Power Deficit – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Power Deficit

Life, at times, requires more power than we have to give…and right now, your situation is overwhelming you and you feel underprepared. You’re asking God the question: “why didn’t my belief work?” But like Jesus mentored and ministered to His disciples, your belief has a small measure of unbelief, because thus far you’ve had a small measure of faith. But now, faced with the inevitable challenge of the unknown, we must open up God’s wellspring of power, activate our reservoir of faith, and channel the river of change that He placed within us to overcome all that we’ve been through and choose power over unbelief.

God’s Messages 💌

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

I have the privilege of presenting to you a part of myself, a part of my bone, a part of my flesh, a part of my being and the person a pastor Sarah, my youngest daughter is an amazing gift to the body of Christ.
God has put some oil on her.
Pastor Sarah Jake Roberts is gonna be speaking our Sunday morning message this morning.
And I’m telling you fasten your seat belts because God has given her something that’s gonna speak directly to where you are right now.
The message is power deficit. It will bless your life, open up your heart, open up your spirit turned down all the distractions, put the dog out, put the kitty out.
Let’s focus in on this word because now like never before, we need to hear what the spirit is saying to the church.
Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters without further ado I present to some and introduce to others.
My youngest daughter, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, hear ye the word of the Lord family. Happy Sunday.
I am sending you love and greetings from Los Angeles, California.
I have to tell you we have an opportunity to speak in different places and spaces and to share what we believe God is saying, but there is nothing like being, being able to serve home.
I am so honored this Sunday to be kicking off the week for woman do art loose here at the Potter’s house, Dallas online all over the world because we know the grace that’s on this house literally goes throughout all of the world.
You know, my parents bishop and, and first lady Sarita Jake, they are so intentional about the vision that they have.
And this week, this woman that were loose week, I just, I’m gonna get into the word.
But I wanna tell you for just a second. If you haven’t registered, it’s free.
There are master classes if you choose to invest even more.
But I have to tell you, they are so intentional about what they believe God can do through women.
I am literally a living witness evidence of the grace that is on their life when they lose women into their destinies.
And so I am so grateful that of the many traps and snares of 2020.
That one thing that is gonna roll over into 2021 is the grace that is on women. Thou are loose.
We’re gonna be meeting in person in 2021. But for 2020 we have an incredible virtual experience.
I want you to invite every woman, you know, even women, you don’t know just women who you think, you know what?
I think you could use a touch from God.
And if you wanna start, you can invite them to be a part of this message right here because I believe that this is gonna set the tone for what God is gonna do throughout this virtual experience.
Listen, this message is for everybody.
I’ve been praying and I’ve been studying and I believe God gave me something for every person, man or woman, child or adult listening.
But I believe specifically that for those of us who are gonna be going into the virtual experience that there is a foundational word that God wants to set, that’s gonna help establish us so that we can be better vessels that receive all that God has in store.
So once again, mom, dad, I am so grateful to just be serving you. I miss you like crazy.
I wish I was there in Dallas with you, but I know there is no distance in this spirit.
So thank you. I honor you. I love you.
I thank God how you have just continued to stand tall throughout the years in every season and every phase life for us for more and more and you guys ante up.
And so I just thank you for being our covering and our leaders and for allowing me this opportunity to share what I believe.
God is saying to the church. I’m gonna be speaking from Matthew 17.
My verse it starts at 19, it’s not unfamiliar, but for those of you who may have not heard it before, I believe that the best way to properly introduce this text is to let you know that this text begins with Jesus coming down into a situation that has occurred.
And when Jesus comes into this situation, the disciples are in a little bit of a conundrum.
And we know that they’re in a conundrum because a man comes to Jesus and he says to them, listen, my son, he’s been sick and he throws himself into the fire and he’s got epilepsy and I need you to cure him because your disciples couldn’t do it.
Then in verse 19 is which is, which is where we are going to pick up.
In verse 19, it says that the disciples came to Jesus after Jesus cast out the demon that was plaguing the little boy.
In verse 19, the disciples come to Jesus privately and they say to him, why could we not cast it out?
So Jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will be and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.
However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
I wanna talk to you today from the subject power deficit. And so spirit of the living God.
You know this word better than I do.
This word has been marinating and my spirit has been taking space in my own life and administered to me before it came through me.
And so father, I pray that you would just allow the windows of heaven to open up, not just over me as I deliver this message, but over every person who is receiving this message.
Father, it is my prayer that you would make room that you would make space and that you would inhabit every area where there is a deficit in our life.
Holy Spirit, let your glory fall and as your glory fall, let it push away anything that doesn’t look like you so that we can become exactly who we need to be in this season.
And in every season, father, I ask that this message would hold up a mirror and that when the mirror is held up, we would not just see who we used to be, father.
We don’t even wanna see who we are now. We wanna see who you have called us to be.
And may we reach towards that vision with no fear, no anxiety, no nerves, just our truth that you called us.
And we answered in Jesus name, I pray a man and a man again, I don’t know about you.
But I feel like I am so grateful for technology.
I was grateful for technology before 2020 but I feel like I’m even more grateful for technology in the middle of 2020.
There are demands that technology has been placed in and they’ve been able to keep us connected in a way that I don’t think we even thought of before 2020.
The fact that we’re even having this message, the way that we’re having this Sunday service right now is evidence that technology is serving us and keeping us connected.
My daughter got baptized the other day and I can’t say that had we not been living in the awareness of technology that I would have invited our family from literally all over the country.
But because of technology, they were able to take place in her baptism.
Baptism is so important and yet because of technology, we were able to create a space for everyone to come together to experience this moment.
And it is because of technology that we’ve been able to maintain connection with our friends and our family like never before.
And I have to tell you I have been missing my friends and my family.
More specifically, my parents, especially in troubled times.
I think there’s something about troubled times that makes us long for what we know is familiar and what we know is comfortable.
So I’ve been doing this thing, right?
Where I like turn on the news because my parents always have the news on like that is just what they do.
There’s news on in every single room and part of me staying connected with them is like turning on the news and making up my bed and just imagining what they’re doing in Dallas.
And that has been working so much so that now I know things before my dad sends them to me, he’ll be like, sending me a news article and when he sends me the news article, I’m like, yes, I saw that on the news once again that technology keeping us connected.
I have to tell you though, Bishop has this thing.
I don’t know if it’s because he’s a world leader or whatever.
But like the news articles, he sends me require subscriptions.
Listen, when I send people news articles, I like to send them the articles that don’t have subscriptions attach to him because I don’t know your finances and I don’t know if you wanna pay to read this news article, but I think Bishop has to be one of the most well informed people in the entire planet because almost every article he sends me has a subscription attached to it.
And there are some moments when he sends me those articles with the subscription attached to them where I just say I’ll look at it later but not necessarily go back to it and he sends me another one before it’s over.
And so I never even have to respond about the first one the other day though.
He sends me this article and when he sends me the article.
He tells me about an hour later, I wanna know what you think this article of course, requires a subscription and they didn’t got a little sneaky with these articles because now what they do is they let you read a little bit of it, but in order to go further, you have to pay a price in order to see the full article.
So because my father wanted me to make sure that I had this information, I decided to pay the price in order to go deeper.
I feel like that’s exactly what 2020 has been offering us.
2020 has been offering us this opportunity to go deeper.
Only if we’re willing to pay the price.
The question that you have to be willing to ask yourself is am I willing to pay the price to go deeper?
There are sometimes when we see these articles and we recognize that there’s a cost attached to it and we decide I’m just gonna move on to a different article that doesn’t require so much from me.
I’d rather stay on the surface level than pay that deeper price because the information isn’t as important to me as the invest required to access it.
But there does come a point when you realize that I need to become whoever is on the other side of this information that this article could change the way I show up in the world.
So I have to be willing to pay the price in order to go deeper.
And I am wondering if there’s anyone watching who has been feeling like I’m at a crossroad and at this crossroad, it’s requiring that I pay the price to go deeper.
