Overcoming The Dragon | Jonathan Cahn

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Overcoming The Dragon

Overcoming The Dragon #2285. Whether or not you know it, you’re dealing with dragons. But how do you win? How do you overcome the dragon? Discover the keys

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A famous commentary from the 1880s, dealing with the prophecies of Israel becoming a nation again, said this, “It has been for 18 centuries a down-trodden country, it will be hereafter so no more. Let us not doubt the word of God. If God has said it, He will perform it. Let us not be faithless but believe it will happen.” In the 19th century, the land of Israel was a barren desert and hadn’t been a nation for 2,000 years. Scripture said, “God would cause it to bloom and become a nation again.” Other commentators said, it wasn’t going to happen, God is finished with the Jewish people; He replaced them with the Church. Well now, Israel is again a nation. Jewish people gathered back from the ends of the earth. These faithful commentators stand as a testament to God’s prophecy and power, as a lesson to us. Have faith in God’s Word when it looks impossible! Stand strong in faith, because God will do it. If God can bring life to a land that was dead for 2,000 years, then how much more will He do it for you.

Now let’s look at the greatest dragon slayer serpents layer who is Messiah?
And I’m gonna read from Matthew four.
You can turn to it if you have it or you can listen, Matthew four verse one.
Then yes, Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
No, he had just had a victory. It’s the beginning of his ministry.
You know, one of the things the enemy does is you have a victory. He wants to counter strike.
You got a victory and that’s not to fear. You have a victory.
Don’t get prideful, don’t, don’t get careless, hold, keep your ground, keep your thing with God because sometimes he strikes this ton of stuff.
You know, it’s like in a war, someone, 11 side has a victory, the other one tries to strike back.
So be aware, be aware but notice something else. He goes after Messiah. When at the beginning of his ministry.
Why? Because when, when did he go after mankind at the beginning of it all? Why?
Because if, if you can stop something at the beginning, you stop everything else.
If you stop the seed, you stop the tree, you got it. So God has purpose. What do with Moses?
When did, when, when, when was the first attack on Mose when he was a baby, you’d stop the baby, you stop Passover.
Ok. So therefore God always, I mean, God has a plan and he has a purpose, but the enemy tries to stop it in your life before it happens.
You have a great call when you, you know, and so therefore, you know, so you have a calling something when God is calling you.
So the enemy will try to stop it. You’re rising. He can try to, he can try to discourage you.
You’re saying yes to God. He can try to tempt you. Yes to God. All hell breaks loose against you.
That doesn’t mean don’t say, say yes to God because it’s a good sign or sometimes when God has something for you, when you rise, the enemy tries to give you a substitute.
And after he had fasted 40 days and for that, I, I was just, I was just talking to somebody who, you know, I won’t say his name on the phone today and you know Him.
Um but he was saying he was praying because he’s gonna be doing a, an outreach and there’s a lot of people into the occult in that city and there’s all sorts of he’s, he’s, he’s, he’s getting all these things.
He never had attacks like he had as he’s getting ready to go there.
And he said, he said, he says, but I, I, I, I believe it’s for a reason because it’s, I said, yeah, I said, yeah, because you know, the greater the attack, the greater the victory at the end and the enemy knows it.
So it’s a good sign. So, so turn around those discouragements into encouragement. All these things are happening.
This is a good sign. That’s a, wow, how big this victory is going to be because of what the enemy is trying to do.
He knows something that I don’t know but I’m by faith going to claim it.
There is so turn it around, there is something great coming and after he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he then became hungry.
Messiah. So what happens there? The enemy tempts him in that.
See the enemy, it tells you, it reveals something will seek to go after an unmet desire in your life and unmet hunger.
You know, there are some serpents that use their tails. They want to get the frog.
And so they use their tails to look like worms. And the frog says, hey, it’s supper time.
Let me get a bite and the and the frog becomes supper careful because the enemy seeks to use unmet desire you have in your life.
If it’s not, if it’s not that we don’t have desires there, but you need to submit it to God.
God. It’s your will if you don’t submit it, the enemy tries to go after it.
And I could tell you story after story of believers who had an unmet desire and then the enemy just came for that.
It doesn’t matter. We could be a desire to be married. It’s not a bad desire.
But if that’s not submitted to God, it can become a very bad desire.
It could be in anything, even something that is of Lord.
In one sense, somebody wants to own a ministry.
But if it’s not submitted to God, the enemy can have his own way, can turn it all around.
So don’t give him that. Meet your, how do you take your desires and meet it in God?
Lift it up to God, submit it to God and get filled by God. Delight yourself in the Lord.
He’ll give you the desires of your heart. The enemy will not have anything.
So what is Messiah answer? He says, turn this bread.
He said he answers, man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God, what is he doing?
He’s he’s fill. Messiah is saying you’re tempting me with this.
But you know what I’m filled up with this. You want me to get home here.
But I am focusing on getting filled by God that I’m filled up with that.
And also Messiah is, you know, the enemy is trying is doing negative things, trying to Messiah.
He’s focus on Messiah is focusing on the positive of God. I’m rejoicing in God’s blessing.
I don’t have to have the bread.
I might, I might have hunger, but I am filling up right now on the bread of God.
Rejoice in the Lord. It is a safeguard for you.
If you don’t rejoice in what is good, you’ll end up rejoicing in what is not rejoice in the things of God, rejoice, in the presence of God, rejoice in the victories of God, rejoice.
In the worship of God, the word of God, the spirit of God, the blessings of God, the ministry of God, the people of God, anything that’s good, rejoice in that and the enemy won’t have anything.
And the tempter came to him and said, if you are the Son of God, command these stones become right now.
Now my sons have a strategy with me to make me play with them.
They’ll say you’re too weak, you can’t do this.
And they want me to say, oh yeah, I’ll show you I can do this and then I’m playing with him, which is, which is and, and they do that or you can’t do this and because they want me to do it, they’re trying to provoke me well, they mean it for play.
But the enemy uses the same thing for evil to ensnare you.
He tells Messiah if you really are that Ben Wahi, the Son of God, prove it Messiah is not on a mission to prove that he’s the son of God.
Messiah is on a mission to save the world and he has, he is the son of God.
But see the enemy wants you to react to him and to his provoking.
He wants you to end up doing that because then you’re following him, even if you’re trying to go against him, you’re following him because you’re following what he said, not what God said.
The enemy tries to twist the what is good and turn it negative.
And that’s when Messiah answers him though.
He doesn’t see, he doesn’t say, you know, see now he says, if you are the son of God and the Messiah doesn’t say, yeah, I’ll show you I can do it.
But if he’s doing it, he’s doing what the enemy told him to do.
So he answers him and he just redirects it to God.
Man will not live by bread alone. So he’s talking but he’s not engaging on the same level.
He’s going right to God and that is key in your life.
The enemy might say, hey, you do the, you know, you know He wants you to know that somebody is attacking you and you have to prove that you’re gonna whatever the thing is, you don’t have to prove, you have to just do what God said, to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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