The Revelation and the Dream | Jonathan Cahn

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The Revelation and the Dream

The Revelation and the Dream #2303. The awesome, deep, and majestic mystery of Messiah, in the shadow of Joseph, comes to its conclusion as the veil is removed for the final revelation!

Friday, May 5, 2023

Passover is the first and central celebration of the Jewish faith. It’s when they remember they were once slaves in Egypt. God saved them by sending a Redeemer, and by the blood of the Lamb. It’s no accident that Jesus, the Messiah, is called the LAMB of God and He died on Passover. Every time you have the Lord’s Supper, you’re eating the bread and drinking the wine of Passover. He arose during Passover week, for Passover was the celebration of new beginnings and new life. There’s no other Messiah but Jesus; only He could do all this. We believers have a truly Jewish faith – a Passover Faith. Remember once you were a slave far from God, but God in His mercy sent you His Redeemer. By the Blood of the Lamb, He broke your chains, and set you free. He set you on a journey home to a land flowing with milk and honey, the Promised Land. Keep your eyes on the Lamb, and celebrate your salvation. You are a spiritual child of Israel and you’re saved in a Passover faith.

And this is the turning point.
Verse 45 says this then Joseph could not control himself before all those who were standing around and he cried out.
Have everybody get out. He tells everybody to leave all the Egyptians to leave except his brothers.
So there’s no, there was no man with him.
When Joseph made himself known to his brothers, made himself known. He wept out loud.
It says, and the Egyptians who are listening, they hear it, the household of Pharaoh hears it.
Then Joseph said to his brothers. I am Joseph. Well, imagine what they feel.
The Egyptian Lord is telling them I am Joseph, their own brother whom they last saw when he was 17 years old.
Now he’s covered with the adornments of Egypt.
He is glorified on the throne and this is a shadow of the day when Israel will see the Messiah, the rabbi speak of the moment in the, in the Talmud.
It says it must be granted him that says for Messiah son of Joseph, this is what they called him.
He shall be slain as it is written.
They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, they shall lift up their eyes to me in perfect repentance.
When they see him, when they have pierced, that is Messiah son of Joseph here, the one they thought that Jacob, the father thought was dead and even the brothers probably thought he was dead.
How can you survive all this?
But it’s just like the that like Messiah who says in revelation, I am he that was dead but lives is my father still alive?
He asked his brothers but his brother, now his father was alive last time. But why is he asking that?
It’s so so soon after that?
Because he didn’t know if his father died when without, without the child coming back.
And his father is also old.
His brothers, it says, couldn’t answer because they couldn’t speak, they couldn’t answer him.
He says for they were dismayed at his presence. But what is it?
But in, in the Hebrew, it means they were amazed, they were terrified, they were in shock.
They were in shock, the Hebrew word. They were, it means literally they were trembling inside.
Imagine interesting the prophecy that says the Jewish people are coming back when they come back at the end of the age.
It says they will come trembling to the Lord. They couldn’t answer.
This is the, this is what it’s gonna be like on that day. I am Joseph, your brother.
You see because because for the for the for Israel, it’s gonna be like you the one who looks to us like an Egyptian, who’s the God of the gentiles and the Catholics and the Protestants all of a sudden they’re gonna realize it’s our brother.
This is our Messiah. I am Joseph or you can hear I am Yeshua your brother.
And he said, he said I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt, do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here because God sent me here to preserve life.
Now note how forgiving and merciful Joseph is if this was many of us, your family wanted to kill you, they stripped you of everything.
They sold you as a slave in prison, your room, they hated you and your whole life is gone, you and then now they’re humbled before you.
You might take a little more time to enjoy it a little bit. Don’t rush it.
You know, and you are, they’re bowing down before that, but it’s Joseph is crying, weeping, comforting them.
So the heart of Messiah who even on the cross says, Father, forgive them.
He’s praying for the people who are, who are crucifying Him. They don’t know what they do.
God sent me before you.
God sent it was God working through all of the whole story, the rejection, the being stripped, the prison.
God was in all of it.
God sent me before you to preserve life or sustain life in the Hebrew to preserve.
If Joseph did not go down to Egypt. There’d be no salvation for Egypt.
Everybody, though all those people would have died and his family would have died.
So, in the same way, Messiah, if he was not rejected at first, there would be no salvation for the world or for the Jewish people.
Amazing the rabbis rite of Messiah, then he shall seek forgiveness for our sins.
For our iniquities shall be forgiven for his sake.
Though, we are considered struck of God, they’re, they’re realizing three Messiah’s gonna die for our sins.
So he’s gonna forgive us. He sent me, the Joseph says, to preserve you, to preserve you alive, to make a, a remnant live, not that you sent me here but God did.
And it goes on, he says, Joseph says, he may be a father to pharaoh like a lord over Pharaoh’s house and throughout the land.
What did Paul say about this? Paul said, not about the shadow but the fulfillment.
Paul said in Romans 11 again, I ask of the Jewish people.
Did they stumble as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all rather through their transgression.
Salvation has come to the gentiles to make Israel envious.
And I gonna stop there for a second.
I, I was in Israel and I’m talking to an Israeli who tells me who says, you know, he says, it says I have to say something and I’m jealous.
What do you mean when I look at these believers?
They, they, you know, I mean, I grew up with Judaism.
I mean, God’s way up there and I just, but they, they talk like they, they have a personal relationship with him.
I am jealous of that. I said, well, that’s biblical, that you’re jealous because it says it’s come to them so you could be jealous.
But if their transgression, Paul says means riches for the world and their loss means riches for the nations.
The gentiles, how much greater riches will come in their fulfillment for?
If their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be?
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