The reason why I wanna qualify if there’s anyone who’s on the other side of this message who’s in that position is because not everyone is willing to pay the price to go deeper if that’s you.
I want you to type. That’s me. That’s me. That’s me. That’s me. That’s me.
I’m the one, I’m the one who’s considering whether or not I have what it takes to pay the price to go deeper.
All of us, like I said, come to this crossroad in which we must decide.
Am I willing to pay the price to go deeper?
The high schooler who’s moving on to college has to determine?
Am I willing to pay the price in order to go deeper in my education?
The pastor who moves from Charleston, West Virginia to Dallas Texas has to first ask himself.
Am I willing to pay the price to go deeper?
This is not a message for those people who say I’ll just skip paying the price and stay on the surface level.
I wanna talk to some people who decided that I’m trying to figure out whether or not I can pay the price to go deeper.
Some people can’t just invest because they’ve got too much to lose and if I put too much on the line, I’m afraid that I won’t get that investment back.
But there are some people who are trying to determine whether or not they can pay the price to go deeper because deeper will not leave them alone.
It is one thing if you just thought to yourself, should I go deeper?
But then you decided, I don’t know. And I, and I don’t know is where you stayed.
But there are some people who are watching and the deep will not leave them alone.
Every time they close their eyes, they keep hearing, I’m called to ministry.
Every time they close their eyes, they keep thinking maybe I’m supposed to write the book.
The deeper is calling for the deeper.
And I wanna know if there’s anyone who’s watching who’s trying to figure out how do I pay the price to go deeper?
Because deeper is expensive to go deeper.
And my relationship with God, it requires something to go deeper in my marriage.
It requires a level of vulnerability. You don’t get to just go deeper without paying a price.
And so when I was reading this text and I was paying attention to what was happening with the disciples, I recognized in this moment that there is a cost to deeper that we don’t always discuss.
What do I mean by deeper?
I mean, getting closer and closer to manifesting the power that God has given us. Yeah, God.
Grants us power in order to show up in the world.
And we get to choose whether I stay in the world and live within my own power and my own comfort and my own knowledge.
Or do I make the daring choice to try to tap into his power?
Because when I try to tap into his power, it requires a deeper level of intercession.
It requires a deeper level of awareness and not all of us are willing to pay the price.
And so there are some of us who just stay on the surface.
That’s why some people can’t handle being in relationships for longer than a certain amount of time.
Because the longer you’re with someone, the deeper that relationship gets.
And when a relationship gets deep, it starts to reveal the areas where you have a power deficiency.
Remember that’s what we’re talking about today is a power deficit.
The problem that we experience when we go deeper is that it’s not just me going deeper, the deeper I go, the more aware I am of the areas where I have a power deficit and yet the deep won’t leave me alone.
And I’m too far away from where I started these disciples in the text.
They’re not the fishermen anymore. They’ve been walking with Jesus too long.
They were living within their power, but they started stepping out on faith and because they stepped out on faith now I’m too far away from where I used to be to go back.
But now today is making a demand on, on power.
I do not have, I wish I could talk to somebody who feels like all year.
I feel like it’s been making a demand on power. I do not have, I don’t have the knowledge.
I don’t have the patience. I don’t have the wisdom. I don’t have the forgiveness.
And yet life keeps making a demand on power. I cannot access.
And yet this text that such a beautiful stage because in the pursuit of deeper, we recognize that the disciples have a power deficit.
You know what’s interesting is that the disciples didn’t even know that they had a power deficit until they were standing in front of something that made a demand on power.
They didn’t have, I want you to let that sink in a little bit because there are moments in our life where we don’t even realize that we don’t have the power that is required in that moment until we’re standing up against opposition that makes a demand on it.
Sometimes we get frustrated and we think to ourselves that the opposition has highlighted that I don’t have the power.
And so I need to walk away from the opposition.
But I want this to be a word for someone who is standing in front of some opposition and they don’t have the power to overcome the opposition that they’re standing in front of.
I want you to know that the opposition is doing you a favor.
The opposition is trying to highlight where your power deficit is so that you can become stronger in the area where you once had a deficit.
