Let’s go deeper. Oh, I’m talking to somebody.
Anybody on a faith journey right now?
And you’re in the wilderness and you don’t understand it, and there’s a feeling of uncertainty and you got great faith, but sometimes, your murmur and complain.
Because God got you out your element and got you out of your comfort zone.
And you got a bunch of critics criticizing you, but god keeps saying I will show you.
That’s why you have to be in this Bible class tonight. Because god has given somebody confirmation.
I don’t know who it is, but I feel a spirit of confirmation coming in this place right now, god will show you why you had to be here, why you had to do it then.
Why you had to move now, why you don’t have no friends yet, while you are still uncertain.
God shook you away from that which was familiar because it wasn’t fruitful.
And he brought you into a place where you could be fruitful. And he says, I will show you.
Give me thirty seconds of crazy crazy.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But lord, I’m making less money. Don’t worry about the money. I will show you.
But lord, they don’t even recognize who I am. Don’t worry about being recognized. I will show you.
But lord, I had a big title where I was. Don’t worry about titles. I will show you.
This is not about titles. This is not about recognition. This is not about fame.
This is not about fortune. I’m fixing something down in you.
And until I get it fixed, Okay, ma’am. Uh-uh.
Until I get it fixed, you’re not gonna understand it, but you gotta trust me. I will show you.
Glory, I feel they’re anointing all over me. I feel the spirit of a prophetic utterance all over me.
I feel a word from god flowing in this place. I feel the power of god speaking in this place.
God is going to show you. If that’s your word for the night, give him a praise and thank him.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Clap your hands and praise him.
Go home and tell your children, god’s gonna show us.
Tell your spouse, god’s gonna show us. Tell all them critics who’re talking about you like a dog.
God’s gonna show you. He’s gonna prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
He’s gonna anoint my head with all my cuts gonna run over, and god’s gonna show you.
Where I came from, they called me Jim Jones and called me a cult because fifty folks went with me.
And that that sounds like a cult to me.
I don’t care what it sounds like to you. God told me to do it.
He told them to come now, twenty five years later they’re standing there with the teeth hanging out the mouth because god will show you.
In due season. Let us not be weary in Welldoy for you shall reap in due season if you faint not.
It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.
Type it on the line. It’s coming. It’s coming. Say it to your neighbor. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.
It’s coming. You don’t see it right now, but I will
Come on.
Let’s go deeper. Come on, sir.
Let’s go deeper. Let’s go deeper. Uh, something’s gonna happen in here tonight.
I feel the spirit of the Holy Spirit speaking in this place.
There’s word of knowledge flowing in this place right now. There’s word of wisdom flowing in this place right now.
God just comforted somebody’s anxiety. He said, I will show you. I will show you. I will show you.
Just resting me and trust me. I will show you.
I will give streams in the middle of your desert. I will bring water out of a rock.
I will supply all of your needs according to his riches of glory. I will.
Watch this. Go to Genesis twelve and one.
And the lord had said to Abraham,
go from your country. Your people and your father’s household.
Three yours, your country, your people, your father’s household, to the land I will.
Oh my god.
So if you go from your you come to mind.
Your country, your kindred, your father’s household, you gave up three yours to get one eye.
Everything you thought was yours, god dislodged you from it.
Everything that was familiar to you god dislodged you from it.
And brought you from three yours to one eye, I will show you.
It said, I will show you. Say it again. I I will say it again.
Say it again. One more time.
Now praise him for his word. Just his word. Just his word.
Just this word.
Just this word. Just his word.
Just his word. Because in him dislodging me from the your, I am discovering the eye.
I can’t hold on to the your and possess the eye. So I have to
be willing to let go of your thoughts. So I can have his thoughts.
Your way so I can have his way.
I gotta get rid of mine, and that’s the hard part. That’s the hard part.
Because That’s my kindred. That’s my country.
That’s my father’s house. I know it. I understand it. I’m acclimated to it.
I evolved from it. I’m familiar to it. I’m kin to it. I’m skin to it.
I’m related to it. And you want me to leave everything that I am related to or everything I relate to to bring me out into this desert of a certainty.
And all I have is your word on it. And god said, that’s right.
I’m gonna strip you from every post you’ve been leaning on.
Until you don’t have nobody else to trust but me.
And I will show you.
Now I have shown you, I will show you.
So while I’m waiting on the wheel, I gotta walk.
I gotta walk while I’m waiting on the wheel.
Because the will is futuristic and the walk is now.
So I’m walking in uncertainty toward his will.
Oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying to you. Say it again, I will show you.
Oh, this is good.
Go to Genesis twenty two. I got one more.
I still got to my text yet, so I gotta I gotta hurry up.
Yes, sir. I’m a do that.
Sometime later, god tested Abraham. He said to Abraham, here I am.
Abraham replied, he said to him, excuse me, Abraham, Here am I, he replied.
Big God said, take your son. Wait a minute now, lord.
It’s alright for me to be out here.
Take your son, your only son whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of Mariah.
Underlying region of Muriah. I think you got Bible highlighted. Do whatever you do with whatever device you got.
Region of God will put you in the region.
He’ll put you in the region without telling you exactly where.
test this
by the word. God brought Ruth the moabitess into the region of boaz’s field.
She was in the region of what she would later on, but god just put you in the region.
