Is Faith Without Works Dead? Pt 2 – Sunday Service

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Is Faith Without Works Dead? Pt 2 – Sunday Service

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it praise God last week we changed our service up we’re doing offering before the sermon so those of you who go to work and make sure you get it all amen Galatians chapter 6 verse 7-10 in the King James and then in the uh message now as I shared with you last week God told me to begin to take about five minutes and and teach on giving because as a generation that doesn’t understand it and so uh a tithe equals 10% a tithe is an offering but an offering is not limited to 10% I’m saying that because I remember
when I taught on that tithing was not a requirement under the Covenant of Grace people thought that meant don’t give no more I meet people all the time well we’re not required to tithe tithe equals 10% you’re not required to give 10% under the New Covenant you give out of your heart you don’t you don’t give based on a a law or based on uh you know a set thing you you give give out of your heart and so a tithe is just an offering it’s 10% but an offering is not necessarily a tithe because under the
New Testament you give whatever God puts on your heart to get whatever percentage God puts on your heart if you understand that say Amen am so not tithing does not mean uh not giving in the New Testament it talks about generous giving but it’s done from the heart and that’s the difference in keeping a law that threatens you and tells you that you’re going to be curse with a curse if you don’t give a certain percentage you just know that’s not God right he wants it out of a heart out of a cheerful heart out of a
heart that has already given you Jesus and then giving flows from you giving should not be to try to get God to do something but giving flows from from you because of who you are now so now watch this scripture in Galatians CH 6: 7-10 he says be not deceived God’s not mocked for whatsoever a man Seth that shall he also reap what a promise that if we s it we’re going to reap it in verse eight for he that sth to his flesh shall also shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sth to the spirit shall of the
spirit reap everlasting life and let us not be weary and well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith now let’s look at this in the message real quick he says don’t be misled no one makes a fool of God what a person plants he will harvest now that’s a that is a promise that gives us Authority in the financial realm it’s a promise that what you plant you will harvest so the person who
plants selfish uh selfishness ignoring the needs of others and ignoring God will harvest a crop of weeds all he’ll have to show for his life is weeds but the one who plants in response to God see we’re responding to God letting God’s spirit do the growth work in him Harvest a crop of real life eternal life so let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good and he calls giving and planning doing good he says don’t get fatigued at the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up
or quit right now therefore every time we get the chance let us work for the benefit of all starting with the people closest to us in the Community of Faith so if you’ve experienced saving faith that work is going to flow from you if if if you have to be you know badgered to give it’s not flowing from you you know it it flows from you because of who you are and who lives on the inside of you and then finally Luke Chapter 638 in the NLT Luke Chapter 638 uh I I said I’d never would read this again uh in verse 38 but based on
what we’re talking about now and what we’re going to talk about this morning you’re going to be amazed on how much understanding you get on some things that we just did not take the time to look at he said give and you’ll receive your gift with return He says give and you’ll receive your gift will return to you in full pressed down shaken together and to make room for more running over and poured into your lap he says the amount you give will determine the amount you get back uh ladies and gentlemen maybe you
want to rip these scriptures out the Bible and go out and just start slandering the whole thing but they’re in the Bible and they’re in there because God wants you to have authority in this financial realm he wants you to be open to hear from him to give to other people he wants you to be open to hear from them to help other people it’s like what we studied last week in the Book of James James said if you have really experienced saving faith and you have God dwelling in you then from you will come good works that you don’t need
to add good works in order to be saved he says now that you are saved from you will come good works and you not look at a person who’s naked and say go away we pray that you be clothed you won’t look at somebody who’s hungry and say uh be ye filled with food but because of who’s living on the inside of you it flows giving flows from you it flows from you into other people’s lives and so this morning let’s pray and ask God to that’s where it comes it’s it’s about you allowing the spirit of God to lead and
guide you in your giving versus giving out of fear a 10% because somebody told you you’re going to be cursed with a curse under the New Testament everything is heart-based God wants from you what flows out of your heart that’s why he did what he did first he put the love of God in you and from that love and from uh that salvation giving flows forth Good Will flows forth it flows out of you if it doesn’t flow out of you then I can guarantee you you’re doing something to try to add work and try to get God to do
something as a result of what you do and so father we thank you for the opportunity to give the opportunity to seow and the opportunity to plant and to stand on these scriptures to see them come to pass and I thank you Lord Lord that regardless of what’s going on in this Earth’s economy we are operating by your kingdom economy we trust you and we trust you on the inside of us in Jesus name amen at this time if you need an offering envelope if you’ll raise your hands then uh ushers will go ahead and
get it to you and you’ll get better each Sunday as we do this you won’t be so stiff and so quiet and trying to like oh my God he’s he’s talking about money you know you know after a while you’ll be saying praise the Lord show up but right now you’re like what he doing what he doing praise God teaching you from the word of God now once you prepare your offerings I’m going to pray over it and then we’re going to get right into this message I have enjoyed this series so much and yet there is
still a ways to go in what we’re learning and I thought this is really really going to make sense when you hear what we’re talking about today hold your offerings up if you’re ready father we thank you for the opportunity to give out of our hearts we thank you for the opportunity to stand on the word and to trust you and to know that you will not be mocked or made a fool of that whatsoever a man Seth that shall he Harvest and I thank you for the Harvest of those who are giving from their heart that is Flowing from their salvation
it’s flowing from that saving Faith that’s in us and we praise you for it right now in Jesus name and everybody say it amen let’s just go ahead and receive the offering now we’re talking about an increase of Glory in your house now don’t be don’t be surprised now when you start doing these things that I’m teaching you during offering time that stuff happens don’t give yourself credit you just say praise the Lord amen God’s word is true amen boy I sure enjoyed praise service