Sometimes it takes opposition in order for us to recognize that I’m weak there.
Sometimes it takes opposition for us to get to a place for us to understand that I’ve got some growing and some maturity to do there.
Only people who don’t wanna grow back away when opposition shows up.
But when opposition shows up and starts to make me feel less than I dissect the less than and decide that I’m gonna pay the price to become more than because I won’t let opposition scare me out of my car calling.
I’m not talking about people who are chasing fame or chasing a name.
I wanna talk to some people who are chasing purpose.
I’m chasing after the identity that God has given me and I’m trying to stand in this identity, but it’s requiring more power than I have to give.
I want you to know that that opposition is doing you a favor because as the Apostle Paul said, it’s trying to show you where you’re weak so that you can see where His Christ’s love can be shown strong down on the inside of you.
His strength is made perfect in our weakness and none of us wanna be weak, but opposition reveals where we are weak so that we can grow and become better and become stronger.
And I just want you to know that you’ve been praying opposition away.
And I feel like God wants you to start praying that opposition would come closer so that you can show me how to do so you can show me how to block.
So you can show me how to stand up to this thing.
Opposition is trying to show me how to communicate.
Opposition is trying to show me how to opposition is trying to show me how to step into that ministry.
Opposition is trying to show me how to host the virtual experience.
I was praying that the opposition would go away, was praying that I would wake up one day and realize that I am greater than the opposition because I am on my own.
I am standing with the opposition that comes with connected to what God is doing in the earth and there’s always gonna be opposition over what God is doing in the earth.
So if opposition scares you then purpose ain’t for you.
But if opposition makes you level up, this is the message for you.
You may be feeling like you got a power deficit but I want you to know that greater is he that is in you, in the world.
That means whatever the opposition is, is gonna have to see you. Whatever the opposition is.
I’m going to pray until I the opposition.
I’m going to pass greater than some stretching to do it isolated, to do it.
One life is requiring more power than you have to give.
And I hear God saying that’s the sweet spot for when his power kicks in.
Because when the disciples ran out of power, they did not allow the power deficit to keep them from asking Jesus, why couldn’t I, I could not do it.
There are some people not you people, you know who would have experienced this moment and never brought it up to Jesus again.
I don’t know who you are, but you’ve had a moment in your life when life required more power than you had to give.
And instead of trying to go to God and ask him what happened, instead of trying to ask Jesus what happened to me, why would you put me in that situation and then allow me to fail you act like it didn’t happen at all.
And yet the disciples demonstrate to us the power of asking Jesus, why couldn’t I do what you said I was anointed to do in Matthew 10 and one, it tells us that Jesus gave the disciples power says I gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
And yet when it was time for me to use the power that you gave me, it didn’t work.
I wonder if that’s you?
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt empowered by God to be there.
But when you were standing in the moment, the power that God gave you didn’t work the way he said it was supposed to God.
This power was supposed to help me build this thing.
This power was supposed to take me to the next dimension.
This power was supposed to be my opportunity for me to see that you weren’t lying to me that I was exactly who you called me to be.
And there is something beautiful about a person who recognize this, that I can ask Jesus, why didn’t it work when I did it?
What the disciples don’t know, but what Jesus is gonna tell them and hopefully what he’s going to show you as well is there is a difference between what you are anointed for and who you are accustomed to being.
The disciples aren’t even accustomed to casting out spirits. They’re not accustomed to healing all kinds of disease.
They’re not accustomed to this and yet they have been anointed for it.
And there is this bridge that we stand on when we leave, what we are accustomed to and to reach for what we are anointed for what you are accustomed to and what you are anointed for could possibly be at war and you won’t know that the two are at war until you’re in a situation that makes a demand on your anointing.
But to who you are. Accustomed to being shows up instead.
Yeah, the disciples, the disciples were in a generation where unbelief was common.
The disciples are in a generation where they had given up on spirits, being cast out where they had given up on disease.
That’s why when Jesus came on the scene, it was so powerful because now all of a sudden we can’t believe again.
And the disciples though, they are following Jesus, they have not fully stepped into their divine identities in Jesus.