That’s why your soul keeps getting happy because even though you haven’t hit it yet, You know you’re close.
Find somebody. Hold on. I’m close. I’m in the region.
You you should have killed me before I got to the region.
You should have took me out before I got to the region. I’m in the region of my promised land.
I’m in
the region of my destiny. I’m in
the region of my purpose. I’m in the region. No. I count not myself to have apprehended.
But I’m in the region. I’m not there yet, but I’m in
the region. I’m closer than
I’ve ever been in my life. How do you know my spirit knows it.
I can’t see it, but I sense it. I can’t touch it, but I cents it.
It’s not in my bank yet, but I sense it. I haven’t got married yet, but I sense it.
It had materialized but I sense it. Look at your notes, yeah, because you’re in the region.
You’re in the region. That’s why the devil is fighting you because you’re in the region.
You will know you’re in the region by the level of attack that comes against you.
You remember when Jesus cast, the devils are the legion, and the devil said suffer us not to leave the region.
We don’t wanna leave this terror toy, because anytime somebody comes into this territory, it’s our job to drive them away from the region.
I’ve always known that god was gonna bless me by how the devil attacked me.
The greater the attack, the greater the blessing, You’d never send legions of demons if I weren’t in the.
Oh, somebody watching online. That was your word. You’re in the region. All hell is breaking loose.
Before you finish one thing, here comes something else. Before you straighten out that, you get attacked by this.
It’s a crazy attack. It’s a ridiculous attack. It don’t make no sense. Does it? No. Because it’s demonic.
You’re in spiritual warfare, and the reason you’re
in spiritual warfare is because you’re in the.
Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I messed up and stepped in the region.
I crossed the line and I got into territory.
I stepped into a place of my destiny, and the money’s not flowing yet.
And the title’s not there and the job’s not there, but I can tell I’m in the region.
Make some noise if I’m preaching to you. Make some noise if I’m talking to you.
Make some noise if you hear God speaking to you.
I’m in the region. I’m in the region.
I’m in the region. I’m in the territory.
And the enemy’s trying to get you off the territory. When the
Bible said, neither give place to
the devil, It means don’t give territory to the devil.
Once you take over a territory, don’t let the devil have that territory.
Because you’re closer now than you’ve ever been in your life, you are in a, lord.
I feel like I’m talking right to somebody. Like I’m talking right to an individual.
I don’t even know what name to call, but I’m talking specifically to somebody I have totally described your situation.
You’re in the re shout if you’re in the region.
The devil didn’t attack you till you got in the region.
As soon as you got in the region, here comes legions of demons coming out to attack you because you’re in the region.
So that’s his too.
God says Abraham, go to the region of Mariah.
Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.
You’re in the region, and I’m
still not gonna tell you. I’m not gonna tell you which
mountain, but you’re in the right mountain range. This is not cognitive.
You have never been here before.
You can’t recognize this because you have never done this before.
You have to sense you’re in the region.
Now this this this sensing thing is a spiritual thing.
This is why worship is important because worship opens up your spiritual senses.
Some of you don’t understand the worship.
And so you endure the worship waiting on the word because you understand the word, but you really don’t get the worship And you say, well, I’m not emotional.
I’m not in
the worship. We’re not worshiping god because we’re emotional.
We’re worshiping god in spite of our emotions.
We’re not worshiping god because we feel like worshiping god. We’re trying
to wake up our supernatural census.
Worship opens up your spiritual senses.
I never could understand it because I grew up in a traditional mainline church where the only
time people shout it was when somebody starts singing something. And then I got around charismatic Pinnacle.
So people and they start shouting and what nothing going on in the service.
And I was looking around trying
to see what they were shouting about, but see there was something in their census.
The book of Hebrew says that you have your
census exercise by reason of use.
So your spiritual eye gate, ear gate, mouth gate, touch gate gets stimulated or exercise by using it.
One of the ways you use it is in worship.
Because you’re worshiping a god you can’t see around people you can see.
And you’re not talking to
the people that you can see, but talking to the god that you can’t see.
And the more you talk to the god you can’t see, your senses are being exercised
You act like you’ve came to throw down for Jesus tonight. I believe it.
Get your bibles and while you’re standing and go to the
book of Exodus. Chapter number sixteen, we’re gonna read the first five verses, and then we’re gonna drop down to thirty one and thirty two.
It’s a very familiar passage of scripture, but a very important one indeed, exodus.
Eklesia, the called out ones.
The book of Exidice is about the calling of god’s people out of slavery.
And away from captivity, from servitude to sonship.
They went into the red sea as slaves, with their master chasing them.
But when they came up out of the water, they came up as sons from servitude to sonship.
And the reason that their servitude was canceled out is because their master drowned in the
red sea. God will drown. What’s chasing you, baby? He withdraw was chasing you.
If you just keep on following him, don’t worry about the
enemy behind you. Gravers he
that’s in you than he that’s after you. Oh, that’s good.
And so Moses writes to us, and he chronicles the story of his journey.
And the autobiography, almost of the pilgrimage of the children of Israel, as they had stepped away from all that at an identified them before into this new beginning.
And anytime something is new, there’s always a transition period. There’s always a discomfort.
Even when the new is better, there is still a discomfort.
And it reads at verse one, the whole Israelite community set out from Elon and came to the desert of sin, which is between Elon and Sinai on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had come out of Egypt.
