Mysteries Of The Burnt Offering | Jonathan Cahn
Mysteries Of The Burnt Offering
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
A famous commentary from the 1880s, dealing with the prophecies of Israel becoming a nation again, said this, “It has been for 18 centuries a down-trodden country, it will be hereafter so no more. Let us not doubt the word of God. If God has said it, He will perform it. Let us not be faithless but believe it will happen.” In the 19th century, the land of Israel was a barren desert and hadn’t been a nation for 2,000 years. Scripture said, “God would cause it to bloom and become a nation again.” Other commentators said, it wasn’t going to happen, God is finished with the Jewish people; He replaced them with the Church. Well now, Israel is again a nation. Jewish people gathered back from the ends of the earth. These faithful commentators stand as a testament to God’s prophecy and power, as a lesson to us. Have faith in God’s Word when it looks impossible! Stand strong in faith, because God will do it. If God can bring life to a land that was dead for 2,000 years, then how much more will He do it for you.
What the bird offering or the whole offering connects Genesis 22 offering of Isaac long before the law, long before the law was given.
So it’s, it’s beyond the law.
But so look at it, what is happens in Genesis 22 Abraham, you have Abraham and you have his son.
Isaac. Abraham means what father? So what do you have? You have a picture of something cosmic.
You have a father and you have a son, you have the father God and the son, it says to Abraham, take your beloved son, your only son, whom you love, take your beloved son.
So it is written that God took his only begotten son. What happens in Genesis 22?
The father offers his son. What happens in salvation?
The father offers his son as what, what does Abraham offer Isaac as a sacrifice?
You see if you’re just reading this and the world reads, oh, this is wrong.
God saying God wasn’t, wasn’t ever gonna want Isaac to be offered but notice what’s happening. It’s a prophecy.
What happens? Only God could put this together?
The father takes the son, Abraham takes Isaac and puts him on a donkey.
So the Father God takes the son of God and puts him on a donkey.
The father brings the Father Abraham brings Isaac on a donkey to the place of the sacrifice.
The Father God brings the Son of God on a donkey to the place of sacrifice to Jerusalem.
The Son Isaac submits to the Father as he walks to the sacrifice.
So the son of God submits to God, the father to go to the place of sacrifice.
The Father Abraham then notice what He does.
He takes the, the wood of the sacrifice and places it on Isaac.
So God, the father takes the, the wood of the sacrifice, the cross beam and places it on the Son Messiah to bear it.
So Isaac bears the wood of the sacrifice to the place.
And so the Son of God bears the wood of the sacrifice to the place of the sacrifice.
The father then does what, what does Abraham do?
He binds the son to the wood. So what does the Father do?
He binds his son to the wood.
Do you know there’s an ancient Jewish writing of the rabbis that speak of Genesis 22.
This and you know what they say, the rabbi say without knowing it.
They said Isaac carried his wood as a man carries his cross.
The Father Abraham then offers up his son as a sacrificial lamb offers him up.
The father. God lifts up his son to become the lamb of God, the Father Abraham lifts up the knife over his son for judgment, for piercing.
But at just that moment, it all stops.
God says, don’t lay a hand on the, on the boy.
He says, because you have done this, Abraham, you have not withheld your son.
So basically, he’s saying the covenant is sealed between us.
He says, I swear by myself says, God because you have done this, the covenant is healed.
But with the covenant, what one party does the other party has to be, has to do or be willing to do.
So if Abraham is willing to offer up his son, God, the father has to be willing to offer up his son.
And it’s amazing because he’s going to offer up his son through Messiah.
Messiah is the son of God and he’s also gonna become the son of Abraham.
He’s gonna be the descendant of Isaac. So it’s all together. It becomes one God and Abraham, they’re joining together.
If Abraham is willing to put his son on a donkey, God’s gonna put his son on a donkey.
If Abraham is gonna put the wood on his shoulder, God’s gonna put the wood on the shoulder of his son.
And if Abraham is gonna bind his son, so God is gonna bind his son.
But where it stops, Abraham lifts up the knife. But God says no.
And you know Abraham, interesting because you know what does it say?
About Abraham, what does he tell the, tell the people who are with him?
He says, I, and my, and the boy are going up, but we’re coming back to you.
How, how is that? Well, Abraham believed the word of God.
God said that I’m gonna make you a great nation through Isaac.
So if he’s telling, he’s gonna offer up Isaac, that means he’s, he believes that God has the power to raise him up.
And that’s exactly what it said in the Bible, in the New Testament, God would do it.
And so we both would be the Son of God and the Son of Abraham, except now the Son of God, there’s gonna be no stopping when the judgment comes upon him.
There’s gonna be no stopping when the nails are getting ready to go.
So Isaac wasn’t pierced, but the Son of God is gonna be pierced. God is gonna go farther than Abraham.
Abraham. You know, when it, when it, when he was there, Isaac said to him, father, where is the lamb for the, the, the Sari for the burn offering?
Abraham answered, God will provide himself the lamb. God will amazing God’s gonna provide a lamb. Interesting.
So what is Abraham thinking? Because Abraham thinking he’s gonna have the offer of Isaac, but he’s saying that God is gonna provide a lamb, the lamb and God says to Abraham by myself, I have sworn, what does that mean when you swear by something, you’re offering it up, you’re lifting it up, collateral pledge.
So if God swears by himself, what does that mean?
It means God is going to offer up himself as the lamb messiah son of God, Son of Abraham.
And where did the sacrifice or the offering of Isaac were to take place?
The Bible says it was on, I will take you to the land of what Mariah, on one of the mountains there, on the mountain, there’s a mountain there called Mount Mariah.
Where, what is Mount Mariah? Mount Mariah is Jerusalem.
So on the same mountain on that mountain where Abraham was gonna offer up his, his son as a, as a, as a and a burn offering.
Same mountain, they build the temple on that place and they offer up sacrifices for, for 1000 years.
They’re offering up sacrifices. It all came from that first sacrifice there, which was Isaac, but that sacrifice was speaking of another sacrifice that was gonna come.
So the temple is kind of in between these two events.
It’s kind of keeping the ground they’re offering of all these sacrifices.
It’s ultimately about the one sacrifices that are gonna, that’s gonna come there.
What did Moses who’s writing this account? Moses is? And what does he write? Moses writes?
Therefore, Abraham called the name of that place or Jehovah Jara, which means what the Lord will provide, what it says it right there.
What he said, the Lord will provide what the lamb. So what does it mean?
It means the prophecy is Moses writes, this is the place where the lamb where God is going to provide the lamb on this mountain.
In fact, it says on that mountain, Moses says the Lord will provide, says on that mountain, it will be provided.
The word in Hebrew can mean provide will be made, manifest, will be seen, will appear.
So and here’s the amazing thing it is on that mountain Mount Mariah, one of the places on that mountain is called Calvary.
So Messiah himself was offered up on that mountain where God says it’s gonna be called Mariah because God is going to offer it up.
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