And so they are straddling the fence between what they are accustomed to and what they are anointed for.
And if you’re taking notes, I want you to write this down.
There comes a point in all of our lives when we have to decide that I am more intrigued about what I am anointed for than I am in staying in what I am accustomed to understanding and knowing.
Yeah, because my Bible tells me that Jesus says to the disciples, the reason why this didn’t work for you.
The reason why it didn’t work when you tried to cast that spirit out.
It’s not because you didn’t have the power because power and unbelief can live in the same space when Jesus gave them power.
It’s not like their unbelief, eradicated the power that they had.
I want that to really hit for you because sometimes we think that because we have unbelief that it canceled out the power that God gave us.
And I want you to know that power and unbelief can live in the same space.
What does that mean? That means that just because you have unbelief doesn’t mean that you aren’t anointed, just because you have unbelief doesn’t mean that you don’t have power.
What it means is that you’re gonna have to start digging on that unbelief until you can strike the power again, that you’re gonna have to be willing to highlight that unbelief and move it out of the way so that you can get back to power.
The enemy doesn’t want you to know that your unbelief doesn’t keep God’s power from resting on your life.
The enemy wants you to believe that all it takes is a little bit of unbelief and God will remove his hand off of you.
But I want you to know that once God places his hand on you, once God anoints you, once God gives you power that he doesn’t just snatch it back because of who you are.
You may throw some unbelief on top of you may throw some fear on top of it.
But underneath all of that fear, underneath all of that pain, underneath all of that anxiety is still God’s power.
I feel somebody needs to know that that all 2020 you’ve been walking around afraid all 2020 you’ve been wondering if you’re gonna make it to the end.
But I want you to know that the enemy doesn’t want you to know that there’s still power flowing underneath you.
I see a whale that there’s this.
Well, and you don’t understand where the well is, but God knows that there’s power flowing underneath all of that that’s been climbed on top of you.
And I hear God saying that you gotta get to a point where you decide I’m gonna keep digging.
I’m gonna keep digging until I hit power. I’m gonna keep digging until I hit glory.
I’m gonna keep praying until I hit glory. I’m gonna keep worshiping until I hit glory. Yes, I’m fast again.
I’m looking for my power. God gave me power and God didn’t remove the power.
I just let fear get on top of the power.
So I gotta keep digging on life because life is digging on me that if I keep digging that one day, a whale is going to spring up on the inside of me thinking I’m watching service all day.
I’m worshiping all day. I’m praying all day.
Oh Trying to dig until I get, I hear God saying, get back to the power.
I know you got for your own luck.
I know you got anxiety and that he set you apart this week are loose because there’s something that needs to be loose down on the inside of you.
Finish this week. I work within you.
She wouldn’t be, you’re gonna be more powerful than you’ve ever been.
The disciples have been granted power to do something that is foreign to everyone in their community.
And when I was studying and when I was praying, I was trying to figure out God, how did you give them power in Matthew 10?
But then say they had unbelief in chapter 17.
And God told me, he said, Sarah, it’s true.
I did give them power and yes, they did have unbelief.
Once again, somebody needs to know that that power and unbelief can live in the same place.
But God challenged me because every time I read about unbelief, I saw it as an indictment on their character.
How could you have unbelief when you are armed with what God gave you?
How could you have unbelief when you made it this far?
How could you have unbelief when you’ve been following Jesus and seeing his miracles and his power?
I was judging the disciples for their unbelief.
And I felt like God told me it’s because you think unbelief and disbelief are the same thing, unbelief and disbelief are not the same thing.
Disbelief is when you make a decision to not believe unbelief is when you have to believe in an area where you’ve never had to believe before.
And that’s when everything clicked for me because 2020 has been the year in which many of us have had to believe in an area we have never had to believe before.
And it has revealed our deficit and power.
God, as long as you ask me to believe in something I’ve seen before.
As long as you ask me to believe in something that has already been done.
I have power for that, but God has been speaking to someone about something that has never been done before.
And if we could be honest, there is a level of unbelief connected to it and because we are so religious, we are trying to talk ourselves out of having unbelief.