So they’ve been out two and a half months.
In the desert, the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. Uh, this
is a tough job.
Uh, the Israelite said to them, if only we had died by the Lord and in Egypt.
These are the same people who prayed for Moses to come, now they’re praying to die.
There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.
You see how Moses was falsely accused?
You know Moses didn’t bring them out there to starve to death and die.
He brought them out there to be an emancipator and to set them free.
I just point that out to the people who are misunderstood.
And you’ve had things about you where people have judged your intentions wrongly.
It’s one thing for you to have an opinion about my actions, but it’s another thing for you to subscribe to the idea that you know what I’m thinking.
Uh, y’all are hearing.
Then the Lord said to Moses, I will rain down bread from heaven for you.
The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.
And in in this way, I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.
On the sixth day, they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other day.
Now, verse thirty one, the people of Israel called the bread, manna.
It was white like coriander seed and tasted like waitress made with honey.
That sound pretty good. I cook a little bit, you know, wafers and honey don’t sound like you’re suffering that bad.
Moses said, this is what the Lord has commanded.
Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come.
See, don’t just be concerned about you, but leave a legacy behind you.
So they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the wilderness.
When I prompt you out of Egypt, god’s gonna always use what you got left.
Uh, I’m not gonna bother them remnants.
I talked about that Sunday. I will leave them remnants alone, but god will always save a remnant.
He said, put a pot aside and armor and put it in the ark of the covenant so that the generations to come can understand what I gave you through the wilderness.
Has god fed you through the wilderness?
Won’t he do it? It’s not that
he always stops the wilderness, but he feeds you in the wilderness.
I wanna talk from the subject tonight, recognizing god’s answers.
god’s answers, speaking of the living god fall fresh on us tonight, a fresh deposit, if you will.
We are open to receive our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our souls, our bodies, are prepared to ingest and appropriate the word as you see fit to unveil it and reveal it to us.
We are hungry to receive your word. We are grateful for your presence. Open up even the hardest mind.
The most resistant spirit that the glory of the lord can penetrate until they are pricked in their hearts by the very presence of god.
Now, thank you. I know you haven’t done it yet, but I’m gonna thank you in advance.
Your credit is good with me. I’ll praise you now. You can do it later.
Have your way, Green Cupp that you are.
I thank you for all kinds of stuff that ain’t happened yet.
I’m just gonna go ahead and thank you like it’s already done.
I know I’m gonna look foolish, but I’m a praise you like it’s already done. Hallelujah, I’m
gonna pronounce a benediction over it like it’s already done.
For thine is a kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever, all the people shouted.
Amen. You may be seated in the presence of God.
So Ferall traveled by chariot, and the slaves traveled by foot So if they have been walking through the desert for two months and fifteen days for two and a half months, they have been walking.
That’s a long walk. Two and a half months of waking up every day and carrying everything you own on your back.
They had been walking for months.
Loaded down with their own possessions at no place to rest them.
They had continued on their journey.
A careful study of the word says that it wasn’t just the fathers that carried the weight or just some others, but even the children were loaded down with the weight, not just of their possessions, but the weight the possessions of the Egyptians.
For in the Red Sea, there was a transfer of wealth.
The Bible says that they borrowed the gold and the silver from the Egyptians, but then they had no way of paying it back because favoral in the army were drowned in the Red Sea.
So god has done supernatural debt cancellation.
Y’all don’t wanna talk
to me. God has done supernatural debt cancellation.
And the wealth of the unjust has been laid up for the just.
The wealth of the wicked has been laid up for the righteous.
The wealth of the ungodly has been laid up for the godly, and they have come into an inheritance that is not their own.
And yet in a way it was because to receive this kind of wealth was reparations.
Reparations because they had worked for free for four hundred years.
And everything that had been withheld for them for four hundred years got paid it out suddenly.
I’m preaching already.
That means that they had endured hardness as good soldiers
and been faithful, even in the middle of injustice, but eventually, god supernaturally settled the accounts and set the record straight.
Because god is an accountant, and he keeps record of every issue and everything.
And in due season, god is gonna settle all accounts.
So they are weighted, and it is heavy.
But it they are heavily weighted with the blessings of god.
Nobody teaches you that blessings carry weight. That glory carries weight.
They have carried their teenagers uh, on the threat.
They’re they’re almost like teenagers
on the threshold of adulthood.
They enjoy the freedom, but lack the stability that was afforded them while parented directly.
You don’t have that idea when when kids can’t wait to get out of the house, and then they discover bills.
And while they have freedom, they run into responsibilities, and all of their judgment about how things ought to be done begins to change as they begin to recognize that it is not as easy as it looks.
Freedom is expensive. It costs you something to be free.
The slaves were free to go, but where? And to whom.
To a large degree, they were homeless people, nomatically moving, living in tents.
Pitching their tents wherever they could, making the best of a bad situation.
And yet in the midst of this tempestuous uncertainty, God had been faithful.
He had been a cloud above them by day, so it wasn’t as hot as it would have been.
I’m wondering if there are any people in here today that recognize that it wasn’t as hot as it should have been.
That god shaded you in the midst of uncertainty.
Sometimes you don’t really know how bad things are until you get out.
And then you look back at it and say that if it had not been for the lord, I would have been swallowed up.
