Who Should I Vote For?
Who Should I Vote For?
Believer, Who should you vote for? What should we consider?
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hey everybody let me first of all preface what I’m about to say because it’s so volatile it gets everybody all freaked out um that I personally am um a monarchist um I believe in a ruling reigning King I’m waiting for him to bring his politics to us in his coming having said that um I’m more of a uh person who refuses to uh uh indicate you so what are you Republican or Democrat both parties drive me nuts uh there used to be a difference between the two not so much but let me put it to you this
way regarding this upcoming election who should you vote for for the Christian it’s super easy it’s super easy because if you pull back rhetoric and E emotion it’s a slam dunk there is one party that’s more pro-life than the other in fact the other is 100% Pro death it’s a death cult and I’m talking about the Democrat Party the Democrat Party is in fact a Bonafide card carrying platform holding death cult kill the baby even after it’s born kill the baby just on this topic alone a
Christian cannot vote for a Democrat candidate it’s impossible you cannot say to God I am a a lover of God a lover of the word a lover of Jesus and I’m a a follower of my Lord but I’m going to vote to kill babies you can go ahead and do that but you’re going to stand if uh before the Lord to give an answer for that the flip side is this I’m going to vote Republican for this reason because with that I get JD Vance I get tulsey gabard I get I think secretary Mike Pompeo will probably be back in a
secretary position in some other area perhaps other than the state department uh but we are going to have uh a plethora of great people in their Lane uh and it is not totally but it is still a pro-life platform and um that’s how I’m going to vote if you vote for one you get death if you vote for the other you get a lot of a lot of good stuff uh with that candidate so um that’s that’s how you should vote if you’re a Believer if you’re a non-believer you’re going to do what you want to do anyway