And I hear God saying that there’s nothing wrong with you realizing that you have unbelief.
As a matter of fact, it is a gift because unbelief allows you to exercise where your power deficit is.
And God told me that I needed to get this message to somebody who was about to turn unbelief into disbelief.
I hear God saying so clearly that when you have unbelief, it is an opportunity for you to believe on another level.
The disciples had to believe on a level.
They’ve never had to believe in before in order for this demon to be cast out in order to heal this little boy of his sickness.
And I wonder if life is requiring that you believe on another level.
That’s why in the middle of this crazy, somewhat chaotic year, the most powerful thing we can do is not shrink our belief, but to grow our belief, God, I’ve never had to believe that you would cure a pandemic before.
But if that’s what you’re calling me to do God, I’m willing to stretch my belief.
God, I’ve never had to believe that you would deliver my child before.
But I’m asking that you would stretch my belief.
God, I’ve never had to believe that you could help me to keep this roof over my head.
But you’re helping me to stretch my belief in that area.
And before the enemy comes in and tries to make you believe that you don’t have the power that you don’t have what it takes that God anointed you on accident.
And he told me to send this word to you so that you would understand that your unbelief can turn to belief shortly after Jesus says to the disciples.
It is because of your unbelief. He gives the remedy to unbelief and the remedy to unbelief.
He puts in verse 20 he says, if you have faith as a mustard seed, this isn’t unfamiliar.
We’ve seen all types of church services where they show us just how small a mustard seed is.
And we’ve heard that this is just the analogy and that the mustard seed grows.
As I was studying this though, there was a word that stood out to me and I kept seeing it over and over.
And it’s such a simple a word, it says, if you have that word have faith as a mustard seed, just kept standing out in my mind.
And what I realized now that I didn’t realize when I’ve heard this over and over again is this word have in the Greek means hold on.
So let me read it again.
It says if you hold on to faith as a mustard seed, the disciples are in a situation that they thought they were well equipped for.
So they weren’t holding on to it the way that they have to hold on to it in order for it to be effective.
You’re listening to this message and I hear God saying now like never before that, you gotta hold on to your faith and you gotta hold on to your faith in every season.
You gotta hold on to what God said in every season.
I like, hold on better than have because have makes it seem like you could just have it in your house but not hold on to it.
But what if you gotta hold on to faith the way you hold on to your keys when you’re getting out of the car?
I gotta hold on to this thing because I’m going somewhere.
I gotta hold on because I don’t know where this season is gonna take me.
I have to hold on to my faith because I don’t know when there’s gonna be some opposition that comes up against me and I wanna be equipped when the opposition comes against me.
So I’m holding on to my faith.
See it’s hard for us to hold onto our faith when we’re going through all of these different storms and all of these different scenarios.
But I hear God saying that he has given power to people who remember to hold on to faith in every season.
I don’t know who you are, but life has been trying to knock that mustard seed faith.
He said, you don’t even have to hold on to a lot of faith.
You don’t have to hold on to your great grandmother’s faith.
You don’t have to hold on to the faith that your parents have.
You don’t have to hold on to the faith that your pastor had.
God says that if you just hold on to a mustard seed, if you just hold on to a little bit of faith that it’ll change the way you speak in my bible, it says that if you have faith as a mustard seed that you will say there is a connection to what you’re holding on to and what’s coming out of your mouth.
I can tell what you’re holding on to based off of what’s coming out of your mouth.
Somebody’s been holding on to depression, somebody’s been holding on to despair.
Somebody’s been holding on to anxiety and I’m not saying that you have all the tools to kick it out, you’re gonna have to go to therapy, you’re gonna have to get some help.
But what you’re also gonna have to do is take that little bit of faith in the doctor’s office.
Faith into that marriage. Take that little bit of faith into the business meeting.
I’m the things with me. When I walk into the room.
I know I’m holding on to for sure is my ticket to the next dimension.
You can’t even airplane without keeping your ticket in your hand.
I hear God saying that you cannot take off unless you faith in your head to the next dimension.