I would have died of heat stroke I
I I should have asphyxiated. I should have collapsed, but his shade became my norm.
And at night, when the temperatures drop below freezing, he turned into a pillar of fire.
And in other words, god conditioned the desert.
With air in the morning and heat at night because god cared about the comfort of those who walk with him.
Look at god.
Jehovah Jaira, investing not only into your needs, but also into your comfort.
There are some things that God does for you just so that
you can be comfortable, glory to god.
And yet in the midst of all that god has done, they they seem to not to notice that god had made them comfortable because they were functioning in an atmosphere of uncertainty.
Yeah. See, that’s how we are.
A lot of times, we don’t notice that god is being good to us because he won’t give us the details of our destination.
And we are functioning in the trauma of uncertainty.
UNC is traumatic all by self because we are intellectual beings, and we are created with intellect.
We have cognitive skills whereby we want to know And the problem in this situation here is they don’t know how far they are away from fair.
They have heard of a land that flows with milk and honey, but they don’t know how many more days will we have to walk?
That uncertainty can can plague a person.
It can frustrate them in a marriage, either one or the other of you wants to know details.
We’re going to Vegas of where we’re gonna stay.
How are we gonna get there?
What time is it? Which hotel is it? Have you made reservations? What we gonna do when we get there?
Uh, is there any layovers? Is it that people wanna know details?
We wanna know details of the other person is the person who just kinda just goes, oh, it’ll be alright.
It’ll be alright. And you’re trying to get one person to calm down and they’re trying to get you to give them details.
God has not given them details. Because they must walk by and not by.
So so god has designed the atmosphere to teach them faith because they are not sure how far they’ll have to go.
To get there. And they are not sure of Moses because Moses has been away with Jethro for forty years.
So while he is kin to them genetically, he cannot relate to them experientially.
For while they
were making bricks, Moses was raised in the palace.
And as the pharaohs died in the situations change, Moses was out there with Jethro taking care of sheep.
God sent Moses into the desert under duress because Moses had murdered a man, but it was also an opportunity to train him in desert tactics.
Beaware of leaders who lead you where they have not been.
One of my spiritual son said to me, he knows I’m working on a business deal.
And he said, I want you to teach it to me.
I said, I can’t teach it while I’m learning it. You have to learn before you teach.
You have to respect the craft well enough not to allow the pressure of somebody’s hunger to know, to drive you to faking your ability to teach.
There are some things that only experience can teach.
You can Google it. You can read it. You can take it in school.
You can get a degree in it. You can get a masters. You can get a doctorate.
But when you start doing it, you’ll find out that experience ends up being the ultimate teacher because a lot of the principles that worked out a paper that got you an A don’t work out on people.
It’s a difference between working it out on paper and working it out on people.
And now Moses not only has to sustain himself, which he has had forty years of experience at being nomadic in the desert, but now he’s got people with him.
And when you are responsible for people, it creates stress and trauma.
Because the moment they become disruptive, they attack you Jump in the pool when somebody’s drowning and watch them punch you.
And hear you jumped in to save them. And now you have to fight the one.
You’re trying to say. If you think about it hard enough in your own life, you’ve had experiences where you had to fight the one.
You’re trying to say. I’m trying to warn you.
I’m trying to tell you that this is gonna blow up in your face. I told you
not to put the aluminum foil in
the microwave. I’m trying to tell you. I’m trying to warn you. And now, the whole kitchen is in smoke.
And the fire alarms are going off, and you’re saying oops, but
if you would have listened to what I told you, I could have saved you this experience.
Now the fire department is on its way to
the house, and I have to explain what we could have avoided.
This is the tension of the text.
It is not just the heat of the sun or the cold of the night or the extinguishing of pharaoh It is the uncertainty of people and how they reacted to that uncertainty.
These are the people who danced at the Red Sea.
And they have gone from dancing at the Red Sea to dragging their way through the desert of sin.
Isn’t it amazing how people will go from dancing to dragging?
Don’t be overly impressed
at who runs the most,
or shouts the most, or leads the highest or makes
the most noise. That is not a foolproof test of the authenticity of faith because sometimes the person who says the least up under attack exemplifies the most faith.
But we have a tendency to be overly impressed with outward, uh, demonstrations as if it were a declaration of true faith.
But before you get to walking, your faith will be tested beyond your dance.
Y’all don’t hear what I’m saying.
They danced at the Red Sea because Pedro was drowned, but now they are dragging for Moses.
And Aaron, and fighting the lifeguard who is trying to deliver them because they have misplaced rage.
M misplaced rage. Can I talk about misplaced rage for me?
Misplaced rage is a rage that is actually fear, manifest as rage, executed on the innocent, because the guilty are not available.
You have to have been a victim of misplaced rays to understand the magnitude of what I’m saying.
I’m I’m arguing with my wife, but I’m really angry at my mother.
And all of a sudden, she hits a trigger that ignites a rage that’s been suppressing me and I acted out on her, and she wants to know where is this coming from.
Well, it don’t really have anything to do with you. It’s all the things I couldn’t say to mama.
Now I release them on you because I was hurt.
And when people get hurt, they hurt people.
So they have entered into a rage against Moses and Aaron and two and a half months into the journey Moses recognizes that it is easier to travel the wilderness by yourself.
Than it is to lead people.