and all the music this morning it was so good amen and amen praise the Lord now this morning we’re going to to get into something that um you’ve you’ve heard it you’ve heard it before you’ve read these scriptures before but from my understanding somehow the pull pits have used it to put fear in the people and it it it was just never quite jailed with me as I looked at it and as I I read it we’re talking about true faith and how it fits in our lives if you have your Bibles go with me to the book of Philippians chapter 2 and
verse 12 Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 father I thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheet I thank you Lord that Revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it’s in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen Philippians chapter 2:2 first in King James let’s read it out loud verse 12 ready read wherefore my beloved as ye
have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling work out your own salvation with fear and trembling now here’s the question we’re going to deal with is Philippians 2 and12 telling us we need to work for our Salvation or that our Salvation must be maintained by our works what is it saying again here’s what we’re going to deal with is Philippians 2:12 telling us we need to work for our Salvation or that our Salvation must be
maintained by our works what is it saying here cuz if we don’t get this right we’re going to fall right back into working to try to get God to do something now you know he’s not talking about working to be saved because the Bible makes it clear in the Ephesians chapter 2 and 8 we’ll look at it in a minute where you were saved by grace through faith and that not of your own it is a gift of God not of Works L any man should boast now let’s read Philippians 2:12 and 13 and let’s read it out loud in the
NLT Philippians 2 and 12 and verse 13 all right now watch this dear friend you always followed my instructions when I was with you and now that I am away it is even more important work hard to show the results of your salvation obeying god with deep reverence and fear 13 for now notice 12 and 13 go together for God is working yes work out your salvation for God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him I was never satisfied with any explanation of this scripture even that I gave up until
right now what we’re getting ready to show you Paul says to work out your Sal salvation not work for your own salvation Paul says work work out your salvation not work for your own salvation God’s salvation comes by grace through faith right in Jesus Christ in his finished works not by our works we’re saved not by our works we’re saved by through the finished works of Jesus now when we say work for our own salvation it implies that it is not enough to just believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved so if you’re looking at this
scripture and it says it it’s not enough for you to believe you got to work out your salvation I’ve heard that I’ve been condemned with that no no no no I I I I know you I know you think you saved but the Bible say you got to work it out well I thought he already worked it out well is it enough to believe well let’s let’s let’s look at three scriptures right quick I mean is it enough to believe I don’t want you to believe your belief he talks about believing and that’s enough to get saved
but then from the pull pit you’ll hear now you got to work out your salvation it’s like dude which one well I believe that believing is enough look at uh St John chapter 3 and verse 16 St John 3:16 and then John 640 now notice what he says here I want you to be secure in the power of your believing he said for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever what believeth in him should not what but have what and he said whosoever did what believe he didn’t say nothing about
who you you got to work it out he said whoever believed shall not perish shall be saved all right look at John chapter 6 and verse 40 John chapter 6 and verse 40 he says and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would seeth the son and what believeth on him may have what everlasting life and I’ll raise him up at the last day again he says anybody that what believes and then finally I like this one Romans 10 and verse 13 Romans 10 and verse 13 He says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I
ain’t seen nothing about I got to work it out I mean I love the song Work It Out baby need a pass you but I iin I ain’t found nothing about no worked ey are you are you listening to me now now notice back to uh Philippians 2:2 Paul is addressing believers who are already saved wherefore my beloved as as as you have always uh obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out work out your salvation so he’s addressing believers who are already saved he is saying we can work out our
Salvation because God is supplying us in verse 13 we can work it out because what God is doing in verse 13 in verse 13 he’s supplying us the willingness in verse 13 he’s supplying us the power and even the pleasure in doing it and please understand you cannot work out what has not been worked in are you listening to me see God had to work something in you in order for it to come out of you you can only work out what has been worked in and what is it that has been worked in Salvation but remember what salvation
uh includes the Greek it includes the blessing of healing he said that’s going to that’s going to come out of you that’s going to be worked out of you glory to God and understand healing is in you salvation is in you and so he is saying work it out but it’s God who’s working oh my God so the point is there is stuff you’re carrying that is going to come out of you and from you glory to God yes sir salvation in includes the blessing of healing healing is in you it’s going to come out you uh rescuing is in you it’s
going to come out of you uh Deliverance is in you it’s going to come out of you preservation is in you it’s going to come out of you it is being worked out of you it’s being worked out of me glory to God there’s stuff that God’s working on and he’s working it out of you oh my gosh he’s working it out of you but I can only do this because the Lord first worked in me if he didn’t work it in me it ain’t going to come out of me oh my gosh sometimes as Believers I don’t think we know what we
have in us and you know you got something good in you because it’s God who worked it and boy was a work too he worked it in you and now that he got it in you he said now go ahead and reconcile this thing work it out of you oh but I’m going to be doing the work y y’all don’t hear me all right let’s let’s let’s we had a great time in Wednesday night bible study looking at the Greek let’s look at the Greek verb for the word Works uh it is in something in our language is called the present active
continuous form uh which means it’s not that he worked it or he will work it it is constantly working in other words it’s actually saying God who is working in you God who is working in you think of that God is working in you I got one person that got it everybody set up there and say oh okay okay okay then no no God’s working in you you still think God is just Seated on the throne he working see in the Old Testament you work for him but in his New Covenant of Grace he’s working for you y y’all y’all
understand he’s working God is working God is working in you and when you know that God is working and and when you know God is always working that’s what this verb is he is always working in you you don’t have to depend on your own self-effort to do the work you don’t have to depend on your own strength to work it to work out your salvation in the way that you treat your family your own strength uh to work out your salvation in the way you live your testimony at work uh to work out your salvation uh in in the way you you you



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