Unless your head looking for somebody who was holding that, it changes the way they on.
Starting to say crazy things. I’m starting to dream crazy dreams.
I’m starting to re my life could look like I daddy gave it that same power.
How they 20 fair.
My part, that little bit of mustard seed faith.
It’s made me bold.
Somebody thinks that that little bit of mustard seed faith.
It’s not enough compared to my anxiety. It’s not enough compared to my fear.
It’s not enough compared to my insecurities but says it is enough if you hold on to it.
So my question to you, those of you who are watching this message and you’ve been sensing within yourself that I just don’t have the power to stand up to this opposition.
That’s what you’re saying.
So I know that that’s what you’re holding going to is inadequacy, insecurity.
That’s what you’re holding on to.
Because remember this connection of holding on to mustard seed, you will say to a mountain what I’m holding on to shows up in my mouth.
Hear God saying it’s time for you to hold on to faith in a fresh new way and know it may not seem like enough and know it may just be a little bit.
But Jesus tells the disciples in this text.
He says, in order for you to be able to cast out that demon in order for you to cast out that sickness, in order for you to manifest the power that I have given you in this season.
For the opposition that you are up against. It doesn’t take much.
Did you hear me? Family? It doesn’t take much.
What God is looking for more than anything is someone who is willing to say here is my little bit of faith and I won’t let what’s happening in this world strip it from me.
I won’t let what’s happening in this marriage, strip it from me. I got faith for that child.
I don’t care how many times I go up and down with them. I got faith for that child.
I got faith for my family. I got faith for my mental health. I got faith for my emotional health.
I got faith for my physical health. I got faith for my church. I got faith for my ministry.
I got faith for this gift.
I got faith for this talent and God is only a little bit of faith.
But you told me that that’s all it takes.
It’s ok when we find ourselves in moments of unbelief.
And belief. It’s not the same as disbelief.
It’s an opportunity for our belief to grow on a new level.
You’re watching this message and you’ve never had to believe on this level before.
I wanna pray with you.
I wanna pray with you because I believe that God gave me this message for you.
I believe that there was someone who was going to continue acting like it didn’t hurt when they tried to exercise the power.
God gave them but was ineffective in the moment. Who’s to say what would have happened?
Had the disciples not said to Jesus privately? Why couldn’t we do it?
Maybe their unbelief would have turned to disbelief. Maybe that’s where you were heading.
And so God gave me this message.
Some people don’t ask God because they don’t want to hear the answer.
They don’t wanna hear, maybe I’m not called, maybe I’m not ready. They don’t wanna hear the answer.
So they don’t ask God. But I hear God saying that if you would ask me, we could close the gap of unbelief and I could reveal to you who you need to become in order to be effective.
I don’t know who you are, but I feel like you were tired of being ineffective, but you haven’t asked God, why didn’t it work when I did it?
Maybe you vexed, but you weren’t still enough to hear his answer to hear him say I gave you the power.
But the power is in competition with your unbelief.
I gave you power, but the power is in competition with your past.
My power is trying to compete with what you’ve already seen done.
My power is trying to compete with what you believe happened for someone else.
But I hear God saying that you will never fully understand my power unless you let it stand on its own.
And before this year is that before this week is up, you’re gonna have an opportunity to choose power over unbelief and family.
I want you to choose wisely.
My dad’s got this incredible book out and it focuses in on prayer and the combination of women and prayer and what happens when we pray together.
And when I was reading this text, verse 21 said something so beautiful.
It says after Jesus tells them that you got to hold on to faith.
And after Jesus says, I can tell you’re holding on to faith by what you start speaking.
It didn’t says however, this kind, this kind of faith, this kind of audacity.
It does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
That means that you may not organically be able to hold on to it unless you are willing to come to a place where you are in communication with God and denying yourself from that which you want, killing your flesh.
Since you can have the power, the power can be magnified.
But power needs an environment that is conducive to what it’s been called to do.
I wanna challenge you this week, especially as we go into women or at least the virtual experience whether you are a man or a woman.
Because hear me clearly when a man comes into alignment with what God is doing in the earth through women, it on, come on, Joseph.