Yet we live in a society where everybody can’t wait to lead.
They can’t wait to have a title.
They can’t wait to have a position. All you do all you get is that glass of water.
The only difference between the pulpit and the pews is that we get a glass of water.
A glass that I hardly ever get to drink.
And exchange for that glass
of water, I get every criticism, every fight, every disruption, uh, every evil thing, every every accusation, every attack, every stress.
Listen. The water ain’t worth it.
Get yourself gatorade when you get back home. And save yourself some trouble is not
worth it because they are raging against Moses and Aaron who have done absolutely nothing.
But been good to them, but people have memory relapse.
When they’re in an uncertain atmosphere, I didn’t create this atmosphere.
I didn’t plan this. This is what god has allowed to happen.
So if you’re gonna take it out on somebody, take it out on god.
But no, misplaced rage makes you a victim of something that you had nothing to do with.
Oh, my. Now now tonight, I’m talking about recognizing God’s answers.
Because to a large degree, god’s answers don’t often look like our prayers.
Recognition could be defined as the brain’s ability to identify stimuli or lack situations, places people, objects, etcetera, are all recognition that you have seen before.
And so recognition in the word recognition is cognitive.
Your brain’s ability to relate what you see to something you have seen.
Reconognition is a cognitive ability that makes it possible to recover stored information and compare it to the information being presented in front of you.
Like you look at someone, you say, Oh, that’s Freddie.
I didn’t recognize you. How you doing? Recon cognitive
recall cognitive because I saw you before, but I didn’t recognize you.
So I can’t say I cognize you.
I have to say I recognize you because I have a previous experience as a reference to have recognition.
I have a terrible problem with names.
And when I have to remember somebody’s name, it is easier when I tie it to something that I remember.
So if I if if somebody says, hi, my name is David, I think it’s Thomas Day.
So if I can remember the solace David, I say, hi, good. How you doing?
Because I I I need to tie what’s in front of me to something that’s behind me, recognition.
So when we when we come to recognizing god’s answers, often the only image we have in mind is what was in our head.
So when god answers, and he delivers something that is different than what we saw in our head, Sometimes we don’t know how to handle it because the answer doesn’t look like the prayer.
Can we go deeper with this? Let’s go to Isaiah fifty five six two nine for a minute.
Let’s take a look at that. Isaiah fifty five six two nine.
Sing the Lord while he may be found call on him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways.
Watch this, and the unrighteous their thoughts. Wait a minute.
I understand the wicked forsake their ways, but when he gets to the unrighteous, he says, forsake your thoughts.
That means that the unrighteous have to be careful because your thoughts may betray you.
I thought I would be here by now.
I thought I would be married by thirty. I thought I would be out of debt by fifty.
I thought, and the Bible says, forsake, for you to forsake, your thoughts.
Oh, y’all get quiet.
For a sake, what you thought. Mary Diaz.
For sake what you thought church was supposed to be.
For sake, what you thought you deserve in a companion.
For sake, what you thought you should be paid on a job.
Because god did not promise to pay you according to your thoughts.
But according to his.
And how are you gonna let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus
while you hold on to your own?
So there has to be a moment in your life that you go blank.
And say, not my will, but then be done.
You know what’s best. Let them turn to the lord and he will have mercy on them.
And to our god, for he will freely pardon them. For thoughts? Yes. For he will pardon.
He will forgive you My mother was here this
way for thinking like a fool.
Was she good for telling you that you’re thinking like a fool? Yeah.
She didn’t call us a fool, but she said you’re thinking like a fool. That don’t make no sense.
You’re thinking like a fool. Because she understood parenting is about teaching how to think.
You can’t teach a child how to think when your answer is because I said so.
So I have a tendency when I’m frustrated with any individual to say, what were you Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Because I can’t understand how you did what you did.
Your your I have a problem with your ways, but the root of your ways is in your thoughts.
Anytime you see somebody acting a certain way, their the action is the fruit of their thinking.
What were you thinking,
then god goes on and says, for my thoughts are not your thoughts. That’s why
I want you to forsake your thoughts because my thoughts are not your thoughts.
Neither are your ways, my ways. Now we keep seeing this ribbon tied between thoughts and ways.
Thoughts and ways. His thoughts justified by his ways.
Your thoughts justified by your ways God declares under you, I’m not thinking what you’re thinking.
And my ways of getting you there are not your way.
I swore I was gonna bless you, but I didn’t tell you how.
I swore I would bring you out, but I didn’t tell you through who.
I thought it was gonna come through the bishop. I thought it was gonna through the music.
I thought it. Your thoughts get them out of the way. Get them out of the way.
If you can surrender your thoughts to God, what you think about it rather than building a shrine around your opinion.
And worshiping at the altar of that that is fragile and open yourself up.
That’s what I surrender really means. I surrender all means I surrender what I had in mind.
I surrender what I had planned. I surrender how I thought it would turn out.
I surrender my definition of success at this stage in my life.
For instance, somebody says, Oh, you’re such a successful
pastor. And I always think to myself are you talking about quantity or quality?
Who says that the most successful pastor It’s the one with the most members.
Perhaps god goes by quality and not by quantity.
Uh, y’all ain’t gonna talk to me tonight.
So so all of a sudden, you are judging on the outer appearance And god is looking at the heart, and it could be that the guy in the storefront with twelve members is a more
successful pastor. Because he is qualitative and not quantitative. We like it big.