I see Joseph in the Bible.
It unleashes God’s ability to take and protect what God is doing inside of the woman so that the earth can reap the benefits of it.
So I wanna challenge you, male or female to create an environment that makes it easy for you to hold on to faith, for the woman in your life to hold on to faith for what God is doing down on the inside of you.
I’m thinking more intentional prayer. Perhaps it’s a fast for you, only you and God knows what you need in this season.
But I know without a shadow of a doubt that he gave me this word for someone who’s listened, they’re at a crossroad and they’re gonna step into who they’ve been anointed to become.
But it means that they’re gonna have to break away to what they’re accustomed to.
I wanna pray with you.
You’re watching this message and for the first time in a long time, you feel relief that your unbelief isn’t disbelief, but you wanna do something about the unbelief you’re watching and you started to feel like you had lost the power because of the unbelief.
But God just reminded you in this season that there’s power flowing up underneath that unbelief, there’s power flowing up underneath that fear.
I wanna pray with you that God would reveal the areas where you have a power deficit and that you would not feel shame, but that you would instead feel empowered to grow, empowered to become better and power to press in even more and to hold on to faith that the only reason why that opposition is in front of you is to reveal the deficits that that is in you and then you will overcome and be who God has called you to be father.
I thank you for every person watching this message, God life has been requiring more power than we have to give.
And some of us have run out of gas.
Some of us were ready to pack up our toys and go home.
Some of us are ready to never grow again.
And yet you sent this word Father and because you sent this word were crazy enough to hold on for a little bit longer.
Father, I heard you say as I was speaking that it only takes a little bit and while I know that you can open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we don’t have room enough to receive because that’s the kind of God you are God.
I’m praying that you would do that, but that you would also just breathe a little bit uh glory if you would just breathe a little bit over our situation.
I’m pray crazy enough to believe that chains would be broken if you would just breathe a little bit over our circumstance.
I’m crazy enough to believe that strongholds would come down.
I hear God saying, it only takes a little bit of my breath.
It only takes a little bit of my anointing and yet my anointing is what’s gonna break the yoke.
And so God, you are the God of great and mighty, but you are also the God of a little bit father.
I’m asking that you would meet every person who was watching right now and that you would show them that you’ve got power that’s been on reserve for them father.
But that they’ve gotta make room in the space where they’ve had unbelief.
I wanna prophesy over your life right now that every area where there is unbelief that God is saying that that is an area where my power is ready to take up space and I you to lift up your hands no matter where you are watching from.
And to ask God to touch every area of unbelief. I thought I was in trouble because of my unbelief.
Now, I recognize that unbelief is an opportunity so I speak, opportunity, opportunity for God’s glory, opportunity for God’s power, opportunity for Him to show up strong in your life.
I speak the presence of God over you. Name of Jesus, I speak surrender, I speak obedience.
I speak intimacy. I speak vulnerability because it is in those things that we are able to come into relationship with God.
And when we come into relationship with God, we can stand tall in who he has called us to the living.
God. Fall fresh on your sons and daughter withhold nothing.
Oh God may become who you’ve called them to become. Be free. Oh God.
And may they be free? Indeed, father.
I thank you for what you’ve already done through this virtual experience that it’s already been done in heaven.
So may heaven touch earth.
And as heaven touches earth, father, I speak a special anointing over my father that my father would recognize that he has been granted power for every season, for every generation, for every dimension and that there is nothing out that will stand in front of Him that you have not given him the power to overcome old school.
Nothing. You have called him to be a general in this kingdom.
And we are placed behind the general and we say forward and which know you’ve had to believe in ways.
We’ve never. And if bishop could do it and if Serita could do it by God to generations after generations, yeah, this ministry will be here until God says seal this word.
Let it take root and let it produce fruit.
And may my children’s children’s Children and your children’s children’s Children be speaking about what took place down on the inside of us because we chose to pay the price to go deeper in Jesus.
Name. Amen. And amen. Again. I will see you for this virtual experience.
I can’t wait to see what God is gonna do. God bless you. I love you.

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