We do it big in Texas. I wanna see big. I wanna see big.
God wants to see quality. So I’m a big man, but are you a good man?
I found out that you can be strong in your body and weaken your will.
You you you can be physically strong and emotionally weak.
And some little old girl that weigh ninety pounds soaking wet can be tougher than nails and can’t lift up a barbell.
So when you start talking about strength, are you talking about outer strength or inner strength?
Outer strength is deceptive because you can be strong outwardly and be fragile inwardly, or you can be fragile outwardly and be tough inwardly.
Are you hearing what I’m saying? It’s some tough people
in here tonight. They might not look tough. They might not dress tough.
They may not have triceps or biceps or anything like that, but mess with them.
The bad thing about messing with people,
you don’t know how tough
they are till you hit them.
And all of a sudden that little woman that you thought wasn’t tough starts pulling down the mantle piece and grabbing up the candlesticks and coming at you and say, you touch my child.
I kill you. Toughness can’t always be qualified by what
you thought. So as
the heavens are higher than theirs, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts, then your thoughts come on.
God is trying to teach them to forsake what they had in mind.
So that they can recognize his answers.
Sldom in my life has his answers look like my prayer.
Sell them in my life has his answers look like my prayer.
His answer came in such a way that it confused them.
I I’m I’m gonna I’m I’m
gonna show you what I mean. Let’s god’s answers can’t be cognitive.
They cannot be cognitive.
So god says over and over again, I will show you Okay?
Because where I’m getting ready to take you, you don’t have a predetermined picture in your mind.
For what I’m getting ready to do in your life.
You you have no point of reference for what I’m about to do in your life.
I don’t know who I’m talking to, but I’m talking to somebody in this room right now or on the stream right now.
You have no point of reference. God is gonna do a new thing in your life.
The former things have passed away.
So I’m going to forget those things which are behind, and I’m going to reach to those things which are before because God is gonna do something in you that you never saw in your mother, that you never saw in your father, that you didn’t see in your grandparents, that you didn’t see reflected in your neighbors, that you didn’t see coming in your life, and it cannot be cognitive and still be divine.
God is going to do something like
you have never seen him ever do before. And so he says, I will show you. Type it
on the line. I will show you. Put it in yours. I will show you.
I can show you better than I can tell you. I will show you.
I will show you that I will provide for you. I will show you that I can heal you.
I will show you that I can bring you out.
I will show you that I can supply all your I will show you that there’s a method to what looks like madness in your life.
I will show you why your family rejected you. I will show you. Why your father forsook you.
I will show you. Why your mother didn’t raise you.
Stop murmuring and complaining just because you’re hungry for something that you didn’t get. I will show you.
Already considered what they weren’t gonna be in your life. I will show you.
Not your mother, not your father, not your sister, not your brother. I will show you.
Keep on walking with me, and I will show you.
Because you will not recognize what I’m getting ready to do in your life because you have never passed this way before.
You have never passed this way before.
And if you can put up with the trauma of uncertainty, Eventually, I will show you.
I got a plan to work this out that you haven’t seen. It’s not on your blueprints. It’s not
on your drawings. It’s not
on your schedule. It’s never been done before. I am going to do something new in you.
Is not gonna be like your first pastor. It’s not gonna be like your childhood. I will show you.
Look at somebody and tell them God’s gonna show you. Don’t worry about it. God’s gonna show you.
You don’t understand it right now. That’s okay. God was gonna show you.
You don’t recognize god’s hand and where you’re at right now. But god’s gonna show you.
It doesn’t look like god is with you, but god is gonna show you.
You feel like god has forsaken you. But god is going to show you.
You don’t recognize anything around you, not a
street sign, not a road marker.
You don’t know where you are. You had a stage in your life of uncertainty.
You have never been this age before. You have never been at this stage before. Is foreign to you.
You don’t know what to do in this season of your life.
You tried to do what you used to do. You can’t do what you used to do.
You tried to do what you’re gonna do, and you can’t do what you’re gonna do, but stands still and see the salvation of the lord, I will show you.
Type it on the line. I will show you. Put it on the pan. I will show you.
Tell your neighbors. I will show you.
When it’s time for you to know you’re gonna know, When it’s time for you to see, you’re gonna see it.
When it’s time for you to understand it, you’re gonna understand it.
Until then walk by faith and not by sight. When it’s time for your eyes to open, they’re gonna open.
When it’s time for you to see, you’re gonna see it. But I told you
to go to the pool, and I
knew you were blind, and I want you to grope after it and feel after it.
And when you get to the water, I will.
Everybody who got that, give him a praise right now.
I got this building.
I didn’t know how he was gonna pay for it.
I had no clue. There was nothing in my background that prepared me to need.
I can’t remember now something around eighty six million dollars just to
build a sanctuary. I had no point of reference.
I could not recognize a strategy because there was nothing in my past of that magnitude.
I told my mother about it. She said, baby,
I can’t think that high. I thought, Lord, mama, I
can’t either, but god said, I will show you.
They told me not to build this kind of church in this kind of neighborhood.
They told me I had to move up to North Dallas, and build the church where the money was.
But god told me to stay right here.
Uh, will show you.
Now they didn’t give me bad advice. They gave me good advice. That makes really good sense.
But this is not cognitive. This is supernatural. This is not natural wisdom.
This is not the wisdom of men. This is the foolishness of god.
God has a way of doing things that boggles the mind of the wise God says, I will show you.
Some of you God told you to move here.
And you said, Lord, I don’t even know what to do here. He said, that’s alright.
Just go ahead and move here. I will show you glory to god.
And so you packed up your stuff and you moved by faith.
And you told your family, you were moving, and they thought you were crazy.
But you left your kindred, and you went to a place that god said When you get there, I will show you.
Now you’re learning about faith. Now you’re learning about trust. Now you’re learning about prayer. Now you’re learning about power.
And every night in your mind says, what are you doing here?
But don’t let your mind talk you back to where you’ve already been. This is not cognitive.
This is supernatural. God said, I will show you if I’m preaching the right thing in the right place to the right people, make some noise in here right now.
He’s gonna show you.
He’s gonna show you. That’s why he’s got your online tonight because he wants to reaffirming you.
He’s got a plan. He hadn’t revealed it to you yet, but he says, I will show you.
When the time is right, god is gonna reveal everything to you as a believer, but until then, he has to test you to see if you will walk in obedience without understanding.
What’s this?
Get Genesis twelve and one? Let’s go deeper. Oh, I’m talking to somebody.
Anybody on a faith journey right now?
And you’re in the wilderness and you don’t understand it, and there’s a feeling of uncertainty and you got great faith, but sometimes, your murmur and complain.
Because God got you out your element and got you out of your comfort zone.
And you got a bunch of critics criticizing you, but god keeps saying I will show you.
That’s why you have to be in this Bible class tonight. Because god has given somebody confirmation.
I don’t know who it is, but I feel a spirit of confirmation coming in this place right now, god will show you why you had to be here, why you had to do it then.
Why you had to move now, why you don’t have no friends yet, while you are still uncertain.
God shook you away from that which was familiar because it wasn’t fruitful.
And he brought you into a place where you could be fruitful. And he says, I will show you.
Give me thirty seconds of crazy crazy.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But lord, I’m making less money. Don’t worry about the money. I will show you.
But lord, they don’t even recognize who I am. Don’t worry about being recognized. I will show you.
But lord, I had a big title where I was. Don’t worry about titles. I will show you.
This is not about titles. This is not about recognition. This is not about fame.
This is not about fortune. I’m fixing something down in you.
And until I get it fixed, Okay, ma’am. Uh-uh.
Until I get it fixed, you’re not gonna understand it, but you gotta trust me. I will show you.
Glory, I feel they’re anointing all over me. I feel the spirit of a prophetic utterance all over me.
I feel a word from god flowing in this place. I feel the power of god speaking in this place.
God is going to show you. If that’s your word for the night, give him a praise and thank him.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Clap your hands and praise him.
Go home and tell your children, god’s gonna show us.
Tell your spouse, god’s gonna show us. Tell all them critics who’re talking about you like a dog.
God’s gonna show you. He’s gonna prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
He’s gonna anoint my head with all my cuts gonna run over, and god’s gonna show you.
Where I came from, they called me Jim Jones and called me a cult because fifty folks went with me.
And that that sounds like a cult to me.
I don’t care what it sounds like to you. God told me to do it.
He told them to come now, twenty five years later they’re standing there with the teeth hanging out the mouth because god will show you.
In due season. Let us not be weary in Welldoy for you shall reap in due season if you faint not.
It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.
Type it on the line. It’s coming. It’s coming. Say it to your neighbor. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming.
It’s coming. You don’t see it right now, but I will
Come on.
Let’s go deeper. Come on, sir.
Let’s go deeper. Let’s go deeper. Uh, something’s gonna happen in here tonight.
I feel the spirit of the Holy Spirit speaking in this place.
There’s word of knowledge flowing in this place right now. There’s word of wisdom flowing in this place right now.
God just comforted somebody’s anxiety. He said, I will show you. I will show you. I will show you.
Just resting me and trust me. I will show you.
I will give streams in the middle of your desert. I will bring water out of a rock.
I will supply all of your needs according to his riches of glory. I will.
Watch this. Go to Genesis twelve and one.
And the lord had said to Abraham,
go from your country. Your people and your father’s household.
Three yours, your country, your people, your father’s household, to the land I will.
Oh my god.
So if you go from your you come to mind.
Your country, your kindred, your father’s household, you gave up three yours to get one eye.
Everything you thought was yours, god dislodged you from it.
Everything that was familiar to you god dislodged you from it.
And brought you from three yours to one eye, I will show you.
It said, I will show you. Say it again. I I will say it again.
Say it again. One more time.
Now praise him for his word. Just his word. Just his word.
Just this word.
Just this word. Just his word.
Just his word. Because in him dislodging me from the your, I am discovering the eye.
I can’t hold on to the your and possess the eye. So I have to
be willing to let go of your thoughts. So I can have his thoughts.
Your way so I can have his way.
I gotta get rid of mine, and that’s the hard part. That’s the hard part.
Because That’s my kindred. That’s my country.
That’s my father’s house. I know it. I understand it. I’m acclimated to it.
I evolved from it. I’m familiar to it. I’m kin to it. I’m skin to it.
I’m related to it. And you want me to leave everything that I am related to or everything I relate to to bring me out into this desert of a certainty.
And all I have is your word on it. And god said, that’s right.
I’m gonna strip you from every post you’ve been leaning on.
Until you don’t have nobody else to trust but me.
And I will show you.
Now I have shown you, I will show you.
So while I’m waiting on the wheel, I gotta walk.
I gotta walk while I’m waiting on the wheel.
Because the will is futuristic and the walk is now.
So I’m walking in uncertainty toward his will.
Oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying to you. Say it again, I will show you.
Oh, this is good.
Go to Genesis twenty two. I got one more.
I still got to my text yet, so I gotta I gotta hurry up.
Yes, sir. I’m a do that.
Sometime later, god tested Abraham. He said to Abraham, here I am.
Abraham replied, he said to him, excuse me, Abraham, Here am I, he replied.
Big God said, take your son. Wait a minute now, lord.
It’s alright for me to be out here.
Take your son, your only son whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of Mariah.
Underlying region of Muriah. I think you got Bible highlighted. Do whatever you do with whatever device you got.
Region of God will put you in the region.
He’ll put you in the region without telling you exactly where.
test this
by the word. God brought Ruth the moabitess into the region of boaz’s field.
She was in the region of what she would later on, but god just put you in the region.
That’s why your soul keeps getting happy because even though you haven’t hit it yet, You know you’re close.
Find somebody. Hold on. I’m close. I’m in the region.
You you should have killed me before I got to the region.
You should have took me out before I got to the region. I’m in the region of my promised land.
I’m in
the region of my destiny. I’m in
the region of my purpose. I’m in the region. No. I count not myself to have apprehended.
But I’m in the region. I’m not there yet, but I’m in
the region. I’m closer than
I’ve ever been in my life. How do you know my spirit knows it.
I can’t see it, but I sense it. I can’t touch it, but I cents it.
It’s not in my bank yet, but I sense it. I haven’t got married yet, but I sense it.
It had materialized but I sense it. Look at your notes, yeah, because you’re in the region.
You’re in the region. That’s why the devil is fighting you because you’re in the region.
You will know you’re in the region by the level of attack that comes against you.
You remember when Jesus cast, the devils are the legion, and the devil said suffer us not to leave the region.
We don’t wanna leave this terror toy, because anytime somebody comes into this territory, it’s our job to drive them away from the region.
I’ve always known that god was gonna bless me by how the devil attacked me.
The greater the attack, the greater the blessing, You’d never send legions of demons if I weren’t in the.
Oh, somebody watching online. That was your word. You’re in the region. All hell is breaking loose.
Before you finish one thing, here comes something else. Before you straighten out that, you get attacked by this.
It’s a crazy attack. It’s a ridiculous attack. It don’t make no sense. Does it? No. Because it’s demonic.
You’re in spiritual warfare, and the reason you’re
in spiritual warfare is because you’re in the.
Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I messed up and stepped in the region.
I crossed the line and I got into territory.
I stepped into a place of my destiny, and the money’s not flowing yet.
And the title’s not there and the job’s not there, but I can tell I’m in the region.
Make some noise if I’m preaching to you. Make some noise if I’m talking to you.
Make some noise if you hear God speaking to you.
I’m in the region. I’m in the region.
I’m in the region. I’m in the territory.
And the enemy’s trying to get you off the territory. When the
Bible said, neither give place to
the devil, It means don’t give territory to the devil.
Once you take over a territory, don’t let the devil have that territory.
Because you’re closer now than you’ve ever been in your life, you are in a, lord.
I feel like I’m talking right to somebody. Like I’m talking right to an individual.
I don’t even know what name to call, but I’m talking specifically to somebody I have totally described your situation.
You’re in the re shout if you’re in the region.
The devil didn’t attack you till you got in the region.
As soon as you got in the region, here comes legions of demons coming out to attack you because you’re in the region.
So that’s his too.
God says Abraham, go to the region of Mariah.
Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.
You’re in the region, and I’m
still not gonna tell you. I’m not gonna tell you which
mountain, but you’re in the right mountain range. This is not cognitive.
You have never been here before.
You can’t recognize this because you have never done this before.
You have to sense you’re in the region.
Now this this this sensing thing is a spiritual thing.
This is why worship is important because worship opens up your spiritual senses.
Some of you don’t understand the worship.
And so you endure the worship waiting on the word because you understand the word, but you really don’t get the worship And you say, well, I’m not emotional.
I’m not in
the worship. We’re not worshiping god because we’re emotional.
We’re worshiping god in spite of our emotions.
We’re not worshiping god because we feel like worshiping god. We’re trying
to wake up our supernatural census.
Worship opens up your spiritual senses.
I never could understand it because I grew up in a traditional mainline church where the only
time people shout it was when somebody starts singing something. And then I got around charismatic Pinnacle.
So people and they start shouting and what nothing going on in the service.
And I was looking around trying
to see what they were shouting about, but see there was something in their census.
The book of Hebrew says that you have your
census exercise by reason of use.
So your spiritual eye gate, ear gate, mouth gate, touch gate gets stimulated or exercise by using it.
One of the ways you use it is in worship.
Because you’re worshiping a god you can’t see around people you can see.
And you’re not talking to
the people that you can see, but talking to the god that you can’t see.
And the more you talk to the god you can’t see, your senses are being exercised